CLOVERDALE UNITED REFORMED CHURCH 3580 N. Cloverdale Road Boise, Idaho 83713 Church Office (208) 375-4219 Email: Web Site: Ladies’ Tuesday Evening Bible Study will NOT meet this week. Meridian Bible Study will be meeting April 10 and 24 at 7:30, at the home of John and Judy. We will be studying Lesson 7, Matt. 25:1-13 on April 10 and Lesson 8, Matthew 25:14-30 on April 24. The Women’s Discussion Group will meet to discuss the entire book of Generous Justice by Timothy Keller on Wednesday, April 23, at the home of Renae B. All ladies are welcome! April 6, 2014 WELCOME! If you are a guest today we invite you to fill Our Church Family out one of the blue cards found in the pews or sign the guest register in the entry way. We would also love to have you join us for coffee following the morning worship service! New 2014 Church Directories are now available! Please stop by the table in the back of church to pick one up for your family today. Upcoming Events Prayer Corner Rehearsal TODAY for Easter Choir: All those high school and above who are interested in singing in the Easter Choir on April 20, we will rehearse TODAY, April 6, and next week, April 13, at 4:30PM. Please see Sue with any questions. GEMS Sunday: The GEMS will participate in our morning worship service by saying their theme verse, what it means to be a GEM, and singing a song. If you have any questions about the GEMS program, please speak to Alyssa G. YOUNG ADULTS RETREAT 2014: The retreat is fast approaching! Join us as we explore the topic: “Lukewarm Christianity,” led by both Rev. Van der Woerd and Rev. Oord, to be held Friday, May 16 – May 19 at Trinity URC in Lethbridge, Alberta, LORD willing. Open to young adults (18+). Reminder that registration must be completed no later than Tuesday, April 8 and sent to Please also indicate if you require billeting. There will be a fee of $50.00 that can be paid upon arrival. For any questions or more information, please contact via email or phone Justin at (403) 715-8064. The Love INC Boise 5th Annual Benefit Fundraiser will be held on Monday, April 28, at 7:00P at Boise First Community Center located at 3852 N. Eagle Road. Mark your calendars and save the date! More details to follow soon. Cloverdale Ministries Youth Group will meet again next week Sunday evening, April 13. Josh R has refreshments. Adult Sunday School: This week we will discuss Chapter 6 of Reason for God by Tim Keller; this discussion will be around the assertion of "Science has Disproved Christianity" by the skeptic. Feel free to drop in and join our discussion - anyone is welcome to join us, even if you have not read the chapter. The class will include watching a video by Tim Keller discussing this topic with skeptics. Next week will cover "You Can't take the Bible Literally." Prayer Requests: *Pray for a full recovery for Deb deJong as she heals at home after her surgery this past Monday. *Steve Ilunga’s cousin Vincent passed away at 48 years old and leaves behind a wife and two children, so please pray for this entire family as they mourn a great loss. *Pray for our Council and the members of our congregation as letters for the nominations of elders and deacons have been sent out. *Remember the Search Committee in prayer as they continue to search for pastoral candidates. Outreach Opportunities Dominican Republic: RMS is partnering with Dr. Hegeman to assist in the building of a house for a pastor/school teacher in Sabana Grande de Boya, Dominican Republic. The dates for this trip are June 16-26, 2014. The cost to work on this project is $1,400.00 plus your airfare to and from Santo Domingo airport. This money includes all of the costs for food, inland travel, and materials. Spanish speaking persons are encouraged to join us but not required. If you would like to donate to this project or would like more information, please go to or email Rob at TASC: TASC registration is winding down. There is just over three weeks to sign up, fill out your forms, and send them (and your payment) in. There is one opening at the California site and approximately 15 for Iowa. Sign up today! April: Trenton R In God’s Service: PM Song Service Today: Bill P Apr. 13: Herm R Apr. 20: Terry R Greeters: Today Judd & Renee M Apr. 13 Thomas & Betty S Apr 20 Robert & Brooke VS THIS WEEK Kitchen/Coffee Today Herm & Margaret R Apr. 13 Tim & Diana S Apr 20 Glenn & Rhea VW Cookies for Next Week, April 13 Julie R, Jane VS, Tracy VS, Kim VG, Jeni B Accompanists Today AM: O: Robin VS PM: S. Cooke April 13 AM: O: Robin VS PM: S. Wigboldy P: S. Wigboldy April 20—Easter AM: O: S. Wigboldy PM: S. Cooke Nursery Today AM: Judy VW, Jane VS PM: Tracy VS, Rhea VW April 13 AM: Renee & Elli M, Carrie VS PM: Jeni & Lilly B April 18—Good Friday PM: Candace C, Cindy & Jonelle K Sound Deacon’s Report for March 30, 2014: General Fund: $3,540.00 Love INC: $302.75 P: Deb dJ April Ministry of Music Contacts: Kim/Deb/Sue Ushers Today Josh dJ, Jesse G Apr. 13 Matt C, Sean C Apr. 20 Ben B, Glenn VW Morning Worship Service Sunday School Easter Choir Rehearsal Evening Worship Service Youth Group (Snacks: Annetta dJ) Ladies’ Morning Bible Study GEMS/Cadets (Snacks: Hailey/Derek) Coffee Break (Romans, Lesson 8) Meridian Bible Study (Lesson 7) P: S. Wigboldy April 18—Good Friday PM: Deb dJ/Kyra K April 20--Easter AM: Katie K, Brooke VS PM: Lauren & Anna P SUN: 10:00AM 11:30AM 4:30PM 6:00PM 7:15PM TUE: 10:00AM WED: 6:45PM THUR:9:30AM 7:30PM PM Prayer & Share Today: Bill P Apr. 13: Doug R Apr. 20: Terry R Today’s Offerings: General Fund: Money collected goes to the day-to-day operations and expenses of this church. GEMS: GEMS (“Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior”) is a nationwide group for girls in grades 2-6. Our GEMS here at Cloverdale meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday evenings of each month, and money collected today will go toward the support of this group. Next Week: General Fund & Christian Education Assistance Fund