Delegation of Authority Policy - Sport and Recreation Alliance

This Delegation of Authority policy is established to define the limits of authority
designated to specified positions of responsibility within Rounders England and to
establish the types and maximum amount of obligations that may be approved
by individuals. The approval of commitments and transactions outlined in this
policy must always be made by the parties that have been designated the
responsibility for final approval.
All employees should be aware that violating the policy could significantly
damage Rounders England and expose it to unintended legal and commercial
liabilities. Individuals who violate these policies will be subject to appropriate
disciplinary action by Rounders England, including possible termination of
Staff Directors should take all necessary steps to ensure their employees know
and follow the policy. In this connection, all Directors should periodically consult
with their staff members to determine that appropriate procedures for
implementation of the policy have been developed and are being followed.
The policy is the responsibility of the Board. Compliance with the policy is the
responsibility of the CEO and Staff Directors.
1 General
1.1 Combining Transactions
Dividing a commitment or transaction into two or more parts to evade a limit of
authority is prohibited and is a violation of the policy.
1.2 Delegation of Authority to Subordinates
It is emphasised that commitments and transactions cannot be approved by
individuals having a lower level of approval authority than the specified
transaction requires, except when a delegation of temporary authority has been
granted by the Board.
Temporary authority may be designated whenever an individual with approval
authority will be out of the office for prolonged periods. The temporary
authorisation is to be in writing (eg board minutes or emails from Board members)
and must specify the effective length of time.
1.3 Compliance Documentation
Employees executing contracts and approving transactions are required to
ensure that all appropriate approvals and reviews required by this policy and the
Financial Procedures have been obtained, and to ensure that appropriate
documentation of these approvals is maintained. All contracts shall be
maintained with documentation of the appropriate approvals and the original
kept at the National Office.
1.4 Financial Procedures
All transactions must comply with the Financial Procedures.
2 Banking and Investment Matters
2.1 Borrowing Funds and credit arrangements
Only the CEO is authorised to borrow funds or arrange credit facilities, subject to
Board approval.
2.2 Opening/Closing Bank Accounts
Only the CEO may open or close bank accounts, subject to Board approval.
2.3 Investments
Only the CEO may make investment arrangements, subject to Board approval
3 Expenditure Authority
3.1 Disbursement Authorisation
Commitments and transactions will not be processed by the Finance Officer that
are not approved in accordance with this policy.
3.2 Capital Expenditures
All capital expenditures must be approved by the Board and made by the CEO.
3.3 Revenue Expenditure
The authority for disbursement approval is:
Staff Director
Event Organiser
Authority Level
Up to £2,999
Up to £500
3.4 Agreements with 3rd Parties (eg County Sports Partnerships or Partners)
All agreements with third parties must be notified to the CEO and are subject to
the authorities detailed in 3.3. Signed originals must be kept in the National
3.5 Bank Signatories
Bank signatories shall be in accordance with the Bye Laws. One signatory is
required for amounts up to £500; two signatories are required for amounts over
4 Sales Authority
4.1 Sales of Assets
Prior to any sale of assets over £500 Board approval must be obtained. The Chief
Executive Officer has authority for sale of assets valued at £499 or less.
4.2 Other Sales
All sales shall be made in compliance with Rounders England’s standard terms
and conditions.
4.4 Bids and Bid Contracts
Bids and Bid Contracts shall be placed and reviewed according to the Financial
6 Employment Related Matters
6.1 Appointment and Dismissal of Employees
Authority for the appointment and dismissal of employees is in accordance with
the Office Handbook.
6.2 Employee Agreements and Certain Offers of Employment
All employment agreements shall be approved by the CEO prior to entering into
an employment agreement.
All staff bonuses, including, but not limited to defined incentive plans, statutory,
special, discretionary or one-time, must be approved by the CEO in writing.
The CEO bonuses are approved by the Board.
6.3 Severance Agreements
All severance agreements shall be approved by the Board. Only the CEO may
execute a severance agreement.
6.4 Consulting Agreements/Contract Employees
The engagement of a consultant or contract employee for a period of more
than three months (consecutively or within a 12-month period) shall be
approved by the CEO.
7 Legal Matters
7.1 Settling Claims:
Litigation Claims and Commercial Disputes – Approval of the Board is required
prior to settling any litigation claims or commercial disputes.
7.2 Formation/Dissolution of New Legal Entities and Branch Offices
Only the Board may authorise the formation/dissolution of a new entity
Reviewed by Board September 2010
Review Date: 2012