Theoretical Frameworks of Behavior Management Class

Theoretical Frameworks of Behavior Management
Discussion Guide #4
October 7
Characteristics and Classroom Application
Characteristics of Psychodynamic Framework – 3 characteristics
Characteristic #1-what is the focus?
•The inner life of the child is most important in determining the cause of behavior.
Characteristic #2-major theory attached=developmental
2. Based on Freudian principles: psychosexual steps
a) oral- child’s first experience with environment where s/he is developing trust/mistrust
b) Anal stage-child is learning to have conventional control over his body and
environment where child is learning autonomy/shame & doubt
c) Phallic stage – child can derive pleasure through senses and is developing own
d) Latency-elementary years-development of academic interests
e) Genital Stage-all development of identity comes into one package
Characteristics of Psychodynamic Framework – 3 characteristics
Characteristic #3-What is the most important for the teacher?
To understand the inner life of the child, the teacher needs to understand psychological
development of the child and how this acts in the development of a healthy/disturbed
Classroom Applications of Psychodynamic Theory
•Emotional First Aid-each time the child acts out, he is removed, let to vent, provided
teacher support, and a plan is made (time out)
•Circle of Courage-everyone is connected/contributor, encouragement/modeling used
for assistance, each person is an individual with choices, child is worthy and accountable
for choices made (models)
•Bibliotherapy-social stories-by reading, the child gains insight into appropriate
behavior for that particular situation (self management-you write story to identify
behaviors, ss instructs the student, have him monitor behavior while providing a
recording device).
Characteristics of Biobehavioral Framework – 3 characteristics
Characteristic #1-what is the focus?
1. The child’s behavior comes from some sort of defect/organic cause.
Characteristic #2-major theory attached=deficit/developmental
•Deficit due to structural defect-body doesn’t work optimally (clubfoot; missing limb)
•Deficit due to functional defect-body part looks normal but isn’t optimally functional
(eyesight, hearing aid-cochlear implant)
•Metabolism-chemical issues with body (Tay Sachs disease)
•Blood-blood doesn’t function normally (hemophilia, AIDS)
Characteristics of Biobehavioral Framework – 3 characteristics
Characteristic #3-What is the most important for the teacher?
To understand the child, the teacher needs to understand the disability and accommodate
(order, routine, repetition, simplified environment)
Classroom Applications of Biobehavioral Theory
•Diet-Decrease the sugar/artificial ingredients, salicylates, decrease the behavior
•Drugs-put a hyperactive child on stimulant meds (such as ritalin) b/c it has the opposite
•Modify the curriculum-individualize curriculum such as giving the child fewer
problems to do/more simplified steps to follow
Characteristics of Environmental/Ecological Framework – 3 characteristics
Characteristic #1-what is the focus?
The child is a product of the environment that he is in. Environment includes
community, neighborhood, school, family
Characteristics of Environmental/Ecological Framework – 3 characteristics
Characteristic #1-what is the focus?
The child is a product of the environment that he is in. Environment includes
community, neighborhood, school, family
Characteristic #2-major theory attached=Society’s definition of disabled
•Social Disorganization-Communities/Society doesn’t have the right “equipment” to deal
with differences.
•Labeling theory-Child doesn’t fit the societal mold so society labels as a deviant and is
then expected to perform at a lower performance rate.
Characteristics of Environmental/Ecological Framework – 3 characteristics
Characteristic #3-What is the most important for the teacher?
•The child is OK, therefore it’s the teacher who needs to accommodate by trying
interventions from across the spectrum and monitoring the effects to obtain an
intervention that works!
Classroom Applications of Environmental/Ecological Theory
•Therapeutic Discussion Groups-regular meetings with adult (teacher & therapeutic
consultant ideal) to discuss child centered topics that focus on feelings and remediating
ineffective behaviors
•Antecedent of Effective Management-Teacher organizes the classroom environment to
promote desired behaviors (procedures, schedules, cues, prompts.
•Expulsion/suspension-in school or out of school, no more than 10 days under most
circumstance, with children with disabilities can be used with appropriate implementation
of procedure, according to PL94-142 (also known as IDEA), with reasonable access to
continued school services.
Characteristics of Behavioral Framework – 3 characteristics
Characteristic #1-what is the focus?
Behavior is the product of the child’s reaction to the environment and the environment’s
reaction to the child (display of behavior-reinforcement to make it happen
again/consequence that makes it unlikely to happen again); data must be taken (FBA) to
determine causes and interventions
Characteristic #2-major theory attached=behavioral theory
Every child can learn something; we just need to identify what is impeding learning and
remediate. We also need to employ the correct incremental steps that will lead to a
learning goal.
Characteristic #3-What is the most important for the teacher?
Teacher needs to identify a target behavior, present a reinforcer that s/he thinks will work
at the right time, apply the intervention with consistency, monitor and determine if the
intervention is effective (data).
Classroom Applications of Behavioral Theory
•Antiseptic Bouncing-when agitation starts, provide the student with time away to get
themselves together which avoids embarrassment and provides the distancing to calm
down and start over again.
•Removal of Seductive Objects-kind, firm removal of objects that distract from
•Program restructuring (monitor and adjust)-teacher being responsive to students’
interest and engagement in learning and willingness to ditch a lesson and retry at a
different time.