Before phrasing your proposal please read the "South-North program, Explanations concerning project proposals" (pdf document). If you don't have this document on hand, you can download it here: Project details Project title Topic of internship Continent (in the South) Host country (in the South) Regions within the countries in the North / South Places / Towns in the North / South Partner organizations in the North / South Details concerning the participants from Germany (in this form: North participants) Required language skills Required fields of study (for students) Required vocational fields (for non-academic participants / professionals) Number of North participants (minimum 1, maximum 2): Including, if possible: Desired number of jobholders (with non-academic background): Desired number of students: 1 Details concerning the participants from Africa / Asia / Southeast Europe or Latin America (in this form: South participants) Required language skills Required fields of study (for students) Required vocational fields (for non-academic participants / professionals) Number of South participants (minimum 1, maximum 2): Including, if possible: Desired number of jobholders (with non-academic background): Desired number of students: Information about the partner organization in Germany (North phase) Partner organization Project region Project place Time of implementation of the internship in the North phase The three-month project phase in the North must start at the beginning of April 2014. Has the organization ever proposed an ASA project? Has the organization ever proposed an ENSA project? Yes, year Yes, yea r No No Information about the partner organization in Africa, Asia, Southeast Europe or Latin America (South phase) Partner organization Project region Project place Time of implementation of the internship in the South phase The three-month project phase in the South must begin between July and December 2014. In case the South phase should take place at a specific or within a certain time of that period, please indicate the precise period of time: From: Until: Has the organization ever proposed an ASA project? Has the organization ever proposed an ENSA project? Yes, year Yes, year Have the organizations ever proposed this ASA South-North project together? Yes, year 2 No No No Project allocation in the field of development policy (select one or two options) 1 Economy, labour 2 Education 3 Gender 4 Civil participation 5 Health 6 Youth child care 7 Culture 8 Rural development 9 Media and information 10 Human rights 11 Sustainable economy 12 Urban development 13 Climate and environmental protection 14 Conflict management 15 Migration Statistical data / this project has been proposed by: Organization from Africa, Asia, Southeast Europe or Latin America German organization German university Former ASA/GLEN participant Year: Country: ASA/GLEN tutor Other: Details concerning the partner organization in Germany Name of the organization Contact person Position of contact pers. Postal address Phone E-mail Fax Homepage Type of organization Details concerning the partner organization in Africa, Asia, Southeast Europe or Latin America Name of the organization Contact person Position of contact pers. Postal address Phone E-mail Fax Homepage Type of organization 3 Details concerning other partner organizations involved Name of the organization Role of the organization Contact person Position of contact pers. Postal address Phone E-mail Fax Homepage Type of organization Relationship between the project partners in the North and in the South Existing cooperation since: First cooperation for a South-North project: Other: Details concerning the funding of the North phase Funds on hand: Amount that has to be acquired by fundraising: Please explain how the additional funds for the North phase are to be found. Contact details of the person proposing the project (if it is not the contact person mentioned above) Surname First name Organization Position Postal address Phone E-mail Fax 4 Concerning the person proposing the project: Will you apply to ASA to participate in the project yourself? Yes No If yes, please note that proposing a project does not automatically entitle you to participate in the program. You have to go through the normal application process for participants, although your application will be considered with priority. The proposal can only be accepted if you confirm that the internship can take place even if you are not chosen as a participant. I confirm that the project could take place without my participation. Information about the person proposing the project (maximum 500 characters). Explain shortly why you are proposing the project. How are you related to the partner organizations? What is your role in the organization(s)? What do you expect the ASA participants from the North and the South to bring to the organizations? If you are not working for one of the partner organizations, please describe how and with which member of the organization(s) you designed the project proposal. Contact person for the program and the participants from the North and the South during the North phase (this person will communicate with the participants before the beginning of the project and will supervise their work in Germany) Surname First name Position Phone E-mail Fax Contact person for the program and the participants from the North and the South during the South phase (this person will communicate with the participants before the beginning of the project and will supervise their work in the host country) Surname First name Position Phone E-mail Fax 5 Presentation of the partner organization in Germany Please answer the following questions precisely (maximum 200 characters in each case). 1.1. What work does the organization do? What are its objectives? 1.2. Describe the environment of the region in which the organization works (political, social, economical, ecological context; security issues). How is the organization integrated locally? 1.3. How does the organization contribute to the development of the country or region? 1.4. Has the organization ever collaborated with the GIZ (GTZ, DED, InWEnt) or another institution of German development cooperation? Yes No If yes, please name the institution / contact person and describe the nature and time of collaboration. Is the project that you are proposing with this form related to this collaboration? Yes No 1.5. Does the organization cooperate with other organizations? If yes, with which organizations and in which projects? 6 1.6. How many people work for the organization (employees / volunteers)? Since when does the organization exist? 1.7. What working conditions can you offer the participants from the North and the South (work space, computer, etc)? What infrastructure can you offer? 1.8. How and by whom will the participants from the North and the South be supervised? 1.9. Where will the participants from the North and the South be accommodated? Will you be able to help them find accommodation? 1.10. What relationship do you have with the organization in Africa / Asia / Southeast Europe / Latin America? 1.11. How will the organization promote the South-North project towards appropriate candidates from Germany? 7 Presentation of the partner organization in Africa, Asia, Southeast Europe or Latin America Please answer the following questions precisely (maximum 200 characters in each case). 2.1. What work does the organization do? What are its objectives? 2.2. Describe the environment of the region in which the organization works (political, social, economical, ecological context; security issues). How is the organization integrated locally? 2.3. How does the organization contribute to the development of the country or region? 2.4. Has the organization ever collaborated with the GIZ (GTZ, DED, InWEnt) or another institution of German development cooperation? Yes No If yes, please name the institution / contact person and describe the nature and time of collaboration. Is the project that you are proposing with this form related to this collaboration? Yes No 2.5. Does the organization cooperate with other organizations? If yes, with which organizations and in which projects? 8 2.6. How many people work for the organization (employees / volunteers)? Since when does the organization exist? 2.7. What working conditions can you offer the participants from the North and the South (work space, computer, etc)? What infrastructure can you offer? 2.8. How and by whom will the participants from the North and the South be supervised? 2.9. Where will the participants from the North and the South be accommodated? Will you be able to help them find accommodation? 2.10. What relationship do you have with the organization in Germany? 2.11. How will the organization search for appropriate candidates from Africa / Asia / Southeast Europe / Latin America for the South-North project? 9 Detailed information concerning the South-North project Please answer the following questions precisely (maximum 500 characters in each case). 3.1 What are the goals of the project and the internships? 3.2 What is the benefit of conceiving the project as a South-North project? 3.3 What can the participants from the North and the South learn about South-North relationship and global development issues? 10 Description of the project - Information concerning the project phase in Germany (North phase, April - June 2014) (maximum 500 characters in each case) Please remember that the two five-day ASA training seminars take place during this phase, in April and in June. The North and South participants take part in the seminars together. 4.1 What will the concrete tasks of the participants from the North and the South be during the North phase? Be careful not to overload the participants with work during the North phase, to give them enough space for cross-cultural learning and to propose them feasible activities, in which they can all take part together as a team. 4.2 At least one public event must be organized with the participants from the North and the South during the North phase. What do you have planned? 11 4.3 What specific knowledge / skills should the participants from the North and the South have? What experience acquired in the past could be useful for their work during the North phase? The ASA program will refer to these requirements for choosing the participants from Germany for your project, if your proposal is accepted. 4.4 To which extent does the North phase give the South participants the chance to be in contact with Germans and to discover their daily life, at work and in general? 4.5 How can the language support be guaranteed for the South participants? 12 4.6 Who will support the South participants in their daily life? Is there a (volunteer) support circle? 13 Description of the project - Information concerning the project phase in Africa / Asia / Southeast Europe / Latin America (South phase, three-month period between July and December 2014) (maximum 500 characters in each case) 5.1 What will the concrete tasks of the participants from the North and the South be during the South phase? When planning the participants’ tasks please note that there is a nine month period of time between the project proposal (September 2012) and the beginning of the project (July December 2014). Therefore, please describe in your project proposal a possible scope of duties, with which the participants can cope during their stay. After the participants’ selection phase, in March 2014, please specify the tasks together with the participants. 5.2 What specific knowledge / skills should the participants from the North and the South have? What experience acquired in the past could be useful for their work during the South phase? The ASA program will refer to these requirements for choosing the participants from Germany for your project, if your proposal is accepted. 14 5.3. To which extent does the South phase give the participants from the North and the South the chance to be in contact with the locals and to discover their daily life, at work and in general? 5.4. Who will support the participants from Germany in their daily life? Is there a (volunteer) support circle? 15 Declaration of honour (to be signed by the two partner organizations) Declaration of honour of the partner organization in Germany Name of the person proposing the project I undersigned certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree that in case of admission to the ASA program all data provided in this form may be used for managing the ASA program as far as the right for privacy is respected. I commit to informing the ASA program about all changes affecting the possible implementation of the proposed project. _____________________________ Place and date _____________________________________ Signature Declaration of honour of the partner organization in Africa / Asia / Southeast Europe / Latin America Name of the person proposing the project I undersigned certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree that in case of admission to the ASA program all data provided in this form may be used for managing the ASA program as far as the right for privacy is respected. I commit to informing the ASA program about all changes affecting the possible implementation of the proposed project. _____________________________ Place and date _____________________________________ Signature Please hand in the signed declarations of honour and of cooperation by e-mail or fax to the following number before 15th September 2013: +49 (0)30 - 254 82 - 359 16 Declaration of cooperation of the partner organizations in Germany and Africa / Asia / Southeast Europe / Latin America Host country in the South Title of the project Project partners in Germany Project partners in Africa / Asia / Southeast Europe We agree to cooperate with the ASA program of ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL gGmbH within the proposed project and to supervise the ASA participants selected by the ASA program. We commit to: appointing a contact person from our organizations as mentor for the ASA participants from the North and the South coordinating the project planning with the ASA participants from the North and the South during the preparatory phase (communication via e-mail as from March 2014, book flights for the participants from the South, etc.) helping the participants from the North and the South with their application for a visa for the period of the internship helping the participants from the North and the South with orientation in their new environment (for example by helping them finding accommodation) holding an initial meeting with the participants from the North and the South upon their arrival and regular meetings during their stay with our organizations ensuring the adequate working conditions necessary for the implementation of the internship Partner organization in Germany _____________________________ Place and date _____________________________________ Name and signature Partner organization in Africa / Asia / Southeast Europe / Latin America _____________________________ Place and date _____________________________________ Name and signature Please hand in the signed Declarations of honour and of cooperation by e-mail or fax to the following number before 15th September 2013: +49 (0)30 - 254 82 - 359 17 Handing in the project proposal: After having completed the form, please send it by e-mail to the ASA program. Please sign the declarations of honour and of cooperation and send them to us by fax. You can also sign them, scan them and send them by e-mail. A digital signature will also be accepted. Please send us your project proposal by 15th September 2013! The ASA program will decide in October 2013 whether your project proposal is accepted or not. We invite you to send it in as soon as possible, in order to give us the possibility to make comments on your proposal and see if anything is missing or not yet sufficient. If you have further questions or need support concerning the project proposal please do not hesitate to contact us: You will find further information about the ASA program on: or (English) 18