MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION PRINCIPLE: This procedure uses the Perkin Elmer AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus and AmpFlSTR COfiler PCR Amplification and Typing Kits. These PCR-dependent kits use Short Tandem Repeat (STR) typing technology that detects length polymorphisms. Profiler Plus detects the gender marker Amelogenin and the following nine STR loci: D3S1358, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D8S1179, D18S51, D21S11, FGA, and vWA. COfiler detects the gender marker Amelogenin and the following six STR loci: D3S1358, D7S820, D16S539, CSF1PO, TH01, and TPOX. When Profiler Plus and COfiler kits are combined, all thirteen CODIS core STR loci are amplified with two amplifications with two overlapping loci (D3S1358 and D7S820). The Perkin Elmer GeneScan and Genotyper software are used to analyze data. The loci analyzed are characterized in the table below. Three overlapping color spectra, plus a fourth red (ROX) internal lane size standard, are automatically sized by GeneScan, and the corresponding base pair (bp) alleles for each locus are called by Genotyper. Locus Designation Kit Chromosome Repeat No. of Common Alleles (in ladder)1 Alleles Size Range (bp)2 Dye Label Blue: 3 TCTA (TCTG)1-3 (TCTA)n 8 12-19 114-142 5-FAM vWA Plus COfiler Plus 12 11 11-21 157-197 5-FAM FGA Plus 4 14 18-30 219-267 5-FAM COfiler 16 TCTA (TCTG)3-4 (TCTA)n (TTTC)3 TTTT TTCT (CTTT)n CTCC (TTCC)2 (AGAT)n 9 5-15 234-274 5-FAM X, Y - 2 X, Y 107, 113 JOE 11 2 5 8 (AATG)n 7 8 10 12 5-10 6-13 6-15 8-19 24.238 169-189 218-242 281-317 128-168 JOE JOE JOE JOE 189-243 JOE 21 9-26 273-341 JOE D3S1358 D16S539 Green: TH01 TPOX CSF1PO D8S1179 Plus COfiler COfiler COfiler COfiler Plus D21S11 Plus 21 Plus 18 Plus Plus Plus COfiler 5 13 (AGAT)n (GATA)n 10 8 7-16 8-15 135-171 206-234 NED NED 7 (GATA)n 10 6-15 258-294 NED Amelogenin D18S51 Yellow: D5S818 D13S317 D7S820 (AATG)n (AGAT)n (TCTR)n3 (TCTA)n(TCTG)n[(TCTA)3 TA(TCTA)3TCA(TCTA)2TCCA TA](TCTA)n (AGAA)n 22 1 There are a number of known rare alleles for most of the loci. The number given is the number of alleles in the allelic ladder provided with the kit. 2 The size range is the actual base pair size of sequenced alleles contained in the AmpFlSTR Allelic ladder. The sizes in the table include the 3’ A nucleotide addition. The size generated by the 310 Genetic Analyzer is usually 1-2 bp smaller. 3 R can represent either an A or G nucleotide. 1 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION SPECIMEN: Samples amplified with the Perkin Elmer AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus and AmpFlSTR COfiler PCR Amplification and Typing Kits and electrophoresed on an ABI Prism 310 Genetic Analyzer. INSTRUMENTATION AND EQUIPMENT: Apple Macintosh Power Mac computer Mac-compatible Color Printer GeneScan Software v 3.1, or greater Genotyper Software v 2.0, or greater QUALITY ASSURANCE: 1. Two qualified, proficiency-tested scientists must verify results. 2. Any papers taken from a post-amplification room should never be taken into a preamplification room. 3. Do not move or rename folders on the computers attached to the 310 Genetic Analyzer or it will cause errors in the Collection and Analysis programs. SAFETY: Prolonged computer analysis may cause muscle soreness, eye fatigue, or other discomforts. No employee shall be required to work more than two continuous hours on a video display terminal (VDT). If greater than two hours are required, then the employee shall perform other work for thirty minutes after each two-hour period on the VDT. NOMENCLATURE: 1. Alleles are designated by a number, which presumably corresponds to the number of tandemly repeated segments within that allele. An individual with a D3S1358-(14,16) profile possesses one D3S1358 allele with 14 repeats and a second allele with 16 repeats. 2. Common variants exist in the Profiler Plus and COfiler systems. The most common variant is a TH01 9.3 allele. In this case one base pair deletion is present in the 10th repeat. This variant is more common than the “true” 10 allele. The loci that have variant alleles in the ladder are D3S1358, vWA, FGA, D21S11, D18S51, and TH01. 2 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION PROCEDURE: AUTOMATED ANALYSIS This section of the protocol describes how to save, download, and analyze data from the 310 Genetic analyzer. GeneScan version 3.1 or greater software automatically analyzes each sample as it finishes electrophoresing. Genotyper version 2.0 or greater software then converts allele base pair sizes called in the GeneScan Analysis software into allele designations. The AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus and COfiler Genotyper templates contain macros that find the allelic ladders, create allele size categories (or bins) based on the ladder, assign the appropriate allele label and peak height to samples, and filter labels from stutter peaks if below the predetermined threshold level. Genotyper can also build tables containing the sample genotypes for printing or importing into other programs. DOWNLOADING SAMPLE FILES FROM ABI PRISM 310 GENETIC ANALYZER 1. From the Macintosh in the Analysis Room, double-click on the “310 #1 Run Folder” or “310 #2 Run Folder” icon to access the computer’s hard drive. 2. Locate the run of interest in the “Runs” folder within the “ABI Prism 310” folder. Drag the folder to the “Casework Runs” folder on the “Forensic DNA Section” computer’s desktop. The folder and its contents are downloaded to the hard drive. 3. Periodically, these files are downloaded and archived onto the CODIS Server and burned to CDs (which are stored at the Crime Laboratory as well as off-site). IMPORTING ABI PRISM 310 GENETIC ANALYZER SAMPLES 4. Start the Genotyper program by clicking on the “Apple Menu” in the upper left hand corner, highlight the appropriate template, e.g. “MSP AmpFlSTR COfiler v3,” and release the mouse button to launch the program. 5. From the File menu, choose “Import GeneScan File(s)...” Find and open the run of interest in the Import dialog box. Ensure all four ‘Import colors’ boxes are checked, uncheck the ‘Import raw data’ box, and click “Import All.” Every sample file within the folder will be imported into Genotyper. Alternatively, if the lanes of interest are in a GeneScan Project, you may click on the project’s name and click “Import.” 6. The names of the imported samples can be viewed in the top pane of the Main window or by clicking on the Views menu and choosing “Show dye/lanes window”. Highlight any unwanted lanes (use shift-click to select multiple lanes), click the Edit menu and choose “Clear” or “Cut” to remove extraneous lanes. 3 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION CHECKING INTERNAL LANE SIZE STANDARDS 7. Double click on the “Check GS-500” macro in the macro window located in the lower left corner of the main window. The Plot window will open, showing the red electropherogram traces for each lane, each peak labeled with its calculated size in bp. 8. It is easiest to print the GS-500 standard at this time (see “Printing Electropherograms and Tables” below). First save the analysis results by clicking on “File” and choosing “Save as.” Name the Genotyper project with a name that includes: case number, date of run, scientist’s initials, and multiplex system. Save the data in the run folder from which the lanes were imported. 9. Ensure each gs-500 peak within each sample is assigned the correct size, i.e. 75, 100, 139, 150, 160, 200, (~245), 300, 340, 350, and 400 bp. The 139, 150 and 160 bp peaks appear as a tight group of three peaks and can serve as a point of reference. 10. The peak of approximately 245 bp is not sized to a preset value. Rather, it is used as an indicator of run precision. The base pair size of this peak must be within a 1.0 bp window for all injections used in a particular run. NOTE: If there is an outlier, i.e. a sample whose 245 bp peak is outside of the 1.0 bp window for a set of injections, this sample must be re-injected. CALLING ALLELES 11. Double-click the “Kazam” macro in the macro window. The program will use the first lane labeled “Ladder” to create a standard allelic ladder for each locus. “Kazam” then performs the following calculations automatically: a. Peaks greater than or equal to 150 RFU are labeled with allele designations or numbers (because only peaks with a height greater than 150 RFU are sized in GeneScan). If the peak height is greater than 8100 RFU from the raw data of GeneScan Analysis software, then it is automatically noted in the “saturation” column of the 6-peak table. b. Allele numbers are assigned to peaks that match the bp size of the allelic ladders (0.5 bp) of the corresponding dye color. Peaks that fall outside the 0.5 bp window of allele sizes or are outside of the ladder’s range are labeled “OL allele” (Off-Ladder allele). If a sample allele peak is labeled “OL allele”, then the sample must be reinjected to verify the 4 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION result. If reinjecting reproduces the off-ladder allele, the sample must be reamplified to confirm the allele call. c. Stutter peaks are typically four bases shorter (n - 4) or, in rare instances, 4 bases longer (n + 4) than the corresponding main allele peak. The proportion of the stutter product relative to the main allele (percent stutter) has been measured for each locus by the manufacturer and our validation study. The “Kazam” macro automatically filters out all n-4 peaks that are less than the stutter threshold (listed in the table on the next page) of the corresponding main allele peak. BLUE LOCUS DESIGNATION GREEN STUTTER THRESHOLD D3S1358 vWA FGA D16S539 15 15 15 15 LOCUS DESIGNATION YELLOW STUTTER THRESHOLD Amelogenin TH01 TPOX CSF1PO 3 10 10 10 D8S1179 12 D21S11 15 D18S51 18 LOCUS DESIGNATION STUTTER THRESHOLD D5S818 D13S317 D7S820 12 12 12 12. Once “Kazam” is completed, the Plot window will open, showing the blue electropherogram for the first ladder in the upper pane and the blue electropherograms for sample lanes in the lower pane. Each peak will be labeled with its corresponding allele number or as an “OL allele” and the peak height in RFU. To inspect peaks for other colors, click on the corresponding letter in the upper left hand corner of the main window (B=blue, G=green, Y=yellow, R=red). NOTE: Do not perform any editing of the electropherogram or table data on the computer. All editing and note taking must be completed directly on the printed data. 13. Examine the positive amplification control (9947A) to ensure amplification has been successful for each STR locus examined. Verify that the allele calls match the expected allele calls for that locus. See “Expected Control Values” section at the end of this protocol for correct values and what may cause deviations from the expected results. 5 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 14. Examine the negative amplification control to ensure that the amplification cocktail did not contain any trace of genetic material. See “Expected Control Values” section at the end of this protocol for correct values and what may cause deviations from the expected results. 15. Examine the reagent blank to ensure that the extraction solutions did not contain any trace of genetic material. See “Expected Control Values” section at the end of this protocol for correct values and what may cause deviations from the expected results. 16. A table of samples and their alleles may be created by double-clicking on “Make Table - 6 Peaks” in the macro window. 17. Save the analysis results (if not done earlier) by clicking on “File” and choosing “Save as.” Name the Genotyper project with a name that includes the case number, date of run, and scientist’s initials. 18. The project, corresponding lanes, and Genotyper template are periodically backed up on a removable Zip disk, writable CD and/or network drives. PRINTING ELECTROPHEROGRAMS AND TABLES 19. Before printing, be sure the Genotyper project is saved with a name that includes the case number, date of run, and scientist’s initials since this prints on each page of the printout. 20. It is most convenient to print the red GS-500 data as soon as the “Check GS-500” macro has been run (the red lanes are automatically displayed); these red peaks will not be labeled after the “Kazam” macro has been run, so the “Check GS-500” macro will have to be run again). 21. To print the blue, green, and yellow (black) allele calls for each injection, click on the corresponding letter in the upper left hand corner of the main window (B=blue, G=green, Y=yellow, R=red) and then click on the plot window. 22. Click “Okay” to verify the title/header of the printout (the name under which the project was saved) and “Okay” to accept the color printer. 23. To print a table, click on “View” menu and highlight “show table window” to make the Table the active window. Change “Page Setup” to 65% print size and landscape to fit the table on the page. 6 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION INTERPRETATION OF DNA PROFILES This section of the protocol serves as a general guideline for the interpretation of STR profiles when using the AmpFlSTR kits. However, it is not an exhaustive list of all casework scenarios. Therefore, scientist experience and discretion are always taken into account before reporting STR profiles. A second, qualified DNA analyst will technically review all data interpretations and allele calls. If the analyst and the technical reviewer cannot agree on an allele call or data interpretation, the technical leader will be conferred with to make the final call. 1. Peak identification. Only allele peaks (Blue, Green, and Yellow) with a height >150 RFU can be reported, but peaks below 150 RFU can help to assess the quality of a DNA profile and determine if peaks are true peaks or artifacts, and if samples need to be reinjected (for 2, 5 or 10 seconds) or possibly reamplified. The internal lane size standard (Red) is interpretable down to 50 RFU. 2. Assessing internal lane standard Ensure that every sample injected and electrophoresed correctly by examining the internal lane standards (red or ROX lanes). Clear, sharp internal lane standards peaks should be present in all injections and be sized correctly (see above). The smallest and the largest of the “245 base pair” peaks in a run should differ by no more than 1.0 base pair. If there are outliers (peaks outside of the 1 base pair range), those lanes need to be assessed. If there are true alleles present (that need to be sized), the sample should be reinjected. If no alleles are present (such as in a reagent blank, negative control, or sample with insufficient DNA to obtain a profile), the sample does not need to be reinjected 3. True Allele Peak An allele has a peak height greater than 150 RFU and typically less than 8100 RFU in the raw data of GeneScan Analysis software (see note below regarding off-scale data), a fragment size that falls within the base pair range, and has the appropriate dye color for the loci. However, all peaks that have a peak height greater than 150 RFU are not automatically typed as an allele. Stutter peaks, pull-up peaks, and background noise could fall above 150 RFU, especially if the allele peaks are high. Peaks less than 150 7 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION RFU will not be reported, but should be evaluated in the interpretation of data. For these reasons, the scientist’s experience is the most important factor in reporting alleles. NOTE: Off-Scale Data: if too much DNA is added to the PCR reaction, the fluorescence intensity from the PCR products may exceed the linear dynamic range for detection by the instrument. Samples with off-scale peaks can exhibit raised baseline, excessive pull-up of one or more colors, and/or high stutter peaks. The peaks may even appear to have “flat tops” instead of sharp peaks. Samples with off-scale data may be diluted and rerun or reinjected for shorter times. Detection of off-ladder alleles. There are several rare alleles for which bins do not exist in the allelic ladder. Rare alleles may contain 4 bp repeat units or repeat units less than 4 bp. If a rare allele is encountered, adding or subtracting the appropriate repeat length (1 bp if within the ladder, 4 bp if outside the ladder) from the closest allele in the ladder to create a theoretical bin. The rare allele of interest must fall within 0.5 bp of the bin. If the peak meets these criteria, the sample must be reamplified to confirm before reporting. In order to declare a match, the same rare allele must be observed in both the questioned sample and the relevant known sample. Typically, within each locus, a peak balance of greater than or equal to 70% between two peaks serves as an indicator of high quality, single source DNA producing a strong signal. A peak balance of less than 70% should be interpreted with caution, as this is indicative of degradation, the presence of a mixture, or low signal strength. Rarely, a profile with an imbalance of true heterozygous alleles at a particular locus (which is reproducible even in the known reference sample) has been documented. 4. Stutter peaks (“n – 4” and “n + 4”) The most common stutter peaks are n - 4 peaks that have a fragment length four base pairs shorter than the true allele. If the peak height of the n - 4 peak is less than the stutter threshold expected for that locus, the peak is considered a stutter peak and is filtered out by “Kazam.” However, if the peak height of the n - 4 peak is greater than the expected stutter threshold, it may indicate a mixture (see below). If the sample is a known (single source) and stutter peak is greater than the stutter threshold, then too much signal may be detected (and signal strength is in non-linear range). The sample may be reinjected for 8 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION less time (2 seconds as opposed to 5 seconds) or reamplified with less DNA to aid interpretation. An n + 4 peak has a fragment length four base pairs longer than the true allele. N + 4 peaks are rare, but do occasionally occur. When evaluating an n + 4 peak the possibility of a mixed sample must be explored. If the sample is a known (single source) and an n + 4 peak is present, then the sample may have too much DNA. The sample may be reinjected for less time (2 seconds as opposed to 5 seconds) or reamplified with less DNA to aid interpretation. 5. “n-1” peaks AmpFlSTR kits are optimized to add an extra adenosine nucleotide (“A”) to the 3/ end of the PCR product. When the reaction fails to add this “A” nucleotide to a significant number of PCR copies, a peak one base pair shorter than the true allele may be observed. This usually occurs because the amount of input DNA is too great, so the sample may be reinjected for less time (2 seconds as opposed to 5 seconds) or reamplified with less DNA to aid interpretation. 6. Pull-up Peaks If too much signal is detected, an overlap in the emission spectra of the dyes causes a DNA fragment to appear as multiple peaks in multiple colors. The pull-up peak should have approximately the same fragment size as the true allele peak and can be demonstrated by labeling all colors with scan number or base pair size. Reinjecting for less time (2 seconds as opposed to 5 seconds) or reamplifying with less DNA may aid interpretation. 7. Spurious Peaks/Anomalies Spurious peaks are from artifacts or electronic noise and are not reproducible. If the anomaly is in more than one color or outside of the allele calling range, interpretation can be made from the one injection. If the anomaly is only present in one color and within the allele calling range, the sample should be reinjected to demonstrate it is not reproducible. 9 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 8. High Baseline/Background Noise Low-level peaks that are generally less than 150 RFU, typically present in samples with high signal. They are indistinguishable from the peaks present at or near baseline signal. Analysts discretion should be exercised in interpretation. Rerunning the sample may aid interpretation. 9. Highly Degraded Samples. Highly degraded samples must be interpreted with caution: stutter peaks are generally higher than those observed in high quality DNA; there may be spurious peaks from degradation products; and there is a greater amount of unbalanced heterozygous alleles (typically, the smaller allele will be no less than 50% of the height of the larger allele). Trends to keeep in mind when analyzing Profiler Plus data in degraded samples: the larger “FGA” locus had higher peak heights than the other blue loci; normally, the largest loci are the first to demonstrate decreased peak heights as samples become more degraded, but the smaller vWA locus may show lower signal; the smallest green locus (D8S1179) may be present at the lowest levels of the three green loci; but the yellow loci exhibit typical decreasing peak heights in larger fragments. Trends to keeep in mind when analyzing COfiler data in degraded samples: amelogenin and D3S1358 amplified robustly; D16S539 produced a good signal (albeit usually lower than D3S1358) most of the time; and D16S539 may amplify even though CSF1PO may be weak or nonexistent. 10. Inhibited Samples. Inhibited samples are those samples that contain an impurity that inhibits the polymerase enzyme activity or primer annealing. Inhibited samples may show differences in stutter peaks, off-ladder alleles, allele or locus drop out, and unbalanced heterozygous alleles. Inhibited samples differ from degraded samples in that the drop out of loci is not related to base pair size of the loci. The hallmark sign of inhibition is the inability to obtain a DNA profile even though DNA has been detected in the quantification procedure. 10 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION INTERPRETATION OF POTENTIALLY MIXED SAMPLES The detection of more than two alleles per locus indicates a possible mixed sample. Variation in peak height between alleles in a single locus may assist in the interpretation of such results. A peak height balance of less than 50% could indicate a possible mixed sample or may be due to unbalanced peaks at signal strength close to 150 RFU. Re-amplification of samples or increasing injection time of samples may prove helpful by increasing peak heights of minor component alleles. Allele peaks below 150 RFU should be considered to help in the interpretation of the mixed DNA samples, but cannot be reported. The interpretation of mixtures should take into account the possible confusion between a true mixture and the presence of stutter peaks. Be aware of the potential of interpreting a mixed sample of two homozygotes as a single heterozygote. RECOGNITION OF MIXTURES 1. The detection of three or more alleles at two or more loci indicates a mixed sample. 2. Stutter greater than the threshold may indicate a mixture. Additional information provided by other loci is necessary to confirm the presence of a mixture. 3. Heterozygous imbalance less than the threshold of 70% may indicate a mixture. Additional information provided by other loci may be of assistance in these cases. SEPARATION OF MAJOR AND MINOR CONTRIBUTORS 1. In a mixed sample of two apparent contributors at roughly equimolar concentrations, the mixture either “excludes” or “cannot exclude” potential donors. Individual profiles cannot be separated from the mixture, nor can random match probabilities be calculated. 2. In a mixed sample of two apparent contributors where the minor alleles are present at less than 50% of the peak height of the major contributor (locus by locus), the major contributor’s profile can be separated and random match probabilities can be calculated. 3. In a mixed sample of two apparent contributors where the minor alleles are present at less than 50% of the peak height of the major contributor (locus by locus), the minor contributor’s profile can be separated but random match probabilities can only be calculated for loci with 2 minor alleles (to eliminate the possibility of major and minor alleles overlapping). 4. In a mixed sample of three or more potential contributors (5 or more alleles at a locus), major and minor contributors cannot be separated and random match probabilities cannot be calculated. The mixture can either “exclude” or “not exclude” potential donors. 11 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION DNA PROFILE MATCH CRITERIA THE FOLLOWING CONSTITUTE AN INCLUSION OR MATCH: 1. When making a direct comparison between two samples (e.g. a comparison between a known and a questioned sample, or between two questioned samples), a match or inclusion may be reported if there are no differences between two profiles at the loci for which allele calls are determined. 2. A comparison may be made between the questioned specimen and other biologically related family members (e.g. mother, father, and /or children) if a direct comparison is not possible. An inclusion may be reported in the following paternity/maternity situations: a. When comparing the DNA profiles of parent-child relationships, the questioned sample and the reference sample must share at least one allele at every locus. b. When comparing the DNA profiles of both parents to a child, the child’s profile must possess one allele from each parent at every locus. c. When comparing the DNA profile of a questioned sample to that of a spouse and offspring, the spouse’s DNA profile should be subtracted from the profile of the offspring. All remaining alleles within the offspring’s profile must be represented within the questioned specimen’s DNA profile. THE FOLLOWING CONSTITUTE AN EXCLUSION: 3. When making a direct comparison between two samples (e.g. a comparison between a known and a questioned specimen, or between two questioned samples), an exclusion may be reported where there is a single difference between the two profiles. 4. When comparing the DNA profiles of parent-child relationships, an exclusion may be reported when two or more alleles present in the questioned specimen are not present in the reference sample. THE FOLLOWING CONSTITUTE AN INCONCLUSIVE: 5. When comparing the DNA profiles of parent-child relationships, a single allele difference may be the result of a mutational event and therefore the final results are inconclusive. 12 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION THE FOLLOWING CONSTITUTE UNINTERPRETABLE: 6. When the peak heights are below 150 RFU for one or both of the samples compared, the results are uninterpretable at that locus. 7. A mixture of three or more people may be reported as uninterpretable. 8. When a partial profile is obtained and reported, the statement “No results were obtained at the remaining loci tested” shall be included in the report. EXPECTED CONTROL VALUES: 1. Positive PCR Control (DNA 9947A): The profile for the Positive control should be as follows: D3S1358 = 14, 15 vWA = 17, 18 FGA = 23, 24 D16S539 = 11, 12 TH01 = 8, 9.3 TPOX = 8,8 CSF1PO = 10, 12 Amelogenin = X, X D8S1179 = 13, 13 D21S11 = 30, 30 D18S51 = 15, 19 D5S818 = 11, 11 D13S317 = 11, 11 D7S820 = 10, 11 If the positive control does not work or does not type correctly, repeat the injection. If the positive control does not work or types incorrectly repeatedly, the test results for that set of amplifications will be rendered inconclusive and need to be reamplified. Possible explanations for an incorrect or failed positive control include faulty control DNA, carry-over of amplification product, contamination, failure to add control DNA or instrument failure. 2. Negative PCR Control: There should be no DNA profile in the Negative PCR Control. If the Negative PCR Control gives an interpretable STR profile repeatedly, the test results for that set of amplifications will be rendered inconclusive and need to be reamplified. 3. Reagent Blank Control: There should be no DNA profile in the Reagent Blank Control. If the Reagent Blank Control gives an interpretable STR profile, the Reagent Blank Control should be reinjected. If the interpretable STR profile is reproduced, the test results for the samples extracted with that particular reagent blank will be rendered inconclusive. If sample size permits, DNA can be freshly extracted from the pertinent 13 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION test samples with a new Reagent Blank Control. The lots of reagents used should be considered potentially contaminated and QC tested as soon as possible. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Follow the SOP “Genetic Analysis” to determine the statistical significance of a match. REFERENCES: ABI Prism™ 310 Genetic Analyzer User’s Manual, Rev. 1, Perkin Elmer Corp., July 1995. ABI Prism™ Genotyper® 2.0 User’s Manual, Perkin Elmer Corp., 1996. ABI Prism™ GeneScan® Analysis 2.1 User’s Manual, Perkin Elmer Corp., September 1996. AmpFlSTR Profiler™ PCR Amplification User’s Manual, Ver. A, Perkin Elmer Corp., 1997. Profiler, Profiler Plus, COfiler Validation Folders, Forensic DNA Section, Maine State Police Crime Laboratory. Wallin, J.M., et. al., TWGDAM Validation of the AmpFlSTR Blue PCR Amplification Kit for Forensic Casework Analysis, J. Forensic Sci., 1998, 43(4):117. 14 Version 2.1 3/13/03 MAINE STATE POLICE CRIME LABORATORY: FORENSIC BIOLOGY SECTION STR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Reviewed Date Supervisor, Forensic DNA Section Adopted Date Director, Crime Laboratory Annual Review: Reviewed Date Reviewed Date Reviewed Date Reviewed Date Reviewed Date Reviewed Date Reviewed Date Reviewed Date Reviewed Date Reviewed Date Reviewed Date Reviewed Date 15 Version 2.1 3/13/03