NHR O R G AN I C O I LS 2 4 C H A T H AM P L A C E , B R I G H T O N B N 1 3 T N ( U K ) TEL. (UK) 0845 310 8066 FAX.(UK) 0845 310 8068 International Tel. +44 1273 746505 EMAIL: info@nhrorganicoi ls.com Int. Fa x. + 44 1273 202729 Web Site: www.nhrorganicoils.com Material Safety Data Sheet ORGANIC FRANKINCENSE (OLIBANUM) - SOMALIA Boswellia carterii ESSENTIAL OIL ORGANIC FRANKINCENSE OIL IDENTIFICATION Common Name Frankincense Oil Botanical Name Boswellia Caterii Hazard Ratings: Health: Flammability: Reactivity: FRANKINCENSE OIL FIRE, EXPLOSION & REACTIVITY DATA Flash Point 121°F Extinguishing Media FOG | CO2-Y | FOAM-Y | DRY CHEMICAL-Y Fire Fighting Procedures Use media for Class B fires: Foam CO2 or dry compound. UNUSUAL FIRE EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Avoid direct contact with water. Hazardous Combustable OR Decomposition Products Dense black smoke produced STABILITY: DOT CLASS: Flammable liquid Class II Conditions/Materials To Avoid In typical uses, no contact with flammable or explosive chemicals oxidizing agents, acids, peroxides, halogens, vinyl chloride, iodine. Hazardous Polymerization Products Avoid high temperature contact with reactive monomers i.e., vinyl chloride. FRANKINCENSE OIL PHYSICAL DATA Odor, Appearance, And Physical State Yellow oil, scent of Frankincense. Boiling Point 339F Melting Point N/A Specific Gravity (H2O = 1.0): Vapor Pressure N/A Vapor Density (AIR = 1): N/A Solubility In H2o Insoluble NFPA CLASS: - FRANKINCENSE OIL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Not usually required unless in a confined, poorly ventilated area. Ventilation Provide adequate ventilation. Eye Splash resistant safety glasses Skin Vinyl gloves FRANKINCENSE OIL OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMIT Threshold Limit - OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) Carcinogen Has the substance been listed as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen in the 'Annual Report on Carcinogens' published by NTP, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or by OSHA? - FRANKINCENSE OIL HEALTH HAZARD IINFORMATION Material Type Natural essential oil. Health Hazard Liquid may irritate eyes and skin. Liquid may cause dermatitis. Primary Entry Routes Inhalation, skin, eye, ingestion FRANKINCENSE OIL EMERGENCY FIRST AID PROCEDURES Inhalation Exposure Move to fresh air. Aid in breathing, if necessary, and get immediate medical attention. Eye Contact Immediately rinse eyes with running water for 15 minute. If irritation develops, get medical attention. Skin Contact Wash affected areas with soap and water. If irritation develops, get medical attention. Ingestion Swallow water and get immediately get medical attention. First Aid Notes - FRANKINCENSE OIL SPILL, LEAK AND DISPOSAL Spill/Release Procedures Small spills may be wiped with paper rags and cold water. No special container required, can be drained and disposed of into garbage container. Waste Disposal Follow all local, state, federal laws. FRANKINCENSE OIL HANDLING AND SHIPPING PROCEEDURES Handling & Shipping Procedures Store in full sealed containers in a cool dry place away from sources of ignition, heat or direct sunlight. Follow good industrial and hygienic practices. The information in this MSDS was obtained from current and reputable sources. However, the data is provided without any warranty, express or implied, regarding its correctness or accuracy. It is the user's responsibility both to determine safe conditions for use of this product and to assume liability for loss, injury, damage, or expense resulting from improper use of this product