PROJECT DELIVERABLE D2 DISSEMINATION AND USE PLAN Second REVISION Shared-cost RTD Project acronym: TOURBOT Project full title: Interactive Museum Tele-presence Through Robotic Avatars Contract Number: IST-1999-12643 Key Action: 3 Action Line: 3-2-3 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable TOURBOT: Interactive Museum Tele-presence Through Robotic Avatars Project Deliverable D2: Dissemination and Use Plan – Second Revision Date Produced: June 27, 2001 Authors: George Giannoulis, Maria Roussou and Panos Trahanias Contents 1 2 3 Revision Summary ....................................................................................................... 3 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5 Dissemination Plan....................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Completed Dissemination Activities ..................................................................... 6 3.2 Planned Dissemination Activities ........................................................................ 18 3.3 Summary.............................................................................................................. 23 4 Exploitation Plan ........................................................................................................ 24 4.1 Sector Survey....................................................................................................... 24 4.2 Individual Exploitation Plans .............................................................................. 27 4.3 Initiation of New Projects .................................................................................... 28 4.4 Market Exploitation Plans ................................................................................... 29 4.5 Summary.............................................................................................................. 31 5 Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 32 Page 2 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision 1 Project Deliverable Revision Summary The TOURBOT project commenced on January 1, 2000 and has already completed successfully its first 18 months. The consortium regards dissemination activities as a part of major importance in the overall progress and success of the project. Therefore, the participants have planned a series of major events and TOURBOT trials to be realized at the end-user museum sites of the project (Foundation of the Hellenic World, Deutsches Museum Bonn, Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens). The first such event and trial took place at the “Hellenic Cosmos” Cultural Center of the Foundation of the Hellenic World in Athens, Greece. The trial lasted for one week, from May 28 to June 2, 2001 and was accompanied by a press conference (on May 28, 2001) and a major public event (on May 29, 2001). During these events, members of the consortium and the representative of the European Commission services, Mr. Jan Hoorens, presented the TOURBOT project to the press and the public. Visitors tour the FHW exhibition with the help of the robotic avatar LEFKOS during TOURBOT's first trial and event in May 2001. The trial has succeeded to attract wide media coverage. Almost all national Greek newspapers, the major television broadcast stations and journals or specialized magazines in culture and informatics have covered the event (a list of Greek TV shows and newspaper publications of TOURBOT is attached in ANNEX III of this report). An important outcome of this first public presentation of TOURBOT is that educational institutions (such as the Pedagogical Institute of Greece which is in charge of all Page 3 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable education and school related material in Greece), museums, technology enterprises, and policy makers were present at the event and participated in the trial. A significant number of individuals expressed a very strong interest in the TOURBOT project, the possibilities it entails, and the possibility of its permanent introduction in the country’s cultural and educational organizations. Meanwhile the consortium received a very positive response and interest concerning the project, following targeted actions of dissemination activities. Therefore, it continued, since December 2000 (when the first revision of D2-Dissemination and Use Plan was produced), by pursuing several targeted actions that aimed at further disseminating the TOURBOT goals and the knowledge gained from the project's progress. The consortium took part in workshops, international conferences, and events. It has also presented the overall application in several other academic events and university presentations. These actions have so far been successful in making the TOURBOT project well known. As a result, in some cases, the TOURBOT consortium was specifically invited to contribute to workshops or seminars to present the TOURBOT project and get the ideas across new audiences. One of the important events within these activities was the presence of the TOURBOT consortium, represented by FHW, at the internationally acclaimed annual conference “Museums and the Web” that took place in Seattle, USA in March 2001. The paper submitted by the consortium and accepted for presentation at the conference, included a detailed technical description of TOURBOT that attracted wide conference interest. Following this event, TOURBOT partners have been approached by several museum organizations as well as from a representative of the US Secretary of Commerce in order to explore possibilities of collaboration and further developments of the TOURBOT technology. TOURBOT partners have also put together the TOURBOT ideas in articles, interviews, workshop material and more that have been published in newspapers, magazines, special editions and other printed material addressed to the general public. This second revision of the Dissemination and Use Plan includes all new dissemination activities as well as revisions of previous sections as they pertain to current progress of TOURBOT. Additionally, this revision presents the consortium findings with respect to the exploitation potential and related plans. Page 4 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision 2 Project Deliverable Introduction The current document constitutes the Dissemination and Use Plan (DUP) of the TOURBOT project, a two-year RTD project funded by the Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme of the European Union (EU). DUP describes initial plans of the consortium for (a) the dissemination of knowledge and results gained in the course of the project and, (b) exploitation plans of project developments. Information society, in the dawn of the third millennium, advances far beyond the mere use of technology in well-established application areas (i.e. banking, booking, office automation, etc.), by incorporating novel models of information access and management. With a clear focus on user-friendliness, accessibility of technologies to the broader public, and integration and convergence across information processing, communication and media, research and development efforts are addressing conventional applications under a new perspective. Globalization and the ever-increasing demand for transparent and personalized access to various kinds of information are the driving forces for research in this area, paving the way towards services that are universally and seamlessly accessible to all. Under this perspective, there is no doubt that flourishing technologies will only be assimilated in advanced applications for the broader public, only through appropriate dissemination activities and the pursue of suitable exploitation plans. The TOURBOT consortium places utmost importance to dissemination and exploitation activities. From the very early stages of the project the consortium has addressed these issues with targeted actions. Although the major dissemination and exploitation activities are planned for the near future, TOURBOT participants have already inaugurated the corresponding path and the prospects are extremely promising. Page 5 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision 3 Project Deliverable Dissemination Plan Access to cultural exhibits is a central issue in museums and exhibition galleries that is recently approached under a new, technological perspective. Although the cultural industries’ practices have remained practically unchanged for long in the cases of museums and cultural exhibits, in recent years we are witnessing a gradual adoption of media-technologies in various aspects of the sector, such as digital document preservation, media- and Web-presentation, graphical animations, etc. The advent of such technologies contributes towards providing media-rich presentations of cultural exhibits and consequently offering better services to museum visitors. Lately, Internet and Webbased technologies are also employed, for providing access mostly to images of exhibited objects. It is clearly evident that suitable dissemination activities are needed for the introduction of high-technology application systems in museums’ environments. Especially in the case of TOURBOT, the relevant technology may represent an unfamiliar concept to the museums’ community. Therefore, dissemination of the project results and objectives is of utmost importance in the adoption and use of relevant technologies. Realizing that, the TOURBOT consortium has undertaken specific dissemination activities and has set up a concrete plan for additional such tasks, already from the early stages of the project. 3.1 Completed Dissemination Activities Web Site For a project, such as TOURBOT, that addresses information access and tele-presence services through the web, the project’s own presentation over the web is a major dissemination activity that contributes to its positive image and profile. The rapid expansion of Internet has established it as an important database, where information mining can be relatively effortlessly achieved and access restrictions are minimal. Consequently, broad dissemination capabilities open up through sound and professional presentation of the project via the web. In this context, TOURBOT has utilized the professional expertise of a graphics designer to set up the project’s web site. The site has been established at FORTH (project coordinator) with the following URL and is operational since the end of project month one (end of January 2000). A number of requirements have been set forth for the establishment of TOURBOT’s web site: Page 6 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable Professional design in order to attract visitors with diverse backgrounds (museum specialists, cultural presentation specialists, computer scientists, engineers, etc). Fast access to the web pages. Provision of suitable information at various levels of detail. The TOURBOT project website. The consortium believes that the above objectives have been met with the current design. However, the continuous maintenance and development of the web site is critical to ensure successful promotion of the project. This task has been undertaken by FORTH and will continuously be active through the life cycle of the project. Leaflet Besides the “electronic” presentation of TOURBOT, other traditional presentation media are particularly useful to ensure broad publicity of the project’s aims and results. Printed information constitutes a tangible means of advertisement, for the mere reason that it may be easily distributed to the public and/or professionals, it remains unaltered for long periods of time and is naturally accessed. In the case of TOURBOT, where the target Page 7 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable dissemination groups are diverse groups of professionals and the broader public, a nontechnical project leaflet constitutes an important means to convey information. The TOURBOT consortium has proceeded with the production and initial dissemination of a professionally designed and printed leaflet. The leaflet has been designed targeting mostly museum and cultural presentation experts and the public, and to a lesser degree computer scientists and engineers. Visual and textual information has been smoothly integrated in it to effortlessly inform the reader about TOURBOT project aspects and its implications. The textual information appears in three languages in the leaflet: English, Greek and German, facilitating thus its acceptance especially by non-professionals and supporting linguistic diversity. The consortium has supplied the EU with an adequate number of copies of the leaflet, mostly for internal distribution purposes. All consortium participants have also received a number of copies to distribute according to their discretion. Moreover, the consortium has distributed the leaflet in all public events (e.g. appropriate exhibitions), relevant workshops and symposia that have been pursued so far and will continue to do so. Brochure The leaflet was designed as a short introduction to the TOURBOT ideas. However, the consortium felt that this could not be sufficient throughout the project, since the interest about the new robotic application increases with time. Therefore a high quality illustrated brochure was also considered as an important printed vehicle for the dissemination of TOURBOT results. The brochure has been designed professionally with the original intention to be attractive and easy to read. It is targeting not only the general public but also museums and other cultural institutions and organisations. The idea is that the end users/museums that would like to find out more details about the overall application would find useful such a publication. The brochure is considerably more informative and descriptive compared to the leaflet and contains up to date results and developments of the project. It avoids the detailed presentation of technical issues and focuses in describing the overall application, its potential use and benefits from such a system for the end user and the general public, i.e. potential web-users and on-site visitors. Contributions to community social objectives, innovations and economic prospects are also mentioned in the brochure. It includes illustrative material (pictures from the trials, the robotic avatar, the end user sites, etc) giving thus a clear intuition of the TOURBOT project and the implied applications. Page 8 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable The brochure has been produced in English, the official language of the Project. The consortium has supplied the EU with a number of copies of the brochure. All project participants have furthermore contributed to distributing it broadly to appropriate organizations and bodies. Parts of it are also presented electronically through the project’s web site. Other Publications and Press In December 2000 a high quality deliverable was prepared, the report on prospects of museum robotics in EU, and became available to the public. This included ideas, possibilities, and prospects concerning the implementation of robotics achievements in the cultural sector. It has been broadly distributed, making museums as well as robotics enterprises and technology research organizations aware of the possibilities that exist currently through RTD activities, such as the TOURBOT project. For the benefit of this report, the consortium decided to undertake a targeted action, disseminating among museum professionals the TOURBOT idea and taking their feedback. As far as press coverage is concerned, it is important to report dissemination activities that include articles in newspapers and magazines. A major Greek newspaper, Eleutherotypia, presented in its Sunday paper, September 17, 2000, a one-page article regarding TOURBOT. The article received extended publicity in Greece, as gathered by the comments that were communicated to consortium members. TOURBOT has been presented in the cultural section of the magazine Parallelos 37 in its July 2000 issue. Parallelos 37 is a tri-monthly edition distributed to 15000 lawyers and judges across Greece. This has been considered as a targeted action to a literate section of the Greek population. References to the TOURBOT project have been made in the archaeological magazine Corpus 22 (2000). The same magazine will print shortly a special issue on Archaeology in the 20th century, where the TOURBOT application will be presented once more. The magazine mainly targets the general public that has an interest in archaeology. An interview with Dr. Andrea Niehaus, director of the Deutsches Museum Bonn (deputy director at the time of the interview) about TOURBOT was published in the journal it_science. it_science addresses researchers and decision-makers, entrepreneurs, analysts and managers in banking, decision-makers in research and development. This issue of it_science was published on the occasion of the opening of the CeBIT 2001 exhibition on March 22 (starting issue of 30.000 copies) in Hannover. The article also featured project partner Professor Dr. Wolfram Burgard. Dr. Niehaus replied to questions that focused on Page 9 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable the use of robots in museums in general and of TOURBOT in particular. The title of the interview was “Rendezvous mit Tourbot” (Rendezvous with Tourbot) and the interviewer was Manfred Theisen for it_science. Furthermore, the Deutsches Museum Bonn arranges interviews in preparation for the upcoming TOURBOT event to be held at the museum in November. These interviews also involve other partners from within the consortium. The partners involved in this initiative during the period of this report include: Professor Dr. Wolfram Burgard in it_science journal (see above). Dirk Schulz in a radio interview to WDR 5. The interview was broadcasted on May 23, 2001 at 2 pm in Lilipuz, addressing children. The interview focussed on robotics and was aimed at preparing the children’s program in the upcoming TOURBOT event at the Deutsches Museum Bonn. The Deutsches Museum Bonn intends to expand on its interview activities by arranging additional interviews for the project partners through its regular contacts with journalists from the radio, TV and printed press. Scientific Presentations and Publications The initial dissemination activities of TOURBOT have also addressed the scientific community. A paper describing the project goals, methodology and prospects has been co-authored by all project participants and was submitted for presentation to the Culture Track of the WWW9 Conference, May 16-19, 2000, Amsterdam. This conference is a major international forum for activities related with the remote access and presentation of information. The paper has been accepted and presented within a “Museum’s on the Web” session, attracting the interest of the audience. The session organizers have requested to place in a web site the electronic slides of the presentation, which was approved by the consortium. The project is expected to achieve high publicity through this electronic dissemination activity. Similarly, a short article that briefly presents TOURBOT has been submitted for publication to the ERCIM News, the official bulletin of ERCIM (European Research Consortium of Informatics and Mathematics). FORTH is a member of ERCIM, which includes also many high-technology Institutions across Europe. ERCIM News is a highquality publication that is broadly distributed across research and technology organizations in Europe. The paper appeared in the July 2000 issue with a special theme Page 10 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable on “Robotics”. It is expected to contribute to the consortium’s efforts for project awareness in the scientific community. Additionally, the consortium addressed organizations and programs related to the cultural sector. Represented by FHW and the Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens, the consortium took part in a one-day conference organized by EVA 2000, held in Athens on May 26th 2000. Eva 2000 focused on “Cultural Tourism and New Technologies” and was addressed to people from the cultural sector, tourism and travel sectors, technology, media and telecommunications, research organizations in technology and the visual arts, local and national government. EVA (Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts) is a part of the original EU supported Vasari Project and acts as a cross-sectoral, multidisciplinary, local and global set of events for people interested in new technologies in the cultural sector. The participation to this conference is an important dissemination activity since TOURBOT marks the advent of certain (robotics-web) technologies in the cultural heritage sector. The participation in EVA 2000 is expected to contribute to TOURBOT’s publicity, especially to people from museums and other cultural institutions and to open up exploitation opportunities. Furthermore the TOURBOT project received an invitation from the University of Aegean to participate in a two-day workshop that was held June 30 - July 2, 2000 in Mytilene, Greece. The invitation was accepted and the project coordinator held a report and a presentation regarding TOURBOT. Presenting TOURBOT research and development activities in such environments is expected to reveal interest and offer information and awareness of the project to people from relevant organizations. As expected, the presentation received very good comments and warm acceptance by the audience. The consortium’s dissemination plan includes also activities regarding technological developments and the relevant knowledge gained in the course of the project. Towards this end, the consortium is committed to present its work in international conferences and other fora in the sector. TOURBOT related developments were introduced with two technical presentations in the 15th ICPR (International Conference on Pattern Recognition) that took place 3-8 September 2000 in Barcelona, Spain. The conference covered recent advances in many different technical fields, among others in robotics as well as their applications. Therefore, an international audience was aware of different technological achievements being used in the TOURBOT project. Page 11 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable TOURBOT presentations address a wide audience, from the cultural, educational, and informatics sectors. FHW participated at a Meeting on 24 November 2000 in Athens with the subject Cultural Informatics and Education. The meeting was organised by the Human Network for Cultural Informatics ( The Participants presented the TOURBOT Project, its purposes and developments in a special section of the meeting dedicated to possibilities and prospects in offering education and culture in a networked world. The audience represented the cultural, educational and informatics sector and has welcomed the robotic application as an innovation that increases enormously access to cultural heritage. TOURBOT was invited to participate in a meeting for "Tourism Related Projects", organized by INFSO B5, Brussels on February 20, 2001. The invitation was accepted and the project co-ordinator Dr. Panos Trahanias who participated in the meeting delivered a short presentation regarding TOURBOT and its goals. The project brochure was also distributed to the meeting participants. The FHW initiated and, in collaboration with all other consortium members, submitted a scientific paper entitled “Enhancing Museum Visitor Access Through Robotic Avatars Connected to the Web” at this year’s Museums and the Web conference ( The paper was accepted for presentation at the conference and was published in the conference proceedings. The conference was held from March 14-17, 2001 in Seattle, Washington USA and was attended by an international audience of museum professionals, technologists and policy makers. The Page 12 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable paper presentation was attended by an audience of approximately 250 people and was received with great enthusiasm sparking lasting interest and multiple contacts. A presentation entitled “Museum Robotic Avatars at Work: Real Experiences from Operation in an Exhibition Workspace” was delivered by the project co-ordinator during a 2-day Workshop organised by the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication at the University of Aegean. The workshop was held in June 1-3, 2001. Another presentation entitled “TOURBOT - Interactive Museum Telepresence Through Robotic Avatars” was delivered by FORTH at a one-day workshop organised by the Human Network on Cultural Informatics and held in Athens, Greece on June 11, 2001. Events The consortium includes in its dissemination activities the participation in exhibitions focusing on technological issues and developments. TOURBOT was represented by FORTH in the exhibition for Research and Technology organized by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Technology (GSRT) of the Hellenic Republic. The exhibition was held in Zappeion Megaron, Athens, 6-26 May 2000. The exhibition was open to the public and attracted a large number of visitors. The robotic avatar (with a subset of TOURBOT capabilities) was a focal point on visitors’ interest. A lot of questions have been raised and answered concerning TOURBOT’s objectives, its application, and its prospects. Moreover spots and short reports from the exhibition and in particular with respect to TOURBOT have appeared in the Greek press and media. A great interest has been revealed on the application of the project and the participation to this exhibition has significantly contributed to the awareness of the public about the project itself and its usefulness. The consortium considers important and pursues the presentation of TOURBOT in specialized workshops and events focusing on technological and/or cultural issues and developments. The University of Freiburg participated in a number of such events, representing the TOURBOT consortium and project: The Science-Festival ( that took place June 21st -July 9th, 2000, in Freiburg. The Festival included over 300 events, such as workshops, guided tours, conferences, presentations etc and is targeting especially pupils and students. Institutions and various companies but also schools and authorities took part Page 13 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable in this festival. TOURBOT has been presented in June 24-25 and received great interest and notably attracted the audience. The Cultural Heritage Projects event in Vienna, June 30, 2000, organized by EU’s Directory-General information Society, with the support of the Austrian CULTIVATE node that is hosted by Cultural Service Centre. ( ). A workshop at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, July 11, 2000. Academic presentation at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Freiburg, July 14, 2000. An overall presentation of the project was delivered at Siemens AG in Munich on July 20, 2000. A 2-day workshop took place at FORTH in 13-14 October 2000 which included attendees from all the FORTH institutes as well as external participants. TOURBOT was demonstrated during this event and received great interest for its progress and developments. TOURBOT was presented at the Hanover Trade Fair from April 24 to April 28, 2001 by the University of Freiburg. There was a report about the system in the Trade-Fair Newsletter. Furthermore, two major TV-stations in Germany broadcasted a sequence about TOURBOT during their reports from the Hanover Trade Fair. TOURBOT on TV at the Hanover Trade Fair Page 14 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable A press conference presentation, held on April 30, 2001, concerning the future of the Deutsches Museum Bonn was delivered by the museum’s new director (Dr. Andrea Niehaus). During the presentation, TOURBOT was mentioned as a major project of the Deutsches Museum Bonn in 2001. At this occasion a test on the use of museum robots in a new event design was carried out. The robot acted within a given event script, developed by the museum. The test with a museum robot of the TOURBOT project partner in Bonn (University of Bonn, Prof. Dr. Armin Cremers, Dirk Schulz and Mark Moors) was successful and will be applied in the upcoming TOURBOT presentation at the Deutsches Museum Bonn in November this year. Most importantly, the first major public event and trial for TOURBOT took place at the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Center of the Foundation of Hellenic World in Athens, Greece, from Monday, May 28 to Saturday, June 2nd 2001. The TOURBOT press conference on May 28, 2001. The trial lasted for one week, from May 27 to June 3, 2001. At the beginning of the trial week a press conference took place (on May 28, 2001). Following the press conference, on the second day of the trial period, an impressive public event was held on Tuesday 29, 2001. During these events, the members of the consortium and the representative of the Commission, Mr. Jan Hoorens, presented the TOURBOT technology to the press and the public. Page 15 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable Visitors tour the FHW exhibition with the robot during TOURBOT's first trial and event in May 2001. The trial has succeeded to attract wide media coverage. Almost all national newspapers of Greece, the major television broadcast stations and journals or specialized magazines in culture and informatics have covered the event (a list of Greek TV shows and press coverage concerning TOURBOT can be found in ANNEX III of this report). An important outcome of this first public showing of TOURBOT is that educational institutions (such as the Pedagogical Institute of Greece which is in charge of all education and school related material in Greece), museums, technology companies, and policy makers were present at the event and participated in the trial. A significant number of individuals expressed a very strong interest in the TOURBOT project, the possibilities it entails, and the possibility of its permanent introduction in the country’s cultural and educational organizations. Page 16 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable Front page of “Metrorama” newspaper showing young visitors touring the FHW exhibition with “Lefkos” during the 1-week trial period. Professional Contacts An important dissemination activity of the consortium constitutes the contact with a large number of museums, covering a spectrum of collections from technological to historical and art, as well as a number of technology brokers. The museums were mostly in Europe but also in the United States and the appropriate persons were contacted and interviewed over the telephone or via e-mails and letters; prior to the interviews a short description and information about the TOURBOT project was provided. The main purpose of these contacts was to gain feedback from experts in various museological aspects in order to compile the User Requirements for the application of TOURBOT. The experts contacted were first informed regarding the TOURBOT goals and activities, giving thus rise to a major dissemination and awareness task. It is expected though this activity to raise a great interest among museums around Europe and overseas and to initiate exploitation prospects. The Deutsches Museum Bonn has established regular contacts to the Institut fόr Museumskunde (Institute of Museology) informing it about TOURBOT. The Institute of Museology in Berlin is aimed to inform museums about any museum relevant subject. Page 17 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable One focus of this institute is to provide information to museums about contemporary technical applications (such as for instance museum robots). The Institute of Museology in Berlin has a unique function for museums in Germany. The FHW also maintains regular contacts with a large number of Museums and organizations researching Hellenic History and Culture. The Foundation decided to include TOURBOT’s brochure in all mail communication with these organizations in order to disseminate TOURBOT achievements (see ANNEX IV of organisations who have received TOURBOT information up to June 2001). The TOURBOT project was mentioned at an for Cultural and Artistic Creative Expression” provide alternative possibilities for artistic Darmstadt, Germany on May 21, 2001 and technologists. EU workshop on “Technology Platforms as an example of a technology that could creation. The workshop was held in was attended by a group of artists and The above-mentioned completed activities clearly demonstrate that the consortium’s dissemination strategy includes participation and presentations in all proper events, like conferences, workshops, exhibitions etc., relevant to the scientific and cultural sector. Moreover informative material printed electronically and on paper has been made available to experts in the above-mentioned sectors and the public. The dissemination activities are therefore addressing all possible target groups that are particularly relevant to the project’s objectives and the general public. The consortium feels that within the first year of the project, a large part of the potential target groups are already aware of the TOURBOT project’s objectives and expect with great interest the relevant developments and their application. 3.2 Planned Dissemination Activities The TOURBOT consortium strongly believes that dissemination should be an ongoing activity throughout the project’s life cycle and after the end of it. It has, therefore, compiled a complete plan of activities that covers all possible areas where TOURBOT results can be broadly advertised and promoted. Such activities are expected to contribute to the project’s public image and profile, its exploitation activities and generally the successful implementation of its goals. As in the already completed dissemination activities, the main target groups will be again the museums and exhibitions community, robotics community and enterprises, research and technology organizations, technical and cultural experts, as well as the general public, especially the web visitors. Page 18 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable Conferences and Relevant Events Scientific conferences and relevant appropriate fora constitute ideal events to present TOURBOT results and developments. TOURBOT consortium members have been active in participating in relevant such events with announcements and presentations and are committed to continue to do so. Technical conferences constitute the appropriate environment for presenting technical solutions and achievements within the TOURBOT project. The consortium has participated in appropriate exhibitions and trade fairs focused on relevant technology in order to disseminate the project’s results and plans to participate in more. Similarly, partners from the museums sector plan to contribute to events or conferences concerning the application of new technologies in the cultural market. Publications Various kinds of publications are planned within the project aiming at the broadest possible dissemination of project-related aspects, results and developments to appropriate target groups and audiences. Wall posters or hanging posters are additionally planned due to the great impact they have to the broad public. Preliminary thoughts on this subject include the possibility to create banners addressed specifically to web visitors, who constitute one of the main target groups of this project. More Publications of the project results and achievements are planned in relevant technical and museological journals, newspapers, museums-magazines, etc. In the museological community the ICOM Newsletter has already been considered an appropriate publication for the TOURBOT project. ICOM (The International Council of Museums) contributes to the promotion and development of museums and the museum profession internationally. It counts 15000 members in 147 countries and publishes a quarterly Newsletter, distributed free to all its members. A preliminary idea is to hand out a short article referring to the implementation of a robotic avatar in the museum environment. A similar short report could possibly be planned targeting the European museums being published in the magazine of the European Museum Forum, which intends to raise the standard of museums throughout Europe. Page 19 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable Such awareness activities will allow the majority of museums and a large number of museum professionals internationally to be informed about the developments within TOURBOT and the relevant applications in the cultural heritage sector in Europe. Video Close to the end of the project the consortium plans to produce the TOURBOT video. Currently it is conceived as a rather short video (duration approximately 10 minutes) that will present the project developments and achievements. It will target mostly museums and cultural exhibition places presenting the system’s utility and possible applications. Such a video is regarded as an important contribution to present and future project dissemination and is expected also to contribute to exploitation activities. Considering audio-visual material as playing an important role in better understanding projects, such as TOURBOT, it is expected that the video will help in particular people that are not familiar with robotics and relevant issues to get a better insight in the current project. Spots of this video may additionally be included in the TOURBOT web site. Such an activity is expected to be mostly for the sake of web users. The TOURBOT project considers web users as a target audience of primary importance, considering the telepresence facilities offered by the project. Workshop A major public dissemination activity of crucial importance is the organization of an active workshop during the final stages of the project. The event will include presentations and discussions regarding the project, as well as real demonstration of the application: the robotic avatar will navigate and interact autonomously both with members of the museums’ staff and delegates from relevant organizations and with museums visitors on-site or through the Web. The demonstration is planned to take place in two more exhibition spaces (sites). The first one has been completed successfully in the Cultural Center Hellenic Cosmos of the FHW. Each one of the sites belongs to a different cultural market area: the Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens (archaeological and art museum), the Deutsches Museum Bonn (technological museum), and The Cultural Center of the Foundation of Hellenic World (application of technology in cultural heritage). Currently, a potential list of participants’ profiles in the workshops has been compiled. This includes attendees from all organizations and enterprises that are relevant to the Page 20 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable goals of the project. It is planned to invite delegates from EU ministries of Culture and Education, from relevant EU projects, professionals from large museums and cultural heritage sites across Europe, international and national organizations, high-tech and robotics enterprises, research organizations, educational associations, a selection of school groups or other specific target audiences, like professionals interested in the museums collection, friends of the museums, etc. Additionally one should mention all web visitors that will be granted, during the demonstration, the possibility to see through the robot’s eyes in a museum, to get the feeling of being there, to travel virtually and have a unique experience of remotely visiting a museum. A major goal of this demonstration is to promote TOURBOT and establish a clear idea about its effectiveness, advertise its achievements, ameliorate the project’s use, and to exploit and expand its market potential. Moreover the workshop intends to broadly disseminate the project results to attract great publicity, increase visitors numbers during the demonstration period (having the robot working also as an exhibit itself), improve the three museums’ image (all three places are integrating more up to date technology and thus appeal to a wider public) and finally open the way to future developments in museum robotics. In order to announce the workshop, the consortium plans to send press releases, to broadly advertise it in recognized media, such as internet, television and press, as well as through personal invitations, public relations, etc. These forms of promotion are considered as having great impact to all potential visitors, who are mostly exposed to more than one form of communication. Internet promotion targets all web users and is particularly significant, as one of TOURBOT’s primary objectives is tele-presence in the museum through the web. All the above have been completed successfully concerning the first trial in the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Center of the FHW, as described above. Other Events The Deutsches Museum Bonn has drafted preliminary plans to dedicate, before the end of 2001, one of its programs (Wissenschaft Live) with Phoenix Channel to the TOURBOT project. These events take place every Monday evening (17.00-19.00). Approximately 100 visitors in the museum have the possibility to discuss with scientists about a specific subject. The Museum visitors and the scientists are connected through teleconference facilities. The program will broadcast information on how TOURBOT operates with on Page 21 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable site and web visitors, will give the opportunity to get answers if any questions are raised and will help people form a better understanding of the relevant application. The Deutsches Museum Bonn intends to expand on its interview activities by arranging additional interviews for the project partners. This will be realized through regular contacts with journalists from the radio, TV and printed press and informative meetings about the upcoming TOURBOT presentation in Bonn. Page 22 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision 3.3 Project Deliverable Summary The following table summarizes the TOURBOT dissemination activities with additional information regarding their status and the addressed target groups. Dissemination Activities Activity Web Site Target Group Status Professionals, Museum and Technical Communities, Broader Public Completed Sub-activities, Leaflet Professionals, Museum and Technical Communities, Broader Public Completed Scientific Presentations- Professionals, Museum and Technical Communities Completed Sub-activities, Brochure Professionals, Museum and Technical Communities, Broader Public Completed Events Professionals, Museum and Technical Communities, Broader Public Completed Sub-activities, Professionals Completed Sub-activities, Publications Professional Contacts Ongoing Sub-activities Ongoing Sub-activities Ongoing Sub-activities Ongoing Sub-activities Video Professionals, Museum and Technical Communities, Broader Public Currently underway Workshop Professionals, Museum and Technical Communities, Broader Public Completed Sub-activities, Ongoing Sub-activities Page 23 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision 4 Project Deliverable Exploitation Plan The possibilities of new paradigms in providing access to cultural exhibits offered by the information society are developing fast. In recent years we are witnessing a gradual adoption of media-technologies in various aspects of the sector, such as digital document preservation, media- and Web-presentation, graphical animations, etc. The advent of such technologies contributes towards providing media-rich presentations of cultural exhibits and consequently offering better services to museum visitors. Lately, Internet and Webbased technologies are also employed, for providing access mostly to images of exhibited objects. Worldwide, many museums and exhibition places are currently exploiting such technologies, aiming at increasing their market shares. The potential offered by the introduction of media technologies is immense, provided that novel and attracting services will be offered as a result of such developments. The TOURBOT concept is in-line with the above issues, facilitating tele-presence and effective access to cultural exhibits through robotic avatars. TOURBOT capitalizes on cutting-edge technologies providing increased interaction with the site being visited. Effectively, it augments existing communication networks that are nowadays used to transmit information that is viewed via a browser, with mobile platforms at particular nodes that allow for dynamic selection and acquisition of the information to be retrieved. An extrapolation of current trends reveals that its employment in the cultural industries’ practices will have a positive impact. The results of the TOURBOT project will be readily exploitable by the consortium partners and other interested bodies. All participating organizations are committed to the dissemination and exploitation of the project developments. Specific plans include the commercial exploitation of products and services based on TOURBOT and the introduction of related technology in everyday exhibition practices. 4.1 Sector Survey The consortium considered professional contacts as an important part not only for the dissemination activities but also for exploitation purposes within a specific target group, the museums and exhibition centers. Therefore it has been decided, following the informal professional interviews that have been conducted in the first six-month period of the project, to perform a preliminary survey of the sector (museums and other similar organizations) that would aim mostly at the marketing of TOURBOT. This survey has been a targeted action, aiming in the compilation of a short report, indicative of the acceptance level and the use of this new technology in the museum sector. It is also in Page 24 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable full compliance with the suggestions of the reviewers following the first project review (July 5-6, 2000, Heraklion, Greece). The results from this survey have been recorded, structured and integrated with the results of the first round interviews. They are presented in Annex I of the current document, constituting valuable guidelines in the development of the project and, more importantly, in its future exploitation. The consortium went also a step beyond, utilizing the information of the above mentioned report and the available museum listings (taking in consideration the museum's ICOM definition, thus the museum in a wider sense) to perform an initial market analysis for TOURBOT. This report reveals an outline of the potential TOURBOT market sector and is by no means a thorough market research and analysis. Evidently, the latter would constitute a project by itself with appropriate timing right after the termination of TOURBOT. The following diagram is derived from the information already presented in previous versions of dissemination and use plan and illustrates the structuring of the TOURBOT market, taking into consideration (a) the museum's collection and its size, (b) the museum's budget, (c) the museum's electronic infrastructure and (d) the cost of TOURBOT. The diagram illustrates the potential structuring of the TOURBOT market sectors. Museums and other organizations in the inner circles of the diagram are likely to belong to the initial target groups of TOURBOT, whereas, the outer circles represent target groups that may follow. The first target group for TOURBOT exploitation includes mainly science and technological museums next to the large museums. The institutions that fulfil the necessary for TOURBOT application technical requirements/electronic infrastructure are also belonging to the initial target group for the exploitation of this robotic application. Such organisations could possibly be the first, smaller group that would afford the cost of the new technology. The following annual museum budgets are mentioned as indicative in contrast to the possible cost of TOURBOT. The figures are from the three museums that participate in TOURBOT: The Deutsches Museum in Bonn has a budget of around 26.000.000 Euro, the Foundation of the Hellenic World has a budget of around 6.000.000 and the Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens has a budget of 900.000 Euro. These are representative budgets of different types of museums with different collections. The first two museums could belong to the first target group (technological museums with enhanced electronic infrastructure and relatively large budgets) and the third one could belong to the second group (archaeological museum of a medium budget). Besides the pure issue of “budget”, the TOURBOT consortium strongly believes though, that a museum robotic application, such as TOURBOT, has increased potential to attract sponsorship and thus facilitate its employment in museums with smaller budget as well. Page 25 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable Page 26 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision 4.2 Project Deliverable Individual Exploitation Plans Participants that act as technology providers aim at exploiting technological developments within TOURBOT. Such developments include the robotic navigation, computer vision and interface technologies. Moreover, the close collaboration between the four technical partners (FORTH, UNIBONN, THEON and UNIFR) will be beneficial for all of them. THEON expects to benefit by getting access to the latest research in sensor-based navigation and computer vision; FORTH, UNIBONN and UNIFR are particularly interested in teaming up with THEON due to the prospects and potential of this co-operation. FHW is highly interested in commercializing products and services based on TOURBOT and introducing related technology in everyday exhibition practices. The current exhibition in the premises of FHW, where TOURBOT is planned to be used, is the “Krossia, Chitones, Doulamades, Velades”, 4000 years of Hellenic Costume from prehistory until the beginning of 20th century. FHW attempts to incorporate modern technologies in all its activities and has already established a large visitors’ group, which is mainly attracted due to the application and use of modern technology in all its activities. TOURBOT is considered as a major attraction, which will enhance FHW place in the market sector. The TOURBOT robot leading the tour through FHW's '4000 years of Hellenic Costume' exhibition. Page 27 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable The other two end-user partners of TOURBOT, MUSBON and BYZMUS, aim at exploiting the project results in their own premises. The Deutsches Museum Bonn had already twice the possibility to test a primitive robot (RHINO), developed by UNIBONN, as a museum tour guide. The curiosity and interest of the museum visitors was enormous. As MUSBON is the first museum for contemporary science and research in Germany, and following the very positive experiences gained with RHINO in the museum, it is strongly believed that a permanent robot within the museum, that will serve Web-visitors and will also act as tour guide, would represent a great enrichment for the museum. One of the museum’s goals is to explain the significance of expensive basic research. A museum robot could help in demonstrating how the results of basic research develop into actual practical applications. This would help to increase the acceptance of high technology within the general public, the so-called public understanding of science. Additionally, MUSBON is organizing in cooperation with two other museums (Washington, Munich) the Centennial Exhibition of the Nobel Prize (1901-2001), which is planned to open at the beginning of 2002. Since different exhibits will be presented at the same time in the three museums, MUSBON is currently considering the exploitation of TOURBOT technology, in providing the visitors of one museum with access to the exhibits of the other two museums. BYZMUS also plans to introduce a mobile agent (TOURBOT) in the presentation of cultural commodities being exhibited. The application of a robotic avatar to the Byzantine Museum will contribute substantially to a better and greater promotion of the Museum, not only to the visitors but also mainly to those who are not able to travel and see its treasures with their own eyes. Moreover, the use of this pioneering technology offers the users multiple possibilities and renders the Museum friendlier to them. Especially regarding children and adolescents, already familiar with modern technology, the museum believes that it will be a motive and a spur for them to visit the museum again and approach the exhibits in a better way. 4.3 Initiation of New Projects Besides the above-mentioned direct exploitation plans, new vistas open for TOURBOT results in other exhibition sectors, such as large trade fairs. In the latter, and generally in exhibitions where the items presented (content being displayed) change often in short periods of time, TOURBOT technology may be extremely valuable for providing access to distant users. In such cases it is not realistic to provide even simple, static images of the exhibits on the Web, since the dynamic nature of the exhibition’s content would turn the Web pages obsolete very fast. The situation is even worse with richer representations Page 28 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable of the exhibits (videos, virtual reality representations), since the effort needed for their development may not pay off. Alternatively, robotic avatars can be introduced in these cases to seamlessly provide access to Web-visitors to the contemporary content of the exhibition. The consortium aims at initiatives to introduce and exploit TOURBOT developments in such cases and pursue demonstration and/or commercial activities where appropriate. Additionally, the technical partners of TOURBOT are drafting plans to exploit technologies developed within TOURBOT by transferring them in other application areas where similar technologies are needed. Surveillance of indoor environments, teleoperation, maintenance, and tele-control constitute only a few tasks than can benefit from TOURBOT technologies. 4.4 Market Exploitation Plans Market exploitation of new technologies and related products and services is the ultimate goal of RTD activities. Under this perspective, the consortium participants address market exploitation with a clear focus in new products and services. The consortium end-users (museums and exhibition places) aim at promoting their organizations through TOURBOT, and thus increasing their access and market share. The museums have made initial thoughts on introducing the TOURBOT system after the end of the project in temporary or permanent exhibition spaces. Such thoughts have been made under the spirit that the TOURBOT system helps museums increasing their accountability in terms of responding to market forces (increased used of technology in cultural spaces), quality of service, relevance to perceived needs. The museum ameliorates its profile in the market, as it is estimated that the TOURBOT system supports educational programs in national and international level, groups of visitors with special needs or low socio-economic level, encourages interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaboration and partnerships and supports research. Furthermore attracting web visitors through TOURBOT is of dual significance regarding access to museums. On one hand the museums will offer globalization of access, since the web visitors are identified as a large subset of the general public. On the other hand the opportunity offered to visit the museum through the web rates highly in cases that web visitors grow such interest in the museum’s exhibits to actually visit the museum in the future. This eventually is a way of increasing visitor numbers. Furthermore as museums entrance is due to a fee, the end users are considering charging the web visitors too, if a temporary or permanent installation after the end of the project will be decided. Page 29 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision Project Deliverable The commercial partner of TOURBOT (THEON) is anticipating an increase in its market share by promoting similar robotic platforms to interested museums and exhibition places. Moreover, relevant plans can be envisioned for selling and leasing platforms for related applications in various commercial sectors. A major thrust in the TOURBOT consortium comes from the participation of two Universities and a Research Institution. Such organizations have traditionally not considered market exploitation of their research results. In the case of TOURBOT the corresponding participants are already paving the way to commercially exploit project results and developments. The University of Freiburg in cooperation with Androtec GmbH, a spin-off company started in Kaiserslautern, has recently done first steps towards this direction. In this particular project, the technology for three-dimensional mapping that is developing within the TOURBOT project will be exploited and transferred into a product. Androtec and University of Freiburg have recently submitted to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research a research and development proposal for the support of this technology implementation. FORTH has also started first contacts with exhibition places aiming at introducing TOURBOT related services in commercial exhibitions. At the same time preliminary plans have been made with respect to provide the system to temporary cultural exhibitions and charge them. Such efforts will capitalize on project developments and will be pursued throughout the life cycle of the project as well as after the end of it. Page 30 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision 4.5 Project Deliverable Summary The following table summarizes the TOURBOT exploitation activities with information regarding consortium participants involved. Exploitation Activities Activity Participant(s) Involved Sector Survey ALL Follow-up Projects ALL Relevant Applications FORTH, UNIBONN, UNIFR, THEON In-house System Exploitation FHW, MUSBON, BYZMUS Enhanced Profile ALL Exploitation in Cultural / Commercial Exhibitions FORTH, UNIBONN, UNIFR, THEON Product/Service Commercialization ALL Market Prospects ALL Page 31 Dissemination and Use Plan-Second Revision 5 Project Deliverable Conclusions It is evident from the information outlined above that all consortium partners are committed in disseminating and exploiting the results of the project. The partners are also perfectly aware that a multitude of exploitation possibilities exist for the results of TOURBOT and they are capable for capitalizing on them. The dissemination strategy involves the announcement of the project and its results in proper fora and symposia and the broad advertisement of TOURBOT’s concepts. At the same time an exploitation plan has already been compiled in order to integrate the results of the project in the partners’ activities and to develop further use opportunities in relevant application areas. The Dissemination and Use Plan has been revised every six months (following its first release in project month five), since the dissemination activities constitute an ongoing procedure throughout the project that enhances exploitation possibilities. At the end of the project, by month 24, the Technological Implementation Plan will be prepared, including the actual achievements and plans in dissemination and exploitation activities. The consortium considers the Dissemination and Use Plan as an important part of their work towards the successful completion of the project but also in terms of maximizing the impact of TOURBOT results across Europe. Page 32