Jay’me Stevens – 815-861-5505
4826 Inmans Way, Ringwood, IL 60072
This contract is made by and between Jay’me Stevens, here to fore known as Stallion Owner, and
________________________________,here to fore known as Mare Owner/Lessee, for breeding the Mare named:
_______________________________ to the Stallion named: Noteworthy for the 2014 breeding season, subject to the following terms and conditions:
THE MARE: The mare to be bred is (registered with): _________________________Reg. number:___________________; foaled in the year _____________, Approved by the following Registries: ________________________________________
Color _________________ Markings _____________________________________________________________________
Mare’s Sire:_________________________ Mare’s Dam:____________________ Dam’s Sire:________________________
The Purchaser may not substitute another mare for breeding without prior consent. Embryo Transfers are prohibited without an Embryo Transfer agreement.
FEES: The Purchaser agrees to pay the Stallion Owner the booking fee apon signing the contract and the remainder of the stud fee before the mare is inseminated. a.
Noteworthy’s stallion service fee of $1500.00 ($250. Booking fee included). is to be paid as stated above. b.
A Credit Card number for the shipping container “deposit” and from which shipping and handling fees will be deducted throughout the breeding season is needed for DR. ANDREW SCHMIDT at Wisconsin Eqine Clinic
(262) 569-1550 c.
Mare owners are required to set up an account Wisconsin Equine Clinic prior to breeding.
The first stallion collection is included with the breeding. Mare owners are responsible for all shipping and collection fees of the semen after the first collection. All mare expenses are the mare owners responsibility.
RESERVATIONS FOR SEMEN: Fresh chilled semen is available for collection most days of the week. A conversation with
Jay’me Stevens (815-861-5505) before 5pm EST the day prior to the need for collection is a must. Notification and communication as to the progress of your mares cycle is greatly appreciated.
VIABILITY: Fresh chilled semen shall be shipped when available and in a timely manner as per the semen order conversation. The semen will be determined viable by an on-staff technician at the time of packaging, and that the container will be properly packaged at the time of shipment as to reasonably guarantee the semen will remain viable for up to 48 hours after collection, so long as the container has not been opened, radiographed, or tampered with in any way. However, we’re not responsible for any form of delay in delivery or improper handing of the container after shipping. This guarantee of viability refers only to the collection and packaging of the semen.
PRIORITY OF ORDERS: All semen orders will be filled as received, subject to the availability of the stallion. If there are insufficient doses of semen to fill orders on a given day, the Vet has sole discretion in determining which orders will be honored. For Farm-bred Mares this decision will be based on palpation results; for Mares bred off the Farm, this decision will be based on the information provided by the Purchaser’s veterinarian. Additional considerations in any case may include, but are not limited to, breeding history of the Mare, shipping schedules, client history and the availability of shipping containers.
SHIPPING CONTAINER: The Purchaser agrees to return the shipping container having been postmarked within 3 days of receipt, with all the parts and pieces included and in good condition. The Purchaser understands that failure to do so will result in a $25 penalty per day. If the container has not been returned within 14 days, it will be considered the property of the
Purchaser at that time, subject to the full purchase price ($350.00) of the container. If additional shipments of semen are required by the purchaser, shipments will not be made until any and all fees are paid in full.
Jay’me Stevens – 815-861-5505
4826 Inmans Way, Ringwood, IL 60072
CONDITIONS: The Purchaser agrees that the Mare to be bred is healthy, in sound breeding condition, and able to bear foals, as determined by a licensed veterinarian prior to breeding.
RETURN OF SERVICE: The Purchaser is not entitled to a refund of fees for any reason, except for those listed in 9, below.
However, the Purchaser may have the right of return for stallion service for no more than a total of three (2) breeding seasons, including the season in which the contract was signed, and only in the following circumstances: a.
If the Mare is confirmed in foal and subsequently becomes barren during gestation, the Mare is eligible for return. b.
If the Mare produces a stillborn foal, or a live foal that does not stand and nurse unassisted within 24 hours, the
Mare is eligible for return of service if a veterinary certificate confirming the death is provided c.
If the Mare dies after she has been serviced, the Purchaser may submit a veterinarian signed death certificate to substitute a different mare by October 1 st of the current season. Failure to provide appropriate paperwork by the deadline will result in the contract being null and void, at which time the Purchaser is not entitled to any refund of fees or additional shipments of semen whatsoever. d.
If the Mare is to be sold or otherwise change ownership during the term of this agreement, the Purchaser is responsible for submitting necessary paperwork, including confirmation of barrenness, to substitute another mare before the original Mare has been sold. Failure to do so before the Mare has been sold will result in the contract being null and void, at which time the Purchaser is not entitled to any refund of fees or additional shipments of semen whatsoever.
REFUND OF FEES: Should the Stallion die or become unfit for service prior to serving the Mare in the current breeding season, the Purchaser will be entitled to a full refund of the stud fee.
PENALTY: By participating in this agreement, the Purchaser agrees to accept responsibility for the legitimate use of any and all semen provided by Noteworthy. Any unused Semen should be discarded. If it is discovered that an unauthorized foal is produced by a mare using the semen originally provided by Noteworthy, any and all parties participating in such fraudulent activities, including breeder, mare owner, veterinarian, breeding technician, or similar agents or staff of, will be subject to fees and prosecution, including the following, for each incident: a. Assessment of fees no less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000 USD) to be paid to the Stallion Owner by each
individual involved b. Criminal charges. c. Repossession of the foal by the Stallion Owner
d. Reimbursement to the Stallion Owner for any and all court and attorney fees necessary to initiate a civil action, as well as reimbursement for acquisition fees, costs to determine paternity, and/or recover livestock.
NON-ASSIGNMENT: This agreement is non-transferable by the Purchaser without written consent.
WARRANTY: To responsibility for the condition and quality of the semen once it has left the premises. ALL
LIABILITY: The Purchaser solely accepts any and all responsibility for the health, soundness and condition of the Mare, and releases the Stallion Owner from any liability associated with the Mare. The Purchaser agrees to hold the Stallion Owner harmless for any long or short term damage to the Mare, including but not limited to illness, injury, death, infection or loss of any subsequent foal beyond the stated 48 hours from birth.
GOVERNING LAW: This agreement falls under ILLINIOS law.
Jay’me Stevens – 815-861-5505
4826 Inmans Way, Ringwood, IL 60072
REGISTRATION 2014 foals can be registered with the following Registry ISR/Oldenburg N.A
Agent, _____________________________________________(print name) _____________________________________________(signature)
Purchaser:__________________________________________(print name) _____________________________________________(signature)
Purchaser Address:____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________
Home Telephone: ( ) __________ - ________________
Work Telephone: ( ) __________ - ________________
Cell Phone: ( ) __________ - ________________
Email address: ____________________________________@________________________
Mare Owner information (if different than Purchaser):
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________
Home Telephone: ( ) __________ - ________________
Work Telephone: ( ) __________ - ________________
Cell Phone: ( ) __________ - ________________
Email address: ____________________________________@________________________25
Mare location and shipping information.:
Name of Farm or clinic __________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip, _______ _______________________________________________________
Name of Vet ___________________________________________________________________
Contact # _____________________________ email___________________________________
Please send in prior to requesting a shipment:
Mare Health Form
Copy of Registration papers
Copy of approval papers (if applicable)
Photograph of mare
Jay’me Stevens – 815-861-5505
4826 Inmans Way, Ringwood, IL 60072
For Dr. Andrew Schmidt
Wisconsin Equine Clinic
Mare Information:
Mare Name:
Registry & #:
Color and Markings:
Approved by:
Owner Name:
Breeding History:
Mare is Currently:
Maiden Mare (has never been bred)
Mare (has previously had _____foal(s), but is not nursing now) Date of Last Foaling:_____________
Foal by Side (currently nursing, has had ____ foal(s) previously) Date of Last Foaling:_______________
Previous Breeding Complications (if any), please check all that apply:
Irregular Heat Cycles
Foaling Damage or Difficulty
Prior Caslicks
Prior Abortion
Past Uterine Infections (describe):
Early Fetal Loss – at what gestation: _____days
Retained Placenta:
Prior Abortion (describe):
Please note:
Declaring complications will not exclude your mare from eligibility to breed. We simply want to have all the information possible to give you the best service.
Reproductive Soundness Check:
Result of Uterine Culture/cytology: Date: Presiding Veterinarian:
(If applicable) Clinic Name:
Result of Uterine Biopsy: Date: Presiding Veterinarian:
(If applicable) Clinic Name:
Date of Last Equine Rhinopneumonitis vaccine: (Equine herpes 1)
Mare location for semen shipping purposes:
Name of farm or clinic ______________________________________
City, State, zip, ___________________________________________
Name of Vet. ______________________________________________
Contact phone # 1.__________________________________________
Contact phone # 2.__________________________________________
Jay’me Stevens – 815-861-5505
4826 Inmans Way, Ringwood, IL 60072
Noteworthy Stallion 2014 Service Fee:
Non-refundable booking fee (included in stallion service fees):
$ 1500.00
$ 250.00
Collection and handling fee (The first collection is included):
Mare owners are responsible for all collecting and handling after the first shipment $ 251.00
Shipping @ cost (Average $66.50)
Container Fee $ 15.00
Jay’me Stevens – 815-861-5505
4826 Inmans Way, Ringwood, IL 60072
Jay’me Stevens – 815-861-5505
4826 Inmans Way, Ringwood, IL 60072
This form/contract certifies that
Wisconsin Equine Clinic & Hospital
Semen Shipping Agreement
Form MUST be submitted by mare owner/agent to Wisconsin Equine prior to verbal request for semen shipment
Semen will not be shipped without written form being on file, Changes made during the year must be submitted in writing with a new form
(Prices subject to change without notice)
, the mare owner, has agreed to breed to the stallion
, during the 2014 breeding season for the following mare:
Reg. Name: Breed: Registration No:
Wisconsin Equine Clinic & Hospital (WECH), agent for above named stallion, will adhere to the following guidelines for the year of 2013:
All collection and shipping fees will be paid in full before any semen will be shipped.
Collection days are Monday – Friday, year round; 8am – 12pm CST. Collection and shipments on Saturday and Sunday are available at an additional cost ($45/collection + shipping fees).
WECH must be notified, BY PHONE no later than 5PM CST on the day before the collection/shipment is to be completed.
If a collection is requested same day (between 7am-10am CST), every effort will be made by WECH staff to accommodate this request, but it is not a guarantee that the stallion will be available or that the appropriate staff will be available to collect, process, and ship the semen. You may also incur a $45 late notice fee.
Mare owner agrees to pay all shipping fees.
If mare owner has their own Federal Express account number, this may be used, but must be provided at the time the collection is scheduled - prior to shipment (indicate on the bottom of this form).
All semen is shipped via Federal Express. If this service is not available in your area, please provide WECH with an alternate mode of transportation and we will do everything possible to accommodate this request.
Same day service (airline) is available at an additional charge. Mare owner must provide the airport of choice to be used for this type of service.
Collection fees (all fees include : Clinic call, collection & processing of semen, and equitainer rental):
Fed Ex shipments: $244.50 + shipping
Airline shipments: $479.50 (also includes: airline shipping & courier fee, equitainer rental)
Fed Ex to Canada: $444.50 (also includes: USDA & WECH paperwork and Courier fee) + shipping
Mare owner required to provide import permit a minimum of 2 weeks prior to potential shipment
WECH staff will call mare owner or designated agent with tracking numbers for the shipment the day of collection. Please make sure
WECH has updated information in regards to phone numbers/email addresses to verify this information. If you do not hear from us by 4pm the day the shipment is to have been shipped, please call our office.
Containers are the responsibility of the mare owner to make sure they are returned to WECH in a timely manner (3 days).
WECH is not responsible for shipments once the container has left our hands.
Shipping Information:
Ship To:
Mare Owner Information:
(Only bold area required if owner not setting up account for payment arrangements)
(ORDER for specific day to be place via PHONECALL)
Address: Owner:
Alt Ph:
Credit Card #: exp:
Preferred Major Airport:
3 digit code:
Fed Ex Account number to be used for shipment:
Hm Ph:
Wk Ph:
Please let us know if your information changes during the course of the breeding season, we are looking forward to working with you!
Wisconsin Equine Clinic & Hospital |39151 Delafield Rd | Oconomowoc, WI 53066 | Phone: 262-569-1550 or Fax: 262-569-9566
Jay’me Stevens – 815-861-5505
4826 Inmans Way, Ringwood, IL 60072
Pregnant Mare: a.
Keep your mare on a regular de-worming schedule with your other horses. We have recently changed our deworming to a rotational schedule, based on a fecal exam. Your mare will be placed in a low, moderate, or high shedder group which will determine how many times per year she will need to be dewormed. Please contact our office for further information. All dewormers on our schedule are safe for pregnant mares. Ivermectin will be used an additional time after foaling. b.
Rhinopneumonitis vaccines are recommended at 4, 6 and 8 months of gestation to help prevent viral abortions. A separate
Influenza vaccine is suggested at 6 or 8 months of gestation. (Sept. or Oct.) We do not suggest vaccinating early pregnant mares at all between breeding and 45 days gestation. Keep your mares current on West Nile vaccinations if your veterinarian suggests it, it is safe for pregnant mares. c.
Eastern and Western Equine Encephalitis, Tetanus, Influenza, Rhino and West Nile vaccinations given at 10 months of gestation (usually scheduled separately for each pregnant mare 4-6 weeks prior to estimated foaling dates.) A Strangles vaccine
(I.M.) is an optional vaccine given at 10 months of gestation in areas of high exposure to this disease. These vaccines will encourage good colostral antibodies against these bacteria and viruses for your foal’s protection after birth. d.
Rotavirus is shed in manure and can cause diarrhea in foals. We are recommending that any farm that is having multiple foals born, or has had problems with diarrhea in your foals in the past, that you vaccinate your pregnant mares for Rotavirus (Fort
Dodge) at 8, 9, and 10 months of gestation.
If you plan on foaling your mare at WECH, this protocol is strongly recommended. e.
Open Caslick’s at 2-3 weeks prior to due date (or when enlargement of mammary gland is noticed.) If your mare has a history of problems in late pregnancy or foaling early, please discuss with your veterinarian BEFORE having the Caslick’s removed. f.
All broodmares are considered high risk for infectious disease. We recommend isolating broodmares from all other horses on the farm, especially new horses or horses that travel or show.
At Foaling a.
De-worm mare with Ivermectin paste the day of foaling to reduce Strongyloides westeri larval transmission through milk and decrease the risk of diarrhea at foal heat. b.
Apply dilute betadine solution to foal’s navel 2-3 times daily for the first 2 days. c.
If foaling is uncomplicated, have a veterinarian perform a physical examination on the foal and mare. We suggest blood be drawn from the foal to assess transfer of colostrum at 8-24 hours after foal has nursed (IGG test and CBC). d.
The foal should only be given a Tetanus Toxoid at birth if the mare was not given a Tetanus Toxoid booster in the last 4-6 weeks. (included in the 5/1 )
Foal De-worming a.
Rotate de-worming starting at 2 months of age and continuing monthly until 1 year of age with 1/3 to 1/2 tube (400-500# dose for most foals except miniature horses) of:
Month 1- Ivermectin (age 2 months) Month 2-Strongid
Month 3- Panacur or Anthelcide Month 4- restart rotation
Foal Vaccinations:
(Prestige IV-Foalshot)
West Nile: X
Strangles IM
Pregnant Mare Vaccinations:
Gestation: 4mo 6mo 8mo 9mo 10mo
Rhinopneumonitis: X X X
Influenza IM
X or X
Rotavirus: X
West Nile:
Strangles IM
Foals that are on farms with a history of respiratory problems or foals that have a questionable immune system require special consideration…contact our medicine or reproductive departments to help address your foal’s individual needs.