DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI 612.1 INFORMATION SOURCES AND LITERATURE OF HUMANITIES (Already Approved) Nature and scope of the literature of humanities; general materials, reference books, public documents, serials, and a. V. Materials and electronic information and data base national and international scholars and organizations. Readings 1 Encyclopedia of Humanities and social science.( 1992) Edited by S. S Shash, New Delhi: Anmol Publisher. 2 Global book in print plus. 2000) R. R. Bowker. The Electronic publication. 3 Gould. C. (1998) Information Needs in Humanities; An Assessments. Mountain View, a research literature Group. 4. Hosolitz, P. F. (1969) Reader’s guide to the Social Sciences. (New York: Free Press) 1. Katz William A. (1997) An Introduction to Reference Works .2 Vol. New York: McGrawhill. 6. Olle ,James G. (1981) A guide to source of information in libraries. London: Grower. 7. Prytherch, Ray. (1991) Information management and library services; A guide to the libraries. Hants: Grower. 8. Salvene, Thomas p.(1996) The Retrieval of Information in Social Science and Humanities.2nd ed. New York: Marcel and Decker. 9. Sheely Engere P.(1986) Guide to Reference Book. 10th ed. Chicago: American Library Association. 10. Wallerd. Guided to Reference Metrical. (1988) Edited by Alan Daly.7th ed. London: Library Association. 11. Whilaker. Book imprint: The reference catalogue of current literature. (1994) London: Whilaker. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline 612.2 Information Sources And Literature Of Applied Sciences Nature and scope of Technology; General matrials, reference books, public documents, serials, A. V. materials and electronic information sources and Data Bases. National and International Scholars and Organizations. Readings 1. Information sources in Engineering, Butterworth guide to information sources. (1985 )[] Anthony, I. J. London: Butterworth. 2. Chauda, T. V. Prafula and Rao. N. V. Juagga. Health information services: pattern and problems, in new vistas in library and information science, edited by A. A. N. Raju.. [et al] New Delhi. Vikas publishing 3. Lambert, Gill and Lambert, Peter A.(1986) How to find information in science and technology. London: Clive Benglay. 4. Lilly, G. P.(1981) Information Sources in Agriculture and Food Sciences. Butterworth guide to information sources. London: Butterworth. 5. Mount, Illis. (1985) Fee based services in science and technology libraries. New York: the Haworth Press. 6. Owen .P. B. and Others. (1974) Abstract and Indexes in science and technology: A Descriptive Guide (Metuchan: Scarecrow Press.) 7. Parker, C. C. (1986) Information Source in Science and Technology: A Practical Guide to Traditional and Online Use. London: Butterworth. 8. Passonum Sidney. (1969) Scientific and technological communication (Oxford Pergamon) 9. Sasikala, C. (1995) Industrial information facility. Some observation. In new vistas in Library ad Information Science. Edited by A. A. N. Raju. [et al] New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House. 10. Steinke. Cynthis. (1993) instruction for information access and technology libraries. N Y. Howorth Press. 11. Walford’s guide to reference material. (1998) [] Alan Daly. 7th ed. London. Library Association. 12. Wyatt, HV [ed], (1987) Information sources in life services. London: Butterworth. Given To Qumars Computer DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline MLIS: 612.3 Information Sources And Literature of Pakistan Introduction Nature and scope of the Literature of Pakistan, Literature on Quaid-e-Azam, Iqbaliyat and Pakistan Studies. Research Organizations, Societies and Associations, Eminent Scholars and Publishers, Problems in Bibliographical control of Literature of Pakistan. UNIT-I Pakistan: Introduction, Nature and Scope of Literature 1. Pakistan: Literacy and Education System. Printing and Publishing: Situation, Problems suggestions. 2. Nature of the Literature of Pakistan a. General Books: History, Culture, Development, Bibliographies and Autobiographies b. Reference Material: Encyclopedias, Yearbooks, Annual Reports, Plans, Survey Reports. c. Periodical Literature: Journals and Newspapers d. Geographical Sources: Maps, Gazetteers, Atlases, tourist/Travel Guides e. Bibliographical Literature: Bibliographies, Catalogues, Indexes and Abstracts. UNIT-II Literature on Quaid-e-Azam 1. Biographical, Bibliographical Reference and Periodical Literature on Qauid-e-Azam. 2. Contribution of Quaid-e-Azam Academy and other organizations and publishers and eminent writers. UNIT-III Literature on Iqbaliyat 1. Biographical, Bibliographical Reference and Periodical Literature on Allama Iqbal. 2. Contribution of Iqbal Academy and other associations and organizations and eminent publishers and writers. UNIT-IV Literature on Pakistan Studies 1. Bibliographic Sources. 2. Informative Sources. 3. Biographical Sources 4. Current Periodicals. 5. Eminent Organizations, Personalities and Publishers. UNIT-V Accessibility and Control of Literature 1. Problems of Bibliographical Control. 2. Solutions/Suggestions to Problems. 3. Contribution of Various Institutions/Organizations Readings 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. READINGS: Pakistan/ David Taylor, Oxford, Clio English Press, 1990. Pakistan Year Book, Rafiq Akhtar, Karachi East and West 1990 (recent) Doctoral Research on Pakistan: Muhammad Anwer, Islamabad: National Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1976. Pakistan National Bibliography: Islamabad, Govt. of Pakistan: Ministry of Education, Department of Libraries, 1962, (Last 5 years) A Select Bibliography of Periodical Literature on India and Pakistan Islamabad: National Commission on Historical and Cultural Research 1976, 1984,3 vols. Analytical Catalogue of Publications on Pakistan: A. H. Siddiqui. Islamabad: PIDE, 1985. Reference Sources on Pakistan: A. H. Siddiqui, Karachi: National Book Centre of Pakistan, 1968. The Historical Background of Pakistan: 1857-1947, an annotated digert of source material, Karachi: Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, 1970. Bibliography of Bibliographies published in Pakistan: A. H. Siddiqui Karachi: P.B.W.G., 1961. Books on Pakistan: A bibliography covering books Indigenous and Foreign on Cultural and Historical Aspects of Pakistan: Karachi: National Book Council of Pakistan, 1962. Learned Bodies and Research Organizations in Pakistan: Karachi, National Book Council, 1966-67, 2 Vols. Humanities, Social Sciences and Science and Technology. Index, Articles and Review: Published in the Journals of the Pakistan Historical Society. 1953-77, Mirza Mahmud Baig. Karachi: Pakistan Historical Society, 1978. Indexed Periodical Literature: Shamim Zia and Moonis Ahmar. Kararachi: Area Study Center for Europe, University of Karachi, 1987. English Language Periodicals from Pakistan: Karachi, National Book Council, 1966. Biographical Encyclopedia of Pakistan: Lahore: Int. Publishers, 1975. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah: Anis Khurshid, Karachi: Quaid-e-Azam Academy, 2 Vols. Books on Allama Iqbal in the University Libraries of Pakistan: Adil Usmani, Nasim Fatima, Basil Usmani, Karachi, Dr. Mahmud Hussain Library, 1977. Books on Quaid-e-Azam in Dr. Mahmud Hussain Library. Adil Usmani Nasim Fatima, Karachi: Dr. Mahmud Hussain Library, 1976. Directory of Pakistani economists and Demographers: Zafar Javed Naqvi, Islamabad: PIDE, 1991. 20. Pakistan: A Bibliography of Books and Articles Published in the United Kingdom from 1947-64: Mumtaz A. Anwer, Bahsir Ali Tiwane. Lahore: Research Society of Pakistan, 1979. & T. Establishments of Pakistan: Islamabad: National Science Council of Pakistan, 1982. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline LIS: 622 UNIT-I 1. 1. 2. Indexing and Abstracting Introduction Indicies Meaning and Definition of Index Importance of Indexing in Research Modern Concept of A & I Services UNIT-II 1 Types of Indexes Book, Periodicals, Newspaper, Technical and Research Literature 2 Controlled Vocabulary System 3 Traditional System of Indexing Concordance, Coordinate 4 Non-Traditional System of Indexing / Computer based indexing i. KWIC ii. KWAC iii. Uniterm iv. Citation Indexing V. PRECIS UNIT-III 1. 2. Method of Indexing Indexing Process Technique of Indexing UNIT-IV Criteria for Analytical of Indexes UNIT-V Abstracting 1. 2. 3. 4. Definition, Importance of Abstract Types of Abstracts Characteristics of good Abstract Abstracting Procedure UNIT-VI 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Important A & I Services Chemical Abstract Biological Abstract LISA Index Medicus Science Citation Index Library Literature SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Borko, Harold and Bernier, L. Charles. (1978) Abstracting concepts and methods. (London: Academic Press. 2. Borko, Harold & Bernier, L. Charles. (1978) Indexing concepts and methods. (London: Academic Press. Collisbn, Robert L. (1991) Indexes and Indexing. 3rd ed. London: Benn. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, relevant volumes containing articles on the subject. Foskett, A. C. (1977) Subject approaches to information. 2nd ed. (London: Clive Bingley. M. Riaz. Advanced Indexing & Abstracting Practices Lahore: Nadeem Book House, 1987 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Parekh, R. L.(2000 Advanced indexing and abstracting practices. India Vicery, B. C. (1975) Classification and indexing in science. 3rd ed. (Kent: Butterwroth.) Wilson, T. D. (1980) An introduction to chain indexing. (London: Clive Bingley. . DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline 632 CATALOGUING OF SPECIAL MATERIAL (Already Approved) READINGS 1. Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. (1978), 2nd ed. Edited by Michael Gorman and Paul W. Winkler. (Chicago: ALA) Relevant chapters. Revised edition 1988. 2. Cataloguing of Phono-recordings; problems and possibilities.(1975) New York: Marcel Decker, (Practical Library and Information Science, series, vol. 1 – 3) Chapman, Liz.( 1990) How to catalogue: a practical handbook using AACR-II and Library of Congress. 2nd ed. New Delhi. UBS publishers. 3. 4. Daily, J. E. (1975) Cataloguing of Phono-Recordings; problems and possibilities. (New York: Marcel Decker,) (Practical Library and Information Science, series, vol.1) 5. Khochar, R. S.( 1999) Modern cataloguing systems and practices. New Delhi: Discovery publication. 6. Mitchell (2005) Cataloguing and Organizing Digital Sources. 7. Online Cataloguing.(2001) edited by S. Balakrushnan and D. K. Paliwal. New Delhi: Anmal. 8. Weihs Jean Riddle.(1980) Non-Book materials: the organization of integrated collection. 2nd ed. (Chicago: ALA) DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline MLIS: 642.1 ARCHIVES MANAGEMENT AND PRESERVATION Unit I: Introduction to Archives Management Archives defined History of archives Types of archives Nature of archives Difference between archives and libraries Unit II: Archival material Types of materials Characteristics of archival materials Value of archival records Unit III: Arrangement and description: fundamental principles and procedures ARRANGEMENT Understanding terms Levels of arrangement Organizing and arranging archival materials DESCRIPTION Objective Principles Procedures Information standards Unit IV: The profession of Archives Management Archivist vs Librarians Requisite skills and basic responsibilities Physical and Moral defense Archival Associations Unit V: Preservation and Conservation Issues and Practices Recommended Readings Books Schellenberg, Theodore R. Modern Archives: Principles and Techniques. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956. Schellenberg, Theodore R. Management of Archives. New York, Columbia University Press, 1965. Hodson, J. H. The administration of archives. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1972. Fox, Michael J. and Wilkerson, Peter. Introduction to Archival Organization and Description: Access to Cultural Heritage. Los Angeles: Getty Information Institute, 1998. Available at: Journals Archivaria by the Association of Canadian Archivists American Archivist by the Society of American Archivists. Provenance: The Journal of the Society of Georgia Archivists Archival Outlook newsletter by the Society of American Archivists. . UNIT – I Introduction to Archives Management Archives defined Hisrtoty of archives Types of archives Nature of arcives Difference between archives and libraries UNIT – II Archvieal Material Types of materials Characterisitcs of archival materials Value of archival records UNIT – III Archives Documentation Objective Pricniples Procedures UNIT – IV Arangement and description: Practices and Procedures Understanding terms Levels of Arangment Organizing archiveal materials Description of records UNIT – V The Profession of Archives Management Archivist Vs Librarians Requisite skills and basic responsibilities Physical defense of archives Moral defense of archives UNIT – VI Standards Information standards Introduction to various information standards for archives management UNIT – VII Preservation and Conservation Issues and practices Readings 1. Hodosn, J. H. (1972) The administration of archives. Oxford: Pergamon Press. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline MLIS-642.2 (Academic Libraries) UNIT-I Functions Functions of College/University Library in instructional work and research programme UNIT-II Organizing and administering library activities: Administrative Services, Technical Services, Readers Services, Special Services Centralization vs. Decentralization: pros and cons Plan of library organization UNIT-III Library Collection Book Selection and Acquisition Policy 1. Selection Process 2. Acquisition of Library Material UNIT-IV Periodical Literature and Non boob material Organizational aspects of library collection, with particular reference to periodical literature and non-book material. Use of Computer in cataloguing and retrospective conversion. UNIT-V Readers Services UNIT-VI Financial Administration Sources of Library Funds Major heads of Library Expenditure Administration and Control of Library Funds UNIT-VII Human Resources College/University Librarian Professional vs. Non-Professional manpower: Academic status Human Resource Development UNIT-VIII Library Cooperation Need and Importance Possible areas of Cooperation UNIT-IX - Library Building Points to be given consideration in planning and equipping a library building Problems encountered by Pakistani university libraries with regard to physical facilities available Factors to be considered while planning for expansion/alteration/renovation of the existing accommodation READINGS 1. Brophy, Peter (2005) The Academic Library. 2. Clavton, Peter. Implementation of Organizational Innovation: Studies in Academic & Research Libraries. London: Academic Press, 1997. 3. Collection Management in Academic Libraries. (1999) Edited by Clare Jenkins and Marley. 2nd ed. Great Britain: Gower House. 4. Gelfand, M. A. (1968) University libraries for developing countries. (Paris: UNESCO) 5. Lyle, G. R. (1969) Administration of college libraries. (Chicago: A.L.A.) Neal, K. W. 6. Rogers, R.D. and Weber, D.C. University Library Administration. New York: Wilson, 1971. 7. Singh. Sewa and Arora, Madhuri Ms. (1995) Handbook of College Libraries; Problems Development, Finance and other related aspects. Delhi: Beacon Books. 8. Tejomurty, A. Studies in Academic Librarianship. Jaipur: Printwell Publishers, 1987. 9. Thompson, James. An Introduction to University Library Administration. 3rd ed. London: Clive Bingley, 1979. 10. Thompson, James. University Library History. London: Clive Bingley, 1980. 11. Wilson, L.R. and Tauber, M.F. The University Library. 2nd ed. New York: Columbia, University Press, 1976. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline 642.3 MEDICAL LIBRARIES AND LIBRARIANSHIP Part – I Medical Sciences Definition of Medical Sciences History of Medical Science and Medical Profession Fields of Medical Sciences Contemporary approaches of Medical Sciences Sociological: Technological: Economical: Political (STEP) 521 Part – II Information Needs of Medical Profession Educational: New trends in Medical Education: Fact Oriented: Problem based: Community focused: Life long Learning Professional: Changing role of medical professional; Evidence based practice; educators; opinion leaders; managers Research: Active research, passive research. Part – III Medical Librarianship Origin and development Types of Medical Libraries Functions of Medical Libraries Role of Medical Libraries in electronic environment Part – IV Collection Development and Management Importance and significance of Medical Literature Types of medical literature Books: Selection and Acquisition Core lists, online bookshops, traditional bookshop, book reviews Journal, Serials, Newspapers Primary Sources: Secondary Sources; Tertiary sources Reports, gray literature, statistics and audio visual resources, digital offline and online sources. Cataloguing Classification: study of NLM Subject Heading: Mesh Part – V Medical Librarianship in Pakistan Suggested Readings 1. 2. 3. 4. Booth, Andrew and Walton, Graham (2000) Managing Knowledge in Health Services London, Library Association Publishing. 357p. Carmel, Michael (1981) Medical Librarianship edited by Carmel Michael. London, Library Association. Hand books on Library Prect. 359p. Mathews, David A and Picken, Fiona Makey (1979) Medical librarianship London, Clive Bengley (outline of modern librarianship) 173 p. Thornton, John, L (1966) Medical books libraries and collectors; a study of bibliography and the book trade in relation to the medical sciences. Hertford Shire. A Grafton Book. 445p. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline 642.4 MEDIA TECHNOLOGY AND RESOURCES. READINGS: 1. A. Del Bimbo, (1999) Visual Information Retrieval, San Francisco. Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. C. Lu. Multimedia Database Management System, Norwood, MA: Artech House Publishing. 2. Li, Ze-Nian (2005) Fundamentals of Multimedia. / by Ze-Nian Li and Mark S. Drew. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of Indian. ISBN: 81-203-2817-5 3. M. Lew, ed. (2001) Principles of Visual Information Retrieval, Berlin. SpringerVerlag. 4. V. Castelli and L. D. Dergman, ed. (2002) Image Databases; Search and Retrieval of Digital Imagery. New York: Willey,. 5. Yates Ricardo Baeza. (1988) Modern Information Retrieval / Ricardo BaezaYates and Berthier Ribeira-Neto-India: Pearson. 512 p. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline 652 APPLICATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN IN LIBRARIES UNIT-I Information Technology: Introduction Definition Needs for National Development Purpose UNIT-II Computer and Data Processing Types Hardware Software Input/output concept and devices UNIT-III Application of Information Technology Communication Technology Electronic Publishing Electronic Document Deliver Internet and internet based services E-mail UNIT-IV Information System, Databases and Networking Definition Types Function Characteristics UNIT-V System Analysis Problem Definition Elements Fact Finding Tools Problem Identification UNIT-VI System Design Input Design Output Design File Design Development of Software Hardware Selection UNIT-VII System Implementation 1. 2. Definition Steps UNIT-VIII Computer Based Library System Acquisition Catalogues and Bibliographies Serial Control Circulation Reference Others UNIT-IX Library Automation in Pakistan Background and overview Problems Information Technology: The national scenario SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Abdul Sattar, and Sajjad-ur-Rehman. (1992). Assessment of Pakistan library information management system. Pakistan library bulletin. Vol.xxiii (2-3). 2. Babu. T. A., Ramiah, L. S., Saxena, S. C. and Badi, D. S. (Eds). (2000) Vision of future library and Information systems. New Delhi:Viva Books. 3. Baly, M. Reghunathan. R and Pradeepeum, S. J. (Eds). (2000). Changing trends in library and information science. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publication. 4. Biddiscombe, R. (Ed). (1996). The End –User revolution: CD-ROM, Internet and changing role of the information professional. London: Library Association. 5. Carbin , J. (1981). Developing computer-based library systems. Canada: Oryx. 6. Clayton, M. (1987). Managing library automation. London: Gower. 7. Chopra, H. S. (Ed). (1999). Library information technology in modern era libraries and librarians: New Millennium. New Delhi: Ajay Verma Commonwealth. 8. Essick, E. L. (1984). Essentials of computer data processing. Chicago: Science research associates. 9. Hartner, E. P. (1981). An introduction to automated literature searching. NewYork: Marcel Dekker. 10. Haider, S. J. (1998). Library automation in Pakistan. International information and Library Review. 30, 51-69. 11. Kashyap, M. M. (1999). Computer based library and information systems designing techniques. 12. Kawatra, P. S. (2000). 2000 plus: Library and information system in the twenty- first century. New Delhi: crest publishing. 13. Khanna, J. K. (1996). Hand book of library information system and services: a study of networks in India. UK and USA. New Delhi: Bacon Books. 14. Kimber, R. T. (1974). Automation in libraries. (2nd ed). Oxford: Pergamon 15. Lancaster, F. W. (1978). Towards paperless information systems. New York: Academic press. 16. Lewis, P. J. (1994). Information system developments. London: Pittsman. 17. Lovecy, L. (1984). Automating library procedure: A Survivor’s Handbooks. London: Library Association. 18. Lucas, H. G. (1984). The analysis design and implementation of a information Systems. ( 3rd. ed). New York: Mc Graw Hill, 1984. 19. Mitchell, A. M. and Surratt, B. E. (2005). Cataloguing and organizing digital: a how to do it manual for librarians. London. 20. Muhammad Riaz. (1991). Library Automation: an introductory text. Islamabad: EBSCO subscription Services. 21. Parker, C. S. (1984).Understanding computers and data processing: today and tomorrow with basic. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston. 22. Poulter and Tsent. (1999). The Library and Information Professionals guide to The World Wide Web. London: Library association publishing. 23. Reynold, D. (1985). Library automation application. New York: R .R Bowker. 23. Townley, H. M. System analysis for information retrieval. London: Andre’ Deutsche. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline LIS: 662.1 Planning of Library and Information Services UNIT – I 1. Library and Information Services, Their Role in a Society Education Research Intellectual 2. Distinguish Roles of Various Types of Library and Information Science Academic Libraries Special Libraries Public Libraries National Libraries National Documentation and Information Centres UNIT – II 1. Planning Definition Need and Importance Objectives 2. Basis of Library and Information Services Planning Education System National Intellectual and Research Need Literacy, Book Production Existing System and Services UNIT – III Principles of Planning Past Study of the Field Critical Review Previous attempts of Planning Analysis of present Situation Achievements Failure Diving Forces Future Probable Possible Preferable UNIT – IV Techniques of Planning Scenario Planning SWOT Analysis Strategic Planning with the Cooperation of Government Agencies Supplementary to Education and Intellectual UNIT – V Library and Information Services Planning in Pakistan Library Resources in Pakistan Problems of Book Production Public Library Facilities Technical Working Group (TWG) Survey Bibliographical Control of Pakistani Literature BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Anis Khurshid. The State of Library Resources in Pakistan (Lahore: Student Series 1982) 2. Planning and Management of Library and Inforamtion Services in Pakistan. Karachi: Library and Information Services Group (2000) 3. Future Web 4. GIESECKE. John (ed) Scenario Planning for Library Chicago: LAL. 1998 5. Penna. C. V. The Planning of Library and Documentation Services. Rewv. Ed. Paris, UNESCO, 1970. 6. Saad, Ibrahim, Reader on Book Publishing in Pakistan (Karachi) Royal Books Pub. (1994) Readings 1. Anis Khurshid. (1982) The state of library resources in Pakistan. Lahore: student series. 2. Anis Khurshid. (2000) Planning and Management of library and Information Services in Pakistan. Karachi; Library and Information Services Groups 3. Corrall, Sheila. (2000) Strategic Management of Information Services; A Planning Hanbdbook. London: ASLIB. 4. D’ Oliver, J. M. and Delmas, B. (1975) Planning national infrastructures for documentation, libraries and archives. 5. Glesecke, Joanced. (1998) Soenaro Planning for libraries. Chicago: ALA. 6. Moore, Nick. (1980) Manpower planning in the library. Library association management Great Britain. 7. Planning & Management of Libraries and Information Services in Pakistan. (2000) Library & Information Group. 8. Renna, C. Y. (1970) The planning of library and documentation services. Rew. Ed. Paris: UNESCO. 9. Saeed Ibrahim.(1994) Reader on book publishing in Pakistan. Karachi: Royal Book Publication. 10. Scenario Planning for Libraries (1998) [ed. by] Jeon Giesecke. America: America Library association. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIECNE UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI Course Outline 672 COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL LIBRARIES OR THESIS Introduction Philosophy of Librarianship Comparative Librarianship International Librarianship Comparative Vs International Librarianship Motives of International and Comparative Librarianship (From Exoticism to Understanding) Comparative Studies in Library and Information Science Origin, Reasons, Objectives / Benefits Different Areas and Aspects of Librarianship Various Forms of Comparative study Area Study Cross-cultural study Case Study Methodology of Comparative Study Description Interpretation Juxtaposition Comparison International Librarianship Librarianship in USA Librarianship in UK African Librarianship Asian Librarianship Libraries in Latin American Society Major Professional Organization and Literature Professional Issues and Current Trends in the World Library Education Readership and Literature Production Impact of Technology on Librarianship International Cooperation Readings 1. Burnett, A. D. and others. (1973) Studies in comparative librarianship. (London; the Library Association.) 2. Chandler, G. (1971) Libraries in the East: an international and comparative study. (London): Seminar Press.) 3. International Handbook of contemporary development in librarianship. (1981) Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press. 4. Jackson, M. M. (1970) Comparative and international librarianship. (Westport: Greenwood Publishing Corporation.) 5. Semsova, Silva and Mackee, M. (1975) A handbook of comparative librarianship. 2nd ed. (London: Clive Bingley)