COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DES GRANDS BARRAGES ------DAMS AND RESERVOIR FOR MULTIPLE PURPOSES Brasilia, MAY 2009 ------- DAM SAFETY - THE MAIN ELEMENT FOR ANY SUSTAINABLE STORAGE PROJECT(*) Martin WIELAND Dam and Earthquake Expert, Dipl. Ing. ETH, Dr. sc. techn. Pöyry Energy Ltd., Zurich, SWITZERLAND R. Peter BRENNER Dam Consultant, Dipl. Ing. ETH, PhD Weinfelden, SWITZERLAND 1. INTRODUCTION Modern water storage projects are evaluated on the basis of sustainability criteria. However, among the different parties and stakeholders involved in a large dam project there is often no general consensus on what exactly means ‘sustainable’. The term ‘sustainable’ is widely used also in other areas of man’s development activities. In general, a development is considered sustainable if it satisfies the needs of today’s generation without jeopardizing the possibilities of future generations to satisfy their needs at their time. What does this mean for water storage projects? The project must be conceived in such a way that it satisfies the purposes it has been designed for, e.g. energy production, water supply, irrigation, flood control, etc., but it must not later negatively affect future generations’ benefits needed at that distant time. The project must not lead to a situation where later some or all of the benefits required by the population can no longer be provided. Sustainability of a storage project is closely related to dam safety and thus to the ageing and service life of the project structures. All parts of a storage -------------------------------------(*) Sécurité des barrages – L’élément principal pour n’importe quel ouvrage de retenue 1 scheme (civil, mechanical and electro-mechanical) are subject to ageing. To some extent ageing can be mitigated by maintenance activities or rehabilitation work. Dams with an age of over 100 years are now not uncommon. These dams and their appurtenances have been looked after systematically by the owner and inspected regularly for possible deficiencies by dam specialists, usually from a government organization. Records of their performance are available since their commissioning. Ageing not only affects the durability of the storage structures but also their functionality which in turn determines the safety of the storage facility. Safety is a key factor in the sustainability of a storage scheme. If the safety of, for example the dam, is no longer guaranteed, the dam becomes a risk and remedial works have to be initiated. The benefits of such a dam will decrease or even vanish. The dam may have to be abandoned or de-commissioned. This paper discusses the importance of dam safety in maintaining the sustainability of a storage scheme, looking at such factors as ageing, maintenance, rehabilitation and upgrading. 2. SUSTAINABILITY OF DAMS Many factors govern the sustainability of a storage facility, such as: the natural environment, including river characteristics, site conditions and natural hazards, the existing infrastructure and social network, the design, quality of construction and equipment, and economic benefits. In simple terms, sustainable development has four pillars: the main and most important pillar is dam safety, followed by environmental, economic and social aspects (Fig. 1). A storage dam is basically an element of the infrastructure, like a road, a tunnel, or a canal. It has to provide benefits to the population (food production, electricity, water supply, flood protection, aquaculture, recreation, etc.). Environmental sustainability means that the new infrastructure must not cause uncontrolled and inacceptable and irreversible damage. Nature must be able to adjust to the new infrastructure without permanent negative impacts. Economic sustainability means that the infrastructure should provide sufficient revenue that it can be properly maintained and managed and that the owner obtains a fair return for his investment. Finally, social sustainability means that possible resettlements are handled with adequate understanding for people’s basic needs, fair compensation and improved living conditions. The reservoir should promote outdoor activities and recreation and as well fishing opportunities. Potential water-born diseases must be mitigated by proper education of the residents and reservoir management. The artificial lakes created by dams must be properly managed and the dams need continuous maintenance. Reservoirs are very often a valuable source of drinking water. Although at present most large reservoirs are used for energy 2 production, the generation of hydropower may decrease with time. Water, however, will always remain an indispensable commodity and so will there be a need for flood protection. Hence, the need for dams and reservoirs will persist. The requirements for sustainability and safety will remain applicable for all dams, regardless of their particular use. Bridle [2] introduced the concept of an Engineered Sustainable Infrastructure Cycle (ESIC). The idea is first to identify the social needs and then find the infrastructure (e.g. a storage facility) that best can satisfy these needs. The infrastructure must be able to generate sufficient income to support its management and maintenance. Then the question is asked whether the environment can sustain this infrastructure. Additional input required for the model includes: the lifetime of this infrastructure and what are its emissions and how they can be handled, and what are the resources to construct it. Each step must be optimized. The actual lifespan of a dam project is usually not taken into account in a feasibility study, only the period of concession. Private owners and developers of infrastructure projects use the concession period as a guideline for the design life of their project. For hydropower projects in Switzerland, for example, the concession period is 80 years, in less developed countries, such as in the Lao PDR, it may be as short as 30 years. When the concession period in these countries has expired, the ownership is usually transferred to the government. Costs for the de-commissioning of a dam are also ignored. A serious process affecting the service life of a reservoir is sedimentation. Proper sediment management strategies, which must be based on detailed studies of the river flow, sediment transport and watershed characteristics, can make reservoir siltation sustainable. Such sediment handling techniques are also an important investment in the safety of the facility (Palmieri [6]). 3. THE ROLE OF AGEING There is substantial experience in handling the ageing issue. Hundreds of existing large dams were built before 1900 and around 5000 before 1950 (Lempérière [5]). Ageing processes affect the dam body, the foundation and the appurtenant works. Dam body and foundation form a dynamic system subject to variable loads, especially caused by temperature fluctuations and hydraulic gradients. In addition to the ageing of the civil structures, mechanical and electromechanical parts (gates, valves, cranes, and the power supplies) are subject to physical (wear, erosion, frost etc.), chemical (corrosion, AAR, etc.), and biological processes. Maintenance and rehabilitation of vital components deteriorated by ageing must therefore have a high priority in dam safety management. In general, the budget for maintenance and repair is a small percentage of the original investment in the storage project. Penman & Milligan [7] concluded that the modern embankment dam has marked advantages, both from the point of view of economy and environment. It 3 can be constructed on almost any foundation and is an extremely economical form to construct. When complete, it can be maintained practically indefinitely, although the reservoir may limit the time period of operation. 4. SAFETY OF DAMS The safety concept for storage dams is based on the following pillars (Biedermann [1]): (i) structural safety, (ii) dam safety monitoring, and (iii) emergency preparedness (see Fig. 1). In addition to these pillars, a fourth pillar, which accounts for the operational safety and maintenance must also be included. Fig. 1 Relationship between dam safety, sustainability and ageing Relation entre sécurité des barrages, durabilité et vieillissement 4 4.1. STRUCTURAL SAFETY Structural safety is the main prerequisite for the safe operation of a storage facility. The foundation for structural safety is laid mainly during design, as given by the design criteria. The design must be carried out assuming that the dam may become exposed to the worst possible condition during a natural hazardous event, i.e. mainly floods and earthquakes. Older dams are often not designed according to today’s design standards. One reason is that since their conception more data have become available which allow a more realistic prediction of extreme events. Such storage projects may have inadequate spillway capacity or the dam structures were designed with inadequate seismic loading. Inadequate spillway capacity can be handled by constructing an additional spillway, or where feasible, by a rising of the dam crest. The most severe loading conditions for dam structures originate from earthquakes. With older dams, earthquake loading was commonly taken into account by means of a seismic coefficient. At most dam sites a seismic coefficient of 0.1 was used. Seismic hazard analyses, however have revealed that also in regions of low to moderate seismicity, such as Central Europe, the possibility of a strong shock , say in the order of M=6.5 does exist, although with a very low probability. This means that the earthquake safety of many of these older dams is not known and some may be structurally deficient. The 106 m high Sefid Rud buttress dam in Iran was constructed in the 1960s in a region of high seismicity. The design assumed a seismic coefficient of 0.25. In 1990 it was struck by a mb7.3 (Ms7.7) earthquake (i.e. a magnitude close to the maximum credible value) with its epicenter very close to the dam site (Indermaur et al. [4]). The reservoir was nearly full. Buttress dams are known as rather delicate structures but the concrete dam body showed a surprising resilience against cracking. Cracks developed almost exclusively along horizontal lift joints in the transition zone of web and head of the central buttresses (Fig. 2). Relative movements between the buttresses also gave rise to concrete spalling along the vertical construction joints. Other structures in the vicinity of the dam suffered heavy damage to full collapse. Back-calculations showed (no functioning strong motion instruments were located in the dam area) that the peak ground acceleration was about 0.7 g. The dam was (and still is) a well-maintained structure with a full record of its performance in the past. It remained basically functional, although comprehensive repair work (grouting of the weakened joints and cracks, and post-tensioned rock anchors were installed in all buttresses). The main purpose of the dam is irrigation and water supply. Sediment problems are severe at this site but managed by regular flushing. The sustainability of the 5 facility remained preserved, also after the earthquake, because the wellconstructed dam had a sufficient margin of safety. The 158 m high Zipingpu concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD) in Sichuan Province, China, was 17 km from the epicenter of the May 12, 2008 M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. This was the first time a large CFRD has been subjected to very strong earthquake ground shaking. The dam suffered some damage, mainly at the joints of the face slabs and in the crest region but at no time was the dam in a critical condition. The reservoir level was relatively low at the time of the earthquake and was drawn down for safety reasons. The ICOLD Bulletin 72 (ICOLD, 1989), which is being revised, presents guidelines for the design of dams against earthquake loading. In order to achieve a sustainable design with respect to structural performance, dam safety authorities should check whether their dams can satisfy the new guidelines. In case of deficiencies dam owners should be urged to upgrade their dams accordingly. Fig 2 Critical crack which developed at the kink (slope change) and along the working joint at the head-web interface Fissure critique qui s’est développée le long d’un joint de construction au contact tête/âme du contrefort 1 2 3 4 Buttress head Buttress web Lift joint Crack 1 2 3 4 Tête du contrefort Ame du contrefort Joint de reprise Fissure There are many small embankment dams used mainly for irrigation and water supply purposes which were not designed for extreme loadings and where site investigations may have been kept to a minimum. Such dams when 6 subjected to a strong earthquake can be damaged by either slope failure, spreading due to foundation liquefaction, or multiple cracking. Although the reservoirs retained by these dams are usually not large, the uncontrolled release of the stored water can still cause severe damage and enhance the already critical conditions of the infrastructure caused by the earthquake itself. Wang [9] presented several examples of damaged embankment dams in China. These were constructed with inadequate and only lightly compacted materials (silts, loam, sands) in regions which had been classified as being of low seismic intensity (≤MM VI), but then were hit by a major earthquake. Small dams do generally not satisfy sustainability criteria and water resources agencies must make every effort to rectify this deficit through upgrading. 4.2. MONITORING AND SURVEILLANCE Dam safety monitoring is a key activity in dam safety management. It consists essentially of two components, namely: (1) (2) A field check or visual inspection of the entire dam and its appurtenances. It also includes checking the functioning of the flood control elements, i.e. spillway gates (if any) and the valves for the various outlets, and as well the emergency power supply. Measurements of physical quantities (mainly pressures, deformation, flow volumes and sometimes also temperature) describing the status of the dam and its foundation. Also included here are data analysis and their interpretation. Monitoring provides a rational insight into the safety of the dam-foundation system. With modern automatic data acquisition systems real-time monitoring becomes possible and rapidly changing conditions can be recorded. Instrumental monitoring, if systematically performed, can detect a developing deficiency at an early stage, however, only at locations where corresponding instruments have been installed, e.g. piezometers, seepage weir, settlement point, etc. In other locations only visual inspection can detect whether something is wrong or unusual, such as the development of a wet spot on the downstream slope of an embankment dam. Unfortunately, there are still many older large dams (say between 15 and about 30 m in height) which have inadequate monitoring facilities (i.e. parts of the installed instruments are out of order and earlier records are missing) or there is no instrumental monitoring at all. Even today, certain water resources authorities are difficult to convince that their new dam project requires a minimum of instrumentation, especially with embankment dams placed on alluvial foundations or residual soils. Instrumental monitoring also requires a strict data management and a graphical display of the measurements to enable the rapid identification of irregularities caused by deficiencies or also by faulty measurements or deficient equipment. An important concept in monitoring is redundancy. It means that a 7 few very important quantities should be measured simultaneously, but independently, by two instruments at the same location. The instruments can be of the same type but preferably they are of a different type, e.g. a vibrating wire piezometer together with a pneumatic type. 4.3. EMERGENCY CONCEPTS A dam is not supposed to fail, and dam failures have in fact decreased substantially in the second half of the 20th century (Schnitter [8]), but zero risk is virtually impossible to achieve. Lempérière [5] puts the present overall risk of failure of existing large dams at about 10-4 per year. The main risk is the overtopping of embankment dams during large floods. Hence, upgrading of spillways will reduce this risk further. In addition, all dams with a large reservoir volume should be provided with a bottom outlet, such that the reservoir can be drawn down in an emergency situation, especially after a strong earthquake. The Swiss emergency strategy distinguishes three levels of danger, depending on the severity of the situation (Biedermann [1]). Level 3 is the worst case, i.e. failure of the dam can probably not be avoided. People in all the potentially submerged areas have to be evacuated before the disaster strikes the area. In order to define the appropriate emergency level, the dam specialist must be able to recognize the causes of the distress or of the hazard and how it will develop with time. Monitoring with increased frequency may have to be initiated, especially at levels 1 and 2. For example, seepage collection may be done in zones (left abutment, right abutment, dam foot, etc.) to enable a better identification of the source of leakage. The main objective of any emergency preparedness is to avoid the loss of lives. 5. CONCLUSIONS Water storage projects are components of the infrastructure in the area for which they should provide benefits. Infrastructure projects must be sustainable such that they can serve the needs of the people for a very long time. Water storage projects, however, cannot be considered sustainable if their safety according to modern standards is not assured. A failure of a large storage dam would cause tremendous damages to infrastructure, environment and the social network and produce a set back in the development of the region. Dam safety is therefore a foremost prerequisite for a sustainable development of a storage project or for the sustainable operation of an existing storage facility. As a matter of fact, a technology, which is unsafe has no future, and the history of dam construction, spanning over 2000 years, has shown that safety is the basis of sustainability. 8 Keeping the dam in a safe condition requires proper management of all the safety-relevant elements and issues, in particular maintenance of the various structures, rehabilitation of identified deficiencies and aged components, upgrading and replacing instrumentation where necessary, and a periodic review of the emergency concept. REFERENCES [1] BIEDERMANN, R., Safety concept for dams: Development of the Swiss concept since 1980. wasser, energie, luft – eau, énergie, air, 89(3/4):5563, 1997. [2] BRIDLE, R., Engineering sustainable dams. 14th German Dam Symposium, Freising, Bericht Nr. 115 des Lehrstuhls und der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der TU München, P. Rutschmann ed., pp. 46-50, 2007. [3] ICOLD, Selecting Seismic Parameters for Large Dams, Guidelines. Bulletin 72, Committee on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design, International Commission on Large Dams, Paris, 1989. [4] INDERMAUR, W., BRENNER, R.P. & ARASTEH, T., The Effects of the 1990 Manjil earthquake on Sefid Rud buttress dam. Dam Engineering, 2(4):275-305, 1991. [5] LEMPÉRIÈRE, F., The role of dams in the XXI century: Achieving a sustainable development target. Hydropower & Dams, 13(3):99-108, 2006. [6] PALMIERI, A., Sustainability of dams: Reservoir sedimentation management and safety implications. World Bank Paper, afety/dam_sustainability_world_bank_paper.pdf, 1998. [7] PENMAN, A.D.M., & MILLIGAN, V., Longevity of embankment dams – a critical review. Int. Workshop on Dam Safety Evaluation, 1:33-51, 1993. [8] SCHNITTER, N.J., Contribution to Q. 49 Deterioration or failure of dams. Trans. 13th Int. Congress on Large Dams, New Delhi, 5:488-493, 1979. [9] WANG, WENSHAO, Lessons from earthquake damages of earth dams in China. Proc. Int. Symp. Earthquake and Dams, Beijing, 1:243-257, 1984. 9 SUMMARY The paper discusses the role of dam safety in the sustainable operation of water storage facilities. Developers and dam owners often do not realize that safety is actually the dominant factor in the sustainable performance of water retaining structures. Dam safety is based on an integral concept of three pillars: structural safety, monitoring (surveillance), and emergency concept. Dams are subject to ageing and have therefore a limited life span. Practically, the life span of a dam is as long as its safety can be guaranteed. Maintenance and rehabilitation can prolong the life span. A dam which is not safe can no longer be considered a sustainable infrastructure. Failure of a dam can cause immense damage to infrastructure, environment and population, Comprehensive dam safety management enables the owner to know the condition of the dam at any time. The sustainability of the structure can thus be assured. RÉSUMÉ L’article traite le rôle de la sécurité des barrages concernant l’opération durable des ouvrages de retenue. Souvent, les investisseurs et les propriétaires des barrages ne se rendent pas compte que la sécurité est actuellement le facteur dominant dans la durabilité des structures des ouvrages de retenue. La sécurité des barrages est fondée sur un concept intégral de trois piliers : la sécurité structurale, la surveillance (auscultation) et le concept cas d’urgence. Les barrages sont soumis au vieillissement et par conséquent ils ont une durée de vie limitée. Pratiquement, la durée de vie est aussi longue que la sécurité peut être garantie. L’entretien et la rénovation peuvent prolonger la durée de vie. La rupture de barrage peut endommager immensément l’infrastructure, l’environnement et la population. La gestion compréhensive de la sécurité des barrages permet de mettre le propriétaire au courant sur la condition du barrage à n’importe quel temps. Ainsi, la durabilité de la structure peut rester assurée. Keywords: ageing vieillissement benefits of dams bienfaits des barrages maintenance entretien monitoring auscultation safety of dams sécurité des barrages 10