Course: Grade Kindergarten Social Studies Focus TEKS Student Expectations What Teachers Do Geography K.4A Use terms, including over, under, near, far, left, and right to describe relative location. K.5A Identify the physical characteristics of places such as landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather. K.5B Identify the human characteristics of places such as types of houses and ways of earning a living. Social Studies Skills K.15A Obtain information about a topic using a variety of oral sources such as conversations, interviews, and music. K.15B Obtain information about a topic using a variety of visual sources such as pictures, symbols, television, maps, computer images, print material, and artifacts. K.16A Express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences. K.16B Create and interpret visuals including pictures and maps © 2010 Austin Independent School District 2010 - 2011 4th Nine Weeks Estimated Pacing 1-4 Weeks Concepts: History and Traditions; Location and Environment Units: Texas Historical Figures: Men and Women; Landforms and Bodies of Water, Maps and Globes Austin ISD Grading Period Snapshot (GPS) Engage students in discussions related to the Essential Questions. Discuss and question for vocabulary meaning about Texas historical figures, landforms and bodies of water, and location using maps and globes. Use academic vocabulary with illustrations to add to the word wall. Use song lyrics and music, poems for shared reading on topics being studied. Read and discuss books on men and women from the past in Texas, the environment, landforms, bodies of water, location using maps and globes. Use Discovery Streaming Videos, books, poems and pictures providing background knowledge for lessons being taught on people in Texas, the environment, landforms and bodies of water. Use maps and globes to model and demonstrate how to find locations. Create graphic organizers to support learning. Compare differences and similarities between different types of landforms. Compare similarities and differences between maps and globes. Engage students in discussion about Texas historic figures, continents, landforms, bodies of water and finding locations using maps and globes. Engage students in creating models of landforms and maps. Provide grade level books with vivid illustrations on Texas history, geography, location and the environment to generate background knowledge and vocabulary. Provide books for students to peruse and share with one another to generate discussion on the men and women of Texas and the environment. What Students Do Brainstorm and illustrate to define and learn vocabulary. Use key terms with meaning and understanding. Listen and respond to readaloud books and Discovery Education video clips through talk, drawings, writing. Create a timeline of people and their contributions to Texas. Build landform models. Create class graphic organizers to support content learning. Create landform and bodies of water collages with pictures from magazines. Draw pictures and write about landforms, continents, bodies of water, maps and globes. Express their thoughts and ideas on location and the physical environment. Compare and contrast different types of land. Create illustrations on a filmstrip on how people use water. Give oral descriptions of location. Create map puzzles. Create a model of a neighborhood street. Create maps of the classroom layout. Create a globe model with continents and oceans. Identify land and water on a globe. Course ___Kindergarten Social Studies Page 1 of 2 Student Work Products/Assessment Evidence Use of drawings and graphic organizers to organize, analyze and respond to information from stories, non-fiction books, and Discovery Education Streaming Videos on landforms, bodies of water, the physical environment, different types of land, location using maps and globes. Content vocabulary on word walls pertaining to social studies concepts. Students interact with one another and the teacher using the vocabulary from the word wall. Student created classroom projects such as: timelines of people from the past in Texas history models of landforms use of maps and globes to find locations pictures and student writing class created charts to support learning bulletin board displays on landforms and bodies of water role-play as a tour guide class created graphic organizers for comparisons interactive journal entries Students viewing and reading appropriate grade level books about the physical environment, landforms, bodies of water, maps and globes. Students interacting politely with one another. updated 12/12/10 Course: Grade Kindergarten Social Studies Estimated Pacing Weeks Estimated Pacing 5-95-9 Weeks Focus TEKS Student Expectations Concept: Technology and Inventions; Customs and Traditions Unit: Long Ago and Today; Spring Holidays History K.1A Explain the reasons for national holidays. K.1B Identify customs with national holidays. Culture K.11B Identify differences among people. K.12A Identify family customs and traditions and explain their importance. K.12B Compare family customs and traditions. K.12C Describe customs of the local community. Science, Technology, and Society K.13A Identify examples of technology used in the home and school. K.13B Describe how technology helps accomplish specific tasks. K.14A Describe how his or her life might be different without modern technology. K. 14B List ways in which technology meets people’s needs. Social Studies Skills: K.15A Obtain information about a topic using a variety of oral sources such as conversations, interviews, and music. K.15B Obtain information about a topic using a variety of visual sources such as pictures, symbols, television, maps, computer images, print material, and artifacts. K.16A Express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences. K.16B Create and interpret visuals including pictures and maps. © 2010 Austin Independent School District Austin ISD Grading Period Snapshot (GPS) What Teachers Do 2010 - 2011 4th Nine Weeks Engage students in discussions related to the Essential Questions. Discuss and question for vocabulary meaning about technology and inventions, customs and traditions. Use academic vocabulary to add to the word wall. Read and discuss books and Discovery Education video clips on topics being taught, including technology and inventions, customs and traditions for cultural celebrations and patriotic holiday celebrations. Provide opportunities for connections through student writing and drawing activities. Develop language and meaning through vocabulary activities that include the use of graphic organizers, drawing and writing. Provide opportunities for student expression through class discussions, small groups, and student to student interaction on cultural celebrations and patriotic holidays and their meanings. Engage students in discussion on what life would be like without technology. Identify and discuss holidays, customs and traditions. Provide grade level books with vivid illustrations on social studies topics to generate language and vocabulary. Provide books for students to peruse and share with one another on social studies topics. What Students Do Brainstorm to define, illustrate and learn vocabulary. Use key terms with meaning and understanding. Listen to fiction and non-fiction books on technology innovations, cultural and patriotic holidays and celebrations. Discuss Discovery Education video clips on cultural and patriotic celebrations and holidays. Create drawings and models from recycled and reused materials. Create Mother’s Day and Father’s Day cards with writing and illustrations. Develop language and meaning in social studies content being taught using graphic organizers. Orally express the learning in class discussions, small groups, and student to student interactions. Read and peruse books on technology innovations, cultural celebrations and patriotic holidays. Express thoughts and ideas politely using their background knowledge to discuss technology changes, cultural and patriotic celebrations and holidays. Course ___Kindergarten Social Studies Page 2 of 2 Student Work Products/Assessment Evidence Use of drawings and graphic organizers to organize, analyze and respond to information from stories, non-fiction books, and Discovery Education Streaming videos on social studies concept being taught. Use of academic vocabulary specifically related to technology innovations, cultural celebrations and patriotic holidays in class discussions, small group discussions and partner interactions. Journal entries and drawings on technology innovations, cultural celebrations and patriotic holidays. Role-play and dramatizations when applicable for learning Recalling and retelling what has been studied. Class-generated concept webs and graphic organizers to support learning. Charts from comparisons and other learning. Student products/projects on social studies content. Students viewing and reading appropriate grade level books about technology and inventions, cultural celebrations and patriotic holidays. updated 12/12/10