Certificate/Diploma in Psychology Suggested Essay Titles We are in the process of extending the range of titles suggested. Please let us have any of your own that you can recommend. Module 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Foundations of Modern Psychology What do you understand by the “scientific approach” in psychology? Is there any valid alternative? Evaluate the use of experimental methods in psychology compared with alternative approaches. ‘Quantitative research is so alienating that we are never really studying human beings, only slices or fragments of human beings’. Discuss. Compare and contrast observational and experimental techniques used by developmental psychologists. What does it mean to be a “behaviourist” or a “cognitive” psychologist? 1 How far is any one approach able to explain human behaviour? Outline the basic assumptions of psychodynamic psychology. Compare and contrast these with at least one other perspective. How useful is Freudian psychoanalysis as a theory of personality? Discuss and evaluate Freud’s view that the study of the unconscious leads to a better understanding of human behaviour. “The psychoanalytic model of human behaviour explains everything and predicts nothing”. Discuss. How do psychologists explain forgetting? What advice might a psychologist give to a student revising for an examination? In your answer refer to relevant psychological theories. Describe and evaluate the idea that there are many different types of long-term memory. Describe and evaluate the multi-store model of memory. Compare and contrast it with at least one other model. How do psychologists explain forgetting? In your answer refer to and critically analyse relevant psychological research. What has psychological research demonstrated about the reliability of eyewitness testimony? How important are schemas, stereotypes and social representations to perceptions of other people? What recommendations would you make to the headteacher of a secondary school to help reduce prejudice? How would you evaluate the effectiveness of those measures? Discuss and evaluate two explanations of the origins of prejudice and/or discrimination. What are the main factors that may influence the extent to which an individual would obey authority? Refer to specific socio-psychological studies to support your answer. Discuss the ethical issues raised by Milgram’s study of obedience AND Zimbardo’s prison study. Discuss and evaluate the application of behaviour therapy to the treatment of phobias. Compare and contrast classical and operant conditioning applying your knowledge to real life situations. Discuss the assets and limitations of behaviourism with references to biological relevance and human behaviour. 1 Any combination of 2 perspectives could be used here. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Critically evaluate Maslow’s Need Hierarchy. Describe and evaluate the features which characterise the humanistic approach in psychology, its goals, methods and underlying assumptions. Discuss the contribution of humanistic psychology to our understanding of the person. What is self-actualisation and how could it be facilitated in psychotherapy according to Carl Rogers? Discuss and evaluate the impact of the main physiological and psychological reactions to stress. Critically evaluate the extent to which individual differences modify the effects of stressors. Critically evaluate the relationship between stress and physical illness. “We are what we are born to be”. Discuss. Critically consider the different views regarding the relationship between nature and nurture in psychology. Discuss and evaluate some of the implications of the free will versus determinism debate for both psychology and for society. Describe and analyse how theoretical approaches in psychology have addressed the free-will determinism issue. To what extent is psychology “scientific”? “We might ask whether psychology is a science. We might also ask whether all psychologists regard science as an appropriate goal for psychology”. Discuss the view that psychology is a science. What do we mean by “reductionism”? Assess the advantages and disadvantages of reductionism in psychology. Assess the significance of culture in psychology. Which is preferable: to regard men and women as being psychologically different, or as the same? “Some psychological theories are derived from research studies where there were only American male participants but nevertheless the theory is claimed to apply to all human beings.” Discuss the extent to which psychological theories are biased in terms of gender and culture. Assess how successful psychologists have been in balancing the needs of the individual against the pursuing for knowledge and understanding in psychology? Describe and evaluate the special ethical problems faced by psychologists when carrying out socially sensitive research. Is it acceptable or desirable to use non-human animals in psychological research? Module 2 - Biological Basis of Behaviour 1. Critically evaluate the evidence for hemispheric asymmetry. 2. ‘Homeostasis is a process which is central to physiological functioning’. Discuss. 3. How are physiological mechanisms involved in motivation? Discuss with reference to one motivational system. 4. To what extent does sleep have a neuro-biological basis? 5. What evidence is there that genes control the diversity of behaviour seen in the animal world? Discuss the implications for human attachment of studies on imprinting in other animals. 6. 7. Discuss the extent to which sex differences are biologically determined. Module 3 - Abnormal Psychology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Discuss the usefulness of the concept of ‘abnormality’ in psychology. ‘Depression is largely caused by social factors’. Discuss. ‘Schizophrenia is a multi-faceted group of disorders and thus requires multi-faceted approaches to treatment. Discuss. Discuss some of the applications of behaviour therapy to the treatment of anxiety disorders. ‘Those who were abused as children are significantly more likely to experience mental health problems in adult life’. Discuss. ‘Care in the Community has failed to live up to expectations’. Discuss with reference to at least one client group. “Abnormal behaviour is largely a matter of faulty learning”. Discuss this claim with reference to behaviour therapy. What is anorexia nervosa? Is there a single adequate explanation of its causes? What role, if any, does the social environment play in the causation of childhood autism? To what extent do life events play a part in the development of mental illness? How far do legal definitions of mental health and disorders address the needs of offenders with mental health problems? When is the compulsory treatment of mentally ill people justified? Module 4 - Social Psychology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ‘All social perception is distorted perception’. Discuss. Critically consider why we are attracted to some people and not to others. Discuss the role of non-verbal communication in social interaction. ‘The self-concept has a profound effect on our social functioning’. Evaluate this statement with reference to empirical data. Discuss the strengths and weakness of the scientific approach to social psychology. Evaluate the contribution of attribution theory to our understanding of how people interpret their social world. Should groups be allowed to make important decisions? In your answer refer to the findings of social psychological research into group-decision making. ‘It appears that there are a large number of variables which influence whether a person will or will not help someone in distress’. Discuss. Describe and critically evaluate any two methods of attitude measurement. ‘Gloop washes even whiter!’ How do advertisers persuade? Are their techniques effective? Why (not)? Justify your answer by referring to research. ‘Individuals are not born aggressive.’ Discuss. Module 5 - Childhood and Adolescence 1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss the role of parent-child interaction in language development. Outline Piaget’s account of cognitive development and discuss his claims in the light of subsequent research. Compare and contrast the Piagetian and information processing approach to cognitive development. Discuss the main influences on the development of gender role identity. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Define the concept of ‘gender-role stereotype’ and discuss whether stereotypes influence the development of gender roles among adolescents. With reference to research evidence, discuss the importance of pre-natal factors on later development. Compare and contrast observational and experimental techniques used by developmental psychologists. Outline and critically evaluate one theory of the development of moral thinking in children. What is moral judgement? How have psychologists explained its development? ‘Adolescence is a period of such biological, social and psychological change that stress and conflict is inevitable both for the adolescent and his/her family’. Discuss. Many psychologists have emphasised the importance of the early attachment or bonding between mother and child. In this context evaluate the possible effects of the working mother and alternative care facilities. Module 6 - The Psychology of the Lifespan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Critically evaluate any one model of psychological development in adulthood. Discuss the evidence for predictable, sequential stages of development during adulthood. How convincing is the evidence for a mid-life crisis? Discuss in the context of research findings. How does ageing affect an individual’s physical and cognitive functioning? ‘Old age promises nothing but decline’. Discuss. Compare and contrast any two models of the Lifespan. Outline and discuss major career stages with reference to the work of Super. Discuss psychological research into the effects of any two of the following critical life events on adult development: i. ii. iii. iv. v. bereavement parenthood divorce redundancy retirement Module 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Personality, Intelligence and Motivation Outline and evaluate Kelly’s Personal Construct Theory. How accurately can behaviour be predicted from the measurement of traits? How useful is Freudian psychoanalysis as a theory of personality? Outline and critically evaluate one theory of personality. Discuss the extent to which intelligence may be inherited. Outline the development of intelligence tests and discuss whether or not these tests directly measure intelligence. Critically evaluate the concept of ‘emotional intelligence’. Outline and evaluate one cognitive theory of motivation. Critically evaluate Maslow’s Need Hierarchy. What are schedules of reinforcement? Discuss their role in the psychology of addiction.