APRIL 2012
1. Background
The Arbor City Award competition was reintroduced in the year 2002. The main aim
is to regognise and provide incentives for town and cities for their greening efforts
with the special focus on previously disadvantaged areas such as townships and
informal settlements.
All local Municipalities are eligible to enter i.e. Metropolitan and the category B
Municipalities. Since the year 2002 upto 2010, the competition was conducted in a
particular province. In the year 2002 it was initiated in Gauteng, and thereafter other
provinces following alphabetic order. At the end of the nine years cycle, the Minister
of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries gave a directive that the competition should be
upscaled from being provincially based to a national programme. As from the year
2011 the Arbor City Award has been conducted as a national competition
2. Objectives of the programme
The main objective of the programme is to encourage Municipalities to undertake
greening initiatives. The other objectives include the following:
To promote the development of provincial and local greening plans
To extend greening in local Municipalities to previously disadvantaged areas
To ensure compliance with relevant greening legislation
Raise general awareness about the importance and value of trees in residential
To provide incentives for local authorities that go an extra mile to green their
To provide a platform for diagnosis of challenges facing Municipalities regarding
the greening function and discuss solutions
3. Modus operandi
The programme is coordinated and facilitated by DAFF and the IERM. TOTAL
South Africa is the main sponsor of the programme. Entry forms are sent to all
Municipalities that are eligible to enter, with a deadline for entries. In order to
increase the amount of participants, adverts will be placed in selected newspapers.
The IERM will also ensure distribution of entry forms through their network of
registered members.
Entries will be shortlisted according to the criteria provided and the shortlisted entries
will be evaluated through visits to the specific Municipalities. During the visits
Municipalities will be requested to make brief presentations and to show the panel of
evaluators projects in the Municipality.
The winners will be officially announced during the National Arbor Week Launch
event where the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries will hand over prizes
to the winning Municipalities.
4. Summary of criteria for evaluation
The judging criteria focuses on the following aspects. The detailed judging criteria is
attached as Appendix B.
Greening policy and strategy
The conservation and protection of existing trees
Space for future tree planting , planning and development of wide
The development And conservation of greenbelts , natural assets in new
and existing residential settlements
Greening in (townships), low-income cost housing
Public participation
Future and current tree planting programmes
Maintenance operations
Tree administration
Programmes on eradication of undesirable alien invasives
Involvement in partnerships, national and provincial greening campaigns
Use of trees to give the town/ city a definitive character
Tree awareness and education
Resource allocation to greening
5. Entries
Briefing notes will be prepared for the entrants to provide explanation about the
competition. Entries for the competition will be handled as follows:
DAFF National and regional offices will send entries to Municipalities
Adverts will be placed in selected newspapers
The IERM will circulate entries via their network of member Municipalities
Entries will be posted on both the DAFF and IERM website
The closing date for entries will be 25 May 2012
Adjudication will be finalized by 30 June 2012
Entries for Metropolitan Municipalities should be as follows:
Portfolio of evidence showing greening policy or strategy, tree
register, maintenance plans and budget
Portfolio of evidence in videos or pictures depicting projects, sites,
special trees
A narrative not exceeding two pages indicating why the Municipality
hopes to be the winner of the Arbor City Award 2012
8.8 Entries for Category B Municipalities should be as follows
Portfolio of evidence showing greening policy or strategy, tree
register, maintenance plans and budget
Portfolio of videos or pictures depicting projects, sites, special trees
A narrative not exceeding two pages indicating why the Municipality
hopes to be the winner of the Arbor City Award 2012
6. Evaluation panel
The evaluation panel will be composed as follows:
DAFF national
TOTAL SA national
IERM national
Department of Environment Affairs National (optional)
7. The adjudication process
The first phase of evaluation will be done based on portfolio of evidence received
from the Municipalities and the first shortlist will be done. The shortlisted
Municipalities will then be further evaluated as follows:
The Municipalities will give a presentation approx 45 min
Selected projects will be visited
Judges will complete scoring sheets
An average score will be calculated to determine the winner
The process is subject to ratification by DAFF(principals)
8. Prizes
The competition provides for two categories of winners i.e. Metropolitan
Municipalities and Category B Municipalities. For each category the winner will
receive prize money and trees to promote greening in their area.