Learning and Leadership ELL ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 Region Profile: Data sets will be provided for your region/discipline. Complete the chart below and use the convergence of data to answer questions about your region/discipline. Summary of Data Analyzed: ELL Student Performance Data ___ State Performance Plan ___ IIP _X__ On-line Assessment (Reading/Math/ Science) ELL student IELDA data AMAO ITBS/ITED Social/Emotional/ Behavior Data ___ Iowa Youth Survey Needs Assessment Data _X__ AEA Staff Needs Assessment ___ Patterns of Implementation ___ Learning & Leadership Team Needs Assessment Other Data Federal Audit Ongoing feedback from districts to Lynn Tiemann and Julie Grotewold BEDS Numbers Staff Development Surveys Support Group input Disproportionality Data 1. What do you notice when you look at these data? What are you comfortable saying about student and staff performance based on these results? - ELL student performance is below state proficiency - Achievement gap between ELLs and Non ELLs in the areas of reading and math on ITBS/ITED - Lower reading scores on the reading portion on the I-ELDA with other ELLs in the state based on 2008 results - Not all districts have an ELL plan - Federal audit results will bring changes to requirement for districts with ELLs - Not all general education teachers who serve ELL students receive professional development in the area of ELL - AEA staff have the expressed need for training in differentiated instruction, math, reading and behavior interventions - Lack of awareness of national standards for ELL - Lack of understanding of ELL/ Special Education eligibility 2. What additional questions do these data generate? - How How How How How How How do do do do do do do we we we we we we we help districts improve compliance with state and federal regulations regarding English Language Learners? help AEA and district staff improve cultural competence? assist districts and AEA staff in understanding ELL/ special education eligibility? improve reading and writing scores for English Language Learners? link effective instruction with English Language Learners with other differentiated instruction initiatives for all students? develop an understanding of national (TESOL) standards and state ELL standards among LEA and AEA staff? provide accessible professional development in the area of English Language Learning for AEA and LEA staff? Learning and Leadership ELL ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 3. What staff needs can be inferred from the data? - Lack of understanding of compliance issues among AEA and districts Staff need a wider range of professional development in differentiated instruction which addresses the needs of English Language Learners in reading, writing, speaking and listening The AEA has identified the need to develop learning to increase awareness of all staff in cultural and linguistic needs of all students Districts and AEA staff need an increased awareness of available resources (brochures, website, support group meetings) Administrators from larger districts met and requested additional meetings 4. What do the results and their implications mean for your Agency professional development plans? Focus on: - Saturday trainings/workshops/courses will be offered to meet needs of LEA staff Two courses will be offered ELL Basics ( culture, language acquisition, instructional strategies) and ELL 2 (Reading, writing and content area instruction) Additional workshops will be offered in English Language Learners and Assessment, Introduction to Sheltered Instruction, District Responsibilities, I-ELDA training, Developing a district ELL plan, Improving the Learning of Preschool English Language Learners Individually designed trainings will be provided to districts, schools or staff upon request Provide additional meetings with administrator’s of English Language Learning programs Type of Plan X Agency □ Region (please identify) __________________ □ Discipline (please identify) ________________ Person(s) Responsible for Implementing and Monitoring Plan : Lynn Tiemann and Julie Grotewold Description of the Ideal State: - ELL support provided within GWAEA with provide flexible and responsive services to meet the needs of AEA staff, districts, teachers, support staff, families and students - All districts in AEA 10 are fully aware and comply with NCLB, Title I, Title III and state requirements. - All districts use research based instructional strategies in developing effective programming for ELL students. - AEA/ LEA use data analysis to improve achievement of ELL students. Critical Element: Vision + Skills + Incentives + Resources + Action Plan = Change Learning and Leadership ELL ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 Goal #1: Offer professional development in the area of English Language Learners to meet district and AEA needs Action Steps to Be Taken - Provide trainings to AEA/LEA staff in data analysis / instructional strategies, on going assessment Person(s) Responsible Lynn/ Julie Resources Timeline Quarterly Progress Updates -DOE; Sherry Sines; AEA-ELL Resource Team, Midwest Equity Center; TESOL resources, ELL support groups, NE ELL Consortium 2009-2010 Aug. 3-4 & Sept. 10 Introduction to Sheltered Instruction ELL Basics Sept. 26, Oct. 24 & Nov. 11 - schedule three ELL support group meetings for LEA and AEA staff Lynn “ October, Jan and April - Lynn provide a data analysis and meet with ELL teachers to improve ELL instruction based on I-ELDA scores “ August through October - Provide training on the use of the Idea Proficiency Test for students with new ELL populations - provide professional development to districts upon request August through May Lynn “ August through May Learning and Leadership ELL ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 -participate and host ELL administrators’ group Julie/Lynn & NE ELL Consortium October & April AEA resources, websites, articles, books, curriculum -Provide information to LEA and AEA staff for upcoming professional learning opportunities, and resources Lynn Website, linker, professional development, email contact lists Ongoing -Offer training for AEA staff in the area of ELL vs. Special Education Lynn SIOP I and II, Schools Moving Up, TESOL Fall 2009 - Offer Cultural Competency training through Mentoring and Induction Lynn Kim Owen ELL resources Fall 2009 Resources Timeline DOE; Sherry Sines; AEA-ELL contacts, Midwest Equity Center; TESOL resources, CSL, OL, Teacher Quality Aug. 3 & 4 Goal #2: Develop/Coordinate AEA ELL Resource Team Action Steps to Be Taken Provide initial trainings in the areas of culture, second language acquisition and instructional strategies for ELL Resource Team members Person(s) Responsible Lynn Quarterly Progress Updates Learning and Leadership ELL ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 Schedule and provide six follow up training meetings to support staff and district needs Lynn with input from team members “Necessary Conversations” book Implications for Agency Professional Development - potential workshops on differentiated instruction / analyzing student data - potential workshops on Spec. Education vs. ELL - continue with PS ELL, District Responsibilities and ELL plan workshops Implications for LEA Involvement - Support groups - Meeting with LEA/ administrators/ teachers Evidence of Success (How will you know you are making progress? What are your benchmarks?) - All districts have ELL plans - All districts have successful DE site visits in the area of ELL - 100% understanding and compliance with state/federal assessment requirements - Access to quality/ helpful staff development and support Evaluation Process (How will you determine that your goal has been reached? What are your measures?) - Site visit feedback - Copies of district plans that have all required components - Testing orders from LEA’s match identified ELL students - Feedback from training and support The following Agency Directed travel needs have been identified to support the region/discipline professional development needs: - ICLC- February – three days for Lynn and ELL Resource Team members - Sub grantee meetings- 3 days - I-ELDA- train the trainers in January - TESOL national conference- Boston, Massachusetts in March for Lynn and Julie To accomplish the needs of the discipline, added days may be requested by discipline leads. Identify the number of additional days needed, and outline on a separate page the plan for use of that time. Time needs should be met for the ELL consultant through use of an individualized flexible scheduling including a flexible calendar. Learning and Leadership ELL ACTION PLAN for 2009-2010 ELL Resource Team- has been awarded additional time through Teacher Quality funds