Museums and Community Collaborations Abroad, 2008-2010

Museums Connect: Building Global Communities
Implementation Agreement 2013: Financials
All US and non-US partners should collaborate on the responses to the questions below in conjunction
with the US Fiscal Agent.
Who will be the US payee to which grant disbursements are made? What is the
organization’s mailing address? Should disbursements be made electronically
(ACH) or by check? If payments are being made by ACH, please also complete
the ACH form for the appropriate institution.
Museums Connect disbursements are made to the US partner, who in turn is responsible for disbursing
funds to the non-US partner. Please consider if the funds should go to the lead US museum or another
group, such as the museum’s friends group or a museum-related foundation.
Will grant disbursements be made in advance of each quarter or on a
reimbursement basis upon submission of an invoice or financial report outlining
actual expenses?
Museums may request advance funds for estimated needs on a quarterly basis, or they may choose to be
reimbursed for actual costs. Lead US museums choosing to be reimbursed must agree to advance nonUS partners with funds to complete project activities, if necessary.
If requesting advance payments, approximately what dollar amount of the grant
funds will be needed between the signing of the Implementation Agreement and
October 2013?
Museums Connect funds will be disbursed to the lead US museum quarterly in anticipation of the
quarter’s expenses. Disbursement of funds is contingent on timely submission of quarterly reports.
How will airline tickets be purchased to ensure that they comply with the Fly
America Act?
Will the lead museum be responsible for purchasing all airline tickets to ensure compliance with the Fly
America Act, or will the individuals be responsible for purchasing their own tickets for reimbursement?
Please note that tickets that are not in compliance with the Act cannot be reimbursed using
Museums Connect funds.
Please confirm that all Project Coordinators and the US Fiscal Agent are aware
that Museums Connect cannot fund the US travel (e.g., airfare, lodging, meals and
incidentals, ground transportation) of any non-US participant who does not
obtain a J-1 visa.
It is required by law that all non-US participants traveling to the US on Museums Connect funds obtain J1 visas. Participants must apply for J-1 visas through Museums Connect at least two to three months in
advance of travel.
What are the approved per diem rates in each location? Does your budget use
these rates or something different? Please note that rates higher than those
approved are not allowable.
For US rates, see For non-US rates, see For Alaska, Hawaii, and US Territories, see If you are using rates less than those approved,
please explain the circumstances (e.g., meals and incidental amounts reduced because of working meals
covered by the grant or cost share, reduced lodging costs because of organizational discounts).
US Maximum Lodging Rate:
US Maximum Meals & Incidentals:
Non-US Maximum Lodging Rate:
Non-US Maximum Meals & Incidentals:
How will funds be disbursed to US and non-US participants traveling abroad?
Will travelers receive a set per diem documented with a signed funds received form, submitting receipts
only for expenses over $75 USD/day, or will they be required to submit receipts for all expenses and be
reimbursed only for actual expenses incurred? Please note that in some countries, receipts may not be
available or may be written using a different alphabet. Museums Connect recommends that US travelers
receive at least partial funds prior to their trip. Non-US travelers should also receive at least partial
payment of their travel funds prior to their trip and the balance in cash upon arrival. Please note that
special arrangements to obtain funds in cash may need to be made with the accounting department and
should be made well in advance of non-US participant travel.
How will funds be disbursed to US and non-US participants for other expenses?
For in-country travel and other expenses, please briefly explain planned funds advance/reimbursement
procedures. Please also confirm the method that will be used to transfer funds keeping in mind that wire
transfer may not be the best option in all cases.
In addition to airfare, lodging, and stipends, what travel-related expenses do
grant funds cover?
Are participants responsible for costs associated with visas including travel to the US Embassy/Consulate
for J-1 visa interviews, travelers insurance, inoculations, or will grant funds cover such expenses? Please
note that all non-US participants are required to obtain a J-1 visa, which necessitates a trip to the nearest
US Embassy or Consulate and may require an overnight stay if the distance is great. Also note that nonUS participants traveling to the US are covered by the Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges
(ASPE) plan, which covers emergencies only and is paid for by the US Department of State. Similar
coverage for US travelers is not provided.
The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA)
Because Museums Connect is funded by the federal government, the program and all subawards must
be in compliance with The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) (see for additional information). To maintain some confidentiality, the information
requested below may be sent separately to Museums Connect ( either by
institutions or individuals. Please note, however, that FFATA legislation requires information on federal
awards be made available to the public via the website Classified information is
exempt from the prime and sub-award reporting requirement as are contracts with individuals.
All US and non-US organizations must provide a Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S number before the award
can be finalized. If your organization is not registered with Dun & Bradstreet, visit for more information on requesting a D-U-N-S number, which can be
issued within one-two business days and is free of charge.
If partnering with multiple US and/or non-US museums, please provide the requested information for all
US Museum D-U-N-S #:
Non-US Museum D-U-N-S #:
Lead US Museum’s Top Five Executives
All lead US museums receiving subawards equal to or more than $25,000 USD as well as all partner
museums receiving equal to or more than $25,000 USD directly from the lead US museum  must provide
the names and total compensation of the museum’s top five executives 1. Attach the appropriate page of
the organization’s most recent 990 or complete the following:
Total Compensation
Total Compensation
Total Compensation
Total Compensation
Total Compensation
Non-US Museum’s Top Five Executives
All non-US museums receiving over $25,000 USD directly from their US museum partner must provide
the names and total compensation of the museum’s top five executives :
Total Compensation
Total Compensation
Total Compensation
Total Compensation
Total Compensation
If a US or non-US museum partner receives less than $25,000 directly because the lead US museum
purchases the majority of supplies and pays directly for travel expenses, the museum partner is not
required to provide this information but must submit a the FFATA Compliance form signed by the
museum director and the US fiscal agent.
1 Officers, managing partners, or any other employees in management positions