Network Structure and Organizational Cooperation: What Estuaries Tell Us Wendy Xinfang Gao and Frances Stokes Berry Askew School of Public Administration & Policy Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-2250 Network Structure and Organizational Cooperation: What Estuaries Tell Us This research studies how different network structures affect the cooperation between public organizations within the network. Building upon previous research (Agranoff & McGuire, 1991, 1998, 1999, 2001; Mandel, 1988, 1990, 1994; O’Toole, 1986, 1990; Provan & Milward, 1991, 1995, 1998), this paper uses the survey data gained from twenty-two estuaries nationwide to examine this relationship. Twelve estuaries in the National Estuary Program (NEP) and ten Non-NEP estuaries were surveyed and interviewed; two different network properties, namely, centrality and density were studied to explore how they affect organizational cooperation within the estuaries. Organizations surveyed include different levels of government agencies, business organizations, non-profit organizations, and research organizations including universities and research institutes. The paper proposes two hypotheses based on previous research. The network density and centrality are generated by UCINET (Borgatti, Everett and Freeman, 2002). Measurements of centrality include degree centrality, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality. Measurements of density are ego networks density and the average distance of nodes. Two dummy variables, the NEP status of individual organizations and the status of government agencies are introduced as control variables. The measurement of organizational cooperation is Yes/No answers to seven questions on collaboration and cooperation of the organization with other stakeholders. It is treated as count data, ranging from zero (when all seven questions were answered “No”) to seven (when all seven questions were answered “Yes”). The paper uses Poisson/ Negative binomial regression to test proposed hypotheses. Preliminary empirical results agree with previous research, and also present some new findings that need further explorations. Supporting previous research, betweenness centrality stands out as the significant factor to positively affect perceived organizational cooperation. 1 Network Structure and Organizational Cooperation: What Estuaries Tell Us Background An estuary is a place where freshwater from rivers and streams flows into the sea. Estuaries are important to the health of coastal environments and survival of many species including human beings. Policies on estuaries, and proper management of estuaries, thus, become very important issues. In 1987 Congress created the National Estuary Program (NEP), which was administered by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency through the Water Quality Act of 1987. As a voluntary program, NEP began in 1987 with six local NEPs of national importance scattered around the country. It has grown to 28 estuaries in eighteen states and Puerto Rico by the year 2003. Each NEP is administered under the Clean Water Act Section 320, and must establish a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan for attaining or maintaining water quality in an estuary (, 2003). The requirement to establish the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan makes it possible for stakeholders to interact and network. In addition, wide geographical coverage sometimes makes policy network a more effective way to manage estuaries. Due to this fact, from 1998 to 2001, a research group led by Professor John Scholz in the Florida State University conducted two rounds of surveys to identify and examine the policy network in twenty-two estuaries nationwide. Among them, twelve of them were in the National Estuary Program, and ten non-NEP estuaries were selected to match the regional distribution and physical characteristics of the NEP estuaries (Scholz, 2 Kile, & Berardo 2003). The first round were mailed questionnaires mainly to identify networks within estuaries, the second round included telephone interviews and mailed questionnaires, collecting information on network structure, level of cooperation, and effectiveness. Problem Statement Implementation and administration of environmental policies usually demand different approaches from other policy domains. As Schneider, Scholz, Lubell, Mindruta and Edwardsen (2003) argued, in administrating environmental “commons”, “approaches that rely on hierarchical command-and-control are being replaced by policies that seek to create more community-based and less coercive solutions to policy problems,” and cooperation and “networks form the core of these new governing structures” that “determine the authoritative allocation of resources” (p. 142). As a way to promote regional integration and cooperation within the federal system, networks are developed and used widely in implementing environmental policies. Furthermore, not only popular in environmental policy domain, networks have become an increasingly used organizational form, “the network is emerging as the signature form of organization in the information age, just as bureaucracy stamped the industrial age, hierarchy controlled in the agricultural era and the small group roamed in the nomadic era” (Lipnack and Stamps, 1994, p. 3). Networks are becoming important elements of public management and intergovernmental cooperation. However, as Schneider et al (2003) noted, the understanding of these networks still lacked “the systematic exploration of the impacts of networks on the policy outputs and outcomes of agencies involved in local network” (p. 154). 3 This paper, in an effort to do such an exploration, using data gained from the surveys on twenty-two estuaries, studies how different network structures affected the trust and outcomes of networks in estuaries. The paper analyzes characteristics of policy networks in each estuary through Ucinet (Borgatti, Everett, M.G. and Freeman, 2002), and examines how these different network properties, namely, centrality and density, affect social capital and cooperation levels of different estuaries. Theoretical Framework While studies of networks have been undertaken for decades, sociologists, political scientists and public management researchers often have approached networks from very different perspectives. Though recently the gap between them has been bridged, comparatively speaking, network research is still conducted using different approaches. Sociologists use cognitive approaches to conduct social network analysis, discuss concepts such as cohesion, centrality, stability, and density of networks, and study structure, power and influence of organizations (Freeman, 1979; Burt, 1976, 1980, 1992; Krackhardt, 1990; Granovetter, 1973, 1983; Knoke, 1990; Wellman, 1983, Topper & Carley, 1999, Scott, 1991). Political science network researchers focus on policy changes including adoptions and policy diffusion represented by Mintrom, Sabatier, and JenkinsSmith. They have studied power, coalition and politics of agenda setting and policy adoptions within the federal system. In political science networks are often interest groups and people who act as a subsystem for policy management, or as structures for overcoming collective action problems. Public management network researchers have attempted to develop a network management paradigm comparable to the hierarchical 4 organizational authority paradigm of bureaucratic management (Agranoff, 1991; Agranoff & McGuire1998, 1999 2001; Mandell, 1984, 1994; Mandell, O'Toole, 1986, 1990; Provan &Milward, 1991, 1995, 1998). The view of networks in these studies has varied widely. Provan & Milward (1991) regarded networks as linkages among separate organizations. Some other researchers defined networks as relations among separate organizations, “relations within a system of actors” (Burt, 1980, p. 81). Other researchers viewed networks as more formal types of organized efforts (Agranoff, 1991; Agranoff & McGuire, 1998; Mandell, 1988). Schneider et al. (2003) agreed with Heclo “it is through networks of people who regard each other as knowledgeable, or at least needing to be answered that public policy issues tend to be refined, evidence debated, and alternative options worked out-though rarely in any controlled, well-organized way” (2003, p. 142). Networks provide platforms where highly interdependent policy actors are contacted and interact frequently to deal with common problems. “The resulting formal and informal interactions have the potential to increase policy effectiveness at less cost than authority-based structural changes arrived at through formal reorganization” (Schneider et al., 2003, p. 143). This paper adopts the network concept used by Schneider et al (2003) since both papers discuss natural resources management in big regional districts across local jurisdiction and administration. Network management’s “potential to increase policy effectiveness at less cost” (Schneider et al., 2003, p. 143) and the fact that so many programs are now implemented through network structures has focused attention from researchers. Public management network research, led by Agranoff, McGuire, O’Toole, Meier, Provan and Milward has 5 been studying which types of network structures are best able to improve efficiency and accountability of public agencies and public programs. Agranoff and McGuire (2001) regarded “decisions made in networks may simply be better decisions”, “more effective” (p. 24) because networks involved stakeholder and many other interest groups. Furthermore, network decision-making could be viewed “as being more rational than individual decision-making” (p. 24) and “may also occur as a result of a synergy that can develop when multiple players pursue a common solution” (p. 24), which implied a better rationality, more acceptability and more effective implementation. Provan and Milward (1995) argued that studies of networks had been “guided primarily by two theoretical perspectives: resource dependence and related exchange perspectives, and transaction cost economics, with most recent work focusing on the latter approach.” (p. 1). The transaction cost literature argues that the motivation and rationale for networking activities is more efficiency related to reducing transaction costs (Williamson, 1985). Individual organizations made strategic choices to form or become part of a cooperative network of other organizations when it appeared that the advantages to such an arrangement outweighed the costs of maintaining the relationship (Provan and Milward, 1995). The transaction cost approach was used widely by sociologists in the organization theory literature. Using it in the policy arena is still quite new, though some pioneers include Feoick, Carr, Lubell, Schneider and Scholz. Feiock and Carr (2001) observed partnership in the creation of a municipalities and special districts when potential benefits of cooperation outweighed the transaction costs of forming new institutions. Schneider et al. (2003)’s study in the National Estuary Program argued that networks increased the 6 available “information” about myriad details of organizational decision-making as well as potential implementation problems in each organization. Based on the political contracting theories of collective action, these authors thought networks increased the credibility of commitments by transforming short-term interactions into repeated games in which a reputation for reciprocity and trustworthiness could potentially mitigate the problem of opportunism involved in single exchanges. Do networks produce results or discover processes that would not have emerged from work through a single organization? Obviously, as we already note, many researchers believe so, though some researchers offer a different view. Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith (1993) argued that tight-knit networks and shared belief-systems within each coalition might actually inhibit cooperation between them. Empirical research trying to answer these questions, however, still remains in a preliminary stage. Milward and Provan’s (1995) study on four community mental health systems provided some clues. One of their findings was network effectiveness could be explained by network structure and context, namely, centralized integration, external control, stability and resource munificence. Networks integrated and coordinated centrally through a single core agency, were more likely to be more effective for the outcomes they examined. In their findings, monopoly was the most effective network, and network effectiveness would be highest when the network was integrated with a centralized core agency. Milward and Provan’s findings have significant policy implications, and test their propositions in more networks and more settings may expand the generalizability of their findings. This paper studies networks in twenty-two estuaries, hoping to solve the 7 limitation in Milward and Provan’s research. The network effectiveness examined in this paper is collaboration and cooperation between organizations within the network. To further test Milward and Provan’s (1998) arguments on network centralization and network effectiveness, this paper, thus, develops its first hypothesis: 1) Estuary networks centralized through core agencies have higher levels of organizational cooperation How to describe network centralized through core agencies? Previous research provided some examples. According to Wasserman and Faust (1994), “both centrality and prestige indices are examples of measures of the prominence or importance of the actors in a social network” (p. 170). They presented four centrality measures, namely degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, and information centrality and three measures of prestige, based on degree, proximity, and status or rank. These indices were discussed according to actor and group-level to capture structural and locational properties of networks. Previous research on centrality and prestige indices showed different results. Comparing the actor and group-level degree, closeness and betweeness centrality measures, Freeman (1979) demonstrated that the betweenness indices best captured the essence of the important actors. Later, Freeman, Roder, and Mulholland (1980) found that betweenness indices best measured which actors in the set of actors was viewed most frequently as a leader, and both the degree and betweenness indices were important indictors of group performance. These centrality measures and prestige indices, thus, are adopted to capture integration through core agencies within networks. Another explanation of network dynamics is concerned with social capital, 8 network density and strength of network ties. Coleman (1988) argued that social capital was a facilitation to networking actions. Putnam (2000) developed Coleman’s idea, saying “social capital here refers to features of social organization, such as trust, norms, and networks, that can improve the efficiency of society by facilitating coordinated action” (1993, p. 167). Defined as the average strength of connection between contacts, network density was one form of network closure (Burt, 2000). As a source of social capital (Burt), network closures were usually positively related to coordination and communication. Individuals in networks adopted networking strategies around similar or like-minded individuals. Contacts in a dense network tended to keep close communication through numerous communication channels, and could readily punish those individuals who violated shared beliefs or norms of behavior. Density of networks, therefore, was closely related to trust. In Burt’s words, “Dense networks of positive relations increase the probability of trust” (2000, p. 7). Coleman (1998) further argued social capital, such as trust, norms and networks, could improve the efficiency of society by facilitating coordinated action. Putnam agreed and said “networks facilitate coordination and communication … and thus allow dilemmas of collective choice to be resolved” (Putnam, 1995, p. 67). Research done by Schneider, Scholz, Lubell, and Edwardsen (2003) agreed with these arguments. They found through informal and formal interactions, networks produced social capital through closure, and thus, had the potential to increase policy effectiveness. Their research concluded that networks in NEP areas nurtured stronger interpersonal ties between stakeholders. 9 The estuary networks studied by this paper had multiple levels of governmental organizations, namely, federal, regional and local. They also involved different types of organizations including government organizations, non-profit agencies including environmental organizations, research institutes, universities, etc., and business organizations. Thus, similar to networks explored by Provan and Milward (1995) and Schneider, et. al (2003), the estuary networks were more or less weak-tie networks. Therefore, based on the above theoretical arguments between network density and cooperation within weak-tie networks, the paper develops another hypothesis to test: 2) More densely connected estuaries enjoy higher levels of organizational cooperation Data and Measurements The data of this research were collected through two rounds of mailed questionnaire and interviews to stakeholders in twenty-two estuaries. These surveys were done from 1999 to 2001. They were to identify and examine the policy network in twenty-two estuaries nationwide. Among them twelve were selected from the National Estuary Program. These included Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds, Barnegat Bay, Casco Bay, Charlotte Harbor, Corpus Christi Bay Estuary, Lower Columbia River Estuary, Delaware Inland Bays, Long Island Sound, Maryland Coastal Bays, Mobile Bay, New Hampshire Estuaries, and Tampa Bay. The other ten non-NEP estuaries were selected from the approximately 100 major estuaries in the United States to match the regional distribution and physical characteristics of the NEP estuaries (Scholz et al 2003). They were Apalachicola Bay Estuary, Atchafalaya Bay Estuary, Cape Fear River, Gray's Harbor 10 Estuary, Lower Saint John's River Estuary, Martha's Vineyard, Penobscot Bay Estuary, Saco Bay Estuary, Pensacola Bay Estuary, and St Andrew's Bay Estuary. The first round surveys were conducted in spring 1999, mainly to identify different level of organizations and networks within estuaries. The response rates for this round were 64 percent for NEP estuaries and 65 percent for non-NEP estuaries. Based on the results of the first round survey, the second round found out the properties and levels of cooperation in the networks identified in the first round. The second round of survey tried to contact all respondents from the first round. Researchers conducted telephone interviews to these respondents and mailed follow up questionnaires. The response rate were 77 percent for NEP estuaries and 81 percent for non-NEP estuaries. Both surveys covered roughly 840 respondents (Lubell 2002). As a result, they generated rich data on properties and effectiveness of network structures of twenty-two estuaries. This research uses data from both surveys. The paper analyzes network characteristics of undirected respondent matrixes of twenty-two estuaries generated by the Ucinet (Borgatti, Everett, and Freeman, 2002). In order to measure the network integration through the core agencies, adopting arguments by Wasserman & Faust (1994), actor level of centrality and prestige indices are used in this paper. According to Wasserman & Faust (1994), a prestigious actor is the one who is the object of extensive ties. The prestige of an actor increases as the actor becomes the object of more ties. Actors who are prestigious tend to receive many nominations or choices. Since core agencies usually are more prestigious, this paper adopts an index of degree prestige (prestige) to identify core agencies. Prestige indices are in degrees of each actor divided by the group size, give us the proportion of actors 11 who choose a particular actor. The three independent variables of centrality introduced are the degree centrality, closeness centrality and betweenness centrality. According to Faust and Wasserman (1994), degree centrality is the degree of the nodes; closeness centrality measures how close an actor is to all the other actors in the network. An actor is central if he can quickly interact with all others. Betweenness centrality measures how two nonadjacent actors might depend on the other actors in the network, especially the actors who lay on the paths between the two. The actor betweenness index for ni is simply the sum of the estimated probabilities over all pairs of actors not including the ith actor. Based on previous research, the authors believe these variables captured the structural and locational properties of each actor, thus, can identify the prominent and important actors in the estuary networks. The paper’s measurements of centrality of networks are also consistent with what Ucinet (Borgatti, Everett, and Freeman, 2002) defines as centrality. Variables on centrality are node measurements generated by Ucinet (Borgatti, Everett, and Freeman, 2002), and are normalized centrality measures. According to Ucinet (Borgatti, Everett, and Freeman, 2002), the number of vertices adjacent to a given vertex in a symmetric graph is the degree of that vertex. The normalized degree centrality is the degree divided by the maximum possible degree expressed as a percentage. The farness of a vertex is the sum of the lengths of the geodesics to every other vertex. The reciprocal of farness is the closeness centrality. The normalized closeness centrality of a vertex is the reciprocal of farness divided by the minimum possible farness expressed as a percentage. The betweenness of vertex i is the sum of all bjk where i, j and k are distinct. Betweenness is 12 therefore a measure of the number of times a vertex occurred on a geodesic. The normalized betweenness centrality is the betweenness divided by the maximum possible betweenness expressed as a percentage. In addition, two independent variables are chosen as measurements of density. Among them one is the ego network density (Density), defined as the number of undirected ties divided by number of ordered pairs. The other measurement of density is the average distance (avgdist), defined as the average geodesic distance. This variable is introduced to supplement information not provided by ego network density. Ucinet (Borgatti, Everett, and Freeman, 2002) calculates density as the average value within clusters for similarity and the sum for distance data. The dependent variable, the network’s level of cooperation, was obtained from perceived data of respondents obtained from the second round of survey. This paper treats Yes/No answers to seven questions on collaboration and interaction with other stakeholders as the dependent variable. These seven questions asked the respondent organizations whether or not they had engaged seven types of collaborations. Questions includes whether or not the organization provided information to other organizations, whether or not they shared personnel, whether or not they collaborated on joint research projects, whether or not they had collaboration on joint grant/funding proposal, whether or not they created an interagency taskforce, whether or not they signed a memorandum of understanding/agreement and whether or not they shared permitting or regulatory activities. The variable is treated as a count data, ranging from zero {when all seven questions were answered “No”}) to seven {when all seven questions were answered 13 “Yes”}). These data nicely measured how networks affected the interagency cooperation and collaboration within estuaries. Since previous research has found big differences between networks in NEP and Non-NEP estuaries, a dummy variable is introduced with NEP as 1, Non NEP as 0. In addition, since government agencies tend to have institutional and financial support to form and maintain networks, a dummy variable with government agencies as 1 and nongovernment agencies as 0 is introduced to the regression equation. Findings and Analyses Using UCINET (Borgatti, Everett and Freeman, 2002) generated data on centrality and density, a diagnostic test for multicollinearity is done at first. The following are the results. Figure 1 Multicollinearity Test of Independent Variables Prestige Density Average distance Closeness Betweenness Degree Prestige Average Density distance Closeness Betweenness Degree 1.0000 -0.9916 1.0000 -0.3109 0.3117 1.0000 -0.7392 0.7656 0.4146 1.0000 -0.6656 0.6509 0.7254 0.7432 1.0000 -0.4945 0.4914 0.4175 0.4726 0.6048 1.0000 Since there is serious collinearity between Density and Average Distance, and density and average distance are two variables to describe node density, the variable of Average distance is dropped. We decided the less serious collinearity between Density and Betweenness, and closeness and degree is not large enough to require eliminating a variable chosen on theoretical grounds. In order to run possion regression on count data, the dependent variable needs to meet a strict possion assumption. The dependent variable of this research is the answers 14 to seven questions, treated as count data. Its distribution is showed as the following histogram. .4 0 .2 Density .6 .8 Figure 1. Histogram of Distribution of Dependent Variable 1 0 2 4 depvar 6 8 Unfortunately, it does not follow a poisson distribution. To convert it to follow a poisson distribution, we create a new dependent variable, dependent variable 2, which equals 7 minus the original dependent variable. Since seven is the highest possible cooperation score, this new dependent variable simply is the negative cooperation. This variable is created only for the convenience of statistical analysis. Its distribution histogram follows: Figure 2. Histogram of Distribution of Dependent Variable 2 15 .8 .6 .4 0 .2 Density 0 2 4 depvar2 6 8 Furthermore, an overdispersion test is run. The result further proves there is no overdispersion, and poisson regression can be done using the new dependent variable. Table 1: Overdispersion Test Results Source | SS df MS -------------+-----------------------------Model | 0 0 . Residual | 315.638498 368 .85771331 -------------+-----------------------------Total | 315.638498 368 .85771331 Number of obs F( 0, 368) Prob > F R-squared Adj R-squared Root MSE = = = = = = 369 0.00 . 0.0000 0.0000 .92613 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------z | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------_cons | .0519745 .0482123 1.08 0.282 -.0428317 .1467807 Thus, we run the poisson regression, and obtain the following results. 16 Table 2: Poisson Regression Results Iteration 0: Iteration 1: Iteration 2: log likelihood = -663.25475 log likelihood = -663.25002 log likelihood = -663.25002 Poisson regression Number of obs = 369 LR chi2(7) = 30.68 Prob > chi2 = 0.0001 Log likelihood = -663.25002 Pseudo R2 = 0.0226 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------depvar2 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------gov | -.1369286 .0712988 -1.92 0.055 -.2766717 .0028145 nep | -.0083963 .0737181 -0.11 0.909 -.152881 .1360885 prestige | .1406773 .1115847 1.26 0.207 -.0780248 .3593794 density | -.000468 .0015846 -0.30 0.768 -.0035738 .0026377 betweeness | -.024248 .0076361 -3.18 0.001 -.0392145 -.0092816 closeness | .0011681 .0024395 0.48 0.632 -.0036132 .0059493 degree | -.2292946 .2444457 -0.94 0.348 -.7083993 .2498101 _cons | 1.024475 .150263 6.82 0.000 .7299646 1.318985 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The dummy variable that whether the organization is a government agency or not and the variable of betweenness have significant effects on the created dependent variable. How much are the effect of these variables? The paper explains them through the standard deviation change in Xk. For a standard deviation change in Xk, the expected count changed by a factor of exp(βk * Sk), holding all other variables constant. Specifically, they display following changes. Using betweenness as one example, one standard deviation change in Xk, the expected cooperation count changes by 0.8261. Table 3: The Expected Cooperation Changes Independent Variables gov nep prestige density betweeness closeness degree 17 Coefficient -0.13693 -0.0084 0.140677 -0.00047 -0.02425 0.001168 -0.22929 Standard Deviation 0.494951 0.496995 0.402707 31.92891 7.880667 29.09011 0.317218 Changes 0.934473 0.995836 1.058287 0.985168 0.826058 1.034564 0.929846 Based on the poisson regression results on the new dependent variable, government agency status is positively related to organizational cooperation in networks, significant at 90% level. NEP status of respondents, though still positive to the network cooperation, has no statistical significance. The relationship between centrality and organizational cooperation, however, presents a perplexing result. On the one hand, betweenness stands out as a positive important factor to affect cooperation, significant at 99% level. In addition, degree centrality shows a positive effect, though not statistically significant. On the other hand, closeness centrality and prestige indices pose negative effects on cooperation, though neither is statistically significant. Similarly, results show a positive relationship between density and network cooperation, though the relationship is not statistically significant. These results are based on a new dependent variable created just for the convenience of statistical analysis. The paper further run negative nominal regression to test these results because the original dependent variable does not follow a strict poisson distribution, yet negative nominal regression can be run since their assumptions are much loose. Table 4 is the results obtained. Table 4: Negative Binomial Regression Results Fitting comparison Poisson model: Iteration 0: Iteration 1: log likelihood = -729.10297 log likelihood = -729.10295 Fitting constant-only model: Iteration 0: Iteration 1: Iteration 2: log likelihood = -978.84315 log likelihood = -735.44668 log likelihood = -735.44668 Fitting full model: 18 (not concave) Iteration 0: Iteration 1: Iteration 2: log likelihood = -729.11374 log likelihood = -729.10295 log likelihood = -729.10295 Negative binomial regression Log likelihood = -729.10295 (not concave) Number of obs LR chi2(7) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 369 12.69 0.0801 0.0086 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------depvar | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------gov | .0699433 .0508776 1.37 0.169 -.029775 .1696616 nep | -.0032455 .0503746 -0.06 0.949 -.1019778 .0954868 prestige | -.066817 .0798091 -0.84 0.402 -.2232399 .0896059 density | -.0001986 .001134 -0.18 0.861 -.0024211 .0020239 betweeness | .0066428 .0034278 1.94 0.053 -.0000756 .0133612 closeness | -.0005924 .0015863 -0.37 0.709 -.0037014 .0025167 degree | .1590162 .1558501 1.02 0.308 -.1464443 .4644767 _cons | 1.474927 .1066967 13.82 0.000 1.265806 1.684049 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------/lnalpha | -21.86837 . . . -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------alpha | 3.18e-10 . . . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Likelihood-ratio test of alpha=0: chibar2(01) = 0.00 Prob>=chibar2 = 1.000 The results largely agree with the previous poison regression on the created dependent variable, betweenness centrality has positive effect on perceived cooperation, significant at 95% level. The status of a government agency still has positive effect, though lost statistical significance. Prestige indices and closeness centrality, agreeing with previous results, have negative relations on perceived network cooperation. The status of NEP and density variables, though, show negative signs, which are different from previous poisson regression results. However, because of their tiny coefficients and P values, the paper treats them as variance that could be ignored. Conclusion and Discussions Centrality and density, as two common and important network characteristics, are examined and discussed to test their relationship with cooperation within estuary networks. The empirical analyses in this paper present some very interesting results: some confirm with previous researches, and some are puzzling. As found in previous research, actor betweeness centrality in the estuary appear 19 to be a significant factor to affect perceived cooperation in the estuary. Freeman(1979)’s research showed that betweenness indices were the best to identify the important actors. In Freeman, Roder, and Mulholland (1980) research, betweenness indices, along with degree indices, were found to be important indicators of group performance. Our analyses find that betweenness centrality has significant positive relations with cooperation within estuary networks. On the other hand, the degree centrality, though having a positive sign, does not have statistical significance, as showed by Freeman, Roder, and Mulholland (1980)’s research. In addition, our results show that closeness indices can be virtually ignored, as they have little impact on cooperation. The fact that prestige indices are negatively related to cooperation is a little perplexing at first, though. The result indicts that when organizations receive more referrals, showing by the in-degree of each actor, they will have less cooperation with other organizations. Why will a more prestigious organization be less cooperative? One explanation may lie in the transaction cost theory. Network formation and maintenance is a costly behavior. Generally speaking, an actor who has a higher prestige index is already important and influential in the network. His cooperation with other organizations in the network involves cost including time and other resources, yet he will probably not reap the same level of benefits as a peripheral organization will from similar investment. If the benefits to cooperate cannot match the cost, it is more likely that the organization will withhold its cooperation with others. Furthermore, networks may incur another kind of problem, which Ostrom (1990) defined as the second-level collective action problem of institutional undersupply. Prestigious actors, even play major roles in resolving the transaction costs arising from 20 the second-level collective action problem, networks, however, are public good. It’s impossible for them to gain the full benefits from their efforts. Contacts cultivated mostly through their investment and contribution will aid the estuary as a whole, benefiting free riders as well. Prestigious agencies, thus, lack the incentive for cooperation. The positive sign between network density and cooperation shows that estuaries with more dense networks lead to higher cooperation between organizations, which supports arguments by Coleman (1988), Putnam (2000), and Burt (2000). Though there are suspicions that in highly over-connected networks, density actually inhibits cooperation, networks within estuaries are usually “weak-tie” networks. The social capital in these weak-tie networks will increase as the interactions between organizations increase. Contacts in these networks expand the channels of effective communication within the network, reduce uncertainty for cooperation and other transaction costs, and therefore, improve the possibility for cooperation. The status of being a government agency has a positive impact on cooperation. As shown in previous research, government agencies tend to have both financial and personnel resources to encourage network formation and maintenance, and to facilitate cooperation. Knowing how network structures affect network effectiveness will provide us some guidance on how to manage policy networks. Nurturing a dense network with high levels of betweeness centrality will be a good way to improve the effectiveness of the network policy community. Being aware of the high transaction costs of creating and maintaining networks and the possible discouragement of these costs on prestigious organizations within the network, we may need to establish some mechanisms to share 21 the costs, and to minimize the externality problems. This research is based on the dataset that was from one span of two years, especially a cross-sectional design. 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