CALL FOR POSTERS Collaborative Habitat Conservation Strategies for Alberta INVITATION Abstracts are invited for the poster session of the 2005 Partners In Conservation conference. The poster session is open to all projects or programs related to habitat conservation. We are encouraging submissions that focus on the following: Conservation of rare habitat and those supporting endangered or threatened species Landowner habitat conservation initiatives (e.g. stewardship, easements) Conservation of riparian and upland habitats Conservation of habitat supporting recreation opportunities Local and community related habitat initiatives Habitat education Conservation of fish habitats Habitats supporting high biodiversity Collaborative habitat programs or projects (e.g. academic institutions, government, industry partnerships) Please note that space is limited and posters will be selected based on how they fit with the above criteria. POSTER SESSION The poster session will run during the entire conference. Two formal poster sessions are scheduled, one during the Wednesday evening social event and the second from 3:30-4:30 PM on Thursday afternoon Presenters are asked be available to answer questions about their posters during these sessions. Information regarding poster set up times will be forwarded to confirmed poster presenters. POSTER SESSION AWARDS New to the PIC conference this year is an awards presentation kindly sponsored by the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans to recognize and acknowledge the hard work of the poster presenters. Awards for the poster session include four cash prizes and acknowledgment of the top poster in the spring 2005 issue of the of the ACA’s Conservation Magazine. Prizes will be awarded at the Friday luncheon. Poster Awards Guidelines The posters will be judged based on the following guidelines: 1. Relevance of the work to the PIC conference 2. Potential of the work to enhance habitat conservation 3. Ability of presenter to answer questions about the work displayed in the poster 4. Scientific merit 5. Novelty and originality of the work 6. Poster design and layout HOW TO SUBMIT If you are interested in submitting for the poster session, please visit to download the Abstract Guidelines & Submittal Form. A printed version of the guidelines is also available by calling ACA however submissions will be accepted by email only. The Abstract Submittal Form and Abstract must be received at ACA no later than November 26, 2004. Please send your submission to: noting “PIC Conference Poster Submission” in the subject line. For more information contact Donna at (403) 845-8274. POSTER ABSTRACT GUIDELINES PIC Conference 2005 Abstracts are required for poster sessions. Abstracts should not exceed 200 words. Abstracts must be sent by email in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. Title of Abstract must be CAPITALIZED. List all authors and specify presenter. List presenter’s email address. Font size should be 10 point, Times New Roman. Abstracts should be single spaced with no hard returns within the paragraph. Location of the work should appear in the abstract. Maximum size of 36”x48” Send abstract electronically by email ( Example Format QUANTIFYING THE EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES ON FISH COMMUNITIES: THE ROLE OF STREAM CROSSING INVENTORIES. P. Hvenegaard and J. Tchir. Alberta Conservation Association, Northwest Business Unit, Peace River, Alberta T8S 1T4. Presented by: P. Hvenegaard Email: Paul.Hvenegaard@.... Begin text here: 10 point font, Times new roman, single spaced. Submissions Please be accurate; incomplete information may result in non-acceptance of your application. The abstract you provide will be the final text information that is printed in the conference package. A summary of all abstracts will be distributed to each conference attendee. Complete your abstract following the above guidelines and submit with the Abstract Submittal Form to noting “PIC Conference Poster Submission” in the subject line. For more information contact Donna at (403) 845-8274. Submissions must be received by November 26, 2004. Abstracts will be reviewed by the conference committee and confirmed presenters will be contacted by December 17, 2004. Collaborative Habitat Conservation Strategies for Alberta January 26-28, 2005 ABSTRACT SUBMITTAL FORM PIC Conference 2005 ABSTRACT: Title: Name: Phone: Address: City: Province: Fax: Email: Postal Code: Name of Presenter: Affiliation: Send your poster abstract following the guidelines with this form to: Note “PIC Conference Poster Submission” in the subject line Phone: Donna at (403) 845-8274 For booth or tabletop displays, please contact Sherry Feser Email: Phone: (780) 427-8151 Collaborative Habitat Conservation Strategies for Alberta January 26-28, 2005