parts of the lsdms main window

Land Survey Data Management System
Copyright @ NAMRIA, 2007
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
LAUNCHING THE APPLICATION .................................................................................. 3
PARTS OF THE LSDMS MAIN WINDOW ...................................................................... 4
The Navigation Pane ......................................................................................... 4
The Form Pane ................................................................................................ 10
The Header .................................................................................................. 11
The Toolbar ................................................................................................. 12
The Display Form ........................................................................................ 13
DATA MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................. 21
Adding A Record .............................................................................................. 21
Editing A Record .............................................................................................. 33
Deleting A Record ............................................................................................ 39
LAUNCHING THE IMPORT TOOL ............................................................................... 41
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Land Survey Data Management System (LSDMS) is an application system used for
capturing survey data and presents it spatially to verify its accuracy. The system shall
be managed by the Regional Land Management Service of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources.
This LSDMS Manual helps the user to efficiently utilize the system.
Double click the LSDMS application icon
in the computer desktop or from the
Start button found usually at the lower left of the computer screen. The LSDMS Login
window will appear (Figure 1) and will ask for a user name and password.
Figure 1
If the login returns an error message like that of Figure 2a, it means that the user needs
to provide valid username and password. Ask the System Administrator for details on
how to get an account.
If the login returns an error message like that of Figure 2b, click the “Show Option” link
on the lower left portion of the dialog box. It will display an extended dialog box (Figure
3) and will ask for additional information on “Database Server”. The database Server is
the computer name or the IP Address of the Server. Ask the System Administrator for
details of server setup\location.
Click the
button to continue. Successful login will display the LSDMS main
window (Figure 4).
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Figure 2a
Figure 2b
Figure 3
Figure 4
1. The Navigation Pane
Located at the left hand side of the LSDMS main window is the Navigation Pane
as shown in Figure 5. The hierarchy of navigation is cadastral survey,
municipality, case, barangay, quadrangle, section and lot as shown in Figure 6.
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Figure 5
Figure 6
Initially, the system will display the first record in the database sorted by
cadastral survey number if the database is not empty (see Figure 5).
Inputting data in the Cad Survey textbox filters the database by displaying data
starting with whatever was inputted in the textbox (Figure 7).
Figure 7
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
The cad survey number of the highlighted record is displayed on the right side of
the cad survey bar (Figure 8). When a cad survey is selected, the municipality
bar displays the number of municipalities under the selected cad survey (see
encircled portion).
Figure 8
When the municipality bar is clicked, it will be highlighted and will display the list
of municipality(s) under the selected cad survey (Figure 9). On the lower portion
of the frame, the case bar will display the number of cases under the selected
municipality (see encircled portion).
Figure 9
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
When the case bar is clicked, it will be highlighted and will display the list of
case(s) under the selected municipality (Figure 10). On the lower portion of the
frame, the barangay bar will display the number of barangays under the selected
case (see encircled portion).
Figure 10
When the barangay bar is clicked, it will be highlighted and will display the list of
barangays covered by the selected case (Figure 11). On the lower portion of the
frame, the quadrangle bar will display the number of quadrangle(s) under the
selected barangay (see encircled portion).
Figure 11
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
When the quadrangle bar is clicked, it will be highlighted and will display the list
of quadrangle covered by the selected barangay (Figure 12). On the lower
portion of the frame, the section bar will display the number of section(s) under
the selected quadrangle (see encircled portion).
Figure 12
When the section bar is clicked, it will be highlighted and will display the list of
sections covered by the selected barangay (Figure 13). On the lower portion of
the frame, the lot bar will display the number of lot(s) under the selected section
(see encircled portion).
Figure 13
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
When the lot bar is clicked, it will be highlighted and will display the list of lots
covered by the selected section (Figure 14).
Figure 14
Note that the selected record’s name is displayed on the right side of the lot bar.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
2. The Form Pane
Located at the right hand side of the LSDMS main window is the Form Pane as
shown in Figure 15. The Form Pane is composed of the Header, the Toolbar
and the Display form.
Figure 15
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
a. The Header
The Header (Figure 16) displays the hierarchical path of data selected at
the Navigation Pane.
Figure 16 shows that cadastral survey CAD 644 is selected on the
Navigation Pane.
Figure 16
Figure 17 shows that the Municipality of BACO under the cadastral survey
CAD 644 is selected on the Navigation Pane.
Figure 17
Figure 18 shows that the case number 1 under the Municipality of BACO
and of cadastral survey CAD 644 is selected on the Navigation Pane.
Figure 18
Figure 19 shows that Barangay Bangkatan under the case number 1 of
the Municipality of BACO of cadastral survey CAD 644 is selected on the
Navigation Pane.
Figure 19
Figure 20 shows that Quadrangle 13 21 N 121 04 E of the Barangay
Bangkatan under Case 1 of the Municipality of BACO and of cadastral
survey CAD 644 is selected on the Navigation Pane.
Figure 20
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Figure 21 shows that Section <Unknown> under Quadrangle 13 21 N 121
04 E of the Barangay Bangkatan under Case 1 of the Municipality of
BACO and of cadastral survey CAD 644 is selected on the Navigation
Figure 21
Figure 22 shows that Lot 100 of Unknown Section under Quadrangle 13
21 N 121 04 E of the Barangay Bangkatan under Case 1 of the
Municipality of BACO and of cadastral survey CAD 644 is selected on the
Navigation Pane.
Figure 22
b. The Toolbar
The toolbar contains the navigation and editing buttons of the system
(Figure 23).
Figure 23
Click this button to move to the first record of selected data in
the Navigation Pane. If this button is disabled, the current
record is the first record.
Click this button to move to the previous record of selected data
in the Navigation Pane. If this button is disabled, the current
record is the first record.
Shows record number with respect to total number of records in
the Navigation Pane.
Click this button to move to the next record of selected data in
the Navigation Pane. If this button is disabled, the current
record is the last record of the data selected.
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Click this button to move to the last record of selected data in
the Navigation Pane. If this button is disabled, the current
record is the last record of the data selected.
Click this button to add a record. If this button is disabled, the
system is in editing mode.
Click this button to delete the current record.
Click this button to save the current record.
Click this button to cancel adding or editing a record. The
system will refresh and return to previous window.
c. The Display Form
The Display Form (Figure 24) contains the details of the record currently
selected on the Navigation Pane.
1) Cadastral Survey
The Display Form for the Cadastral Survey includes the cadastral
survey number, range of survey date, the island, region and
province where the cadastral survey is, the coordinate system
used, survey symbol number, previous survey number (if
applicable), number of approved municipality, number of approved
city, number of approved barangays, number of lots, total area in
hectares and approval remarks.
Figure 24 displays the details of the cadastral survey CAD 644.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Figure 24
2) Municipality
The Display Form for the Municipality (Figure 25) will be shown
when the municipality bar on the navigation pane on the left is
selected. It includes the list of municipalities of the province.
Figure 25
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
3) Case
The Display Form for the Case includes the cadastral case number,
the geodetic engineer in charge of the cadastral case and the
module number.
Figure 26 displays the details of the case number 1 of the
Municipality of BACO under the cadastral survey CAD 644.
Figure 26
4) Barangay
The Display Form for the Barangay includes the list of barangays
under the Municipality chosen in the Navigation Pane that can be
added to the cadastral case number under that municipality.
Figure 27 shows the barangays that can be added under the case
number 1 of the Municipality of BACO under the cadastral survey
CAD 644.
Figure 27
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
5) Quadrangle
The Display Form for the Quadrangle is for the Quadrangle number
Figure 28 shows the Quadrangle 13 21 N 121 04 E of the Barangay
Bangkatan, Case 1, Municipality of BACO under the cadastral
survey CAD 644.
Figure 28
6) Section
The Display Form for the Section includes the section id and scale
Figure 29 shows the details of unknown section under Quadrangle
13 21 N 121 04 E of the Barangay Bangkatan, Case 1, Municipality
of BACO under the cadastral survey CAD 644.
Figure 29
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
7) Lot
Figure 30 shows the Display Form for specific lot selected at the
navigation panel of the system. It is divided into three tabs namely:
Lot Information, Lot data and Technical Description.
Figure 30
a. Lot Information
The Lot Information tab displays the details about the lot
including its lot number, LRC number, reference point, tie
lines, claimant name and address, declared area, computed
area, who and when was it originally checked, completed
and verified.
Figure 30 shows the details of the a lot in an unknown
section Quadrangle 13 21 N 121 04 E of the Barangay
Bangkatan, Case 1, Municipality of BACO under the
cadastral survey CAD 644.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
In the above figure, the remarks portion on the upper right
side of the window displays blank if the lot information is
added using the system. Otherwise, it will display the full
path of the file where the lot information was originally
b. Lot Data
The Display Form for the lot data is divided into 2 parts
(Figure 31). The upper part consists of the lot data
computation of the lot and the lower part displays the image
of the lot as well as the lots adjacent to it.
The lot data computation consists of the corner sequence of
each lot, the PTM Northing and Easting coordinates, the
Local Northing and Easting coordinates, the Distance, NS
direction, Degrees, Minutes, and the EW direction. The
distance and bearing will be automatically generated upon
inputting the PTM coordinates.
The lot image of the Lot Data tab displays the selected lot
and its adjacent lots as plotted using the coordinates given.
Click the “Zoom In” button to get a closer view of the plotted
lot or click the “Zoom Out” button to view a bigger picture of
the lot with adjacent lots. Clicking the “Extent button” will
display all the lots in the current case with the highlighted lot
as selected lot. Clicking the “Selected button” will display the
current lot at the center of the map display area.
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Figure 31
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c. Technical Description
The Technical Description tab displays the technical
description of the lot if lot data computation is not available
(Figure 32). If the Technical Description is available, the
system will display the image of the lot at the lower portion of
the window. Click the “Zoom In” button to get a closer view
of the plotted lot or click the “Zoom Out” button to view a
bigger picture of the lot with adjacent lots. Clicking the
“Extent button” will display all the lots in the current case with
the highlighted lot as selected lot.
Figure 32
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
1. Adding A Record
a. Cadastral Survey
Click the Cad Survey bar in the Navigation Pane. Click the
new cadastral survey.
button to add a
All the bars in the Navigation Pane are disabled when adding a new cadastral
survey. The text in the Header is <New> (see Figure 33). All the buttons in the
toolbar are disabled except for the
button. All textboxes and listboxes in
the Display Form are blanked.
Figure 33
Required cadastral survey data is marked with an exclamation point like
cadastral survey number, region and province of the cadastral survey. The
button will be enabled after all required data have been satisfied.
Input the cadastral survey number in the Cad Survey No. textbox.
Input the cadastral survey name in the Cad Survey Name textbox.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Input the range of survey date in the Survey Date From and Survey Date To
textboxes. The format of the date should be mm/dd/yyyy;
Input the island name of the cadastral survey in the Island textbox.
Select the region of the cadastral survey in the Region listbox.
Select the province of the cadastral survey in the Province listbox.
Input the coordinate system used for the cadastral survey in the Coordinate
System textbox.
Input the survey symbol number of the cadastral survey in the Survey Symbol
No. textbox.
Input the previous survey number of the cadastral survey if applicable in the
Previous Survey No. textbox.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Input the number of municipalities approved for the cadastral survey in the
Approved Total Municipality textbox.
Input the number of cities approved for the cadastral survey in the Approved
Total City textbox.
Input the number of barangays approved for the cadastral survey in the
Approved Total Barangay textbox.
Input the number of lots approved for the cadastral survey in the Approved Total
Lot textbox.
Input the total area in hectares approved for the cadastral survey in the Approved
Total Area in Hectares textbox.
Input the approval remarks for the cadastral survey in the Approval Remarks
Click the
button which was enabled upon starting inputting data, to save
the new cadastral survey.
Click the
button to cancel adding the cadastral survey.
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
b. Municipality
Click the Municipality bar in the Navigation Pane. Click
municipality under a cadastral survey.
button to add a
Figure 34 shows how a municipality is added for the first time in a cadastral
survey. Notice that the header displays <New> and the navigational and tool
buttons are disabled except for the
Select a municipality from the listbox to enable the
button returns to the previous window.
button. Clicking the
Since you are adding a municipality, you are required to select from the list as
indicated by the button. If in case the municipality cannot be identified, select
<Unknown> temporarily and edit the record later in the Edit Module.
If the
button is clicked while another municipality is selected at the
navigation panel, the newly selected municipality from the listbox will replace the
selected municipality on the navigation panel without confirmation.
Figure 34
Click the
button to save the municipality. Otherwise, click the
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
c. Case
Click the Case bar in the Navigation Pane. Click
button to add a case
number. Figure 35 shows how to add a case for the first time. Notice again that
the header shows <New> if a case number is not yet inputted in the textbox.
Cadastral case number is required in adding a case.
Figure 35
Inputting cadastral case number in the Cad Case No. textbox enables the
button. Format for the case number is numeric ; e.g. 3
Input the geodetic engineer’s name in the GE Name textbox.
Input the module number in the Module No. textbox.
Click the
button to save the case number. Otherwise, click the
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
d. Barangay
Click the Barangay bar in the Navigation Pane. Click
button to add a
barangay. Figure 36 shows how to add a barangay for the first time. Notice again
that the header shows <New> if a barangay is not yet selected from the listbox.
Figure 36 shows how a barangay is added in a Case of a particular municipality.
Select a barangay from the listbox to enable the
button will return the system to the previous window.
button. Clicking the
Since you are adding a barangay, you are required to select from the list as
indicated by the button. If in case the barangay cannot be identified, select
<Unknown> temporarily and edit the record later in the Edit Module.
If the
button is clicked while another barangay is selected at the navigation
panel, the newly selected barangay from the listbox will replace the selected
barangay on the navigation panel without confirmation.
Figure 36
button to save the barangay. Otherwise, click the
button to
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
e. Quadrangle
Click the Quadrangle bar in the Navigation Pane. Click
button to add a
Section. Figure 37 shows how to add a Quadrangle under a Barangay for the first
time. Notice again that the header shows <New> if a Quadrangle is not yet
inputted in the textbox.
Format for the Quadrangle is 99 88 777 66 where 99 is the latitude-degree value,
88 is the latitude-minute value, 777 is the longitude-degree value and 66 is the
longitude-minute value (separate each value with a space).
Figure 37
Inputting quadrangle in the Quadrangle textbox enables the
f. Section
Click the Section bar in the Navigation Pane. Click
button to add a
Section. Figure 38 shows how to add a Section under a Quadrangle for the first
time. Notice again that the header shows <New> if a Section is not yet inputted in
the textbox.
Section ID is required in adding a Section.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Figure 38
Inputting section id in the Section Id textbox enables the
Format for the Section ID is 9-X-YY-8 where
9 is either 1, 2, 3,or 4
X is either A, B, C or D
YY is either NE, NW, SE or SW
8 is either 1, 2, 3, or 4
This format is dependent on the subsectioning required.
Sample format for input for section id is shown below.
Input the scale in the Scale textbox. Format is 9999 (No need to input ‘1:’)
Click the
button to save the section ID. Otherwise, click the
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
g. Lot
Click the Lot bar in the Navigation Pane. Click
button to add a new Lot.
Figure 39 shows how to add a new Lot under a Section for the first time. Notice
again that the header shows <New> if a Lot is not yet inputted in the textbox. The
lot number is required field as indicated by the button on the right side of the
Figure 39
1. Lot Information
Inputting lot number in the Lot No. textbox enables the
Select reference point from the Reference Point listbox. The list comes
from the database of project control points of the geodetic network
information system.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
For the bearing from the tie point, input the following:
N or S E or W DegreeMinute Input the distance value
Input the claimant‘s name in the Claimant Name textbox.
Input the claimant’s address in the Claimant Address textbox.
Input the declared area value (in sq. meters) of the lot in the Declared
Area textbox.
The computed area value for the lot will be automatically calculated by the
system based on lot data information.
Input the name of the original checker of the lot in the Original
Checked By textbox.
Input the date the lot was originally checked in the Original Checked Date
Input the name of the person who originally completed the lot information
in the Original Completed By textbox.
Input the date when the lot information was originally completed in the
Original Completed Date textbox.
Input the name of the duplicate checker of the lot in the Duplicate
Checked By textbox.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Input the date the lot was duplicate checked in the Duplicate Checked
Date textbox.
Input the name of the final verifier of the lot in the Final Verified By
Input the name of the first final checker of the lot in the Final Checked By1
Input the name of the second final checker of the lot in the Final Checked
By2 textbox.
Click the
button to save lot information. Otherwise, click the
2. Lot Data
Input the lot data computation in the Lot Data grid as shown in Figure 40.
Figure 40
Double click the cell to input data in the cell. The asterisks (*) on the left
most cell will change into a pen symbol. Click the pen symbol to accept
data inputted in the current row. If the data is invalid or questionable, an
exclamation point will be displayed in the cell (Figure 41).
Figure 41
Lot corner numbers are inputted in the Sequence column.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
PTM Northing coordinates are inputted in the PTM Northing column.
PTM Easting coordinates are inputted in the PTM Easting column.
Local Northing coordinates are inputted in the Local Northing column.
Local Easting coordinates are inputted in the Local Easting column.
Click the
button to save lot data information. Otherwise, click the
After saving the lot data, the columns NS, Degree, Minute, EW and
Distance will automatically be filled if the PTM Easting and PTM Northing
columns are filled. An image for that lot is shown in the Lot Image part.
3. Technical Description
Input the technical description data in the Technical Description grid as
shown in Figure 42.
Figure 42
Double click the cell to input data in the cell. The asterisks (*) on the left
most cell will changed into a pen symbol. Click the pen symbol to accept
data inputted in the current row. Sample data entry of technical
description is shown if Figure 43. An error message will be displayed if
erroneous data is inputted in the cell. A tool tip will also be displayed for
acceptable type of data.
Figure 43
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Click the
button to save lot data information. Otherwise, click the
2. Editing A Record
a. Cadastral Survey
Click the Cad Survey bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the cadastral survey to
be modified in the Navigation Pane (Figure 44).
Figure 44
Make the changes in the Display Form. Click the
button to accept the
changes made or the
button to disregard the changes.
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
b. Municipality
Click the Municipality bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the municipality to be
modified in the Navigation Pane (Figure 45).
Figure 45
Select from the municipality listbox in the Display Form the municipality that will
replace the municipality in the Navigation Pane.
Click the
button to accept the changes made or the
disregard the changes.
button to
c. Case
Click the Case bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the case number to be
modified in the Navigation Pane and make the changes in the Display Form
(Figure 46).
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Figure 46
Click the
button to accept the changes made or the
disregard the changes.
button to
d. Barangay
Click the Barangay Bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the barangay to be
modified in the Navigation Pane. Select from the barangay listbox in the Display
Form, the selected barangay will replace the barangay in the Navigation Pane
(Figure 47).
Figure 47
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Click the
button to accept the changes made or the
disregard the changes.
button to
e. Quadrangle
Click the Quadrangle bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the quadrangle to be
modified in the Navigation Pane and make the changes in the Display Form
(Figure 48).
Figure 48
Click the
button to accept the changes made or the
disregard the changes.
button to
f. Section
Click the Section bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the section to be modified in
the Navigation Pane and make the changes in the Display Form (Figure 49).
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
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Figure 49
Click the
button to accept the changes made or the
disregard the changes.
button to
g. Lot
Click the Lot bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the lot to be modified in the
Navigation Pane and make the changes in the Display Form (Figure 50a).
Figure 50a
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Figure 50b
Note that declared area that is marked red means it is not equal to the computed
area. This is a reminder for the encoder to validate inputted lot data to check any
typographical errors.
Make any changes necessary for the Lot Data information. Click the
to accept the changes made or the
button to disregard the changes.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
3. Deleting A Record
a. Cadastral Survey
Click the Cad Survey bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the cadastral survey to
be deleted in the Navigation Pane. Click the
button to delete the cadastral
A confirmation window will appear (Figure 51).
Figure 51
Click the Yes button to delete a record. Click the No button to cancel deletion.
Deleting the cadastral survey also deletes the records associated with it i.e.,
municipality, case, barangay, section and lots.
b. Municipality
Click the Municipality bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the municipality to be
deleted in the Navigation Pane. Click the
button to delete the municipality.
A confirmation window will appear (Figure 51). Click the Yes button to delete a
record. Click the No button to cancel deletion.
Deleting the municipality from the cadastral survey also deletes the records
associated with it i.e., case, barangay, quadrangle, section and lots.
c. Case
Click the Case bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the case to be deleted in the
Navigation Pane. Click the
button to delete the case.
A confirmation window will appear (Figure 51). Click the Yes button to delete a
record. Click the No button to cancel deletion.
Deleting the case from the cadastral survey also deletes the records associated
with it i.e., barangay, quadrangle, section and lots.
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d. Barangay
Click the Barangay bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the barangay to be
deleted in the Navigation Pane. Click the
button to delete the barangay.
A confirmation window will appear (Figure 51). Click the Yes button to delete a
record. Click the No button to cancel deletion.
Deleting the barangay from the cadastral survey also deletes the records
associated with it i.e., quadrangle, section and lots.
e. Quadrangle
Click the Quadrangle bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the quadrangle to be
deleted in the Navigation Pane. Click the
button to delete the quadrangle.
A confirmation window will appear (Figure 51). Click the Yes button to delete a
record. Click the No button to cancel deletion.
Deleting the quadrangle from the cadastral survey also deletes the records
records associated with it i.e., section and lots.
f. Section
Click the Section bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the section to be deleted in
the Navigation Pane. Click the
button to delete the section.
A confirmation window will appear (Figure 51). Click the Yes button to delete a
record. Click the No button to cancel deletion.
Deleting the section from the cadastral survey also deletes the lot records
associated with it.
g. Lot
Click the Lot bar in the Navigation Pane. Select the lot to be deleted in the
Navigation Pane. Click the
button to delete the lot.
A confirmation window will appear (Figure 51). Click the Yes button to delete a
record. Click the No button to cancel deletion.
Additionally, in the Lot Data and Technical Description grid, each record can also
be deleted.
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Double click the Import Tool icon
in the computer desktop to launch the system.
The main Import Tool window (Figure 52) will be displayed. Click the
button to
launch the Open dialog window (Figure 53). Otherwise, click
to terminate the
importing module.
Figure 52
Figure 53
In this dialog window, select or highlight the filename or filenames (multiple selection is
allowed) of the lot data excel file(s) to be imported. Click the
button on the
lower right side of the dialog box to continue. Click
to terminate the procedure.
If the
button is clicked, Figure 54 will be displayed.
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LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Figure 54
This window notifies the user of the number of files selected and gives instructions on
how to proceed with the importing facility. If the
button is clicked, it will try to
read the files and continue to import valid files. Valid files are files which follow the
standard MS Excel Template for data encoding. Click the
button to cancel the
validation and importing process. The main Import Tool window will be launched again.
Figure 55
If all files are valid, Figure 55 will be displayed. This window shows that the Import Tool
is reading and validating the files to be imported and if the files are all valid, it will
automatically import all the necessary information for the LSDMS. Otherwise, dialog
boxes will be displayed to prompt the user to input the required data.
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Figure 56
Figure 57
Data from MS Excel Template are sometimes incomplete such that the region,
province, municipality or barangay are not found. In those cases, the PSGC dialog box
for municipality (Figure 56) or PSGC dialog box for barangay (Figure 57) will be
displayed to prompt the user to select from the list.
Click the dropdown button to select from the list. Select “Unknown” municipality or
barangay for locations which cannot be found from the list. Click the
button to
continue. Otherwise, click the
button to terminate the procedure or click the
button to skip evaluating the current lot and continue with the next lot record.
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
If the Import Tool has finished evaluating the data and has found no error, Figure 58
will be displayed otherwise, Figure 59 will be displayed.
Figure 58
Figure 59
This window lists the filenames which have been evaluated by the Import Tool and it
reports the following:
1) the number of lots evaluated per file
2) the number of lots for review
3) the number of valid lots and,
4) the number of lots imported to the LSDMS.
The “for Review” column suggests that the files which have been imported may have
incorrect data and could be corrected either by using the editing facility of the LSDMS or
by re-importing edited Excel template. Common errors are a) empty lot no, CAD survey
no, case no, section ID, and declared area; b) municipality or barangay cannot be found
in Philippine Standard Geographic Code library which the system is using; c)
typographical error in survey date; d) error in coordinates usually typographical or no
data. The “Valid” column reports the number of records which has complete details
(particularly with Case No and Section ID) and followed the standards or guidelines in
filling-out the Lot Data Excel template.
Figure 60
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
LSDMS User’s Manual 2007
Figure 60 shows the details of the errors to be reviewed for each record which have
been evaluated by the Import Tool. These details are also found in the log.txt file where
the LSDMS application is located (c:\Program Files\LSDMS). Click the
to complete the process. The Import Tool will be displayed again for the next batch of
files to be imported.
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority