- Foothill College

Name _________________________
Using Google Earth: Student exercises
Try this: Use Google Earth to navigate to the following locations.
You can copy and paste the latitude/longitude locations below into the Google Earth 'fly to' window.
Go to 19 28'08.35"N, 155 35'25.06"W What do you see at this location? What country is it in?
What city & country is located at 33 51'24.28"S, 151 12'55.37"E?
Go to 48 51'29.83"N, 2 17' 40.11E. What do you see at this location? What city and country is this
Go to 3 04' 32.59"S 37 21' 14.57"E. What do you see at this location? What country is this in?
(hint: turn on the places of interest -> Geographic Features layer).
Go to 37 47' 42.39"N 122 24' 09.52"W. What do you see at this location? What country is this in?
(hint: turn on the 3-D buildings layer).
Google Earth and GIS
In Google Earth, go to Foothill College (12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos Hills, CA) -- or the
address for your school.
Open the measure tool (along the top, it looks like a ruler).
Measure the length of the Foothill campus from east to west using the measure line tool.
What is the east/west distance of the Foothill campus in kilometers?
Zoom in on the track around the football stadium. Use the measure path tool to measure
the distance around the track.
What is the distance around the track in miles?
Browse the pre-loaded layers. Note that you can turn them on and off using the check
Go to 'State of the Ocean' and select 'Sea Surface Temperatures'.
Zoom to the Navy Research labs and click on the icon to download the overlay. The
overlay will appear in your Places' sidebar under 'Temporary Places'.
Funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation DUE 0603455
Using a Web-based GIS to Teach
Problem-based Science In High School and College
Name _________________________
Turn on the Most Recent and the Animation. You may need to step through the animation
to force it to load properly (depending on your internet speed).
Zoom out until you can see the whole earth. View the animation.
Compare the ocean surface temperature off of the west coast of the USA with
the temperature off the east coast. Which is warmer?
Another innovative way to display geospatial information is as an animation over time.
View the changing world infant mortality rates in Google Earth.
After you view the animation, describe (about 1 paragraph) how the infant
mortality rates have changed over time in Africa, Asia and Europe. Cite specific
Web GIS allow you to interactively view and query maps. The city of San Jose crime map is a good
example. Visit San Jose crime maps and focus on the area around San Jose State University (near the
intersection of highway 280 and highway 87. View the past 7 days (default value) Answer the following
10. What is the difference between the label 'T' and 'TV'?
11. Use the calendar to view only the time period that your teacher tells you to. Use
the pull down menus at the bottom of the screen to view a list of the Robberies
in that time period. How many robberies were there in this time period?
Funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation DUE 0603455
Using a Web-based GIS to Teach
Problem-based Science In High School and College