WORK SESSION MINUTES OF THE WILDWOOD COMMISSIONERS IN THE COUNTY OF CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Commissioners Meeting Room Time: 5:30 p.m. MEETING CALLED: Meeting called to order by the Mayor PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE City Clerk leads in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL City Clerk called the roll and the following Commissioners answered to their names: Byron – here, Leonetti – here, Troiano – here OTHERS ATTENDING Mary Bittner, Solicitor Chris Fox, Administrator Chris Eaton, Remington, Vernick & Walberg Engineers Robert Regalbuto, Police Chief Ron Grookett, Water Utility Jason Hesley, Tax Assessor Jeanette Powers, CFO Steven Stocks, Beach Patrol Chief Christopher Wood, City Clerk Lisa Brown, Aide to the City Clerk OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT As per N.J.S.A. 10:4-12, City Clerk read the Open Public Meetings Act Announcement. APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 25, 2015, Work Session February 25, 2015, Regular Meeting February 25, 2015 Executive Session March 4, 2015 Special Meeting Pending questions from the Board these Minutes will be approved during the Regular meeting. There were none. 2A. A. B. Public Hearing and Adoption of the 2015 Wildwood Business Improvement District Budget (BID) Public Hearing and Adoption of the 2015 Wildwood Special Improvement District Budget (SID) Pending questions or comments from the Board, the Public Hearing and Adoption of the BID and SID Budgets were moved to the Regular meeting. There were none. RESOLUTION City Clerk read the resolutions listed on the agenda. A. Authorizing Emergency Temporary Appropriations B. Authorizing Transfers between Budget Appropriations C. Lapsing Appropriation Balance to Dedicated Trust by Rider for Snow Removal ($15,000.00) D. Authorizing the extension of time to execute contract for Beach Bar until March 26, 2015 E. Awarding Professional Services Contract with Van Note-Harvey re: Engineering Services in connection with the Reconstruction of water mains on Buttercup Avenue ($37,100.00) F. Authorizing contract with Spectrotel, Inc. re: Local and Long Distance Telephone Services G. Authorizing amended quote as submitted by Enforsys, Inc. re: Purchase of Computer Aided Dispatch System (increase of $15,750.00 for a new total of $46,750.00) H. Authorizing contract amendments as submitted by Hewlett Packard Company re: Purchase of in-car Mobile Data Terminals I. Authorizing the 2015 Supplemental Sewer Rate J. Authorizing Robert Anderson to submit the Recycling Tonnage Grant Application to NJDEP K. Designating Free Bulk Trash Collection dates for 2015 L. Authorizing credit of water and sewer charges re: Acct#20151760-1 and 2051760-2, Splash Zone, Inc. (water: $3,176.67 and sewer: $8,683.20) M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. Approving Amusement Game License(s) Determining the form and other details of not exceeding $2,575,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City of Wildwood and providing for their sale to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, pursuant to the State Fiscal Year 2015 New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust Financing Program for funding the City’s Water System Project in the Borough of Wildwood Crest Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Loan Agreements to be executed by the City of Wildwood and each of the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust and the State of New Jersey, acting by and through the Department of Environmental Protection, and further authorizing the execution and delivery of an Escrow Agreement, all pursuant to the State Fiscal Year 2015 New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust Financing Program for funding the City’s Water System Project in the Borough of Wildwood Crest Authorizing Amendment to Professional Services Contract with Alain Leibman re: Services pertaining to Point Break Group Management, LLC Authorizing Mayor to sign a Lease Agreement with the Wildwood’s Convention Center re: 70’s Dance Party Concert Authorizing payment of bills in the amount of $2,355,056.80 dated March 11, 2015 Authorizing filing of all reports and other data contained in this agenda The City Clerk said he had the following Resolutions to add to the agenda, should to Board agree: I. Authorizing time extension for Closing on Sale of Bl. 186, L. 2, Center City Parking Lot The Board agreed to add this item to the agenda for consideration. ORDINANCE: 1027-15 Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 828-10, Section 1A-7.2 of the Revised General Ordinances of the City of Wildwood re: Police Staffing (FIRST READING/INTRODUCTION) UNFINISHED BUSINESS ● None. COMMUNICIATIONS: ● 2014 JIF Safety Incentive Program Awards ($1,750.00 reimbursement) APPLICANTS: ● None. NEW BUSINESS: ● None. REPORTS: ● Engineer’s Report – On file in the City Clerk’s Office. Mayor Troiano informed the public about the mishap on Park Boulevard. Although the street was recently repaved, South Jersey Gas has to break into the street again due to major gas leak. South Jersey Gas will be responsible to repave the street. EXECUTIVE SESSION: ● None. ADJOURNED: There being no further business to be discussed, this meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m. Remarks as typed highlighted not verbatim as to subject matter. MOTION: Byron SECONDED: Leonetti ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes. __________________________________________ PETER BYRON, COMMISSIONER __________________________________________ ANTHONY LEONETTI, COMMISSIONER __________________________________________ ERNEST TROIANO, JR., MAYOR ATTEST:__________________________________ CHRISTOPHER WOOD, CITY CLERK DATE MINUTES APPROVED:_________________________ CHRISTOPHER WOOD, CITY CLERK REGULAR COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE WILDWOOD COMMISSIONERS IN THE COUNTY OF CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Commissioner’s Meeting Room Time: 5:38 p.m. MEETING CALLED Meeting called to order by the Mayor PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy City Clerk leads in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL City Clerk called the roll and the following Commissioners answered to their names: Byron – here, Leonetti – here, Troiano - here OTHERS ATTENDING Mary Bittner, Solicitor Chris Fox, Administrator Chris Eaton, Remington, Vernick & Walberg Engineers Robert Regalbuto, Police Chief Ron Grookett, Water Utility Jason Hesley, Tax Assessor Jeanette Powers, CFO Steven Stocks, Beach Patrol Chief Christopher Wood, City Clerk Lisa Brown, Aide to the City Clerk OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT As per N.J.S.A. 10:4-12, City Clerk read the Open Public Meetings Act Announcement. EARLY PUBLIC COMMENT: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 25, 2015 Work Session February 25, 2015 Regular Meeting February 25, 2015 Executive Session March 4, 2015 Special Meeting MOTION: Leonetti SECOND: Byron ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes 103-3-15 Public Hearing and Adoption of the 2015 Wildwood Business Improvement District Budget (BID) MOTION TO OPEN PUBLIC HEARING MOTION: Leonetti SECOND: Byron ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes There being no comment, the Public Hearing was closed. MOTION: Byron SECOND: Leonetti ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes MOTION TO ADOPT MOTION: Leonetti SECOND: Byron ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes 104-3-15 Public Hearing and Adoption of the 2015 Wildwood Special Improvement District Budget (SID) MOTION TO OPEN PUBLIC HEARING MOTION: Leonetti SECOND: Byron ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes There being no comment, the Public Hearing was closed. MOTION: Byron SECOND: Leonetti ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes MOTION TO ADOPT MOTION: Leonetti SECOND: Byron ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes RESOLUTIONS: City Clerk read the resolutions listed on the agenda. 105-3-15 Authorizing Emergency Temporary Appropriations 106-3-15 Authorizing Transfers between Budget Appropriations 107-3-15 Lapsing Appropriation Balance to Dedicated Trust by Rider for Snow Removal ($15,000.00) 108-3-15 Authorizing the extension of time to execute contract for Beach Bar until March 26, 2015 109-3-15 Awarding Professional Services Contract with Van Note-Harvey re: Engineering Services in connection with the Reconstruction of water mains on Buttercup Avenue ($37,100.00) 110-3-15 Authorizing contract with Spectrotel, Inc. re: Local and Long Distance Telephone Services 111-3-15 Authorizing amended quote as submitted by Enforsys, Inc. re: Purchase of Computer Aided Dispatch System (increase of $15,750.00 for a new total of $46,750.00) 112-3-15 Authorizing contract amendments as submitted by Hewlett Packard Company re: Purchase of incar Mobile Data Terminals 113-3-15 Authorizing the 2015 Supplemental Sewer Rate 114-3-15 Authorizing Robert Anderson to submit the Recycling Tonnage Grant Application to the NJDEP 115-3-15 Designating Free Bulk Trash Collection dates for 2015 116-3-15 Authorizing credit of water and sewer charges re: Acct#2051760-1 and 2051760-2, Splash Zone, Inc. (water: $3,176.67 and sewer: $8,683.20) 117-3-15 Approving Amusement Game License(s) 118-3-15 Determining the form and other details of not exceeding $2,575,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City of Wildwood and providing for their sale to the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust and the State of New Jersey, acting by and through the Department of Environmental Protection, pursuant to the State Fiscal Year 2015 New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust Financing Program for funding the City’s Water System Project in the Borough of Wildwood Crest 119-3-15 Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Loan Agreements to be executed by the City of Wildwood and each of the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust and the State of New Jersey, acting by and through the Department of Environmental Protection, and further authorizing the execution and delivery of an Escrow Agreement, all pursuant to the State Fiscal Year 2015 New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust Financing Program for funding the City’s Water System project in the Borough of Wildwood Crest 120-3-15 Authorizing amendment to Professional Services Contract with Alain Leibman re: Services pertaining to Point Break Group Management, LLC 121-3-15 Authorizing Mayor to sign a Lease Agreement with the Wildwood’s Convention Center re: 70’s Dance Party Concert 122-3-15 Authorizing payment of bills in the amount of $2,355,056.80 dated March 11, 2015 123-3-15 Authorizing filing of all reports and other data contained in this agenda 124-3-15 Authorizing time extension for Closing on Sale of Bl. 186, L. 2, Center City Parking Lot MOTION: Byron SECOND: Leonetti ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes Mayor Troiano informed the public that the Sewer Rate remained the same in prior years and congratulated the Sewer Utility on a job well done. ORDINANCES: 1027-15 Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 828-10, Section 1A-7.2 of the Revised General Ordinances of the City of Wildwood re: Police Staffing (FIRST READING/INTRODUCTION) MOTION: Troiano SECOND: Leonetti ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes The Mayor announced Ordinance 1027-15 has passed First Reading. PUBLIC COMMENT: During regularly scheduled Board of Commissioners Meeting. Remarks will limit to five (5) minutes per person. City Clerk will be keeper of time and advise speaker when time has expired. Each member of the public will be permitted to speak only once per meeting. Criticism of public employees will be directed to the Personnel Department during work hours only. Al Brannen, 217 E. Bennett Avenue: Mr. Brannen would like the City to challenge the person who wrote an article in the paper stating that the City of Wildwood has a “tent city” under the boardwalk and on Pacific Avenue. Mayor Troiano said he attended a County Freeholder meeting last night because of these comments and informed them that the City has taken an aggressive stand of chasing people out of town instead up placing them in sub-standard housing, and made it clear that the City of Wildwood does not have a “tent city”. ADJOURNED: There being no further business, this meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Remarks as typed highlighted not verbatim as to subject matter. MOTION: Leonetti SECOND: Byron ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes ____________________________________________ Peter Byron, COMMISSIONER __________________________________________ Anthony Leonetti, COMMISSIONER ____________________________________________ Ernest Troiano, Jr., MAYOR ATTEST:____________________________________ Christopher Wood, City Clerk DATE MINUTES APPROVED:__________________