Coast Steelhead Adult Abundance Monitoring Design Spatial Design Temporal Design Response Design Inference Design Evaluation Thresholds References Spatial Design The design is similar to that created for Oregon coast coho (Stevens, 2002). A GIS coverage of streams was used as a frame for the population. The coverage was based on USGS 1:24,000 topographic maps, modified by ODFW to correspond to the target population of streams for each population. The goal was to provide annual estimates for each of the assessment units with a 95% confidence interval of +30%. To do this, a minimum of 30 sites or 30% (whichever comes first) of the available spawning habitat for was sampled in each of the assessment units. Inference is made for Independent Populations prior to 2008, and for Strata from 2008- present. . Click here to see the current spawner assessment units monitored by.ODFW’s Oregon Adult Salmonid Inventory and Sampling (OASIS) project (ODFW monitors only the portions in Oregon). Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified designs (GRTS) achieve a spatially-balanced random point distribution (Stevens, 1997; Stevens & Olsen, 1999; Stevens & Olsen, 2003; Stevens and Olsen, 2004) and this approach was used. Temporal Design A rotating panel design was used to accommodate the need for repeat visits while continuing to expand the scope of the sample every year. Sets of panels are visited on different cycles. The design consists of 40 panels, with one panel defining sites visited every year, 3 panels defining sites visited on a 3-year cycle, 9 panels defining sites visited on a 9-year cycle, and 27 panels defining sites visited on a 27-year cycle. An equal number of sites were allotted to each panel. Due to reduction in funding, all sites conducted Since 2008 are from the annual panel exclusively. Response Design Spawning ground surveys are conducted from January through May. Visits at a site are conducted at least once every 14 days throughout the course of the spawning survey season. Surveyors either walk upstream or boat downstream, depending of the size of the stream being surveyed. On average, sample sites are roughly 1 mile long. The exact length of samples sites is determined by proximity to landmarks (such as bridge crossings and tributary junctions).The surveyors count redds, live and dead fish (by species and fin-mark), and sample carcasses for gender, length (mm MEPS), scales, fin clips and tags. For a full description of the field methods used to conduct the spawning surveys click here. Analytical procedures to calculate metrics: Because adult steelhead spawners are not reliably observable in spawning ground surveys, redd counts are used as a proxy for adult abundance. (Susac, 1998). Steelhead can be found spawning in streams over a period of several months. Because it is too costly and impractical to conduct daily counts of the number of steelhead redds deposited at all randomly selected spawning survey sites during this extended time period, it is necessary to employ statistical techniques to expand periodic counts (i.e. those conducted once every 14 days or less throughout the spawning season) to an estimate of the total number of redds deposited at the site. Individual sites are assessed for quality of data according to methods developed by Stevens (2002) and Susac and Jacobs (1998). Sites that pass QA/QC tests are expressed using an indicator variable Spt to represent sites within population area p or strata t that were successfully surveyed. This indicator variable expression is given as: { I(Spt) = 1, if (Spt) meets criteria within population p and stratum t; 0, otherwise. The response (R), which is the number of redds per mile observed at each successful site over the entire season within the population areas (Spt) is calculated using rates of positive fin mark observations from both recovered carcasses and live adult observations to adjust response for hatchery and wild fish. The following equation was used to adjust response from each site for hatchery fish (Hankin 1982) for population area (Spt), Rw = R * (w/w+h) where, Rw = response from wild, R = response from site, w = wild fish observed within population area Spt and, h = hatchery fish observed within population area Spt. Inference Design Expansion of observations to areas not surveyed is performed by weighting each site to represent a fraction of the total available miles of habitat. The response from each site is then multiplied by this weight to determine redd abundance over the frame. Weight is calculated using the formula: W = m / ∑ I (Spt) where W = weight, m = total spawning habitat stream miles in population area Spt. Steelhead redd abundance for a population area (Spt) is then calculated as follows: X = ∑ R* W where, X = steelhead redd abundance, R = response for each site, and W = weight. Similarly, the response variable for wild fish (RW) was used to determine redd abundance from wild steelhead. Furthermore, this redd abundance estimate is converted from redds to adults using the equation N = 1.0379X +42 where, N = number of adult spawners, and X = redd abundance. Refer to to calculate population abundance estimates and confidence intervals. Evaluation Thresholds There are currently no established abundance goals for Oregon Coast Steelhead abundance. References Beidler, W.M., and T.E. Nickelson. (1980). An evaluation of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife standard spawning survey system for coho salmon. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Information Reports (Fish) 80-9, Portland. Hankin, D. 1982. Estimating escapement of Pacific salmon: marking practices to discriminate wild and hatchery fish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 111:286-298. Perrin, C.J., and J.R. Irvine. (1990). A review of survey life estimates as they apply to the area-under-the-curve method for estimating the spawning escapement of pacific salmon. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1733. Stevens, D.L., Jr. (1997). .Variable density grid-based sampling designs for continuous spatial populations’. Environmetrics 8: 167-195. Stevens, D.L. (2002). Sampling design and statistical analysis methods for integrated biological and physical monitoring of Oregon streams. OPSW-ODFW-2002-07, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, Oregon. Stevens, Jr., D. L. and A. R. Olsen. (1999). .Spatially Restricted Surveys Over Time for Aquatic Resources. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 4:415-428. Stevens, Jr., D. L. and A. R. Olsen. (2004). .Spatially Balanced Sampling of Natural Resources. Journal of the American Statistical Association 99:262-278. Stevens, Jr. D.L., and N.S. Urquhart. (2000). Response Designs and Support Regions in Sampling Continuous Domains. Environmetrics 11:13-41. Stevens, Jr., D.L., and A. R. Olsen. (2003). Variance Estimation for Spatially Balanced Samples of Environmental Resources. Environmetrics 14:593-610. Susac, G. and S. Jacobs. (1998). Evaluation of Spawning Ground Surveys for Indexing the Abundance of Adult Winter Steelhead in Oregon Coastal Basins. Annual Progress Report, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, Oregon. Willis, R.A. (1954). The length of time that silver salmon spent before death on spawning grounds at Spring Creek, Wilson River in 1951-52. Fish Commission of Oregon Research Briefs 5:27-31.