MUCHEA CATTLE REPORT 2nd NOVEMBER, 2015 Landmark reports 1785 cattle sold at Muchea, Monday 2nd November, with 176 of these in the calf sale. All lines of slaughter cattle remained barely equal with the exception of the odd special lot, peaking due to live export competition. Younger lines of bulls were firm. Local heavy trade cattle were few in number and rates were equal. Very few local store steers and heifers were available and values were equal for heavier lines with lightweights firming. The quality of pastoral cattle fell away and values reflected this generally on lines of young heifers and light cows. Slaughter cow numbers were well down for both local and pastoral lines and values gained 20c/kg regularly with special small lots higher. Rep Sales FA Grigson & Sons - Jurien 3 P/HFD STEERS 571kg@267c/kg 10 P/HFD STEERS 500kg@268c/kg =$1525.00 =$1340.00 Coonabidgee Grazing Co – Gingin 12 ANG STEERS 448kg@279c/kg =$1250.00 Melrose Enterprises – Leonora 2 D/MSTR STEERS 562kg@190c/kg 1 D/MSTR COW 524kg@180c/kg 4 S/HORN X BULLS 666kg@148c/kg =$1068.00 =$943.00 =$986.00 Indigenous Land Corporation – Cardabia Station 1 D/MSTR STEERS 572kg@183c/kg 9 D/MSTR X COWS 494kg@182c/kg 5 D/MSTR X BULLS 753kg@159c/kg =$1047.00 =$899.00 =$1197.00 PK & TL Elliott – Mingah Springs 1 S/HORN X STEER 656kg@177c/kg 5 S/HORN X BULLS 221kg@265c/kg =$1161.00 =$586.00 Menangina Station – Menzies 15 D/MSTR X STEERS 192kg@220c/kg 20 D/MSTR X BULLS 211kg@297c/kg =$422.00 =$627.00 T & L Murray – Toodyay 9 M/GREY VLR STRS 3 R/ANG COWS =$870.00 =$1156.00 272kg@320c/kg 578kg@200c/kg 3RZ 9 1 11 7 Contracting – Meekatharra S/H X BULLS 255kg@235c/kg S/H X COW 500kg@117c/kg S/H X BULLS 527kg@141c/kg S/H X BULLS 394kg@199c/kg =$599.00 =$885.00 =$743.00 =$784.00 Pinnacles Pastoral Co – Leinster 10 S/H X BULLS 586kg@139c/kg 11 S/H X BULLS 231kg@184c/kg 5 S/H X BULLS 289kg@170c/kg =$815.00 =$425.00 =$491.00 MUCHEA CATTLE REPORT Date: 2nd November, 2015 Total Yarded: 1785 Live Weight: 1609 Landmark Yarding: 529 MARKET TONE FROM LAST WEEK C/KG LIVEWEIGHT Up Local Export Steers Local Medium/Light Steers Local Heavy Heifers Local Medium/Light Heifers Local Store Steers Local Store Heifers Pastoral Export Steers Pastoral Store Steers Pastoral Heavy Heifers Pastoral Light/Medium Heifers Equal NY Down Values this week c/kg liveweight 255-270 NY NY = 280-300 NY 20 140-190 NY NY NY Grain Finished Steers Grain Finished Heifers NY NY ODD + Vealer Steers NY Vealer Heifers NY Local Heavy Cows Local Medium/Light Cows Pastoral Heavy Cows Pastoral Medium/Light Cows Local Heavy Bulls Local Medium Bulls Local Light Bulls Pastoral Heavy Bulls Pastoral Medium Bulls Pastoral Light Bulls 20 20 20 = = NY NY = = = 160-185 ODD 130-160 150-180 80-130 140-158 125-145 190-260 250-300