The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. Head Office : 87, M.G. Road, Mumbai - 400 001 TERTIARY CARE INSURANCE (MAJOR AILMENTS HOSPITALISATION/ DOMICILIARY HOSPITALISATION EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENT INSURANCE POLICY) UNDERWRITING INSTRUCTIONS After scrutiny of Questionnaire, Underwriting Officer should ask additional tests as per following Guidelines. For High Blood Pressure & Diabetes Physician’s certificate that he is under treatment and the condition is under control. Patient to give an undertaking that he will continue to keep it under control. Physician’s certificate again at the time of renewal. Family History If positive, and if patient does not have any of the mentioned condition, a Physician’s certificate that he is not having any of the above condition. To be obtained at the time of entry and at every interval. SECTION I If any Positive answer for Breathlessness X-RAY OF CHEST, E.C.G, CBC, PERUM CHOLESTROL, TRIGLYCERIDES WITH HDL/ LDL If Chest pain positive, Add STRESS TEST If Breathlessness excessive, PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST. SECTION II Tertiary Care Insurance-Underwriting Instructions 2/18/2016,1:47 AM 106748579 1/3 Acidity - BARIUM MEAL UPPER GI TRACT / GASTRODUODENOSCOPY Urinary Symptoms - X-RAY KUB, URINE ROUTINE & CULTURE SERUM CREATININE / BLOOD UREA. Bowel Symptoms - STOOL ROUTINE & FOR OCCULT BLOOD If Vague Symptoms - SONOGRAPHY OF ABDOMEN SECTION III If Pinpricks / weakness in arms - CERVICAL SPINE X-RAYS WITH REPORT If Pinpricks / weakness in legs - LUMBAR SPINE X-RAYS WITH REPORT If Joint Pains - X-RAY OF THE JOINT WITH REPORT SECTION IV CBC, ESR, If Alcohol intake excessive - LIVER PROFILE BLOOD REPORTS If Tobacco/ Pan Parag chewer - ORAL SURGEON / ENT CONSULTANT CERTIFICATE. SECTION V If Positive - CT SCAN OF BRAIN SECTION VI If Positive - ULTRASONOGRAPHY OF PELVIS If Breast Complaints - MAMMOGRAPHY Re : All Medical Reports Copies to be submitted. Original Reports / X-Rays to be submitted on demand. CHART OF NORMAL REPORTS NORMAL VALUES CBC INVESTIGATION FINDINGS ADULT AND BELOW 6 YRS. BELOW Tertiary Care Insurance-Underwriting Instructions 2/18/2016,1:47 AM 106748579 2/3 Erythrocytes per c mm (in Millions) : / / ABOVE 6 YRS. M - 4.5 - 6.0 F - 4.0 - 5.5 1 YRS. 4.1 - 5.5 3.2 - 4.8 M - 14 -18G F - 12 - 16G 12 -14G 9.5 - 13.5G 5,000 - 15,000 3-8 20 - 45 3-8 0-1 45 - 65 4 - 10 6,000 - 18,000 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 - 10 0-4 0 - 10 0-4 / Haemoglobin per 100 ml : / G% / / Leukocycles per cmm : / Differential count (%) : / Neutrophils : / Eosinophils : / Basophils : / Lymphocytes : / Monocytes : / Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate : By Westergren : /mm/hr / By Wintroba : / mm/hr / By Landau’s( Micro ) :/ mm/hr 5,000 - 10,000 50 - 70 0-7 0-1 20 - 40 0-8 M - 0 - 10 F - 0 - 15 M - 0 - 10 F - 0 - 15 0-4 20 - 45 3-8 0-1 45 - 65 4 - 10 SERUM Cholestrol - mgm% 150- 250 mgms% L.D.L. Cholesterol - mgms% Up to 150 mgms% Triglycerous - mgm% 40 - 140 mgms% T. Chol/HDLC - up to 5.0 HDL Cholesterol -mgm% 35 95 mgms% LDLC/HDLC - up to 3.5 LIVER PROFILE : BILIRUBIN: S. PROTEINS Total - mgms% 0.2 - 1.0 mgms% Total Proteins - Gms% 8 - 8 Gms% Direct - mgms% 0.1 - 0.6 mgms% Albumin - Gms% 3.5 - 5.5 Gms% Indirect - 0.1 - 0.4 mgms% Globulin - Gms% 2 - 4.5 Gms% A/G Ratio ALK. Phosphatase IU/L gms% S.G.P.T. IU/L 5 - 35 IU/L S.G.O.T. IU/L 5 - 35 IU/L Australia Hbs Aq. Antigen. - 0.9 - 2.0 40 - 250 IU Absent G.G.T.P. IU/L 5 - 40 IU STOOL REPORT :- NO OVA, NO CYST, NO VEG.FORM OF EH, NO BLOOD. Tertiary Care Insurance-Underwriting Instructions 2/18/2016,1:47 AM 106748579 3/3