Nausea/Vomiting Sources: Patterns of Disharmony: 1.Invasion of St by Liver a.Clinical Manifestations b.Pulse/Tongue c.Treatment Principle d. Treatment Strategy e. Treatment Plan f. Patient Education/ Recommendations g. prognosis 2.Rebellion of St Qi a.Clinical Manifestations b.Pulse/Tongue c.Treatment Principle d. Treatment Strategy e. Treatment Plan f. Patient Education/ Recommendations g. prognosis 3.Stomach Heat a. Clinical Manifestations b.Pulse/Tongue 1. Invasion of St by Liver 2. Rebellion of St Qi 3.Stomach Heat 4. Damp-Heat Invading the Spleen 5.Retention of food in the Stomach a. irritability, distention and pain in epigastrium and hypochondrium, fullness in epigastrium, sour regurgitation, belching, nausea, vomiting b. T: Red on the sides or pale P: weak on the right and wiry on the left c. Harmonize the liver and tonify the stomach d. reduce points to harmonize the liver and reinforce points to tonify the stomach e. LV-14, LV-13, GB-34, CV-13, CV-10, ST-36, BL-21 f. relaxation techniques, eat regularly g. n-a a. Nausea, belching, vomiting, hiccup b. T: no changes P: tight on right Middle position c. subdue rebellious qi, stimulate the descending of Stomach Qi d. empirical points to descend St-Qi e. CV-13, CV-10, PC-6, SP-4 f. due to the fact that this condition is often due to emotional problems such as worry and anxiety it is appropriate to suggest relaxation techniques to the patient. g. n-a a. sensation of nausea/vomit soon after heating, burning sensation in epigastrium, thirst with the desire to drink cold liquids, constant hunger, swelling and pain in the gums, sour regurgitation, constipation, nausea, vomiting soon after eating, and bad breath. b. T: red with thick-yellow dry coating P: c.Treatment Principle d. Treatment Strategy e. Treatment Plan f. Patient Education/ Recommendations g. prognosis 4.Damp-Heat Invading the Spleen a.Clinical Manifestations b.Pulse/Tongue Full, deep, raipd c. clear Stomach Heat, stimulate the stomach descending function d. Empirical points for Stomach heat, reducing method on points except CV-12 and 13 e. ST-21, CV-13, ST-44, St-45, Sp-6, CV12, PC-6 f. avoid overly acrid flavors, raise headboard g.n-a a. Stuffiness of the epigastrium and lower abdomen, no appetite, feeling of heaviness, thirst without desire to drink in small sips, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loose stools with offensive odor, burning sensation in the anus, scanty and darkyellow urination, low-grade fever, headache b. T-sticky-yellow coating P:slippery-rapid c. resolve dampness and clear heat c.Treatment Principle d. Treatment Strategy e. Treatment Plan f. Patient Education/ Recommendations g. prognosis 5. Retention of Food in the Stomach a.Clinical Manifestations b.Pulse/Tongue c.Treatment Principle d. Treatment Strategy e. Treatment Plan f. Patient Education/ Recommendations g. prognosis d. Reduce Excess e. SP-9 and SP-6 , DU-9, LI-11, BL-20 GB-34 f. avoid damp foods and over-thinking g. n-a a. no appetite, fullness and distention of the epigastrium which is relieved by vomiting, nausea, vomiting, foul breath, sour regurgitation, belching, insomnia b. T: thick coating P: Full, slippery c. Remove retention of food, stimulate the descending of Stomach-Qi d. Empirical points for stomach finction e. CV-13, CV-10, St-21, St-44, St-45, SP4, PC-6 f. suggest taking time to eat and not over eating g.n-a