SIMULATION OF IRRIGATION WATER CONSUMPTION IN THE YELLOW RIVER BASIN USING A DISTRIBUTED HYDROLOGICAL MODEL Chong LI1, Dawen YANG2, 3, Guangheng NI3and Heping HU3 China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 2 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo 3 Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University 1 With an increasing pressure of population growth, agricultural irrigations in the Yellow River basin have been greatly expanded during the last 30-years in particular. Irrigation management is the first step to a wise management of water resources in the Yellow River basin. Using a 20-year (1981-2000) forcing data, irrigation water consumption is estimated using a grid-based distributed hydrological model. The spatial and temporal distribution of irrigation water consumptions is explored. Attempt of simulating irrigation shows potential applicability of the model on water resources management. INTRODUCTION The Yellow River, also called Huanghe in Chinese, is the second longest (also the second largest) river in China. The Yellow River flows about 5,500 km distance in the main course and accumulates 753,000 km2 of drainage area (Fig. 1). It has about 100 million population and 1200 million ha farmlands in which near half are irrigated by the Yellow River. The main irrigation districts are located in the northern part (Inner Mongolia), in the tributaries of midstream (Fenhe basin and Weihe basin) and on both sides along the lower reaches (Fig. 1). The water shortage problem has become more and more serious with the vast amount of irrigation development that has occurred in the last 30-years. Irrigation is the major water user and increase of irrigation water consumption is the main reason for the drying-up of the main river along the lower reaches [1]. Irrigation management is the first step to a wise management of water resources in the Yellow River basin. It needs to understand the spatial and temporal distribution of irrigation water consumptions for exploring the way to saving water. However detail data of the irrigation water consumption is usually unavailable and reliability of the statistic data is also questionable in some periods. Hydrological models have been widely used for water resources assessment, as well as for irrigation water estimation. Water balance model is commonly used for this purpose. Knox et al. [2] used a daily water balance model for estimating the net irrigation water requirements for the main crops in England and Wales. Singh et al. [3] used distributed modeling system, MIKE SHE for simulating the water balance of small watershed with the objective of the irrigation development plan. Because the water balance model couldn’t estimate evapotranspiration accurately without considering soil water dynamics; however, the distributed hydrological model coupling with soil water 1 flux simulation can supply an appropriate tool for simulating soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer processes. Figure 1. The Yellow River basin In the present study, a 20-years (1981-2000) meteorological dataset in daily time resolution was collected. Together with available geographic information related to the topography, land uses and leaf-area-index, the irrigation water consumption in the Yellow River basin was estimated using a grid-based distributed hydrological model, which incorporated an irrigation scheme and a simple reservoir operation rule into the geomorphology-based hydrological model (GBHM2) developed by Yang et al. [4]. Based on the simulation, the spatial and temporal variability of irrigation water consumption is analyzed. METHODOLOGY Description of the distributed hydrological model A distributed model, which incorporated an irrigation scheme and a simple reservoir operation rule into the geomorphology-based hydrological model (GBHM2) developed by Yang et al. [4,5], is employed for simulating irrigation water consumption in the Yellow River basin in last 20-years. The model uses a grid-system with 10-km spatial resolution, and it runs in an hourly time step. Data Used in the Study Topography The digital elevation data of 1-km resolution is obtained from the USGS HYDRO1k data set which is available at: 2 Soil data The soil type is obtained from the Digital Soil Map of the World and Derived Soil Properties [6]. It is developed in 5-minute resolution using the FAO-UNESCO soil classification. The soil-water parameters used in the hydrological model are obtained from a global soil dataset (Global Soil Task, 2000). Meteorological data The daily meteorological data from 1981 to 2000 is collected from China Meteorological Administration (CMA). The data are available at 108 stations inside and close to the Yellow River basin (Fig.1). Meteorological parameters include precipitation, maximum, minimum and mean air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, sunshine hours and pan evaporation. The hydrological required gridded input is interpolated from the gauge data. Precipitation is interpolated using angular-distance weighting method [7]. By the same way, wind speed, relative humidity and sunshine hour are also interpolated into each 10-km grid. The temperatures (maximum, minimum and mean) are interpolated using an elevation corrected angular-direction weighting method. The daily potential evaporation is calculated using the wind speed, relative humidity, sunshine duration and temperature [8] and calibrated using the pan evaporation. Discharge The discharge data is collected from the “Hydrological Year Book” published by Hydrological Bureau of the Ministry of Water Resources of China [9]. In this study, 6 gauges on the main river (see Fig. 1) are selected for analyzing the effect irrigation water consumption on river discharges. Shanshengong Weir Qintongxia Dam Longyanxia Dam Liujiaxia Dam Figure 2. Classification of land use and irrigation district Land use and irrigation area Land use map is obtained from 1:250000 scale land use map (Chinese Academy of Sciences). The land use map has been regrouped into 10 3 categories, including water body, urban area, bare land, forest, irrigated cropland, nonirrigated cropland, grassland, wetland, mixture of bare land and grassland, and ice. Area fraction of each land cover type within a 10-km grid is calculated from the 1:250000 scale map. For each vegetation type, a monthly leaf-area-index (LAI) is calculated from the monthly NDVI. A global dataset of monthly NDVI with 8-km resolution is obtained from the DAAC of GSFC/NASA. This dataset is available since 1982. Moreover, according the available data, irrigated farmland is classified as centralized irrigation districts and distributed irrigation areas. The centralized irrigation district intakes water from the common weir, which includes four major irrigation districts, the Qintongxia, Hetao, Yimong and Longning in the upstream of the Huayuankou gauge. There are three distributed irrigation areas, irrigation zone in upstream of the Toudaoguai gauge, irrigation in Fenhe-Weihe River basin and irrigation zone between the Sanmenxia and Huayuankou gauges in Henan province (see Fig. 2). Crop and irrigation scheduling There are ten types of crops in the Yellow River basin. Spring wheat is the domain crop in north-west part, winter wheat is the domain crop in east-south part, maize is another common crop. Here the four main crops spring wheat, spring maize, winter wheat and summer maize are considered in the study. Crops growth period are obtained from literatures[10]. For each irrigation district, the crop calendar is assigned according the statistic data. The irrigation includes a spring-irrigation (preplanting), a winter-irrigation (water-storing) and normal irrigation during the cropgrowing period. Water amounts for the spring-irrigation and the winter-irrigation are relatively fixed. The water required during the growing period is determined by deficit of the soil moisture which is simulated by the distributed hydrological model. Approach to irrigation and reservoir operation Reservoir operation The irrigation season is mainly during March to June, while precipitation concentrates during July to October. Therefore the irrigation mainly relies on 3174 reservoirs (total storage is 574 108 m 3 ), which stores water during the wet season and supplies water during irrigation period [11]. Due to the lack of information for most small reservoirs, here only 4 main reservoirs, Longyangxia, Liujiaxia, Qingtongxia and Shanshengong are included. The reservoir operation is represented using a storage function as follows dS (1) I (t ) Qdown (t ) Qirr (t ) dt Where, S is reservoir storage (m3), I is inflow discharge (m3/s), Qdown is outflow discharge from reservoir (m3/s), Qirr is water intake by irrigation(m3/s). In the case of no reservoir information, it is assumed that the irrigation area is proportion to the reservoir storage in the same sub-basin. Then virtual reservoirs are assigned and located to the sub-basin outlet according to the irrigation area distribution, and a supposed storage is given to the reservoir. Irrigation scheme An irrigation scheme (see Fig. 3) is used in the hydrological simulation. During the growth period of crops, the lower and upper limitations of soil moisture are determined according to the crop type. The water required during the 4 Soil moisture s c f Irrigation Water growing period is determined by the deficit of soil moisture which is simulated by distributed hydrological model. It is assumed that the water intake for centralized irrigation districts is from fixed site with designed intake capacity, such as the Qingtongxia irrigation district intakes water from the Qingtongxia reservoir by a capacity of 600 m3/s. The Hetao irrigation district intakes water from the Shanshengong weir with discharge of 700 m3/s. For the distributed irrigation areas water is taken from the virtual reservoirs or the river of the same flow-interval. The discharge is in proportion to the virtual reservoir storage or river flow. When reservoir storage is below the dead storage or when river discharge is below the in-river discharge that is given arbitrary here, no irrigation water can be taken. The irrigation time equals the water required divided by intake discharge, and limited by maximum irrigation time. The irrigated water is uniformly distributed over the irrigation area at the same time. The approach didn’t consider the water loss in channel and waterway. So, the simulated irrigation water is net irrigation water consumption. Saturated soil moisture Minimum soil moisture Plant growth period Planting Harvest Figure 3. The irrigation scheme RESULTS Based on the 20- years (1981-2000) simulation result, the simulated annual net irrigation water consumption is 149.6 108m3 above the Huayuankou gauge. The spatial distribution of net irrigation water consumption per unit area (see Fig. 4), in general, reflects the spatial variability of climate. The highest irrigation water consumption per unit area occurs in the semi-acrid region with very small annual precipitation, especially in the Qingtongxia and Hetao irrigation districts. In the Weihe basin, net irrigation water consumption per unit area is smaller than the mean value of 300 mm/yr, this is because of its semi-humid climate. For the total net irrigation water consumption, high irrigation water consumption concentrates mainly in the Qingtongxia, Hetao and Fenhe-Weihe irrigation district. The details are given in table in Fig. 4. Due to the lack of historical data of irrigation water uses, it is difficult to compare the simulated values to the observed ones in each irrigation district. But some literatures give the net irrigation water use, which is derived from difference of annual total intake subtracting the return flow. The value for the Qingtongxia irrigation district is about 25.6 108m3, which is very close to the simulated value of 24.4 108m3. But for the total annual net irrigation water consumption, the statistical data is 189.4 108m3 for the upstream of Huayuankou gauge, which is about 40 108m3 larger than the simulated value. 5 3 Simulated Observed 8 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Discharge(10 m ) Discharge(108m3) Figure 4. Spatial distribution of net irrigation water consumption unit area Lanzhou Time(month) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Simulated Observed 30 20 Toudaoguai 10 Time(month) 0 Discharge(108m3) Discharge(108m3) 40 60 40 20 0 Simulated Observed Sanmenxia Time(month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Discharge(108m3) Discharge(108m3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 80 Shizuishan Time(month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 50 Simulated Observed 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Simulated Observed Longmen Time(month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 100 80 Simulated Observed 60 40 20 0 Huayuankou Time(month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Figure 5. Monthly river discharge at 6 gauges from upstream to downstream 6 The difference between the simulated river discharge and observed river discharge along the Yellow River can reflect the reasonability of irrigation water consumption simulation. The comparison between simulated and observed 20-years monthly discharge shows, good agreement is achieved in the lanzhou gauge, for it’s discharge controlled mainly by two large reservoirs, the Liujiaxia and Longyangxia, and irrigation area is small above the Lanzhou gauge. Some differences are found in the Huayuankou gauge, the simulated is larger than the observed one, especially in the summer. Figure 5 shows 20-years average of monthly discharge from hydrological simulation and observation at 6 gauges from the upstream to downstream. For revealing regional characteristics of the irrigation water consumptions, Table 1 gives the average annual discharge and water consumption from 1981 to 2000 for the different sections from upstream to downstream. At the Lanzhou gauge, simulated hydrograph agree well with the observed one. At the Shuizuishan gauge, which locates below the Qingtongxia irrigation district, the annual discharge error is below 1%, but hydrograph shows discharge overestimated during irrigated period (March-July) and underestimated during August-October. The Qingtonxia irrigation district, which is the main irrigation above the Shuizuishan gauge, intakes a large amount of water and the drainage is also large. By the statistics, the intake is 66.4 108m3/yr and drainage 40.9 108m3/yr, the net consumption is 25.5 108m3/yr. That is the main reason for the difference between the simulated and observed hydrographs at the Shuizuishan gauge. The most difference occurs at the Toudaoguai gauge, which locates below the Inner Mongolia, the Hetao irrigation district that is largest one in the Yellow River basin. Hydrograph shows discharge overestimated mainly in May-July, the real water use is about 40 108m3 more than the simulated one. The Inner Mongolia is the driest region in this basin, water loss in channel and ponds is huge, and its drainage doesn’t return back to the Yellow River but into a lake and then evaporated into atmosphere. Considering the channel efficiency of 0.6 at the present time, the simulated water use is 118.5 108m3, which is very close to statistical average value from 1998 to 2000. From the Toudaoguai to Huayuankou gauges, the discharge difference between the gauges is relative close to the simulated net irrigation water consumption in this region (see Table 1). Annual water transfer to out of the basin is 17.26 108m3, and industrial and domestic water consumption is 46.5 108m3 in the Yellow river basin. Considering the water use for industry, urban use and transfer, the underestimated irrigation water is about 40 108m3 considering. Annual variability of the net irrigation water consumption has a close relationship with the annual precipitation. The large amount of irrigation water consumption exists in the dry years. In 1997, the annual precipitation is 338.3 mm, the simulated net irrigation water consumption reaches 176.0 108m3/yr (24 mm/yr). However, irrigation water consumption keeps nearly constant in the region between the Lanzhou and Toudaoguai gauges. This implies that the region between the Lanzhou and Toudaoguai gauges is the full irrigation-dependent area where the main water source is from irrigation. 7 Table 1. Comparison irrigation water consumption in each sub-division(unit: 108m3) Simulated discharge Gauge Lanzhou Shizuishan Toudaoguai Longmen Sanmenxia Huayuankou Observed discharge In gauge Difference between gauges In gauge Difference between gauges 395.69 383.87 343.26 386.55 496.16 553.34 -11.82 -40.61 43.29 109.61 57.18 384.89 386.05 267.1 317.51 404.54 448.5 1.16 -118.95 50.41 87.03 43.96 Simulated irrigation water use Statistical irrigation water use (1998-2000) Surface water Ground water 7.6 17.7 0.7 71.1 104.0 14.1 9.7 50.8 9.9 5.1 25.9 12.4 2.2 25.3 6.0 CONCLUSIONS Using a 20-year (1981-2000) forcing data, together with available geographic information related to the land surface, irrigation water consumption in the Yellow River basin is estimated using a grid-based distributed hydrological model. The simulated annual net irrigation water consumption is 149.6 108m3. Considering the water loss in the channel and ponds in irrigation areas, the annual gross loss of river discharge for irrigation is close to the statistical data. Comparison between simulated discharge and observed discharge at 6 gauges from the upstream to downstream and comparison between simulated and observed net irrigation water consumptions in the Qingtongxia irrigation district, show that simulation of irrigation in this basin is reasonable, especially good agreement is achieved for the centralized irrigation districts. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was partially supported by the Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) program of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). The authors would like to appreciate their grant in aid on this research. REFERENCE [1] Yang, D., C. Li, K. Musiake and T. Kusuda, Analysis of Water Resources in the Yellow River Basin in Last Century. IAHS publication, no. 280, (2003), pp.70-78. [2] Knox J.W., E.K. Weatherhead and R.I. 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