curriculum for psychology – programme subject in the

Studiespesialiserende utdanningsprogram
Programområde for språk, samfunnsfag og økonomi
Laid down as a regulation by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training on 3 June 2009 as delegated in a
letter of 26 September 2005 from the Ministry of Education and Research pursuant to the Act of 17 July 1998 no. 61
relating to primary and secondary education (Education Act) Section 3-4 first paragraph.
Applicable from 1 August 2009
The objectives of the subject
The programme subject Psychology has a generally educative aspect. A basic understanding of psychology
is a fundamental element in most social environments and interpersonal relationships.
The programme subject shall give pupils an introduction into essential psychological themes and guide
them through the most important aspects of research in psychology and its areas of application, along with
introducing pupils to the primary characteristics of the history of modern psychology. Mental health is an
important area of focus at a local, national and international level, and the programme subject aims to
provide pupils with basic knowledge of elements that hinder and promote mental health.
Learning in the subject shall help stimulate the pupil to think, understand and reflect on the interaction
between the individual and society in a lifelong perspective, and provide the pupil with greater
understanding, respect and tolerance, regardless of his or her culture or personal background.
The programme subject shall contribute to developing the ability to cooperate, inspire creativity and
stimulate analytical reflection. Furthermore, the subject shall help improve knowledge of the concepts,
models and theories of psychology as a basis for developing one's own thoughts and the thoughts of
others. Learning in the subject shall provide pupils with varied learning arenas and help them use various
learning strategies. The programme subject shall develop competence that can form the basis for
participation in society and working life and for further studies. The programme subject will provide an
opportunity to work from an interdisciplinary perspective and participate in multidisciplinary collaborations.
Psychology consists of two programme subjects: Psychology 1 and Psychology 2.
The programme subjects can be selected independently of one another.
The programme subjects are structured into main subject areas for which competence aims have been
formulated. The main subject areas complement each other, and should be viewed in relation to one
Overview of the main subject areas:
Main subject areas
Psychology 1
The History and
of Psychology
l Psychology
The Human
Being and
The Biological
Foundation of
Psychology 2
Description of main subject areas
Psychology 1
The History and Development of Psychology
This main subject area is concerned with how psychology has developed from being the study of the soul to
become the study of awareness, experience and behaviour. This deals with how knowledge of human
nature and science-based psychology have become one single and extensive field of study.
Developmental Psychology
This main subject area is concerned with psychological development from birth to death. It deals with how
individual differences arise and with the influence of heredity and environment on development and how
psychological knowledge can be applied.
The Human Being and Learning
This main subject area is concerned with how different psychological factors promote or hinder learning. It
also deals with different learning theories, forms of learning and learning strategies.
The Biological Foundation of Psychology
This main subject area is concerned with understanding how biological factors can influence how human
beings experience themselves and their surroundings. It deals with how the nervous system and the
hormones are related to needs, awareness and behaviour.
The Human Being and Health
This main subject area is concerned with what influences our health and how mental health is influenced
by the epoch in which we live. It also deals with how we can best promote mental health.
Psychology 2
Psychology Today
This main subject area is concerned with different directions within modern psychology and about the place
of psychology in contemporary society and the areas in which it can be applied.
Social Psychology
This main subject area is concerned with the individual as a part of a social community. It deals with
groups, roles, values and attitudes, and with social competence, leadership and power.
This main subject area is concerned with the different ways in which we communicate and interact. It deals
with communication across and within different cultures. It also covers communication related to the mass
media and digital communication.
Health Psychology
This main subject area is concerned with different kinds of preventive health work. It deals with the many
forms of mental illness and suffering and how these can be prevented and treated.
Teaching hours
Teaching hours are given in 60-minute units:
Psychology 1:
Psychology 2:
140 teaching hours per year
140 teaching hours per year
Studiespesialiserende utdanningsprogram
Programområde for språk, samfunnsfag og økonomi
Basic skills
Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims for this course in areas where they contribute to the
development of and are a part of the basic subject competence. In Psychology, basic skills are understood
as follows:
Being able to express oneself orally in Psychology involves presenting and introducing psychological
themes in an understandable manner. This involves communicating with, listening to and responding to
Being able to express oneself in writing in Psychology involves creating precise, structured and original
texts using the subject's central concepts.
Being able to read in Psychology involves extending one's vocabulary and understanding concepts by
reading texts related to psychology. This means explaining the meaning and context of texts, evaluating
these and interpreting many different kinds of texts.
Numeracy in Psychology involves interpreting tables and other kinds of statistical presentations, drawing
conclusions from these, and discussing and elaborating on the main tendencies found in these statistics.
Digital and computer literacy in Psychology involves looking for information in an independent and critical
manner. This also involves evaluating risks related to digital communication.
Competence aims
Psychology 1
The History and Development of Psychology
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 give an account of the main features of the historical development of psychology from philosophical
thinking to modern scientific and applied psychology
 present an overview of the most important themes in basic psychological research and in applied
 explain the difference between the various approaches to the subject from the perspective of social
science and natural science
 give an account of what parapsychology is as a phenomenon
Developmental Psychology
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 give an account of the different areas of development found in theories of human development
regarding human life from birth to death
 define personality, and be able to give the names of the different personality theories
 give an account of the significance of heredity and environment on human development
 discuss and elaborate on the connection between childhood experience and upbringing and the
attitudes and values we have as adults
 give an account of different emotions and needs and explain how these influence and govern
 describe how a human being's self-image and identity develop
 give an account of defence mechanisms and coping strategies
 give an account of the concept of perception and explain what is meant by selective perception
The Human Being and Learning
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 define learning and give an account of different learning theories
 give an account of the concept of intelligence, and discuss and elaborate on the significance
intelligence has for learning
discuss and elaborate on the relationship between motivation, mastery and learning
describe the different phases of memory and memory processes, and give an account of the effects
that memory and forgetfulness have on learning
discuss and elaborate on things that hinder or promote learning
give an account of the concept of creativity, and give examples of how creativity is used to solve
explain some different learning strategies and show how this knowledge can be used in one's own
The Biological Foundation of Psychology
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 give an account of the structure and functions of the nervous system and the senses
 explain how hormones influence thoughts, feelings and behaviour
 give an account of the relationship between genes and human possibilities and limitations
 explain how evolution can alter the biological foundation of thoughts, feelings and behaviour
 describe biological needs and provide examples of how these can be expressed
The Human Being and Health
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 define what health is, and reflect on the concept of quality-of-life
 discuss and elaborate on the concept of normality in relation to mental health
 give an account of the most common psychological crises at different phases of life, and discuss and
elaborate on how crises can stimulate mental growth and human development
 give an account of the phases of traumatic crises and provide examples of how a person can be
supported through these phases
 explain the concept of stress, what brings stress about, and how one can prevent negative reactions to
 reflect on how one can reduce the fear of failure
 define the concept of bullying and what consequences bullying can have for a person
 give an account of the relationship between intoxication and mental health
 discuss and elaborate on conditions that influence mental health, especially related to youth culture
Psychology 2
Psychology Today
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 describe and explain the differences between different traditions within modern psychology
 give an account of areas in which psychology is used today
 give an account of how mental health care and crisis psychiatry is structured
Social Psychology
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 give an account of socialisation processes from a psychological perspective
 discuss and elaborate on the significance of social competence
 explain why and how groups arise, how these hold together, and how they collapse
 give an account of the different roles an individual may have in social contexts and give examples of
role conflicts
 discuss and elaborate on what can influence and change attitudes
 give an account of different styles of leadership, how power can be exercised and what the
characteristics of a good leader are
 discuss and elaborate on the ideas of authority and obedience
 discuss and elaborate on the concept of discrimination with a point of departure in knowledge of
groups, roles and attitudes
 give an account of how interpersonal conflicts arise and give examples of how these can be resolved
Studiespesialiserende utdanningsprogram
Programområde for språk, samfunnsfag og økonomi
define multicultural competence and discuss and elaborate on the personal and social challenges of a
multicultural society
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 give an account of the concept of communication, and be able to describe the communication process
and what influences this
 describe verbal and non-verbal forms of communication and communication as a culturally-conditioned
 give an account of the possibilities and limitations of language
 give an account of what characterises good communication, and demonstrate this in practice
 discuss and elaborate on the opportunities, limitations and risks related to digital communication
 explain the phenomenon of mass suggestion and reflect on how this can occur in modern society
 discuss and elaborate on how the mass media influences us
Health Psychology
The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
 describe different kinds of mental illnesses and suffering
 explain how physical and mental health can influence one another
 give an account of preventive mental health care and discuss treatment from the perspective of health
 discuss and elaborate on the challenges of being an affected family member or friend of a person with
a mental health problem, and provide examples of different strategies for mastering these problems
Provisions for final assessment:
Overall achievement grades
Programme subject
Psychology 1
The pupil shall have an overall achievement grade
Psychology 2
The pupil shall have an overall achievement grade
Examination for pupils
Programme subject
Psychology 1
Pupils may be selected for an oral examination. The
examination is prepared and graded locally.
Psychology 2
Pupils may be selected for a written or oral
examination. The written examination is prepared
and graded centrally. The oral examination is
prepared and graded locally.
Examination for external candidates
Programme subject
Psychology 1
The external candidates shall sit for an oral
examination. The examination is prepared and
graded locally.
Psychology 2
The external candidates shall sit for a written
examination. The examination is prepared and
graded centrally.
The provisions for assessment are stipulated in the regulations of the Norwegian Education Act.