Phase: Foundation Stage Literacy Term: 3 Mathematics Year: 2014/15 Knowledge and Expressive Arts and Understanding inc: Design inc: Art, RE, History, Design, Music, Geography, Science Week 2 12th January Cold Weather – Ice/Animals Week 1 5th January Cold Weather - snow Text: Winter books – snow related. Elmer and the Snow Percy the Park Keeper books. Shared Writing: What I got for Christmas Counting: Recite numbers to 20, then 100. Count back from at least 10 to zero. Order numerals to at least 10. Count up to 20 objects. Topic: Weather (Science) Revise what is Christmas? What did we do at Christmas? How did we celebrate Christmas in our families? Introduce the topic (weather). What is the weather like during Winter? What do we wear in winter? What games can we play in winter (inside/outside)? PSED, CL, PD: Adults to be making observations in these areas. Text: Winter books – Talk about Frozen: Counting: animal related. Ordinal numbers. What kinds of weather Polar bear, polar bear, Begin to estimate do you see when it’s what do you see? quantities, e.g. choose cold? from 5, 10 or 20. What happens to ice? Non-fiction texts on Count actions and (ice hands/balloons, animals in cold climates sounds. coloured ice cubes over time/in water play, etc) What kind of animals Shared Writing: What do I know about live in the cold? What polar bears do we know about them? PSED, CL, PD: Adults to be making observations in these areas. Roleplay Question: What is the weather today? Focused Groups PE And Observations Discrete ICT Family Any other Links info for F1’s Indoor Outdoor Writing/rea ding/maths groups – see individual planning Counting games, exploring ice outside (in tyres), Photos of spider webs. Travelling: Lesson 1 (Val Sabin scheme) Snow/Ice pictures on 2simple & purple mash Personal Power session 2 Writing/rea ding/maths groups – see individual planning Focus on number outside – skittles, no track to 20, chalking numbers etc Travelling: Lesson 2 (Val Sabin scheme) Cold weather animal pictures on 2simple & purple mash Choices and consequence s session 2 Technology M – INSET T – block paints / marble rolling W – Sponge printing in ‘cold’ colours for role play Th – snowflakes Fr – snow picture finger painting Snow dough (using cornflour) Junk modelling – making what we got for Christmas (could happen throughout the week). M- block paints T – Ice pictures (e.g. marble rolling) W – Winter animals for displays Th – Winter animals for displays F – Hand prints in hot & cold colours (counting in 5s display) Hot and cold climate – igloo and winter house and Ice Castle. Interest tables weather Hot and cold climate – igloo and winter house and Ice Castle. Interest tables weather INSET day 05/01/15 – school starts Tuesday Text: Incy Wincy Spider Week 3 19th January Rain Shared Writing: What sounds does rain make? (The rain goes…) Shape and space Data handling: Sort and describe 2D shapes. Symmetry. Name rectangles, squares, circles and triangles. Sort other objects using given criteria. Why do we need rain? Where does it come from? How can we keep dry? Rain sounds – rainstick/shakers Sorting welly boots, counting in pairs M – block paints T- make rainstick/shakers W – decorate rainstick/shakers Th – Umbrella-shaped pictures for displays (patterns/shapes decorations) F – Finger painting in blues – rainy picture Hot and cold climate – igloo and winter house and Ice Castle. M – Block paints T- rainbow pictures W- bag kites T – - bag kites F – Marble rolling Hot and cold climate – igloo and winter house and Ice Castle. Interest tables weather Writing/rea ding/maths groups – see individual planning Travelling: Lesson 3 (Val Sabin scheme) Rainy day pictures on 2simple & purple mash Managing Anger: session 2 Travelling: Lesson 4 (Val Sabin scheme) Windy pictures on 2simple & purple mash Gentle touch and hurting hands: session 2 Travelling: Lesson 5 (Val Sabin scheme) Sunny day pictures on 2simple & purple mash Telling others, Keeping secrets: session 2 Learning songs for nativity play Week 5 2nd February Sunny weather/Hot climates Week 4 26th January Wind Start Science project – waterproofing teddy bear PSED, CL, PD: Adults to be making observations in these areas. Text: This is the Bear and the Scary Night (Sarah Hayes) Home by Dark (Ian Beck) Something Bigger Elmer and the Wind Adding (one and two more): Say the next number (without counting from 1). Add 1 to any number. Add 2 to any number up to 10. Read the corresponding addition. Three Little Pigs - song from 3 Singing Pigs. Start to explore materials for building, effect of wind/weather. Pattern: Continue a repeating pattern with three colours/shapes/objects. Symmetrical patterns. What kind of animals live in warm climates? What do we know about them? What do they eat? Make gyroscopes Interest tables weather Continue Science Shared Writing: Speech Bubbles – what project – waterproofing is the teddy saying? teddy bear PSED, CL, PD: Adults to be making observations in these areas. Text: More Elmer books. Rumble in the Jungle Other jungle books. Shared Writing Walking through the Jungle – what do you see? Continue to explore materials for building, effect of wind/weather PSED, CL, PD: Adults to be making observations in these areas. M – block paints T- hot colours printing in patterns W- Sponge painting hot colours in shapes T- finger painting hot colours F- handprints hot colours Hot and cold climate – igloo and winter house and Ice Castle. Interest tables weather Writing/rea ding/maths groups – see individual planning Rehearsing for nativity play (both R classes) Writing/rea ding/maths groups – see individual planning Practising for nativity play (R & Nursery chdn) Rainy Walk. Visit library for session? Week 6 9th February Sunny weather/Hot climates Text: Continue with jungle stories. e.g. Giraffes Can’t Dance, Tiger child, Tinga Tinga Tales. Oral story telling – Monkeys and the Hatmaker. Addition (story of ten): Find different ways to partition sets of ten objects. Read the corresponding addition. Early subtraction – Guess how many are hiding. What do we wear as the weather gets warmer? What games can we play inside/outside? What countries have hot weather a lot of the time? Shared Writing: What would you take on safari? PSED, CL, PD: Adults to be making observations in these areas. M – Block paints T – Jungle animals W - Jungle animals T - Elmer Day elephants, F- Large printing for next display/role play Hot and cold climate – igloo and winter house and Ice Castle. Interest tables weather Writing/rea ding/maths groups – see individual planning Travelling: Lesson 6 (Val Sabin scheme) Hot weather pictures on 2simple & purple mash Glad to be me: session 2