Zinberg Fellowship Budget Page

Norman E. Zinberg Fellowship in Addiction Psychiatry Research 2014 – 2015
The Norman E. Zinberg Fellowship was established to honor Dr. Zinberg, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at
Harvard Medical School, and to provide support to carry on the spirit and substance of his teaching and
research. The Zinberg Fellowship is available through the Research Committee of the Department of
Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. It is anticipated that one fellowship will be awarded annually with a
start date of July 1, 2015.
This notice calls to your attention the availability of the Norman E. Zinberg Fellowship in Addiction Psychiatry
Research. The Zinberg Fellowship was endowed specifically to support training in research on alcohol and
drug use disorders. Theoretical or applied research projects that include a social-psychological, public policy, or
psychotherapeutic dimension or component will be given priority. Funds may be used for salary support or for
salary support plus expenses directly associated with the proposed research project, up to a projected total
award of $57,000. To allow increased flexibility with respect to project time-course, the Committee will
consider a request to extend an award over two years at half-time (50%) effort, providing that the applicant and
mentor provide a clear rationale and information on the applicant's other half-time activities. Applicants must
have an MD and/or PhD degree and be within three years of completion of training at the time of the
application. Applications also will be considered from junior investigators who have achieved faculty status of
Instructor, but not from those holding the rank of Assistant Professor. Applications from those who will
complete the ACGME Partners Addiction Psychiatry fellowship and who wish to pursue a second fellowship
year conducting research in addiction psychiatry are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants must commit to
at least half-time effort on the funded project. Review of applications will focus both on the strength of the
proposed research project, quality and extent of mentoring, and the candidate’s potential to develop into a
A Zinberg Fellow who receives an NIH Career Development Award, or some other significant award, will be
asked to relinquish the remaining portion of their Fellowship at the time the NIH award begins.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for an award:
Applicants need to commit to at least half-time effort (50% of full-time position) on the funded project
MD degree (at PGY-4 level or higher) and/or PhD degree and be a member of the HMS Department of
Psychiatry at time of application
No more than three years have passed since the end of U.S. acredited training
Cannot hold a faculty appointment of Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry or higher during
fellowship period
Applicants who have received NIH R or K awards as the PI are not eligible to apply
Application Process
One electronic copy must be emailed to linda_messier@hms.harard.edu by Monday, December 1, 2014. The following
items must be present in the application to be considered for the fellowship award:
1) Fellowship Application Front Page
2) A cover letter, not to exceed two pages, from the applicant explaining how the Fellowship year will fit into
his/her upcoming career plans. The letter should include details of the candidate’s training activities during the
course of the Fellowship (e.g., coursework, skills development, grant preparation, etc). The letter also should
describe any past or current research experience and committed or pending external funding.
3) A current curriculum vitae in the current Harvard format (http://cv.hms.harvard.edu). Although the
Harvard format does not allow the listing of submitted papers, please list these along with the name of the
journal to which the manuscript was submitted.
4) A Research Plan. This should include (a) title of project; (b) brief abstract not to exceed 150 words, (c)
description of the specific aims of the project, (d) background and significance of the proposed research project,
(e) description of the research design, (f) description of methods, (g) discussion of proposed analyses to be used
in the project, and (h) timeline for completing the project during the fellowship year. The Research Plan has an
absolute limit of 4 pages, single spaced, with standard type size of 15 characters per inch (using Arial or Times
New Roman 11 font). One extra page will be allowed for a listing of referenced literature. Appendices will not
be accepted.
5) A listing of other research resources available to support the project (e.g., supplies, technical assistance,
diagnostic laboratory tests).
6) Support from the Fellow’s faculty mentor is an important factor in the evaluation of the application. The
mentor must address each item in the Mentor’s Statement (see attached).
7) Projects that include drug studies or new devices that do not have approved IND or NDA certification at the time of
application will not be considered. Projects involving large scale, clinical trials with multiple groups must provide
additional assurances that the proposed study has sufficient financial support and can be completed in the proposed time
8) A letter from the head of the sponsoring hospital department including a statement of willingness to
assume the cost of fringe benefits not paid by the Fellowship.
Summary of Fellowship Requirements
MDs and/or PhDs in the Department of Psychiatry are eligible.
One electronic copy must be emailed to linda_messier@hms.harvard.edu by Monday, December 1, 2014. Awards
will be announced in late January, 2015.
Incomplete applications or those received by fax, will not be considered or returned.
For further information, contact Linda Messier @ (617) 384-8998 or Linda_Messier@hms.harvard.edu
See Zinberg Budget Page, Mentor’s Statement and Fellowship Application Front Sheet
Forms Below
Applicant’s Name:
Mentor’s Name:
Mentor’s Signature:
Zinberg Fellowship Budget Page
Research Assistant (Address specific
tasks of both Research Assistant and
Total Requested:
Will mentor provide some funding
toward this expense? Please answer yes
or no. If yes, how much will mentor
Applicant’s Name and degree(s):
Mentor’s Name:
Mentor’s Signature:
The goal of this document is to assist the committee with its review of the feasibility of the proposed project. For example,
if the project is not an idea originally developed by the applicant, but is based on ongoing research in your lab, it would be
helpful if you provided details about how the applicant will enhance the existing project. Alternatively, if this is a
completely unique project, then please comment on what infrastructure support will be in place to assist the applicant in
completing the stated aims.
Mentor’s Statement
A. Goals of the proposed project:
B. Expected level of participation of the applicant (list duties/activities):
C. Availability of funds to support proposed project:
D. In what way will you, the mentor, facilitate the applicant’s development in research and completion of the
proposed project?
E. Extent to which the proposed project is conceived, designed, and written by applicant:
F. How will this fellowship year contribute to the career development of the applicant?
G. Describe your recent (past 3 years) history of recruiting subjects in the population proposed in this project?
H. Please give your candid assessment regarding feasibility of recruiting the number of subjects in the project
based on the proposed duration of the fellowship:
Feasibility if study is conducted over (please circle):
1 year:
very likely
2 years:
very likely
I. Should an award be made for a clinical-based research study, are you prepared to work with the fellow to
ensure that the IRB application is submitted prior to the start of the fellowship on July 1?
Yes / No / N/A
Expected IRB Submission Date:
If not, please describe plans to ensure that IRB approval will be obtained in a timely manner so
that the initiation of the study is not delayed.
J. If this is a clinical trial, please identify the funding source and amount that will be allocated to the
proposed study:
I certify that ____ number of patients meeting the eligibility criteria of this study will be made available
to the applicant.
K. Should an award be made for an animal research study, are you prepared to work with the fellow to ensure
that the IACUC application is submitted prior to the start of the fellowship on July 1?
Yes / No / N/A
Expected IACUC Submission Date:
If not, please describe plans to ensure that IACUC approval will be obtained in a timely manner
so that the initiation of the study is not delayed.
L. Please give your candid assessment about the overall project’s feasibility that includes collecting
IRB/IACUC approvals, successful subject recruitment, data collection, data analyses, and
presentation/publication of results:
Can be completed in:
1 year
2 years
Other explain:
We greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into the mentoring process. Over the duration of the
project, your continued guidance is essential.
Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry
Fellowship Application Cover Sheet
Fellowship(s) applying for:
Dupont Warren
1 year at 80% time
2 years at 50% time
1 year at 80% time
2 years at 50% time
1 year at 80% time
2 years at 50% time
Please indicate amounts for stipend and/or research expenses:
Research Expenses
Livingston: Please indicate amount requested:
Title of Project:
PGYIII at 50% time