book - Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering

Institute of Problems of Mechanical
Engineering of Russian Academy of Science
The laboratory of structural
and phase transitions
in condensed matter
Prof. S.A. Kukushkin,
Head of Laboratory
Results of Activity
St. Petersburg, 2003
ИПМаш РАН, Лаборатория структурных и фазовых превращений в конденсированных средах
The "Structural and Phase Transitions in Condensed Media Laboratory" was
established in 1992. Staff of Laboratory is 6 workers today; two of the workers gained
Doctor's degree and another two have Candidate's degree. In addition, the laboratory
draws various specialists in fulfillment of different tasks. In particular, at present, three
jointed scientists, the candidates of science, work in the laboratory: two of them are on the
staff of Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, while another one is a Scientific worker at St.Petersburg Technological Institute. Three specialists work under contracts and grants.
Moreover, two post-graduate students are provided with the laboratory.
The field of Laboratory scientific interests consists of theoretical and experimental
researches of first order phase transitions in one – and multi- component system
including :
 new phase nucleation on the surface, in particular, nucleation of thin films,
nanostructures and quantum dots;
 theory of nucleation and growth of GaN-films on silicon substrate;
 nucleation in bulk systems, in particular, crystallization and formation of structural un
stabilities in multi-component melts, crystallization of glasses, martensite
transformations and destruction of solids;
 nucleation in bulk systems, in particular, crystallization and formation of structural un
stabilities in multi-component melts, crystallization of glasses, martensite
transformations and destruction of solids;
 influence of external fields, such as electromagnetic and elastic ones, on phase
 theory of switching in ferroelectric;
 theory of magnetic polarity reversal in magnetic materials
Phenomenon of the first order phase transition is frequently found in nature and it
represents the basis in preparation of most of materials. Numerous events, such as
formation of nanostructures and quantum dots, crystallization of melts, formation of
pores, destruction of materials, are the first order phase transitions.
1. Principal trend in Laboratory research activity
A new scientific direction for description of thermodynamics and kinetics of phase
transitions in one- and multi-component systems at different stages from the common
viewpoint, namely, nucleation in nanomaterials, was developed in the Laboratory. On the
basis of presentations extended within the framework of the direction, process of growth
and formation of pores and microcracks in materials, new phase formation during
martensite transitions, processes of nucleation and growth of nanostructures and quantum
dots, phase transition in ferroelectricks-ferroelastics and, also, crystallization processes in
multicomponent melts are described theoretically.
2. Main scientific achievements
 Perturbation theory to describe the kinetics of first order phase transitions in arbitrary
systems at the initial stages was developed.
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ИПМаш РАН, Лаборатория структурных и фазовых превращений в конденсированных средах
 Asymptotic theory describing first order phase transitions at the late stage in arbitrary
systems was constructed.
 Theory of evolution processes in ensembles of multi-component and multi-phase
disperse particles under non-isothermal conditions was developed; domains of coexistence of phases formed in the course of evolution of multi-component systems
(for two- and three-dimensional systems are found).
 Microscopic growth theory for thin films on vicinal crystalline surfaces is extended,
and it is shown, that in the course of growth of crystalline faces and thin films a wide
variety of new non-linear events, such as formation of solutions, step density shock
waves, kinks, triangular waves and so on, can arise.
 Principally new approach to elucidation of cluster migration fenomenon on the surface
of solid crystals as unity is advanced.
 Theory of morphological stability evolution of new phase islands was developed and
the process of their faceting was described.
 Theory of nucleation and growth of Ge-nanoislands (quantum dots) on the surface on
silicon was constructed. Experimental studies of growth of Ge-nanoislands on silicon
were performed. The experimental data obtained were in substantial agreement with
theoretical results.
 Theory of first order phase transitions in ferroelectrics-ferroelastics under application
of electric or mechanical fields to them (the theory of switching) was developed.
Equations describing the switching current and acoustic emission in the materials
were derived.
 Self-organization phenomenon involved in the course of the first order phase
transition in multicomponent systems with non-linear chemical reactions was
predicted theoretically and proved experimentally.
 Theory of thin film growth from photoactive solutions under electromagnetic
emission was constructed.
 Theory of evolution of an ensemble of new phase nuclei under electromagnetic
irradiation was developed. A nucleus sizing event under action of pulse irradiation of
a nucleus ensemble was detected.
 New approach based on the interaction of order parameters for description the vaporliquid-crystal transition at a triple point was proposed.
 Hypothesis that there existed objects of new type "diffusion fields" in eutectic melts
was set up. By means of the hypothesis, it was shown that a common critical radius
was formed at the eutectic point in melts. Experimental investigations of
crystallization of eutectic systems were performed using Pb-Sn melt crystallization as
an example.
 On the basis of the Ginzburg-Landau approach, a phenomenological theory of
nucleation at the eutectic point was developed. The set of equations, including
formulae for density and composition, was derived and solved. The equation for
density is similar to the one-component case, and it describes the growth of new phase
nuclei, whereas the equation for composition is analogous to the equation of nonlinear spinodal decay, and it describes decay of unstable uniform state of a solid phase
and formation of domain structure.
 Model of formation of nanopores in SiC was proposed. It is shown that formation of
nanopores is an outcome of self-organization arising due to chemical reaction of Cl2
with SiC.
 Theory describing evolution of composition in new phase nuclei in solid solutions was
 New diffusion mechanism of newtral atoms of inert gases in quartz was suggested.
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ИПМаш РАН, Лаборатория структурных и фазовых превращений в конденсированных средах
 Theory of nucleation of GaN films was constructed, which made it possible not only
to explain the experimental data obtained previously, but, also, to predict theoretically
a series of new effects unknown before.
 Influence of hydrogen ion exponent (pH) on the kinetics of new phase nucleation from
solutions was studied theoretically.
 Microscopic mechanism of destruction of solids under loading at the initial stages was
proposed. Description in brittle solids is analysed as the first order phase transition
between vacancies generated by an external load and formed by micropores during of
the transition. When evolutionating, the micropores coagulate with formation of
 Series of tasks on renormalisations in the quantum field theory and quantum effects in
a curved space-time were examined in connection with phase transition problems in
the early Universe.
 New mechanism for nanopore formation in carbon materials created from their
reactions with chlorine was proposed. A mathematical model was constructed, main
characteristics of the process were calculated and restrictions on parameters admitting
formation of a porous structure were obtained.
3. The main latest achievements applied in practice
 Method to control the processes of growth of islands and nanoislands with the aim of
preparation of nanoparticles and, in particular, guantum dots of the desired structure or
composition and, also, solid films, was worked out.
 Method to control crystallization of melts with the aim to prepare the desired
structure, composition or properties of solid materials was worked out and,
particularly, techniques for controlling the casting processes were devised.
 Method to control the structure and size of nanopores in the course of their growth
from SiC was worked out.
 Method to control the growth of precipitates from solutions was developed.
 Method to define the parameters of ferroelectrics by examination of a switching
current was devised.
 Method to control the growth of GaN films on sapphire was worked out; a patent for
«Technique of preparation of epitaxial semiconductor nitride-III layer on a foreign
substrate» was taken out.
4. Laboratory facilities and software instrumentation
atomic power microscope AFM
electron microscope DFM easy Scan
power tunnelling microscope STM
instrumentation for research in the field of optics, such as holographic tables, units
and setting devices for for correct positioning of optical elements and so on,
spectrum and frequency analyzers to detect a non-stationary photoelectromotive
force signal, electron-optical phase modulators ML-102 to realize phase
modulation of light, He-Ne gas lasers LG-79-1, helium-cadmium laser LPM-11, Ar
gas laser
seven computers Pentium 4
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ИПМаш РАН, Лаборатория структурных и фазовых превращений в конденсированных средах
5. Conferences
Laboratory held two International Conferences, namely,
 Nucleation and Non-linear Problems in the First-Order Phase Transitions “NPT'98”
29 June-3-July 1998. St. Petersburg
 Nucleation and Non-linear Problems in the First-Order Phase Transitions “NPT'02” 1
July-5 July 2002. St. Petersburg
6. Participation with plenary and review reports in scientific conferences and
37 reports were delivered on all-Russian and foreign conferences; 10 reports were
lectured on plenary meetings
7. Laboratory is engaged in research work of the Institute in accordance with:
Main tasks of the Institute Research Work Plan
Fund DFG, № 436 RUS 113/591/7-1. (1999—2001гг) (S.A.Kukushkin)
Grant «Conacyt» of Mexican Government, № 32208 (1998—until now)
Two grants of the von Humboldt Fund (A.V.Osipov and I.A.Sokolov) (1999—2002)
Preliminary grant of NATO, within the framework of «Science for Peace» program,
№ Stp 973252 (1999-2001)
Grant of a Private Fund «Supporting of Science and Education»
Grant of St.-Petersburg Scientific Center
Grant «Minpromnauka RF» (№
Grant RFBR (№ 03-01-00574)
Grant RFBR (№ 03-03-32503)
Grant «Supporting of Scientific Schools» (№НШ-2288.2003.1)
Grant on Integrate Program No.19 of the Presidium of the RAS, project 3.1.4
Grant of the State Contract No.NFM-1/03
Rewards and diplomas
– two the first prizes (2 gold medals) of the European Academy of Sciences
(A.V.Osipov and I.A.Sokolov)
– Rewarding with Dr. Soares's premium (S.A.Kukushkin)
– Presidential grant (S.A.Kukushkin)
– Presidential grant for Young Scientists (A.V.Osipov)
– Rewards on behalf of Yu.I.Ostrovskii for the best work in the fields of optics and
holography (I.A.Sokolov)
8. International Scientific co-operation contacts
Joint scientific investigations are performed with foreign partners. Among them:
– Scientific-Research Center CICESE (Ensenada, Mexico)
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ИПМаш РАН, Лаборатория структурных и фазовых превращений в конденсированных средах
Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg (Germany)
Scientific Center (Kharkov, Ukraine)
Selected publications
S.A.Kukushkin, V.V.Slyozov. Disperce systems on the surface of solids: mechanisms of
thin film formation (an evolutionary approach). SPb: Nauka, 1996.- 304p.
1. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Thermodynamics and kinetics of first-order phase
transitions on solid surfaces (review) // Chem.Phys.Reports 1996, V.15, № 9, p.12391339;
2. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, New phase formation on solid surfaces and thin film
condensation // Progress in Surface Science 1996, v.151, № 1, P.1-107;
3. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov Thin-film condensation process // Physics-Uspekhi,
1998, V. 41, № 10, p.983-1114.
4. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Nucleation kinetics of nano-films // Encyclopedia of
nanoscience and nanotechnology. Published by American Scientific Publishers, USA
2003 г. P.1-24 (in press).
Main papers in reviewed journals:
1. S.A.Kukushkin. Evolution processes in multicomponent and multiphase films // Thin
Solid Films 1992. V.207, pp.302-312.
2. V.P.Rubez, S.A.Kukushkin, Determination of migration mechanisms and their
influence on the structure of films // Thin Solid Films 1992. V.221, pp.267-270.
3. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Shapurko, The evolution of vacant porosity in alkali halide
single crystals // J. Phys. Chem. Solids1992. V.53, № 6, pp.841-845.
4. S.A.Kukushkin, T.V.Sakalo, Diffusional coalescence of island films on the real
crystal surface in the case of layer-by-layer growth of islands. - 1. A conservative
system // Acta. metall. mater. 1993. V.41, № 4, pp.1237-1241.
5. S.A.Kukushkin, T.V.Sakalo, Diffusional coalescence of island films on the real
crystal surface in the case of layer-by-layer growth of islands. - 11. An open system.
Undamped sources of deposited atoms // Acta. metall. mater. 1993. V.41, № 4,
6. S.A.Kukushkin, Evolution processes in multicomponent and multiphase film growth
from solutions // Thin Solid Films 1994. V.239, pp.16-26.
7. S.A.Kukushkin, Theory of the Ostwald ripening of new-phase nuclei in singlecomponent melts // Acta. metall. Mater. 1994. V.43, № 2, pp.715-722.
8. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Kinetics of non-isothermal nucleation of thin films //
J.Phys.Chem.Solids 1995. V.56, № 2, pp.211-214.
9. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Solution model of island migration in thin films //
Surface Science 1995. V.329, pp.135-140.
10. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Kinetics of thin film nucleation from multicomponent
vapor // J. Phys. Chem. Solids 1995. V.56, № 6, pp.831-838.
11. S.A.Kukushkin and V.V.Slyozov, Crystallization of binary melts and decay of
supersaturated solid solutions at the Ostwald ripening stage under non-isothermal
conditions // J. Phys. Chem. Solids 1995. V.56, № 9, pp.1259-1269.
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ИПМаш РАН, Лаборатория структурных и фазовых превращений в конденсированных средах
12. S.A.Kukushkin, V.V.Slyozov, Theory of the Ostwald ripening in multicomponent
systems under non-isothermal conditions // J. Phys. Chem. Solids 1996. V.57, № 2,
13. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, New phase formation on solid surfaces and thin film
condensation // Progress in Surface Science, V. 51, № 1, pp.1-108, 1996.
14. Yu.V.Pavlov, The Hamilton operator and quantum vacuum for nonconformal scalar
fields in the homogeneous and isotropic space. // Operator Theory: Advances and
Applications 2002, V.132, pp.323-332.
15. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Morphological stability of islands upon thin-film
condensation // Physical Review E 1996. V.53, № 5, pp. 4964-4968.
16. S.A.Kukushkin, V.V.Slyozov, Growth of island films from binary melts or a vapor
phase at the Ostwald ripening stage under non-isothermal conditions // J. Phys. Chem.
Solids 1996. V.57, № 5, pp.601-614.
17. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Kinetics of first-order phase transitions in the
asymptotic stage // Sov. Phys. JETP-1998. V.86, № 6, pp.1201-1208.
18. A.A.Vakulenko, S.A.Kukushkin, Phase trasition kinetics in loaded solids // Physics of
Solid State, 2000, V. 42, № 1, pp.179-183.
19. A.V.Osipov, F.Schmitt, S.A.Kukushkin, P.Hess, Kinetics model of coherent island
formation in the case of self-limiting growth, // Phys. Rev. B 2001. V.64, pp.421-427.
20. Yu.V.Pavlov, Creation of the nonconformal scalar particles in nonstationary metric //
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A. 2002. V.17. pp.1041-1044.
21. S.A.Kukushkin, and A.V.Osipov, Thermodynamics and kinetics of switching effects
in ferroelectrics // Phys. Rev.B 2002. V.65, pp.410-414.
22. P.V.Gordon, S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Perturbation methods in the kinetics of
nano-cluster growth // Physics of Solid State 2002. V.44, № 11, pp.2175-2180.
23. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Thermodynamics and kinetics of the initial stages of
polarization swithing in ferroelectrics // Physics of Solid State 2001. V.43, № 1,
24. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Evolution of phase composition and associated
properties in the process of growth of thin films // J.of Applied Physics 1999. V.86,
№3, pp.1370-1376.
25. S.A.Kukushkin, V.N.Bessolov, A.V.Osipov, A.V.Lukyanov, Nucleation of III nitride
semiconductiors in heteroepitaxy // Physics of Solid State 2001. V. 43, № 12,
26. S.A.Kukushkin, V.N.Bessolov, A.V.Osipov, A.V.Lukyanov, Mechanism and kinetics
of early growth stages of GaN film // Physics of Solid State 2002. V.44, № 7,
27. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Kinetics of nucleation in eutectic point and formation
mechanism of domain structure // Zhurnal Fiz.Khim.2003, V.77, № 10, pp.1866-1870.
28. V.N.Bessolov, S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, A.V.Lukyanov, Heteroepitaxy of gallium
nitride layers: the role of initial stages in film formation // Mater.Phys.Mech. 2003.
V.6, pp.1-12.
29. S.A.Kukushkin, Initial stages of brittle destruction of solids // Mechanics-Uspekhi
2003. № 2, pp.21-43.
30. S.K.Gordeev, S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, and Yu.V.Pavlov, Self-Organization in
the Formation of a Nanoporous Carbon Material // Phys. Solid State 2000. V.42.
31. S.A.Kukushkin, D.A.Grigor'ev, D.A.Indeitsev, O.V.Potapov, V.M.Fokin, Kinetics of
the initial stage of Crystallization at a spatially inhomogeneous temperature
distribution 2001. V.27, № 3, pp.250-258.
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ИПМаш РАН, Лаборатория структурных и фазовых превращений в конденсированных средах
32. S.A.Kukushkin, V.N.Bessolov, Yu.V.Zhilyaev, E.V.Konenkova, A.V.Lukyanov,
S.D.Raevskii, V.A.Fedirko, Initial stages of growth of GaN on oxiding silicon //
Pisma v ZhTF 2001. V.27, № 23, pp.60-66.
33. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Theory of switching in ferroelectrics // Ferroelectrics
2002. V. 280, pp.3-33.
34. S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Thermodynamics and kinetics of switching effects in
ferroelectrics // Physical Review B. 2003. V.65 (in press).
35. A.G.Ambrok, E.V.Kalashnikov, S.A.Kukushkin, Influence of selective heating on the
kinetics of the late stage of first-order phase transitions 2001. V.46, № 3, pp.311-315.
36. S.A.Kukushkin, V.N.Bessolov, Yu.V.Zhilyaev, E.V.Konenkova, M.E.Kompan,
M.V.Mesh, A.L.Fradkov, V.A.Fedirko, Hightemperature annealing of volume GaN
layers // Pisma v ZhTF 2002. V.28, № 23, pp.44-49.
37. S.A.Kukushkin, A.G.Ambrok, E.V.Kalashnikov, Kinetics of the late stage of first –
order phase transitions under laser irradiation // J. of Applied Physics 2002. V.91, №8,
38. S.A.Kukushkin, D.A.Grigoriev, Theory of Island Film Growth from Eutectic Melt at
the Late Stage of Evolution // Growth of Crystals 2002, Vol. 21, edited by
E.I.Givargizov and A.M.Mel”nikova , Kluwer Academic, pp.81-89.
39. S.A.Kukushkin, V.N. Bessolov, A.V. Osipov, A.V. Luk'yanov, Heteroepitaxy of
Gallium Nitride Layers: the Role of Initial Stages in Film Formation // Mater. Phys.
Mech. 2002. V.6, №1, pp.1-12.
40. F.Schmitt, A.V.Osipov, P.Hess, Real-time diagnostics of growth of germanium
nanocrystallites on partially hydrogen-terminated silicon surfaces by spectroscopic
ellipsometry // Appl. Surf. Science 2002. V.188, pp.103-109.
41. A.V.Osipov, F.Schmitt, S.A.Kukushkin, P.Hess, Stress-driven nucleation of coherent
islands: theory and experiment // Appl. Surf. Science 2002. V.188, pp.156-162.
42. A.V.Osipov, Continuum theory of new phase formation on the surface of a solid //
Phys.Solid State 1996. V.38, № 7, pp.1192-1198.
43. A.L.Fradkov, P.YuGuzenko, S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, Dynamics and control of
thin film growth process from a multicomponent gas // J.Phys. D.: Appl.Phys. 1997.
V.30, pp.2794-2797.
44. A.V.Osipov, I.A.Ovid'ko, Diffusion-induced decay of disclinations and solid state
amorphization in mechanically alloyed materials // Appl. Phys. 1992. V.A54, pp.517519.
45. A.V.Osipov, I.A.Ovid'ko, Splitting of disclinations and the "crystal-glass" transition in
mechanical alloying // Sov. Phys. Solid State 1992. V.34, pp.152-154.
46. A.V.Osipov, Kinetic model of vapour-deposited thin film condensation: nucleation
stage // Thin Solid Films 1993. V.227, pp.111-118.
47. A.V.Osipov, Kinetics of bulk crystallization of a melt in its initial state // Phys. Solid
State 1994. V.36, pp.664-671.
48. A.V.Osipov, Continuum theory of new phase formation on the surface of a solid //
Phys. Solid State 1995. V.38, pp.1192-1198.
49. A.V.Osipov, A continuum model for thin-film condensation // J. Phys. D.: Appl.
Phys 1995. V.28, pp.1670-1679.
50. A.V.Osipov, Kinetic model of vapour-deposited thin film condensation: stage of
liquid-like coalescence // Thin Solid Films 1995. V.231, pp.173-182.
51. Y.K.Ezhovskii, A.V.Osipov, Thermodynamic model of functional group distribution
and kinetics of cluster formation on crystalline matrix surface // Khim. Fiz. 1996.
V.15, №8, pp.77-83.
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ИПМаш РАН, Лаборатория структурных и фазовых превращений в конденсированных средах
V.N.Bessolov, S.A.Kukushkin, A.V.Osipov, A.V.Lukyanov «Technique of preparation
of epitaxial 111-nitride semiconductor layer on a foreign substrate» Pat. № 2187172,
The Laboratory publications cited over the past 5 years
Prof. S.A.Kukushkin and Dr. A.V.Osipov were included into "List of most cited Russian
scientists during the past 5 years" (the List numbers 600 persons as a whole).
Laboratory of phase transition, Institute of Problems of
Mechanical Engineering, V.O., Bolshoy pr. 61 St. Petersburg,
199178, Russia
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