High-resolution microarray analysis of RNA degradation in Escherichia coli A thesis presented by Douglas Wayne Selinger to The Division of Medical Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Genetics Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts November 22, 2002 i Copyright 2002 by Douglas Wayne Selinger All rights reserved. ii Advisor: George M. Church Douglas Wayne Selinger High-resolution microarray analysis of RNA degradation in Escherichia coli Abstract Reductionist biological research has been one of the most successful scientific enterprises of our age, elucidating everything from the molecular basis of genetic information to the functioning of the cellular machinery. Perhaps it was inevitable that computers, the other salient scientific development of our time, would transform biology with its paradigms of miniaturization, automation, and digital information. DNA microarrays are an exciting product of this technological fusion, allowing the simultaneous monitoring of thousands of RNA transcripts in a miniaturized, massively parallel, machine-readable format. In Chapter 2, I describe the first use of a "genome" microarray, which has probes for both open reading frames (ORFs) and intergenic regions in the sequenced model organism Escherichia coli MG1655. This array, synthesized by Affymetrix using a highly parallel light-directed in situ oligonucleotide synthesis method adapted from the semiconductor industry, contains almost 300,000 oligonucleotide probes of known sequence. This large number of oligos allows the genome to be sampled at an average resolution of ~1 oligonucleotide probe every 30 bases. In the course of this work I developed an RNA labeling protocol based on random priming useful for expression analysis in E. coli and potentially other prokaryotes. I also developed a set of freely-available software tools, collectively named Genome Array Processing Software (GAPS) (Appendix B), which are useful for analyzing gene iii expression data as well as for subgenic-resolution mapping of expression data to the genome. I describe the application of this technology to compare RNA expression profiles between cultures of E. coli growing in rich medium at logarithmic versus stationary phase. In Chapter 3, I describe a global analysis of RNA degradation which resulted in the measurement of as many as 2,679 RNA chemical half-lives (listed in Appendix C), representing ~60% of the known and predicted ORFs. High-resolution analysis of this rifampicin timecourse revealed that there are highly significant positional patterns in the degradation of different operonic regions, with 5' regions degraded more quickly and 3' ones more slowly. This result confirms, and further generalizes, the current model of a net 5' to 3' directionality of degradation. iv Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction 1.1 Systems Biology Completion (SBC) 1.2 Prokaryotic DNA microarray analysis 1.3 RNA decay in E. coli 1 2 9 13 Chapter 2 RNA expression analysis using a 30 base pair resolution Escherichia coli genome array 20 Chapter 3 Global RNA half-life analysis in Escherichia coli reveals positional patterns of transcript degradation 50 Chapter 4 Conclusion 78 Appendix A Selinger D. W. et al, Nature Biotechnology 18, 12621268 (2000). 87 Appendix B Genome Array Processing Software (GAPS) manual 95 Appendix C Half-lives of 2,679 E. coli mRNAs 112 v I dedicate this thesis to my wife, who is my support and inspiration, and to my parents, who let me find my path and gave me the strength to follow it. This thesis is also dedicated to those who marvel at the workings of nature, but do not have the means to explore them. vi Acknowledgements My decision to pursue a Ph.D. degree was made in the 10th grade, precisely at the moment I learned about DNA and the molecular basis of genetics. It has been a long and exciting road from that moment to the completion of my thesis, and has been possible only by the support of many people along the way. Let me begin, however, at the end. George Church has been a better guide for my scientific wanderings than I could have possibly hoped for. It is plain to see that his drive to continually push the envelope in his research is motivated by the pure joy of discovery. His lab is a haven for ideas and expertise from every field, where order is imposed gently, and mainly by example. George's visionary nature, unique brand of pragmatism, and exceptional rigor, inspires emulation by his students and breeds independent thinking. He enjoys his students' company, and is a devoted mentor and teacher. I can not imagine a better place to have spent my graduate career. When I first arrived in the lab, I was fascinated by the spirited lab meeting debates, often with Fritz and Pete on opposing ends, and the rest of us moderating and contributing in between. They were always rigorous and hard-fought, but also constructive and balanced. They energized me as they continue to do to this day. I learned the importance of thinking quantitatively, the utility of ignoring artificial boundaries between disciplines, and how to distinguish between things that can't be done, and those that simply haven't been done yet. This initial group of people were both mentors and colleagues to me. I thank Fritz Roth for being the first to take me under his wing and for suggesting I apply DNA microarrays to RNA degradation. I thank Pete Estep for giving me an appreciation for the biotech business, many challenging debates, vii and his boundless and infectious energy. I thank Martha Bulyk for her wealth of experimental knowledge and her willingness to share it. I thank Saeed Tavazoie for his enthusiasm for math and physics, and for proclaiming long before most biologists, "this data is screaming to be clustered!" I thank Dereth Phillips for being a model teacher, matriarch of the lab, and spreader of good cheer and good science. I thank Jason Johnson for many insights into protein structure and for the best fish fry in history. I thank Jason Hughes, father of AlignACE, for his many critiques of computational biology issues. I thank Martin Steffen for helpful advice, beyond measure, on experimental design, and for the wealth of facts he brings to a discussion on just about any topic. I thank Rob Mitra for his wealth of humbly-presented, always helpful, questions and insights, and for his lab meeting presentations, which were filled with enough intrigue and methodical detective work to put Arthur Conan Doyle to shame. I thank John Aach for the rigorous and quantitative advice he humbly provides on almost any topic, and for many discussions on philosophy. I thank Abby McGuire for her contributions to microbial informatics and for many programming tips. I thank Keith Robison for introducing bioinformatics to Harvard. I had the pleasure of learning yeast genetics during a rotation with Fred Winston, who is both a master scientist and teacher. I also spent a rewarding rotation with Roger Brent who encouraged me to think about biology more broadly. Soon the field of genomics exploded and the Church lab expanded rapidly to include an exciting group of students and post docs. I was incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by such bright and interesting people. They have been my companions through discussions of almost every topic imaginable. I thank Vasu Badarinarayana for being my prokaryotic ally as the lab turned eukaryotic (him too, eventually) and for being viii the first user of GAPS©. I thank Kevin Cheung, a Harvard undergraduate at the time, for his help in carrying out the RNA rifampicin timecourse and for his excitement for research. I thank Barak Cohen for years of personal and practical advice and for stories from the front lines of competitive bird watching. I thank Patrik D'haeseleer for always being a cheerful and interested source of advice. I thank Adnan Derti for the initial BLASTing of the Affymetrix E. coli oligos against the genome, and for his general programming prowess and social conscience. I thank Aimee Dudley for her deep understanding of yeast genetics in particular, and experimental practice in general, which has so benefited the lab. I thank Jeremy Edwards for discussions about flux balance analysis and metabolism. I thank Yonatan Grad for endless, and I mean endless, (but generally funny) puns. I thank Xiaohua Huang for experimental advice on array signal amplification. I thank Jake Jaffe for teaching me about mass spectrometry and Mycoplasmas, and for being one of the few to join me on my biking expeditions. I thank Dan Janse for his parties and for his tea room companionship. I thank Peter Karchenko for his expertise on biochemical systems modeling. I thank Felix Lam for his help with the fermentor and his streamlined ordering system. I thank Kyriacos Leptos for identifying the linguistic roots of any word imaginable. I thank Nobuhisa Masuda for his helpful Nihongo (Japanese) lessons. I thank Tzachi Pilpel for his enthusiasm for teaching and mentoring and his early Matlab help. I thank Allegra Petti for sitting next me in the computer lab and sharing the little frustrations that computers like to send our way. I thank Nick Reppas for his clear thinking as a TF for biophysics 101 and for sharing his experiences with Buddhism. I thank Wayne Rindone for keeping track of the important details of maintaining ExpressDB and helping me post my microarray data on the web. I ix thank Dan Segre for discussions on biochemical modeling and life in Israel. I thank Jay Shendure for numerous interesting tea room discussions. I thank Priya Sudarsanam for following me from the Winston lab and for her fine example of how to go from a first rate biologist into a first rate computational biologist. I thank Matt Wright for his patient explanation of anything mathematical, physical, or chemical and for our shared, idealistic pursuit of the 'big' problems of science and philosophy. I thank "Dr. Kazu" Yanai for his Japanese restaurant guide and without whose guidance I would never have tasted Shabushabu. I thank Zhou Zhu for being an example of dedication and for her cheerful computer room presence. It was always a pleasure dealing with Cindy Reyes, Isabelle Jacquet, Mary Beth, Eva Marie and Bob Tannis, and they kept the lab and the department running with absolute efficiency. Phil Leder made the Genetics department a great place to be, and as far as I'm concerned, Connie Cepko and the BBS administrators have put together the best Ph.D. program anywhere in the world. I thank the National Science Foundation and the Japanese MEXT for the Monbusho program which allowed me to spend the summer of 2001 in Kyoto, Japan. I thank Minoru Kanehisa for hosting me in his lab at Kyoto 'Daigaku' and Nakao-san and all the members of the Kanehisa lab for their amazing patience in teaching me everything from programming to sushi. My first year Child Hall floormates Joe, Laurie, Jeremiah, Nancy, Darby, Vyjayanthi, and Glen became my Harvard family, and Vyjayanthi, also my future sisterin-law. We grew together, pulled each other through the downs, and had many, many x ups. Chuck and Paras, old high school friends, managed to follow me up to Boston and, in my good fortune, re-inserted themselves into my life. Rutgers University prepared me well for my scientific career and continued to fan the flames of my intellectual curiosity, allowing me to explore philosophy, languages, and foreign cultures - including studying a year abroad in Bristol, England. After graduation, the Fulbright Association awarded me a scholarship to study in Madrid, Spain, where I worked with Manuel Espinosa and Gloria del Solar. In addition to science, I learned to speak Spanish and to see myself more as a citizen of the world. Mr. Kenneth Card, the now fabled 10th (and 12th) grade biology teacher, introduced me to DNA and nurtured my pursuit of knowledge in every way. Mr. Steven Holtzman, my 10th grade English teacher, pushed me to strive for excellence and to search for the deeper meanings of literature, and of life. While still in high school, I was given the extraordinary opportunity to learn cutting-edge molecular biology through a cooperative education program with the research labs of Hoffman-La Roche in Nutley, New Jersey. Under the guidance of Mary Graves and Liberata DeSantis, I poured my first gels and made my first recombinant DNA constructs. This early experience gave me a tremendous clarity of purpose and propelled me into my chosen career. My training was bolstered in later years by summer internships at Merck and again at Hoffman-La Roche, where I continued to grow as a scientist. Without these opportunities, I would not be where I am today. My family has made everything possible. My brother Jeff has been, over the years, my protegé and my role model, my philosophical companion and my friend. My sister Debbie is a great listener and has brought me through many times of doubt. I could xi never express enough gratitude to my parents, who have loved me and taught me so much. I am truly grateful to have met my wife, Rosanna Marlene, in the course of my doctoral work. She is my perfect companion, and I soar with her beside me. Knowing I can share my accomplishments with her makes them especially sweet. xii Chapter 1 - Introduction 1.1 Systems Biology Completion This section will form the basis of an invited review article for Trends in Biotechnology. It has benefited from a number of discussions with many members of the Church lab, most notably Matthew Wright. 1.2 Prokaryotic DNA Microarray Analysis This section describes the motivations for, and development of, experimental and computational tools for E. coli DNA microarray analysis. 1.3 RNA Decay in E. coli This section reviews the current state of knowledge concerning RNA decay in E. coli, and summarizes the contributions made by the data and methods presented in this thesis. 1 1.1 Systems Biology Completion Generation of large-scale biological data, like those described in this thesis, have generated a great deal of excitement in biology. In the post-genomics era, we are reevaluating the ultimate goals of biology and the proper ends to which we should apply our newly-developed tools. A simple story has been told of the basic philosophy of science. It tells of a drunk man in search of his lost keys in the middle of the night. He searches only under light posts, not because they are more likely to be there, but because they are the only places he has a hope of finding them. Scientists too, search under the lamp posts; the questions surrounding us in the darkness may be more interesting, or even more important, but they are beyond the elucidating beam of our experimental methods and must await a new day. This strategy has brought the natural sciences a long way: from Aristotle's passive observations, to Galileo's experimental probings, to our own elaborately contrived and controlled microdissections of nature. But we risk becoming too comfortable searching next to our favorite lamppost and ignoring the flickering of new lights as they come to life around us. The floodlights have recently come on in biology in the form of systematic, quantitative, large-scale experiments with machine-readable outputs. Yes, we can shine them on our favorite genes, but it's clear we can also do far more. It's time to take stock of what has suddenly been illuminated, what is soon-to-be illuminated, and to map the boundary of the semi-darkness for those determined squinters among us. With new tools naturally come new goals. Classical molecular methods forced us to focus our gaze on small numbers of molecules at a time, so we laboriously built up 2 descriptions in human language (predominantly English), pictures, and the occasional video clip. The overarching goal of biology, if there was one, was to compile a large number of systems that are interesting (those that define a general rule, break one, or appeal to us as idiosyncratic human beings) or applicable (those that contribute to the engineering, reverse-engineering, or modification of a system). The defining feature of this "compilation strategy" is that it is more process than a goal. It specifies no endpoint other than continual accumulation. Long reserved for physicists searching for a "theory of everything", the idea of completion has now become pervasive in biology. The extent to which sequencing of complete genomes is taken for granted is well illustrated by a conversation I had with Sydney Brenner in 1998 at the Cold Spring Harbor Genome Meeting. After telling me how his group was almost finished with the sequence of a bacterial species, he realized he had forgotten its name. After a brief moment of embarrassment, he insisted that forgetting which genome one sequenced must be a milestone of some kind or another. Historians of science take note. (I should note myself that I have subsequently been unable to identify which genome he was referring to.) But now that "completion" has entered the biologist's lexicon it raises the questions of where else it rightfully applies and whether it constitutes a new sort of goal for biological inquiry. The proliferation of the "-ome" suffix attests to widespread acceptance that biology is rife with things to be completed, whether it's the proteome, the metabolome, or the physiome. What sort of overarching goal, then, is implied by all these projects? 3 There seem to be two distinct levels of completion. The first, and simpler of the two, is 'parts list completion'. Put most simply, completion at this level is defined as a fraction of observed to total predicted parts. This is well underway, and consists of the various 'ome' projects such as genomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes. The second, more ambitious and less well-defined level of completion, is at the level of 'systems biology', of how the parts work together to form a working biological system. It is systems biology completion (SBC), that I will discuss here. SBC is necessarily model-dependent, requiring specification of a model type and its requisite components. Using a traditional ab initio modeling strategy we would start from a set of rules and, given an initial state, apply them to derive the future states of the system. This approach can be valuable if i) such rules can be discovered, ii) appropriate initial conditions can be stated, and iii) it is practical to calculate future states, at a relevant time resolution, with current computing capacity. An atomic model easily satisfies requirement i, and it may be possible to guess a relevant initial condition for part ii, but it is highly unlikely we will meet requirement iii for the system sizes and timescales relevant in biology. Ordinary differential equation models also have their main difficulties in meeting requirement iii, because their nonlinearity can make them problematic for numerical solvers and because it can be difficult to choose an appropriate time step to capture a wide enough range of biologically relevant timescales while maintaining computability. The goal of modeling may be stated as finding a set of rules which are capable of mapping the space of all possible inputs (Fig. 1, blue area), e.g. descriptions of the cell's environment, to the space of all possible outputs allowed by the cell (Fig. 1, yellow area), 4 e.g. the concentration of all of its RNAs. By large-scale experimental sampling of inputoutput pairs (Fig. 1, yellow-red dots), such as condition-transcriptome pairs, one may be able to derive rules that allow the prediction of outputs for novel inputs (Krupa 2002). The accuracy of these predictions then, would be related to the density with which the input space is sampled, as well as to various properties of the input space itself. Input Rules Output Figure 1. A general schema for modeling as an exercise in mapping input space (blue area), e.g. all possible environments in which a cell can live, to output space (yellow area), e.g. all possible cellular responses. The red-yellow dot pairs represent measured input-output pairs, which, in large numbers, can be used to derive rules (arrows) to predict outputs for novel inputs. We are then forced to consider how to determine when the input space is adequately sampled. In other words, how many measurements, at least to the order of magnitude, would it take to populate the space of all possible inputs (e.g. conditions) with enough measured outputs (e.g. transcriptomes, proteomes, etc.) to make interpolation useful? This is a difficult question, but we can begin by defining what factors would affect our estimate. There are four factors which appear to be important: i) number of cell components, ii) conditions/cell types, iii) the required accuracy of prediction, and iv) the extent to which similar inputs give similar outputs. Firstly, the more components a cell has, such as the number of gene products, the more measurements we need to make. 5 Secondly, the more environments in which a cell is capable of living, the larger the input space; and the more ways a cell is capable of responding, the larger the output space. Larger input and output spaces, of course, require more sampling. Thirdly, the accuracy needed for our model affects the number of measurements needed, because more accurate interpolations require a more densely sampled space. Finally, if nearby points in input space map to nearby points in output space (i.e. the mapping function is relatively smooth) then we do not need to sample as densely. With respect to time, we don't need to sample much more finely than the timescale of the phenomena of interest; with respect to conditions, we don't want to focus all of our measurements in a small region of biological possibility (say, small increments of glucose concentration) because we know the cell response will be largely identical. Likewise, all of our measurements should not be from the same differentiated cell type if we want a general model of cells defined by a genotype. At the extremes of estimates for SBC, a cell which lives in only one environment and never changes needs only one measurement to cover all of input-output space, while a cell which is capable of living in many environments and exhibits a different response to even small environmental changes would need a fine sampling of a very large space, therefore requiring many, many measurements. Of course, we are not completely ignorant about where on this spectrum actual biological systems lie. Cells are not likely to reinvent themselves for slight changes of environment, but instead may rely on a relatively small number of programs which they use in combination to respond to the various natural environments for which they have evolved. In fact, a very simple cell, like Mycoplasma genitalium, may even be an example of a cell with approximately one state, 6 as it seems to lack any transcriptional regulation and lives in an exquisitely controlled environment within its human host (Razin et al. 1998). Large-scale experimental data may be useful in modeling by providing large numbers of constraints, and therefore aid in large-scale determination of the model rules. One can attempt to make large-scale measurements of input-output pairs which uniformly span all of input and output space, and using rules derived from these observed mappings, predict the output for an unmeasured input. For example, we can make separate transcriptome measurements of E. coli after heatshock and after lac induction, and predict what the transcriptome might be for the combination of these two inductions. For orthogonal conditions, the rules may be simply additive, whereas for interdependent conditions the rules will probably be more complicated, perhaps involving intermediate induction or epistasis. Study of these more complicated cases can give us important information about the structure of the network. The choice of a model type is a critical part of any SBC effort as it determines the type of rules which need to be discovered and the number and type of component measurements which need to be made. Table 1 gives examples of several model types. On one end of the spectrum, we can imagine atomic level, or even subatomic level descriptions of a complete cell. While large-scale measurements at this level are not forthcoming in the foreseeable future (and certain measurements impossible even in theory, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle) these model types set an upper bound on detail. Towards the lower end of the detail spectrum we have boolean models, which we can build from logical statements such as, "if the lac repressor is bound to the operator then the lac operon is off." 7 Model Scope Applicable Rules Cell c at time t Physics Cell c at time t Chemistry Biomolecu lar (discrete) Cell c at time t Biomolecu lar (statistical) Biochemic ally equivalent cells Biomolecu lar (steadystate) Genetically equivalent cells, similar growth conditions, steady state Genetically equivalent cells Atomic Molecular Boolean Cell Population Equivalent inoculums and culture conditions Model Components Atomic positions & momentums # of Compo nents Examples of Components 12 8 10 -10 13 C position & momentum Small molecule positions & momentums 107-1011 Glucose position & momentum Molecular Mechanics Macromolecule positions & momentums 106-1010 Hexokinase position & momentum Chemical kinetics & thermodynami cs described by differential equations Flux Balance Macromolecule concentrations, compartments 105-107 Molecular fluxes 103-104 Genetic and Metabolic "circuits" Regulons, Pathways Growth kinetics, reproductive fitness Cell growth rates 102-103 100-101 Hexokinase concentration in cytoplasm Flux of Glucose to Glucose-6P Glycolysis "on", Gluconeogenesis "off" # of wild type cells, # of mutant cells Table 1. Examples of hypothetical systems biology projects to be completed, listed from most complex (top) to least (bottom). We can currently collect complete component datasets for some classes of biomolecules at the level of macromolecular concentrations. As we move from more to less detailed models we make certain trade-offs. The more detailed models make fewer assumptions, and are therefore potentially more accurate for the systems they describe. On the other hand, they tend to be more problematic with regard to computability and component measurement, and are therefore difficult to apply to large systems. As we enhance our ability to make large numbers of measurements, we may be able to generate enough input-output pairs, i.e. constraints, to 8 allow SBC using more and more detailed model types. Using order of magnitude component estimates, together with the considerations of input-output space size and sampling discussed previously, we can get a rough idea of the number of measurements which might be needed for SBC of a particular system at a given level of detail. While admittedly rough, such an estimate would represent a conceptual starting point. In the pregenomic era, our sampling of input-output space was far too sparse for most model organisms and model types to warrant a claim of SBC. Component measurements were hard to come by and were acquired by any means necessary: from one-at-a-time extraction from the literature to educated guesses. As large-scale biology proceeds, we are dramatically increasing our capability to accurately sample significant amounts of input-output space. Large-scale RNA half-life measurements, like those described in this thesis, could eventually contribute to SBC of a biomolecular statistical model, in which the concentrations of all biomolecules and their changes with respect to time are incorporated into a set of differential equations. Judicious use of this newlypowerful experimental sampling capability could lead to justified claims of SBC for systems of increasing complexity. 1.2 Prokaryotic DNA microarray analysis While the seeds for microarray technology had been planted long ago (Gillespie and Spiegelman 1965; Grunstein and Hogness 1975; Lennon and Lehrach 1991), it has truly exploded in the last half-decade, and has resulted in a radical change in the landscape of modern biology. When my work on this thesis began in earnest at the 9 beginning of 1998, a search on Pubmed with the keyword "microarray" would have yielded only 7 articles on DNA microarrays. That same search run today (October 2002), yields more than 2,300 articles. Given the rapid pace of recent developments, it is important to put the present work into 'historical' context. DNA microarray analysis was initially developed for gene expression analysis in eukaryotes (Lockhart et al. 1996; Schena et al. 1996). As such, initial RNA labeling protocols were developed to take advantage of the ubiquitous polyA tails of eukaryotic messenger RNAs, which allowed them to be preferentially labeled over the far more abundant ribosomal and transfer RNAs. Prokaryotes, of course, are of central importance in biology, and were of particular interest to us because of their relatively small genomes, which make them potential model organisms for systems biology. We were, therefore, interested in extending microarray analysis to prokaryotes in general, and to the classical model organism Escherichia coli in particular. Thus, our initial contact with Affymetrix involved a collaboration to develop a labeling protocol useful for prokaryotes which included access to newly-designed E. coli oligonucleotide arrays. Development of an RNA labeling protocol (which for the Affymetrix platform generally means biotinylation) proved to be difficult, ultimately taking about 1½ years. Some of the factors which we considered during protocol development were: biotinylation efficiency, cost of the labeling reagent (and the quantity needed), amount of interaction of unincorporated labeling reagent with the array surface, robustness and relative complexity of the protocol, and its generalizability to other prokaryotes. Our initial strategies proved unsuccessful, including several direct chemical RNA labeling methods, polyadenylation with the catalytic subunit of yeast poly(A) polymerase using 10 biotinylated ATP, and polyadenylation followed by the standard Affymetrix labeling protocol (polyT priming, double-stranded cDNA synthesis, followed by T7 in vitro transcription with biotinylated ribonucleotides to create labeled cRNA). These methods typically yielded high fluorescent signal for rRNA and tRNA features, but almost none for mRNAs. A variety of on-chip (i.e. after hybridization) signal amplification methods were also tried unsuccessfully, including on-chip polyadenylation using yeast poly(A) polymerase and biotinylated ATP. The standard Affymetrix staining protocol involves the use of streptavidin-phycoerythrin (streptavidin to bind the biotinylated target nucleic acid, phycoerythrin as a fluorophore). An optional amplification step can be added using a biotinylated anti-streptavidin antibody, followed by another streptavidin-phycoerythrin stain. Iterations of this amplification procedure were explored as a way to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of mRNA probes. I found that although I could get reproducible 2-3 fold increase of technical signal-to-noise (where signal-to-noise ratio is defined as fluorescent intensity divided by the standard deviation of the background), it did not increase the number of mRNAs I was able to detect. Ultimately, I was successful in developing a protocol based on chemical fragmentation of total RNA, single-strand cDNA synthesis using random octamer primers, and 3' biotinylation by terminal deoxytransferase (TdT) using biotinylated dideoxynucleotides. (Use of TdT for the biotinylation gave slightly less signal, but significantly lower chip background, than incorporation of biotinylated nucleotides during the cDNA synthesis step.) The protocol originally required 1 mg of total RNA but was subsequently reduced to ~100 g in our hands, and to ~20 g using a somewhat 11 different random-priming protocol independently developed by Affymetrix (Rosenow et al. 2001). Details of the protocol can be found in the methods section of Chapter 2. Initial attempts to analyze the resulting data with GeneChip software (version 3.2) were problematic and revealed a number of limitations of Affymetrix's software package. First of all, the algorithms for transcript detection and quantitation were developed empirically for eukaryotic transcription analysis and it wasn't clear whether they would perform reliably with the increased noisiness of prokaryotic experiments (due, presumably, to increased cross-hybridization from ribosomal and transfer RNAs). Furthermore, the algorithm was kept secret by Affymetrix, preventing us from assessing or modifying it. Additionally, their metrics were not based on standard statistical methods, making interpretation of the results difficult. A number of other limitations were apparent, including poor annotation and an inability to access data from individual oligos on a large scale. (It should be noted that serious attempts were made to address all of these issues in MAS 5.0, a major re-write of Affymetrix's microarray analysis software.) These considerations led me to write a series of Perl scripts, collectively named Genome Array Processing Software or GAPS, which directly accessed the raw .CEL files generated by GeneChip, and did all subsequent processing in a more flexible and statistically rigorous manner. A detailed survey and explanation of the features of GAPS can be found in Appendix B. At our insistence, we were provided full access to the sequences of the oligonucleotides on the E. coli arrays, despite the fact that, at the time, these sequences were a well-guarded Affymetrix secret. This sequence knowledge ultimately allowed us to develop novel analyses which took full advantage of the tremendous density of oligos, 12 which sampled the genomic sequence, on average, once every 30 bases. We envisioned such sub-genic resolution would allow important biological measurements to be made, such as the identification of transcript boundaries, abortive termination events, and other position-specific features of transcription and RNA degradation. After winning the approval of Affymetrix, we were allowed to release the complete set of E. coli oligos as a supplement to our publication (Selinger et al. 2000) and as part of GAPS, which was the first microarray analysis tool to allow global subgenic-resolution expression analysis. This feature ultimately led to the discovery of a 5' to 3' directionality of RNA decay, described in Chapter 3. This first-ever release of Affymetrix oligo sequence data proved very popular with the scientific community and was shortly followed by the public release of complete sequence information for all Affymetrix chips. I believe this degree of openness is vital for microarray data interpretation, including meta-analysis, quality control, and the development of novel experimental and computational analyses. Although, perhaps, microarray expression analysis of prokaryotes is now taken for granted, the work described in Chapter 2 represents one of the first global RNA expression profiles of E. coli and the first using the Affymetrix platform (Arfin et al. 2000; Khodursky et al. 2000; Richmond et al. 1999; Tao et al. 1999). Additionally, it represents the first RNA expression analysis in any organism to be conducted at subgenic level resolution. Subgenic-resolution expression analysis has more recently been applied to humans (Kapranov et al. 2002; Shoemaker et al. 2001) and is emerging as an important tool for empirical transcription boundary mapping and exon discovery/verification. 1.3 RNA Decay in E. coli 13 Gene expression is controlled on many different levels, including transcription, RNA degradation, translation, or post translation. Steady state gene expression is a result of the combined kinetics of several of these processes. Historically, studies of gene regulation have focused on transcription and translation, with relatively little effort devoted to understanding the mechanisms of RNA degradation. Half-lives of transcripts in E. coli can vary anywhere from 40 seconds to 20 min, suggesting that there may be a significant amount of regulation at the level of RNA stability, and that RNA degradation is not merely a constitutively active salvage pathway (Kushner 2002). Here I present a brief review of the current state of knowledge of RNA decay in E. coli. RNA degradation in E. coli is largely accounted for by three central enzymes: two 3' - 5' exonucleases (RNase II and polynucleotide phosphorylase - PNPase) and a 5'- end dependent endonuclease (RNase E). Transcript cleavage is often observed to occur in a 5' to 3' direction (Bechhofer 1993; Carpousis et al. 1999). It has been proposed that this is due to a rate limiting initial cleavage by RNase E, which is inhibited by 5' stem-loop structures as well as the triphosphate present at the 5' termini of a new transcript (Mackie 1998). Once this initial endonucleolytic cleavage is made, possibly with the aid of additional targeting factors, the rest of the transcript, which now lacks a 5' triphosphate or a protective secondary structure, is rapidly degraded. RNase E cleavage is quickly followed by exonucleolytic digestion in the 3' to 5' direction. Stem loop structures are known to play an important role in the stabilization of transcripts. 5' stem loop structures have the strongest stabilizing effect, accounting for some of the longest lived mRNAs in the cell, and can confer similar stability to 14 transcripts to which they are fused (Chen et al. 1991; Emory et al. 1992; Lopez and Dreyfus 1996). They are thought to confer stability by inhibiting downstream cleavage by RNase E (and possibly other 5' - end dependent nucleases). RNase II and PNPase are both inhibited by stable stem-loops (although RNase II more so), which are often present at the 3' end of transcripts as a result of rho-independent termination (Higgins et al. 1993). Polyadenylation has also been shown to play a role in mRNA degradation (O'Hara et al. 1995). E. coli contains two poly(A) polymerases (PAPI and PAPII). Depending on the gene, anywhere between 2 - 50% of its transcripts will have a poly(A) tail of between 10 and 50 nucleotides. This tail has been proposed to affect mRNA stability differently depending on its context (Sarkar 1996; Sarkar 1997). For transcripts which lack a 3' stem loop structure, polyadenylation acts as a stabilizing factor, presumably by competing with 3' - 5' exonucleases to add instead of remove nucleotides. For transcripts which have a stable stem loop, polyadenylation creates a site which is recognized by the RNA degradosome - a complex which contains RNase E, PNPase, RhlB (an RNA helicase) and enolase (whose function in this complex is unclear). This complex then rapidly degrades the transcript through an unknown mechanism (although given the members of the complex it's not hard to imagine one). The link between translation and mRNA stability has also been investigated (Arnold et al. 1998; Petersen 1993). The assumption is that frequently transiting ribosomes may reduce the accessibility of the transcript to nucleolytic attack. Ribosomes have been found to have a stabilizing effect on transcripts, though the extent of the 15 stabilization varies greatly from transcript to transcript and depends on the mechanism of degradation. The list of players on the mRNA degradation scene is still longer (Ehretsmann et al. 1992; Kushner 1996). Notably missing from the above discussion is RNase III, which cleaves in double-stranded regions and is known to play a role in the degradation of a subset of E. coli transcripts. There are about 20 ribonucleases in all, many of which still await characterization. There is still a tremendous amount to be learned about the mechanisms and players involved in mRNA degradation in E. coli. Analysis of this process on a global scale is likely to yield crucial insights into the genetic regulation of prokaryotes. Importantly, by studying large numbers of RNAs, and the details of their degradation, one can begin to identify common patterns. Bioinformatic analysis, or further experiments, may then help identify features shared by these transcripts which are responsible for their particular mode of degradation. Furthermore, large-scale measurements can help determine whether known degradation mechanisms are general for many transcripts, or specific to the relatively small number of RNAs which have been studied so far. In this fashion, Chapter 3 makes a number of contributions to the study of prokaryotic RNA decay and sets the groundwork for a number of possible future studies. Before the advent of microarray analysis, the degradation of fewer than 25 bacterial RNAs had ever been studied (Bernstein et al. 2002). Here I present measured half-lives for as many as 2,679 mRNAs (Appendix C), representing about 60% of the known and predicted ORFs. Furthermore, I describe the first global positional analysis of RNA 16 degradation, in which it is found that the 5' ends of operons degrade significantly faster than the 3' ends. 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Johansson, Craig S. Richmond, Frederick R. Blattner, David J. Lockhart, and George M. Church As published in Nature Biotechnology 18(12): 1262-68 (2000). 20 A high resolution ‘genome array’ has been developed for the study of gene expression and regulation in Escherichia coli. This array contains on average one 25-mer oligonucleotide probe per 30 base pairs over the entire genome, with one every 6 bases for the intergenic regions and every 60 bases for the 4,290 open reading frames (ORFs). Two-fold concentration differences can be detected at levels as low as 0.2 mRNA copies per cell, and differences can be seen over a dynamic range of 3 orders of magnitude. In rich medium we detected transcripts for 97% and 87% of the ORFs in stationary and log phases, respectively. 1,529 transcripts were found to be differentially expressed under these conditions. As expected, genes involved in translation were expressed at higher levels in log phase, whereas many genes known to be involved in the starvation response were expressed at higher levels in stationary phase. Many novel growth-phase regulated genes were identified, such as a putative receptor (b0836) and a 30S ribosomal protein subunit (S22), both of which are highly upregulated in stationary phase. Transcription of between 3,000 and 4,000 predicted ORFs was observed from the antisense strand, suggesting most of the genome is transcribed at a detectable level. Examples are also presented for high resolution array analysis of transcript start and stop sites and RNA secondary structure. Keywords: E. coli, stationary phase, gene expression, functional genomics, DNA chips, oligonucleotide arrays, microarrays 21 The ability to simultaneously measure RNA abundance for large numbers of genes has revolutionized biological research by allowing the analysis of global gene expression patterns. Oligonucleotide arrays have been used to examine differential gene expression in many organisms, including yeast, human, mouse, and bacteria1-5. Various analytical approaches have been developed and applied to these datasets to further characterize transcriptional regulation and the connectivity of genetic networks6-10. Global gene expression analyses in prokaryotes have lagged behind those in eukaryotes in part because of the lack of polyadenylation of prokaryotic mRNA, which has thwarted separation or selective labeling of mRNA in the presence of the much more abundant tRNA and rRNA1, 11-13. We describe here a ‘genome array,’ on which both coding and non-coding regions of the Escherichia coli genome are represented, and describe a genome-wide analysis of RNA at sub-transcript level resolution. A labeling protocol was developed based on random priming of total RNA which is reproducible, quantitative over 3 orders of magnitude, and sufficiently sensitive to detect as few as 0.2 copies per cell. When used to compare gene expression in log versus stationary phase, this method yields results which both agree with the literature and identify novel sets of co-regulated genes. We also present evidence that sub-transcript level resolution paired with complete genomic representation of E. coli on the array allows for analysis of operon structure, identification of small RNAs and antisense RNAs, and some aspects of RNA secondary structure. Results and discussion 22 Array design. The array consists of a 544 by 544 grid of 24 x 24 micron regions that each contain ~107 copies of selected 25-mer oligonucleotides (295,936 total) of defined sequence. The oligonucleotides on the array are synthesized in situ on a derivatized glass surface using a combination of photolithography and combinatorial chemistry2, 14. Probe oligonucleotides are arranged in pairs, or probe pairs, one of which is perfectly complementary to the target sequence (the perfect match, or PM oligonucleotide) and one with a single base mismatch at the central position (the mismatch, or MM oligonucleotide) which serves as a control for nonspecific hybridization. Oligonucleotides on the array are further organized into groups, or probe sets, which are complementary to different regions of the same putative transcript. Probe sets are present for 4,403 'b-numbers', which include all 4,290 predicted ORFs15, as well as all rRNAs, and tRNAs. Both strands of intergenic regions at least 40 bp in length are represented whereas only the strand predicted to be transcribed is represented for the ORFs. Most probe sets have 15 probe pairs, although certain selected RNAs, such as lpp and Bacillus subtilis control transcripts have 60 or more. Oligonucleotides are arranged in alternating rows of PM and MM features (Fig. 1). The top half of the array contains oligonucleotides targeting ORFs and miscellaneous untranslated RNAs, and the bottom half targets intergenic regions. The extreme bottom has probes for tRNAs and rRNAs. A biotinylated control oligonucleotide is added to the hybridization mixture and binds to the checkerboard border, corners, the AFFX-E COLI1 logo, and 100 pairs of features in a regularly spaced grid across the array. These patterns are used for grid alignment and to correct for spatial variations in array brightness (see Experimental Protocols). 23 Choice of a metric for RNA abundance. Signals from the 15 probe pairs in each probe set must be quantitated and combined into a measure of RNA concentration. The significant systematic differences in signal within a probe set for a given RNA led us to investigate metrics which used different regions of the signal distribution, in addition to the previously reported "average difference" metric2, 3, or AD, which uses the mean of all PM-MMs after outliers are discarded. When probe pairs of the probe sets were ranked by intensity difference (PM-MM), and probe pairs of different ranks were used to represent the entire probe set, we found that the number of genes detected increased as brighter probe pairs were used. An exception was the brightest probe pair, which gave fewer detected transcripts because of the high variability of the maximal probe pair of the negative controls. Transcripts were considered detected if the probe pair intensity difference of a given rank was at least 3 standard deviations above the mean of probe pairs of the same rank taken from control probe sets for which no transcript was present (see Experimental Protocols). Using the second maximal probe pair, 87% of the ORFs were detected in log phase, compared to 23% for the maximal and 70% for the third maximal. The use of the second maximal signal also led to the detection of more RNAs than measures of central tendency such as the median intensity (20%) and AD (18%). We therefore chose to use the second maximal probe pair intensity, or '2max', as a metric for RNA abundance. The three metrics investigated: 2max, the median, and AD, had a sensitivity of less than 0.2 copies/cell, were approximately linear for relative changes less than 10-fold, nonlinear over a dynamic range of 3 orders of magnitude, and were about equally precise 24 (R ≈ 0.94)(Fig. 2). The lowest concentration of RNA for which a 2-fold concentration could be detected was a change from 0.2 to 0.4 copies per cell, which was called significant in 4/4 probe sets with an average measured fold change of 1.65 +/- 0.35. We detected spiked RNAs from 100% (12/12) of probe sets at 0.2 copies/cell and 25% (2/8) at 0.02 copies/cell. Stationary Phase vs. Log Phase Expression Analysis. We compared the expression profiles of cells grown in rich media (LB) to either mid-log phase (OD600 = 0.6) in a fermentor or to late stationary phase in an overnight shaken culture. As expected, log phase cells showed increased RNA levels for genes involved in protein synthesis (rRNAs, tRNAs, and ribosomal proteins) and cell membrane synthesis (lpp) while stationary phase cells showed increases in stress/starvation response genes such as dps and rmf. Of 69 genes known to be differentially regulated in stationary phase16, 22 of these were called significantly changed in agreement with the literature (Table 1). One gene, rpoH, which is known to be regulated post-transcriptionally17, was called significantly changed in the reverse direction from that reported. The remaining 46 were not significantly changed. Some discrepancies and apparent "missed" changes are expected because most of the changes reported in the literature were detected at the protein level (usually by activity of lacZ fusions) and the correlation between gene transcript levels and protein product activity is expected to be imperfect. A notable transcript which was not called changed is the gene for the stationary phase sigma factor, rpoS. This is expected because the transcript is known to peak in early stationary phase and decrease thereafter, and therefore may not be significantly elevated by late stationary 25 phase. RpoS is also known to be regulated at the level of translation and protein stability18. However, the mRNA levels of 16 genes known to be rpoS regulated are increased in stationary phase, suggesting that rpoS activity has, in fact, increased. Altogether, there were 1,529 RNAs (including tRNAs and rRNAs) whose abundance significantly changed (see Experimental Protocol), which represents about 35% of the putative 4,403 RNAs in the genome. 926 were increased in stationary phase and 603 were decreased. Of these, 77% were changed by more than 2-fold. It is unclear how many of these changes have biological significance and whether the size of the absolute change (copies per cell) or relative change is more important in the regulation of genetic networks, although it is likely to be gene- and condition-dependent. For genes with post-transcriptional regulation, changes in transcript level may have little effect on the final activity of the gene product. Still, the sheer number of changes detected suggests there are many transcriptionally regulated genes important for adaptation to stationary phase, or stresses in general, which have previously gone unrecognized. It is interesting to note that of the 25 RNAs most increased in stationary phase (ranked by absolute change), 14 are genes of unknown function (Table 2). This includes a gene (b0836), annotated as a putative receptor19, which is measured to increase in stationary phase by more than 1000-fold and 30S ribosomal protein subunit S22 which increases 48-fold. Also found in the top 10 most increased in stationary phase are yjbJ, hdeA, and dps whose protein products were reported to be the first, sixth, and fifth most abundant in stationary phase, respectively20. Of the 10 genes of "known" function, only 3 were already known to be increased in stationary phase. The complete results of this analysis are in an expression database21, 22. 26 Novel Applications of a Genome Array: Identification of Small and Antisense RNAs Inclusion of probes for predicted intergenic regions allows genome-wide scanning for previously unidentified RNAs (Fig. 3). csrB, a small (360 bases) untranslated RNA which is known to be abundant in stationary phase23 but was not present in our annotation database was easily detected by probes targeting the region between loci b2793 and b2792. Genome arrays made by in situ synthesis of oligonucleotides also present an opportunity for the identification of antisense RNAs. By simply inverting the synthesis, a complementary array can be synthesized which contains probes that will bind to antisense RNAs24. Hybridization of a stationary phase sample to such a reverse complement chip resulted in the detection of antisense transcription of between 3,000 and 4,000 predicted ORFs, suggesting that there is a low level of transcription throughout the E. coli genome. The physiological significance of this transcription is unclear. An example of a detected antisense RNA is b1365 (Fig. 3B), a predicted ORF located in the Rac prophage. This transcript may be from an overlapping gene encoded on the opposite strand, a common occurrence in phage and viruses. Alternatively, it could result from read-through transcription of an upstream IS5 insertion. Consistent with this is the detection of IS5 transcription as well as antisense transcripts for the intervening ORFs, b1366 - b1369. It is important to note that transcription at a given locus may be part of a long 5' or 3' UTR, a spacer within an operon, an untranslated RNA, an ORF, or the result of an incorrectly predicted ORF start or stop site. The ability to establish transcript start and stops would aid in the interpretation of these RNAs, and is discussed in the next section. 27 Sub-transcript resolution The large number of oligonucleotides (295,936) on the array allowed transcripts to be probed at high resolution. Intergenic regions were probed, on average, every 6 bases whereas ORFs, and known RNAs were probed on average every 60 bases. This makes it possible to obtain reasonably high-resolution information on transcript starts and stops and operon structure. Analysis of oligonucleotide probes for selected transcripts revealed a large amount of intensity variation across the probes within a probe set, but also a striking consistency to the patterns (Fig. 4). A highly reproducible pattern was seen for all probe sets inspected. The intensity variation is likely due to sequence-dependent differences in hybridization affinity and accessibility and to the effects of secondary structure on hybridization. The similarity of the pattern obtained using RNA samples labeled by random primers and genomic DNA labeled directly with terminal transferase, suggests that the pattern is not a result of variations in priming or labeling efficiency. The signal pattern correlates well with regions of experimentally confirmed RNA secondary structure, such as the ompA 5' stem-loop25 (data not shown), but poorly with G/C content or hypothetical hairpin formation of the probe oligonucleotides26, 27. It is currently being investigated whether the signal is correlated with other predicted local RNA secondary structures. It has been shown that secondary structure can strongly affect oligonucleotide hybridization24, 28. Locations of known secondary structures in the lpp and rpsO 3' UTRs are highlighted in figure 4. It must be noted, however, that lack of signal may indicate 28 early transcription termination. Signal from flanking regions and/or independent information about transcription starts and stops can be used to rule out this possibility. Analysis of transcription in predicted intergenic regions allows 5' and 3' UTRs to be mapped. Transcriptional start and stops derived from array data for lpp and rpsO (Fig. 4) agree well with those determined with other methods. Lpp is known to be transcribed from -33 to 284, ending in a hairpin29, 30, and rpsO starting from -100 and continuing through a 3' stem-loop structure into pnp, with which it is co-transcribed31. To map transcription endpoints with the array, the ability of each oligonucleotide to hybridize to its target was determined. Oligonucleotides were considered 'reliable' if, when hybridized to genomic DNA, their intensity difference (PM-MM) was at least 3 standard deviations above noise. Oligonucleotides below this cut-off are referred to as 'unreliable'. Transcription was considered detectable at positions which had reliable oligonucleotides if the mean intensity difference at that position was greater than its standard deviation. Signal from lpp was detected starting between oligonucleotides centered at positions -30 and -37 and can be detected until the last reliable probe at position 250. The probes from 274 to 284 are unreliable and correspond to the location of a known hairpin. Transcription of rpsO is first detected at position -94 and begins no earlier than -117, the first reliable oligonucleotide for which no transcription is detected. RpsO transcription is detected, albeit irregularly, throughout the 3' UTR, where it presumably continues into pnp. Probes for pnp, however, are located only at the 3' end of the ORF so this continuation was not directly observed. RpsO and pnp are co-transcribed and contain a structured attenuator sequence between them which causes a high frequency of rho-independent termination before the 29 pnp coding region. This structured region also serves as a 3' stabilizer for rpsO and a 5' stabilizer for pnp and is targeted by RNaseE and RNaseIII which lead to rapid degradation of both rpsO and pnp RNAs32, 33. RpsO was seen to increase 400-fold in log phase, the largest relative fold increase in log phase, whereas pnp showed no change. Interestingly, the oligonucleotide hybridization pattern shows some differences between log and stationary phase toward the 3' end of rpsO (Fig. 4B). This region is between two known RNaseIII sites and is increased in stationary phase relative to the other probe pairs in the probe set, perhaps indicating that RNaseIII processing at this site is increased in stationary phase, leading to a decrease in local RNA secondary structure and increased hybridization to the array. Oligonucleotide Arrays and Cross-Hybridization. Considerably more crosshybridization is observed on E. coli arrays than on eukaryotic arrays, presumably because of the presence of large amounts of labeled rRNA and tRNA. Because perfect match (PM) features are tiled immediately above their mismatch (MM) counterparts, PM and MM features of equal intensity appear as rectangles in the image. These can be seen throughout the array images (Figs 1B-D). If the MM feature were not used, a large number of cross-hybridizing PM oligonucleotides would be included in the analysis and increase the noise of the system. The combination of MM signal subtraction and removal of outliers has proven effective in quantifying RNA abundance changes with oligonucleotide arrays2. We considered using MM features to identify cross-hybridizing PM features, discarding them, and then using the raw PM intensities of the remaining features to derive abundance measures. Our preliminary analysis suggested that this 30 approach yields results similar to those using PM-MM, so we did not pursue this line further. The Future of Genome Arrays. The noise present in a high complexity hybridization reaction, encourages use of increased statistical rigor to determine the significance of probe signal patterns. Corrections for systematic noise due to cross-hybridization, variability in probe efficiency, and spatial variability across the array surface can be used to increase the sensitivity and precision of the data. Because of the complexity of the factors influencing array signal, internal negative controls, such as probe sets which target RNAs that are not present, may be the best way to estimate the amount of signal which can be expected from all factors besides specific hybridization. Replicate array expression experiments, in combination with array hybridizations of genomic DNA, can be used to extract information from single oligonucleotides, allowing transcripts to be mapped at high resolution. The ability to interpret genome-wide transcription data at 10 100 base pair resolution has many potential applications for the study of gene regulation in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including identification of alternative promoters, and the ability to experimentally identify regions of transcription that are missed by ORFpredicting algorithms, a problem which is becoming more urgent as annotators deal with the difficult task of predicting genes in higher eukaryotic genomes34. There are a number of advantages of arrays which use short single-stranded probes over those which utilize longer double stranded DNAs35, 36. These advantages include higher resolution, better cross-hybridization controls, potential for paralog discrimination, splice variant identification, and strand-specific transcript detection. 31 DNA arrays with probes covering entire genomes, rather than just ORFs, are a logical step in the evolution of arrays. Inclusion of intergenic regions allows arrays to be used as readouts for techniques which enrich for DNA sequences of interest, such as proteinbound sequences using Whole-Genome In vivo Methylase Protection37 or ChIP (Chromatin Immuno-Precipitation)38, 39. If they are double stranded they could be used as a direct in vitro assay of DNA-protein interactions40. Genome arrays should also be useful for genotyping both ORF and promoter sequences41, 42. Integration of these data into an understanding of genetic networks and cell physiology will remain a central challenge in the post-genomic era. Experimental protocol Cell Culture. E. coli MG1655 was grown to mid-log phase in LB in a fermentor at 37 degrees with constant aeration of 11 liters/min and agitation of 300 rpm. Stationary phase cultures were grown at 37 degrees overnight in culture flasks containing LB aerated by shaking at 225 rpm. Samples were taken in duplicate for the log phase culture and sampled once from the stationary phase culture. Each log phase duplicate was labeled once and the single stationary phase RNA was labeled twice independently. RNA Preparation. RNA was prepared by extraction with acid phenol:chloroform extraction. Briefly, samples of culture were transferred directly into acid phenol:chloroform,5:1 (Ambion, Austin, TX) at 65º C to ensure rapid lysis and inactivation of RNAses. Two additional acid phenol:chloroform extraction were performed, followed by ethanol precipitation, treatment with 1.25 U of DNase I (Gibco 32 BRL) per ml of culture, 20 g proteinase K (Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany) per ml of culture, and a final ethanol precipitation. The pellet was then washed with 70% ethanol, resuspended in DEPC-treated water, quantified by A260, and visualized on a denaturing polyacrylamide gel. We subsequently found that contaminating salts and sugars from the media were inhibiting the reverse transcription reaction used to make labeled cDNA. The yield was dramatically improved (see below) by removing salts and sugars after the first precipitation by three passes through Centricon PL-20 concentrator columns (Centricon, Beverly, MA), which have a cut-off about 30 bases, and diluting the concentrate with DEPC water. cDNA synthesis, biotinylation. The protocol currently supported by Affymetrix for prokaryotic expression analysis was not available at the time of this study, and limited direct comparison has been made with the protocol used here. In our labeling protocol 1.5 mg* of total RNA was fragmented in a high Mg2+ buffer (40 mM Tris-acetate, pH 8.1, 100 mM KOAc, 30 mM MgOAc) at 94º C. for 30 min in the presence of random octamers (6.7 mM) and 4 control RNAs generated by in vitro transcription (B. subtilis dapB, thrB, lysA, and pheB). After fragmentation the sample was put immediately on ice. The reaction was then diluted two-fold into the following reverse transcription reaction: 1X Superscript II buffer, dNTPs (1.3 mM), DTT (10 mM), 3,000 units of Superscript II Reverse Transcriptase (Gibco BRL) which was incubated at 42º C for 3 hrs. RNA was then degraded by treatment with 135 units of RNAse One (Promega, Madison, WI). RNase One was then heat inactivated and unincorporated nucleotides and random octamers were removed by Centrisep Spin Columns (Princeton Separations, Adelphia, 33 NJ). This reaction typically yields ~30 g first strand cDNA. 10 g was then biotinylated with 30 units of Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (Gibco BRL) and 50 micromolar Biotin-N6-ddATP (Dupont NEN, Boston, MA) in 1X One-Phor-All buffer (Pharmacia, Piscataway, NJ) and incubated at 37º C for 2 hrs. Genomic DNA was fragmented with DNaseI (Promega) 1.1 U per g of DNA in 1X One-Phor-All buffer to an average size of 100 bp and then biotinylated with TdT as above. 10 g of biotinylated cDNA or gDNA was then hybridized to an E. coli array (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA) at 45º C for 40 hours, washed, and stained with streptavidin-phycoerythrin (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR). Arrays used for expression analysis are denoted "antisense" by Affymetrix because they contain probes which will bind to the reverse complement of the transcript, e.g. cDNA, whereas "sense" arrays (Part# 900284) will bind to the transcripts themselves. Antisense arrays are not yet commercially available. It should be noted, however, that the commercially available sense chips can be used to analyze both strands: Affymetrix's RNA labeling protocol can be used for expression analysis, and our cDNA labeling protocol for reverse complement analysis. In this article, we refer to antisense arrays as "expression arrays" and sense as "reverse complement arrays". Most arrays were scanned after a single staining, but one stationary phase array and the reverse complement array were signal amplified with a biotinylated anti-streptavidin antibody, followed by a second streptavidin-phycoerythrin staining, according to standard Affymetrix protocols. This amplification increased the signal/noise ratio about 2 to 3fold, but did not result in a significant increase in the number of transcripts detected. The array was then scanned by a HP-Affymetrix array scanner. 34 *Note: 50 g of column-purified total RNA (RNA preparation section) yielded >10 g of cDNA, enough for an array hybridization. Taking into account a 67% loss from the Centricon columns, 150 g of RNA from a phenol:chloroform prep is enough for an array experiment. This hybridization sample can be recovered and re-used at least 3 times without significant loss of signal3. The use of Centricon columns caused no noticeable changes in the nature of the resulting array data. Data processing and normalization. Background was determined using GeneChip 3.2, which divides the array into 16 sectors and takes the average of the lowest 2% of features of each sector. After background subtraction, mismatch features were subtracted from perfect match features, and the resulting difference was multiplied by a scaling factor derived from GeneChip software. For spiked control RNAs the scaling factor was derived from setting the 16S ribosomal mean average differences to 50,000. For the log vs. stationary phase analysis, intensities were scaled so that the mean average difference for all probe sets was 5,000 units. All array analyses after the derivation of background and scaling factors were done with a set of Perl scripts which we have dubbed "Genome Array Processing Software" or "GAPS". GAPS takes ".CEL" files, generated by GeneChip, as input. GAPS and the .CEL files used in this study can be found at Express DB22. The array contains a regularly spaced 10 x 10 grid of control feature pairs which all hybridize to the same control oligonucleotide, and should thus be of equal intensity. However, we found that fluorescence intensity of these features typically varied about 23 fold across the surface of the array, possibly because of local differences in 35 washing/staining efficiencies. To correct for this spatial variation, the control grid was used to estimate local deviations in florescence intensity. First, each pair of controls were averaged. Then experimental features were multiplied by a correction factor which is derived from control features representing the relative brightness of the region. Control features closer to the probe pair contributed more to the final correction factor than distant ones. This correction factor was determined by the following equation: c Correction Factor = 1 4 di 4 1 ci i 1 j 1 dj where di or j is the Euclidean distance from the PM feature to the 4 closest control features, ci is the intensity of control feature i, and c is the mean of all control features on the array. RNA abundance metrics: average difference and 2max. Five control RNAs from Bacillus subtilis which each have 4 probe sets each on the array were analyzed at concentrations which ranged from ~20 to ~0.0002 copies/cell, and no RNA, which served as a negative control. These control RNAs were spiked into total cellular RNA before labeling. There were a total of 100 independent pairwise comparisons made. Copies/cell was estimated by assuming cells have approximately 60 femtograms of total RNA43. Copies per cell can be recalculated for different total RNA contents, which normally ranges from 20 to 200 femtograms/cell. For example, 1 copy per cell in a cell with 60 femtograms of total RNA is equivalent to 2 copies per cell in a cell with 120. The 36 average transcript size of our spiked RNAs was 4.6 kb. Probe pairs were averaged over duplicates and then ranked by their mean intensity difference (PM-MM). The total intensity normalized values reported in the tables and the online datafile are approximately 90% of the ribosomal normalized values of Figure 2A. The relationship between fluorescent signal and copies/cell is given by the equations of the regression lines of figure 2A: 2max Signal = 13000 * ln(Copies/Cell) + 39000, R2 = 0.76 Median Signal = 5500 * ln(Copies/Cell) + 16000, R2 = 0.80 Average Difference Signal = 6000 * ln(Copies/Cell) + 18000, R2 = 0.86 Conversions from fluorescence intensity and copies/cell should be used with extreme caution. In addition to cell-size issues noted above, there is a significant amount of error introduced by the large variability of probe signal, such that probes whose target RNA is present at equal concentration will have variable raw fluorescence intensity (see Fig. 2A). Experiments are in progress to use a hybridization of genomic DNA (where all genes are equimolar) to calibrate this conversion and allow more accurate measurement of absolute RNA levels. For the purposes of this study, we focus on the change in fluorescence of identical probe sets (thus bypassing inherent variability between different probe sets) and report "absolute change" and "fold change" (Tables 1, 2) rather than absolute RNA levels. We found that by using the intensity difference of the second maximal probe pair to represent a probe set we maximized the number of detected genes. We therefore chose 37 the second maximal probe pair intensity difference, or "2max", as a measure of RNA abundance. Using Excel, an exponential trend line was fit to a plot of observed vs. expected fold change, and the equation was used to calibrate estimates of fold change in our stationary vs. log expression comparison (Fig. 2B). The calibration equation is as follows: calibrated fold change = 1.2 x (measured fold change)1.9. Pairwise comparisons of the 2max of the same probe sets on duplicate arrays yielded an average linear correlation coefficient of 0.85 +/- 0.04. Transcript detection. To determine which transcripts were detected, we used a set of 4 distinct Bacillus subtilis probe sets whose target RNA was not used in our spiking experiments. After normalization to total intensity we determined the average 2max of these probe sets on the arrays used in the stationary vs. log comparison. Transcripts were considered detected if their 2max was at least 3 standard deviations above the mean of the 4 probe sets for the absent B. subtilis RNA. 97% and 87% of transcripts were detected in stationary and log phase respectively. 1.7% were not detected in either condition. Because the negative controls were used to determine the detection threshold, they could not be used to estimate false positives. The false positive rates for the 2max and median metrics, therefore, were estimated by using probe sets whose RNAs were spiked at 0.004 copies/cell or less, well below the sensitivity of the assay. These metrics both yielded a false positive rate of 0% (0/20) by this method. For the average difference metric, detection is decided by Affymetrix's calling algorithm which works independently of internal negative controls. We therefore used the negative controls to estimate the false positive rate, which was also 0% (0/15). The parameters used in Affymetrix's software 38 package, GeneChip 3.2, were the following: SDT multiplier = 4, ratio threshold = 1.5, ratio limit = 10, horizontal zones = 4, vertical zones = 4, % background cells = 2, pos/neg min = 3, pos/neg max = 4, pos ratio min = 0.33, pos ratio max = 0.43, avg. log ratio min = 0.9, avg. log ratio max = 1.3. It is important to note that 2max does not detect the maximal number of transcripts in every experiment. The maximum number of transcripts (4,033) on the reverse complement array was detected using the fourth brightest probe pair, or "4max". Averaging the 4th through 8th ranks "4-8max", which represented the peak of detection, gave 3,470 detected transcripts (78% of predicted RNAs). In this case 20 B. subtilis probe sets were used as negative controls, with a detection cutoff of 3 standard deviations above the mean. Widespread detection of transcription in E. coli with a reverse complement array has been confirmed in our lab on an independent RNA sample using the current Affymetrix labeling protocol in which 4,344 transcripts were detected (99% of predicted RNAs) using 4-8max (Daniel Janse, unpublished data). The agreement is particularly striking considering the many differences between our original experiment and the confirmation experiment, which were, respectively: biotinylated total cDNA vs. mRNA-enriched biotinylated RNA, antisense vs. sense chip, and stationary phase vs. log. phase RNA samples. Both protocols include a DNaseI digestion to remove genomic DNA and no gDNA contamination was detected by EtBr staining. Significance of changes. To determine which changes in 2max were significant, we devised a calling algorithm which uses both a t-test and a consensus measure. If either of the following criteria are fulfilled for transcripts which were detected in at least one 39 condition, the transcript is called significantly changed: i) mean 2max from duplicates is determined to be significantly different in the two conditions by a two tailed Student's ttest with >95% confidence or ii) after discarding the brightest and dimmest probe pairs, at least 11/13 of the remaining probe pairs are all changed in the same direction, by any amount. For transcripts with >15 probe pairs, the 15 brightest were identified and processed in the same way as the other probe sets. In the rare cases in which these two criteria conflicted, the decision based on the second maximal probe pair was used. It is important to note that the magnitude of the fold or absolute changes are not considered in deciding their significance, although 77% of the significant changes were greater than 2fold. Out of 100 independent pairwise comparisons, 52 were detected in at least one condition. The algorithm correctly assigned significant changes to all 52 of these probe sets, all of which had fold changes of at least 2-fold. Probe sets for control RNAs spiked at equal concentrations showed no significant changes (0/16). Acknowledgements We thank Jeremy Edwards for improvements to the labeling protocol, Daniel Janse for sharing unpublished data, Adnan Derti and Allegra Petti for bioinformatics contributions, Felix Lam for help with the fermentor, Michael Mittmann for array design, Phillip Juels for impeccable computer tech support, Wayne Rindone and John Aach for expression database support, Barak Cohen, Robi Mitra, Martha Bulyk, Pete Estep, Martin Steffen, and the rest of the Church lab for the many helpful discussions and encouragement which made this work possible. We also thank the reviewers for significant improvements to 40 the manuscript. This work was supported by grants from Aventis Pharma, Lipper Foundation, DOE and NSF. ________________________________________________________________________ 1. de Saizieu, A., et al. Bacterial transcript imaging by hybridization of total RNA to oligonucleotide arrays. Nat. Biotechnol. 16, 45-8 (1998). 2. Lockhart, D.J., et al. Expression monitoring by hybridization to high-density oligonucleotide arrays. Nat. Biotechnol. 14, 1675-80 (1996). 3. Wodicka, L., et al. Genome-wide expression monitoring in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nat. Biotechnol. 15, 1359-67 (1997). 4. Lee, C.K., et al. Gene expression profile of aging and its retardation by caloric restriction. Science 285, 1390-3 (1999). 5. Zhu, H., et al. Cellular gene expression altered by human cytomegalovirus: global monitoring with oligonucleotide arrays. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 14470-5 (1998). 6. Wen, X., et al. Large-scale temporal gene expression mapping of central nervous system development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 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False-color images of scanned Escherichia Coli genome array hybridized with a sample derived from a stationary phase culture growing in LB. (A) Whole array (top half: ORFs, bottom half: intergenic regions, very bottom: rRNAs and tRNAs). (B) Close-up of coding regions. The bright streak on the lower left is rmf. (C) Close-up of intergenic regions, rRNAs, tRNAs. (D) lpp coding region. Note: Apparent saturation (esp. in C) is due to display settings and not signal saturation. 44 A B 160000 120000 Signal 100000 100 Genes detected: Metric Log 2max 87% Median 20% AD 18% 2max Stationary 97% 90% 87% Observed fold change 140000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 y = 1.11x0.46 R = 0.94 0.37 Median y = 1.95x R = 0.94 AD 10 y = 1.08x0.54 R = 0.95 100 -20000 1 1 Copies / cell 10 100 Known fold change Figure 2. Comparison of 2max (●), median (■), and average difference (▲) abundance metrics using Bacillus subtilis control RNAs. (A) Abundance measurement vs. RNA concentration, with present calls. Genes are considered detected by the 2max and median metrics if they are at least 3 standard deviations above negative controls for which no RNA is present. Detection using the average difference metric is determined using an algorithm implemented in the GeneChip 3.2 software package. No false positives were detected for any of the metrics (see Experimental Protocol). (B) Plot of observed fold changes measured by various metrics vs. known fold changes. The relationship between observed and known fold change is non-linear for all three metrics over a dynamic range of 3 orders of magnitude, and approximately linear for changes less than 10-fold. 45 1000 A Crick strand Watson strand (same array) csrB B csrB (untranscribed strand) Expression array Reverse complement array b1365 (sense) b1365 (antisense) pos. 171 228 Figure 3. The E. coli array can detect strand-specific transcription and can be used to identify (A) small untranslated RNAs, such as csrB, and (B) detection of a previously unidentified antisense RNA in the Rac prophage. Transcription was detected on the strand opposite b1365 from positions 171 to 228. Position is given as the number of base pairs from the central nucleotide of the oligonucleotide probe to the translation start of b1365. The oligonucleotides are closely spaced but three of them are nonoverlapping. The 15 probe pairs in these probe set are outlined by the white grid, with the PM features on the top row. Probe sets for the untranscribed strands show the background signal typical of undetected transcripts. The oligonucleotides in A and on the expression array of B are tiled from left to right in the 5' to 3' direction. 46 A B Intensity (PM - MM) / 2max 2 5 4 1.5 Known RNaseIII sites 3 Reported transcription start (-100) 1 Known hairpin 0.5 Known region of secondary structure 2 1 pnp 0 0 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 -200 400 300 -100 0 -0.5 -2 Translation stop (237 bases) Known transcription start (position -33) -1 100 200 300 -1 Translation stop (270 bases) -3 Bases from translation start Bases from translation start Figure 4. Determination of transcription starts of (A) lpp and (B) rpsO. Both genes exhibit reproducible hybridization patterns despite large log phase fold increases of 60- and 400-fold, respectively. 2max-normalized (PM - MM) fluorescence intensity of log phase (), stationary phase (▲), and genomic DNA (●) arrays were plotted against distance from center of oligonucleotide to translation start site. Points for log and stationary phase are the means of duplicate experiments. Oligonucleotides which target both the open reading frame and the flanking intergenic regions allow this region to be probed at ~6 base pair average resolution for lpp and ~13 for rpsO. Transcription starts are detected between -30 and -37 for lpp (reported -33)28,29 and between -94 and -117 for rpsO (reported -100) 30. lpp is known to sometimes extend to position 284, ending in a hairpin structure. Oligonucleotides in this region showed no hybridization, suggesting early termination of transcription and/or sensitivity of the array to secondary structure. Variability in the hybridization pattern at the 3' end may reflect differential processing. The rpsO transcript has a 3' hairpin and can be co-transcribed with downstream pnp. The hairpin structure serves as a stabilizing element for both rpsO and pnp as well as a transcriptional attenuator31,32. Processing by RNaseIII may relieve secondary structure in this region and lead to the increased signal seen at the 3' end in stationary phase. 47 400 500 Table 1. ORFs with significant changes in probe set intensity, previously known to be differentially regulated in stationary phase Gene rmf glgS hdeA dps hdeB osmY himA Abs. Change 120465 118425 104184 91763 34968 21914 19920 Fold Change 17 160 41 55 5 9 23 csgB clpA wrbA 19385 17369 15845 >30 8 7 fic 14900 26 htrE 14893 >24 cstA sspA ftsA 13475 13076 11171 11 4 >5 hyaE dacC 10406 10064 >4 8 emrA otsB cfa iciA rpoH 8433 8276 7896 7506 -26713 >4 2 >4 >4 0.4 hns -170027 0.04 Annotation ribosome modulation factor glycogen biosynthesis, rpoS dependent orf, hypothetical protein global regulator, starvation conditions orf, hypothetical protein hyperosmotically inducible periplasmic protein integration host factor (IHF), alpha subunit; site specific recombination minor curlin subunit precursor, similar to CsgA ATP-binding component of serine protease trp repressor binding protein; affects association of trp repressor and operator induced in stationary phase, recognized by rpoS, affects cell division probable outer membrane porin protein involved in fimbrial assembly carbon starvation protein regulator of transcription; stringent starvation protein A ATP-binding cell division protein, septation process, complexes with FtsZ, associated with junctions of inner and outer membranes processing of HyaA and HyaB proteins D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase; penicillin-binding protein 6 multidrug resistance secretion protein trehalose-6-phosphate phophatase, biosynthetic cyclopropane fatty acyl phospholipid synthase replication initiation inhibitor, binds to 13-mers at oriC RNA polymerase, sigma(32) factor; regulation of proteins induced at high temperatures DNA-binding protein HLP-II (HU, BH2, HD, NS); pleiotropic regulator Genes are ranked by absolute change, given as 2max in arbitrary fluorescence units. Signal was normalized to total array intensity. Fold changes were adjusted based on calibration with spiked transcripts (Fig. 2B). For those transcripts which were called absent in one condition the fold change was estimated (indicated by a ">") by substituting the mean of the negative controls + 3 standard deviations for the undetected transcript. 23 out of 69 transcripts which are known to be differentially expressed 15 and which are present on the array were called as significantly changed. The remaining 46 were not significantly changed. 22 out of 23 of the significant changes agree with the direction of change reported in the literature. rpoH, the heat-shock sigma factor, is reported to increase in stationary phase although RNA levels decreased about 3-fold in our experiment. This may be a result of translational control which is known to play a role in the regulation of rpoH16. Altogether, there were 1,529 genes (including tRNAs and rRNAs) which were significantly changed. 926 were increased in stationary phase and 603 were decreased. Annotations are from the University of Wisconsin Genome Project 15,19. The complete dataset can be found at Express DB21,22. 48 Table 2. ORFs with the largest significant increases in probe set intensity in stationary phase Bnumber b1005 b0836 b0953 b3049 b4045 b3510 b0812 b1480 b2665 b3555 b3239 b1240 b1635 b1051 Gene ycdF rmfa glgSa yjbJb hdea,b dpsa,b rpsV ygaU yiaG yhcO gst msyB Abs. Change 135446 130009 120465 118425 117238 104184 91763 74063 71120 67426 64840 53219 51788 51334 Fold Change 102 >1000 17 160 9 41 55 48 60 12 140 4 81 11 b0966 b1318 yccV ycjV 50782 48950 16 75 b1154 b1566 b2212 b1492 b2266 b1164 b3183 b1262 ycfK flxA alkB xasA elaB ycgZ yhbZ trpC 46949 45987 43206 42971 42249 41961 41925 41711 >180 13 6 85 >140 3 7 7 b1739 osmE 40691 24 Annotation orf, hypothetical protein putative receptor ribosome modulation factor glycogen biosynthesis, rpoS dependent orf, hypothetical protein orf, hypothetical protein global regulator, starvation conditions 30S ribosomal subunit protein S22 orf, hypothetical protein orf, hypothetical protein orf, hypothetical protein orf, hypothetical protein glutathionine S-transferase acidic protein suppresses mutants lacking function of protein export orf, hypothetical protein putative ATP-binding component of a transport system orf, hypothetical protein orf, hypothetical protein DNA repair system specific for alkylated DNA acid sensitivity protein, putative transporter orf, hypothetical protein orf, hypothetical protein putative GTP-binding factor N-(5-phosphoribosyl)anthranilate isomerase and indole-3-glycerolphosphate synthetase activator of ntrL gene Same analysis as Table 1. aThese genes are known to be differentially regulated in stationary phase16. bThe products of yjbJ, dps, and hdeA are the first, fifth, and sixth most abundant proteins, respectively, in stationary phase E. coli20. 49 Chapter 3 Global RNA half-life analysis in Escherichia coli reveals positional patterns of transcript degradation Douglas W. Selinger, Rini Mukherjee Saxena, Kevin J. Cheung, George M. Church, and Carsten Rosenow The research described in this chapter will be published in the February 2003 issue of Genome Research. The RNA degradation experiment described in this chapter is the result of a close and fruitful collaboration with Rini Saxena and Carsten Rosenow at Affymetrix. We began our collaboration after discovering that we had independently generated microarray datasets of an E. coli rifampicin timecourse. The data analyzed here are those generated by Rini Saxena. I carried out the data analysis using GAPS, as well as other programs I developed specifically for RNA degradation analysis, written in Perl, Matlab, and Mathematica. I was also primarily responsible for writing the manuscript for publication. 50 Abstract Sub-genic resolution oligonucleotide microarrays were used to study global RNA degradation in wild type Escherichia coli MG1655. RNA chemical half-lives were measured for 1,036 open reading frames (ORFs) and for 329 known and predicted operons. The half-life of total mRNA was 6.8 minutes under the conditions tested. Furthermore, we observed significant relationships between gene functional assignments and transcript stability. Unexpectedly, transcription of a single operon (tdcABCDEFG) was relatively rifampicin insensitive and showed significant increases 2.5 minutes after rifampicin addition. This supports a novel mechanism of transcription for the tdc operon, whose promoter lacks any recognizable sigma binding sites. Probe by probe analysis of all known and predicted operons showed that the 5' ends of operons degrade, on average, more quickly than the rest of the transcript, with stability increasing in a 3' direction, supporting and further generalizing the current model of a net 5' to 3' directionality of degradation. Hierarchical clustering analysis of operon degradation patterns revealed that this pattern predominates but is not exclusive. We found weak but highly significant correlation between the degradation of adjacent operon regions, suggesting that stability is determined by a combination of local and operon-wide stability determinants. The 16 ORF dcw gene cluster, which has a complex promoter structure and a partially characterized degradation pattern, was studied at high-resolution, allowing a detailed and integrated description of its abundance and degradation. We discuss the application of 51 sub-genic resolution DNA microarray analysis to study global mechanisms of RNA transcription and processing. 52 Introduction Gene regulation is a dynamic process which can be controlled by a number of mechanisms as genetic information flows from nucleic acids to proteins. The study of gene regulation in the steady state, while informative, overlooks the underlying dynamics of the processes. Steady state transcript levels are a result of both RNA synthesis and degradation, and as such, measurements of degradation rates can be used to determine their rates of synthesis (if their steady state levels are known) as well as reveal regulation which occurs via changes in RNA stability. For the genetic regulatory network of E. coli to be understood and eventually modeled, all means of regulation in use by the cell must be given due attention. RNA degradation in eubacteria was once viewed as a non-specific, unregulated process. Today it is known to involve multiple degradation pathways, a multisubunit protein complex (the degradosome), and to be an important regulatory mechanism for the expression of some genes. For reviews see (Grunberg-Manago 1999)(Regnier and Arraiano 2000)(Rauhut and Klug 1999). A small number of large-scale RNA degradation analyses have recently been reported in budding yeast (Wang et al. 2002), humans (Lam et al. 2001), and E. coli (Bernstein et al. 2002). RNA expression analysis with DNA microarrays has allowed transcription to be studied at an unprecedented scale. Nevertheless, the potential of the technology to elucidate the low-level details of the transcription and processing of RNA has been 53 poorly explored. In this study we have taken a first step by identifying global RNA degradation patterns at the operonic, genic, and subgenic levels. High-density oligonucleotide arrays from Affymetrix were used to study the degradation of RNA over essentially the entire transcriptome of Escherichia coli MG1655 (Selinger et al. 2000). These arrays have subgenic-resolution coverage of the genome (both coding and non-coding regions), allowing us to examine transcription and degradation in a relatively continuous and unbiased manner. We present RNA half-life measurements for 1,036 open reading frames (ORFs) and for 329 known and predicted operons. We present significant over- and underrepresentation of ORF functional categories in the set of most labile RNAs. We identify an unusual rifampicin-insensitive promoter (of the tdc operon) and strengthen the case for its transcription by a novel mechanism. We present evidence for the higher lability of the 5' ends of operons relative to their 3' ends, supporting the current model of an overall 5' to 3' direction of degradation. Finally, we explore positional patterns of RNA degradation and discuss the current state of the art of high-resolution global transcription analysis. Results and Discussion Half-life determination. For the determination of half-lives all experiments were done in triplicates for each RNA preparation. On average, 23% of the genes were detected at 2.33 (99% confidence) above negative control probes sets. Half-lives were calculated for 1,036 ORFs, of which 479 were calculated exactly and 557 represent upper bounds. Average half-lives were calculated for 329 known and predicted operons (see methods) 54 (Tables 1 and 2), although these are only a rough approximation as typically only a subset of the ORFs had measurable half-lives, and there can be considerable differences between the degradation of different operonic regions. After addition of rifampicin, which prevents initiation of new transcripts by binding to the subunit of RNA polymerase (Campbell et al. 2001), the total intensity for all mRNAs decreases exponentially with time (R = 0.98) with an estimated overall chemical half-life of 6.8 minutes. This is in rough agreement with a recently reported half-life of 7.5 minutes for total pulse-labeled RNA in comparable conditions (Mohanty and Kushner 1999). Although absolute decay rates are known to vary appreciably across experiments, especially those determined in different laboratories, we observe qualitative agreement with some well-studied transcripts, such as ompA, a very stable RNA in fast-growing cells (Nilsson et al. 1984)(see methods), and cspA an extremely unstable one which is transiently stabilized upon cold shock (Goldenberg et al. 1996)(Table 1). Genes encoding enzymes known to be involved in RNA decay such as pnp, rhlB, and rho show exponential decay patterns starting immediately after rifampicin treatment. The genes rne and rnc, also show progressive decay patterns but were expressed at relatively low levels, making half-life measurement difficult. The genes rnb and pcnB were undetected throughout the time-course. Average operon half-lives were calculated by taking the mean of the operons' member ORFs for which half-lives had been determined. A number of the most unstable operons (Table 2) enable metabolism that is presumably unnecessary in rich media, such as amino acid biosynthesis (thr, cad), alternative carbon source catabolism (lac, sdh), 55 and nucleotide biosynthesis (deo). It would be interesting to see whether these transcripts are more stable in rich media. Discovery of a rifampicin-insensitive promoter. Surprisingly, a single operon, tdcABCDEFG, which encodes a pathway for the transport and anaerobic degradation of L-threonine, was relatively rifampicin insensitive. All seven ORFs of this operon were significantly upregulated at 2.5 minutes after rifampicin addition. After their initial increase at 2.5 minutes, the ORFs of the tdc operon show either gradual decay or stability through the 5 and 10-minute time-points, followed by near-complete degradation by the 20-minute time-point (data not shown). Because rifampicin targets the core of the only RNA polymerase (RNAP) in E. coli, we were initially surprised to find an operon which could still be transcribed after rifampicin addition. However, differential sensitivity to rifampicin by RNAP holoenzyme containing different sigma subunits (70 vs. 32) has been previously observed (Wegrzyn et al. 1998) suggesting that certain holoenzymes may be rifampicin insensitive. Furthermore, the tdc promoter is unusual in that it doesn't contain any recognizable sigma binding sites, but does contains sites for a number of transcription factors, including CRP, IHF, FNR, LysR, TdcA, and TdcR. It has also been suggested that the tdc promoter is controlled by a novel mechanism and can be activated by altering its local topology (Wu and Datta 1995)(Sawers 2001). RNA decay related to function. To determine whether transcripts whose gene products participate in the same cellular processes tended to be degraded at the same rates, we looked at the over- and under-representation of 23 gene functional categories (Blattner et 56 al. 1997) within different half-life ranges (Table 3). P-values were calculated using the cumulative hypergeometric distribution and a 95% confidence level was used as a cutoff (Tavazoie et al. 1999). In the set of short-lived ( 5 minutes) transcripts, genes annotated as putative enzymes were significantly over-represented. Rapidly degraded transcripts are good candidates for regulation via RNA stability and many of these may be transiently stabilized in some environmental condition in which they are needed. The instability of their transcripts, and likely low protein levels, may have been a hindrance to their discovery and/or characterization. Genes involved in translation and post-translational modification were significantly under-represented among short-lived ( 5 minutes) transcripts, reflecting the known stability of the cell's translational machinery. Genes involved in energy metabolism were significantly over-represented among transcripts with intermediate half-lives of between 10 and 20 minutes. The genes in this category are, in general, well studied and are regulated by a variety of mechanisms unrelated to RNA stability, although in most cases regulation via transcript stability has not been ruled out. To assess whether our experiment preferentially measured the half-lives of some groups of genes relative to others, we looked for differential representations of genes with measured half-lives relative to all genes on the array. Genes whose half-lives could be determined in our experiment were significantly over-represented for those involved in translation and post-translational modification, which are generally very highly expressed and easy to detect. Those classified as "Hypothetical, unclassified, unknown" or as putative transport proteins were significantly under-represented, suggesting that both of these classes in general are expressed at a very low level and/or may contain a number of 57 spuriously predicted ORFs. These two uncharacterized groups stand in contrast to putative enzymes and putative regulatory proteins, which were detected at a rate indistinguishable from other groups. 5' to 3' directionality of degradation. RNA is degraded within the cell by the combined action of RNA exo- and endonucleases. The precise way in which this process occurs has been a subject of intense study (Grunberg-Manago 1999; Regnier and Arraiano 2000). Stable 5' secondary structures have been shown to confer stability on downstream sequences (Emory et al. 1992), while 3' polyadenylation targets transcripts for degradation (Sarkar 1997). To investigate whether degradation is targeted preferentially towards the 5' or 3' end of the mRNA, we measured the variability of degradation rates at different positions of predicted and known operons containing at least 2 ORFs. Each operon coding region was divided into 3 equal regions (5', middle, and 3'), while 30 bases upstream and downstream of the operons were denoted 5' and 3' UTRs, respectively. The UTR was chosen to be relatively short to increase the probability that it was in fact cotranscribed with the operon. The average log2 ratio of probes in each region was calculated for each operon (see methods). Log2 ratios of each region were averaged for all operons, as well as for subsets with specified half-lives, to compare the degradation rates of different transcript regions (Fig. 1). In the set of all operons, the log2 ratios were most negative for the 5' UTR and became less negative in a 5' to 3' direction, consistent with a predominantly 5' to 3' directional mechanism of degradation. 58 To determine whether positional patterns varied depending on overall stability, operons were grouped based on their average half-lives (Fig. 1). The same trend of 3'increasing stability was seen for all groups, regardless of overall half-life. This trend was most consistent for the 20-40 minute operons, whereas for the <5 minute and 5-20 minute operons there were some discrepancies at their 5' ends, especially at the later time-points. To assess the significance of the differential degradation rates we used a one-way ANOVA to test whether the differences between average degradation rates of different operon regions could be accounted for by chance. Significant differences between regional mean degradation rates were found for almost all timepoints in all half-life sets using = 0.05 or 0.10, as detailed in the figure 1 legend. The results for the analysis of all 835 operons were especially significant, with all p-values below 1x10-12. We conclude that the observed variation in the rate of degradation of different operonic regions is significant. Clustering of degradation patterns. It is important to note that while the 5' to 3' directionality illustrated by figure 1 indicates that, in general the 5' ends of operons are degraded more quickly than their 3' ends, it does not indicate whether this is the only pattern of operon degradation, or simply the most common one. To distinguish between these two possibilities the degradation patterns of all operons were clustered using a hierarchical clustering algorithm and displayed as a tree (Eisen et al. 1998) (Fig. 2). 149 known and predicted operons for which complete data was available were divided into 5 operon regions: 5' and 3' UTR (representing 30 bases up- and down-stream of the translation start and stop, respectively), and equal-length 5', middle, and 3' coding 59 regions. Within each operon, each region was ranked from most stable (5) to least stable (1) based on the average log2 ratio of oligos in that region at each timepoint. This withinoperon normalization allows operons with similar patterns to be grouped together regardless of their overall rate of degradation. The results of the clustering analysis indicate, that while there is a clear predominance of a 5' to 3' degradation pattern, other patterns are also present. Nevertheless, the degradation ranks for each region, when averaged over all operons, show a clear trend consistent with an overall 5' to 3' directionality of degradation. To assess the statistical significance of the observed directionality we performed a 2 goodness of fit test on each transcript region. We are easily able to reject the null hypothesis that each region has an equiprobable distribution of ranks, with p-values ranging from 2x10-6 to 2x10-38 (Fig. 2). From inspection of the rank distributions we conclude that 5' regions of operons are significantly more likely to be degraded quickly and 3' regions more likely to be degraded slowly. Because certain transcript features, such as the ompA stabilizer (Emory et al. 1992), are known to exert their effects along an entire transcript, we analyzed the extent to which the degradation of one region is correlated to other regions. The average Pearson's linear correlation coefficient (R) between the degradation of adjacent regions was 0.38, and the average correlation between any two operon regions was 0.26. These weak, but statistically significant (p < 0.005), correlations suggest that while there are important operon-wide determinants of stability, local determinants may play a larger role in the stability of RNAs. This emphasizes the need to scrutinize transcription and degradation at a higher level of resolution. 60 It should be noted that despite the difficulties of defining transcript boundaries, as well as the existence of operons with multiple promoters and terminators, we were still able to identify significant patterns. As our knowledge of these confounding factors increases we may expect to see even clearer patterns emerge. High-resolution analysis of the dcw gene cluster. The dcw gene cluster, important for cell envelope biosynthesis and cell division, contains 16 ORFs and has a complex promoter structure (Fig. 3) (Vicente et al. 1998)(Dewar and Dorazi 2000). It is transcribed mainly from two clusters of promoters located at the 5' end (~ORFs 1-3), and near the 3' end (ORFs12-14). We observe a complex degradation pattern for this operon, with 3 primary domains of stability (Figs. 3,4). The 5' end is degraded most rapidly, consistent with the most commonly observed pattern. The central region is relatively stable from murE to murC. The 3' end, from ddlB to envA, has an intermediate stability, with ftsA and ftsZ having nearly identical half-lives, as has been reported previously (Cam et al. 1996). These domains of stability roughly coincide with the clusters of promoters, suggesting they represent somewhat independent units which the cell chooses to regulate simultaneously by both transcriptional initiation and degradation. Interestingly, the relatively high signal intensity at mraZ and ddlB corresponds to the positions of the two major promoters Pmra and ftsQ2p1p, respectively (Flardh et al. 1997; Mengin-Lecreulx et al. 1998) (Fig. 4). This suggests that the regions downstream of these promoters are maintained at higher steady-state RNA levels in the cell, although we are cautious about making a firm conclusion in this regard due to the only semi-quantitative nature of the 61 relationship between microarray signal intensity and absolute RNA abundance. Nevertheless, this observation is consistent with previous measurements which show that about one-third of the transcription of ftsZ originates at promoters located within and between ddlB and ftsA, with the other two-thirds originating upstream of ddlB (de la Fuente et al. 2001; Flardh et al. 1998). The future of high-resolution transcriptome analysis. The type of transcriptome data presented here enables genome-wide analyses which until now have only been done on a small scale. For example, the relationship between RNA degradation and RNA sequence features, such as RNase sites and known and predicted secondary structures, can be assessed, as well as the effects of mutations, especially to the RNA degradation machinery. These data are also useful in the empirical definition of transcription boundaries (Selinger et al. 2000; Tjaden et al. 2002) and promoter usage. We expect such high-resolution analyses to increase in precision. Probe to probe variation, which can mask local changes in RNA abundance, can be improved by smoothing or, perhaps, by more sophisticated model-based (Li and Hung Wong 2001) or correlation-based methods (Cohen et al. 2000). High-resolution mapping of human exon boundaries using oligonucleotide arrays has also been reported (Kapranov et al. 2002; Shoemaker et al. 2001). Microarrays could be designed with probes more evenly spaced throughout the ORFs and the intergenic regions to allow more comprehensive coverage of the transcriptome. The continually increasing density of oligonucleotide arrays suggests that transcriptome data, and our resulting understanding of transcriptional regulation, will increase not only in scope, but also in detail. 62 Methods Growth of bacterial strains and transcript inhibition. E. coli, wild-type strain MG1655 was grown in LB broth medium in shaken flasks at 37C to midlogarithmic phase (A600 = 0.8) and then split into five flasks of 20 ml each. To initiate transcription inhibition, four of these samples were treated with rifampicin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) at a concentration of 50 g ml-1 and incubated for an additional 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 minutes respectively, followed by immediate harvesting of the cells. The fifth sample was used as a control and cells were harvested immediately (at time-point zero). All RNA isolation procedures were accomplished with the MasterPure Complete DNA and RNA Purification kit from Epicentre Technologies, Madison, WI, as described previously (Rosenow et al. 2001). RNA labeling and hybridization. The cDNA synthesis method was described previously (Rosenow et al. 2001). Briefly, 10 g of total RNA was reverse transcribed using the Superscript II system for first strand cDNA synthesis from Life Technologies (Rockville, MD). The remaining RNA was removed using 2 U RNase H (Life Technologies, Rockville, MD) and 1 g RNase A (Epicentre, Madison, WI) for 10 min at 37C in 100 l total volume. The cDNA was purified using the Qiaquick PCR purification kit from Qiagen (Valencia, CA). Isolated cDNA was quantitated based on the absorption at 260 nm and fragmented using a partial DNase I digest. The fragmented 63 cDNA was 3’ end-labeled using terminal transferase (Roche Molecular Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN) and biotin-N6-ddATP (DuPont/NEN, Boston, MA). The fragmented and end-labeled cDNA was added to the hybridization solution without further purification. Three microarray hybridizations were carried out for each time-point. Chip Scaling, Transcript Detection. To account for experimental and chip variations, all intensities were normalized according to the variations of the cRNA controls, which were added before the RNA labeling reaction and contain 4 probe sets targeting RNAs not present in the E. coli genome. The controls show a variation of less than 10% before scaling for all 15 labeling reactions (data not shown). Transcript abundances for each RNA were calculated in GAPS© by taking a mean of the perfect match (PM) minus mismatch (MM) probes, after removing the highest and two lowest (2-13max) (Selinger et al. 2000) and are referred to here simply as "average difference" (AD) (Lockhart et al. 1996). Each RNA is typically targeted by 15 unique oligonucleotide probe pairs. A transcript was considered "detected" if it was 2.33 (99% confidence) above the negative controls (90 probe sets for genes not present in the MG1655 genome). For the five time-points (0, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 minutes) mRNA detection rates were 24, 27, 27, 18, and 6 percent, respectively, with detection cutoffs of 1766, 1014, 975, 1202, and 1327 AD units. The mean of the negative controls has been subtracted from all reported values so that values greater than 0 signify an average difference greater than the negative controls. For high resolution analysis (including the directionality analysis) we calculated log2 ratios as log2((PM-MM of time t)/(PM-MM of time 0)). We only used probe pairs in which PM-MM at time 0 was greater than 100 normalized fluorescent units. 64 RNA Chemical Half-life Determination. Probe pairs (perfect match - mismatch) were averaged over the triplicates of each time-point (0, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 minutes after rifampicin addition), resulting in an average probe set intensity for each ORF. RNA abundances were determined using the average difference metric implemented by GAPS©. Chemical half-life was determined for each RNA by the following "two-fold" algorithm: i) The earliest time-point at which the transcript was detected was used as the baseline abundance. ii) The earliest successive time-point for which a two-fold decrease was detected was used as the experimental abundance and the half-life was calculated assuming exponential decay. When the baseline but not the experimental time-point was detected the half-life was estimated (yielding an upper-bound estimate) using the noise value in place of the experimental value. Other categories were defined, such as "stable" (transcript is detected but no change as great as two-fold observed), "possible increase" (a minimum two-fold change between any two time-points), "erratic" (both a two-fold increase and decrease observed), and "possibly stable" (at least a two-fold decrease observed, but later returns to baseline level). Slot blots for 4 genes were carried out as a validation of the array-measured RNA half-lives and gave the following results (slot blot/array): ompA 20.2 min/stable; cspC 17.2 min/possibly stable; fldA 10 min/6.7 min; sodA 9.5 min/6.9 min. Half-lives were alternatively calculated by fitting an exponential decay curve to all time-points, regardless of fold change or signal-to-noise thresholds. This approach was deemed inferior to the two-fold algorithm because it gave considerably poorer agreement with slot blot data, showed less sensitivity to rapidly degrading transcripts, and gave spurious results for RNAs whose signal dropped below 65 the detection threshold at later time-points (data not shown). Average half-lives were calculated for predicted and observed operons from RegulonDB (Salgado et al. 2001) by taking a mean for all operon members whose half-life had been determined. Half-lives with estimated upper bounds of greater than 40 minutes were set equal to 40 minutes to avoid skewing the results. The complete list of transcripts, calculated half-lives (of both ORFs and operons), and pattern categories are available at http://arep.med.harvard.edu/rna_decay/. The dataset was also deposited in ExpressDB (Aach et al. 2000) at http://arep.med.harvard.edu/ExpressDB/. 66 All Operons Op 5p Op M Op 3p 3p UTR 5p UTR 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 n=835 -3.5 Average Log2 Ratio Average Log2 Ratio 5p UTR 20-40 min Operons Op M Op 3p 3p UTR -1 -2 -2.5 -3 n=81 -3.5 HL Not Determined Op 3p 3p UTR 5p UTR 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 n=82 -3.5 Average Log2 Ratio Average Log2 Ratio Op 5p Op M -1.5 <5 min Operons 5p UTR Op 5p Op 5p Op M Op 3p 3p UTR -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 n=506 -3.5 5-20 min Operons 5p UTR Op 5p Op M Op 3p 3p UTR Average Log2 Ratio 0 -0.5 2.5 min 5 min 10 min 20 min -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 n=166 Figure 1. Positional differences in operon degradation. Operon regions are plotted on the x-axis, average log2 ratios (compared to the 0 minute time-point) are plotted on the y-axis. Vertical bars indicate standard error. Operons were divided into 5 regions: 30 bases upstream (5p UTR) and downstream (3p UTR), and three equal length regions of the coding region: 5 prime (Op 5p), middle (Op M), and 3 prime (Op 3p). Patterns of operons with different average half-lives were compared. A 5’ to 3’ directionality is observable in the coding regions of all operon subsets. This directionality generally extends at least 30 bases into the UTRs, although the 5’ UTR of quickly degrading operons (<5 min) seems to be more stable than the coding region. All curves in this figure have statistically significant variation between means by one-way ANOVA at = 0.001, with the following exceptions: 2.5 min of the '20 - 40 min' graph, and the 5 and 20 minute curves of the 'half-life not determined' graph which were significant at = 0.05, 0.05, and 0.10, respectively. P-values for timepoints on the 'all operons' graph were all below 1x10-12. 67 Figure 2. Whole genome cluster analysis of operon degradation (following page). The degradation patterns of 149 operons (containing 2 or more ORFs, and oligo probes in all targeted regions) were hierarchically clustered after ranking the relative degradation rate of each region. The algorithm was implemented using the GeneCluster/TreeView package (Eisen et al. 1998). Transcript regions are on the x-axis, with each region split into 2.5, 5, 10, and 20-minute time-points. The average rank increases from 5' to 3', supporting a predominant 5' to 3' directionality of degradation (cluster c). The clustering also reveals that a variety of degradation patterns are present, such as operons with relatively stable 5' UTRs (cluster a). One group of operons (cluster b) is initially degraded most quickly at its 3' UTR at 2.5 and 5 minutes, but then by the 10 minute timepoint is more quickly degraded at it's middle and 3' coding regions. 2 goodness of fit tests show that the distributions of degradation ranks are highly non-random, with 5' regions more likely to be degraded quickly and 3' regions more likely to be degraded slowly. The complete clustering file, including gene names, is available at http://arep.med.harvard.edu/rna_decay/. 68 Time/Region 5’UTR 5’ M 3’ 3’UTR a b c Average Rank 2.4 2.8 2.9 Rank Distribution 2 p-value 3.4 3.4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2x10-38 2x10-6 Unstable (1) 1x10-7 4x10-25 1x10-21 Stable (5) Figure 2 69 6 HL(min): 1.8 ORF: mraZ 6.7 ftsL 10<n<20 murE 10<n<20 mraY >20 ftsW >20 murC 10 ftsQ 8.9 ftsZ 4 Average Log2 Ratio ORF: mraW HL(min): 5<n<10 ftsI 4.7 murF N/D murD N/D murG >20 ddlB 8.9 ftsA 9.2 envA 8.3 2 0 -2 -4 + x 2.5 min 5 min 10 min 20 min -6 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Position (kb) Figure 3. High-resolution analysis of the dcw Gene Cluster Transcripts. Average log2 ratios (y-axis) were plotted against operon position (x-axis) for 3-probe sliding windows of the 156 probes in the dcw gene cluster, including 30 bases up- and downstream of the first and last ORFs. The positions of known promoters (○) and the ORFs with their estimated half-lives are given in the upper part of the graph. Arrows indicate known RNase E processing sites. An additional weak promoter is thought to be present in either murD or ftsW (Mengin-Lecreulx et al. 1998). rho-independent terminators are present in the 5' region of mraZ and immediately downstream of envA. Degradation is fastest at the 5' end of the operon, with three apparent regions of distinct degradation rates: the 5' region (mraZ-ftsI) is degraded the fastest, the middle (murEmurC) is relatively stable, and the 3' region (ddlB-envA) is degraded at an intermediate rate. 70 18 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Signal Intensity (AD) 8000 envA ftsZ ftsA ftsQ ddlB murC murG ftsW murD mraY murF murE ftsL mraW mraZ ftsI -1000 0 min 2.5 min 5 min 10 min 20 min Figure 4. Transcript Abundance and Degradation of the dcw Gene Cluster The dcw gene cluster contains 16 ORFs involved in cell envelope biosynthesis and cell division. Several promoters have been described (see Fig. 3) and it is likely that they are all used, to varying extents. It has also been speculated that the cluster may sometimes be transcribed in its entirety. The ORFs have been plotted in the order they are transcribed, showing their array signal intensities (average differences) throughout the time-course. Although average difference is only an approximate indicator of transcript abundance, relatively high levels of steady state RNA are observed downstream of the mraZ and ddlB promoters, at the 5' end and about two-thirds of the way into the transcript, respectively. The middle portion of the operon has lower steady state RNA levels and is degraded more slowly (see Fig. 3). 71 B# b4188 b3605 b3914 b0990 b3913 b0553 b2398 b3494 b3556 b3685 b0726 b1205 b3362 b0162 b1060 b2080 b2377 b3361 b4132 b4396 Name HL yjfN lldD cpxP(2) cspG cpxP(1) nmpC yfeC uspB cspA yidE sucA ychH yhfG cdaR yceP yegP yfdY fic cadB rob 0.8* 0.9* 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2* 1.2 1.2* 1.3 1.3 1.3* 1.4* 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 0 8782 7031 10398 6302 10811 4704 5062 4330 20403 4373 4699 11630 3959 3366 11780 5355 6525 6270 6923 4685 2.5 744 770 1812 1324 2352 1147 1218 870 4696 651 1236 2964 884 859 3294 1567 1880 1888 2019 1339 5 67 1424 3530 935 3506 742 614 366 3056 722 1001 692 1014 473 5286 2914 1189 2035 3046 734 10 20 -41 221 997 389 790 187 122 -33 1556 202 701 67 556 105 1886 1769 944 1267 2287 -32 -270 -109 -11 105 27 -183 -107 -191 100 -150 -161 -171 -114 520 1374 922 53 39 238 -322 Table 1. 20 most labile mRNAs The twenty most labile mRNAs with their average difference (AD) intensities at each time-point. 12 out of 20 have unknown or putative functions. High lability may be an indication of regulation at the level of RNA stability. This is known to be the case for cspA, which is extremely unstable at 37° but transiently stable after a shift to 15° (Goldenberg et al. 1996). The lability of cspG suggests that it may behave similarly. Numbers shaded in grey are below the 99% confidence detection threshold (see methods). *Half-life represents an upper bound. 72 Avg. HL Operon 1.35 pabA fic yhfG 1.35 yfeC yfeD 1.65 cadA cadB cadC 1.75 deoC deoA deoB deoD 1.95 yhcH yhcI nanE nanT 2.05 ynfB speG 2.1 thrL thrA thrB thrC 2.2 sdhC sdhD sdhA sdhB 2.2 yjbQ yjbR 2.35 lacA lacY lacZ 2.4 folX yfcH 2.45 ybjC mdaA 2.47 nagD nagC nagA nagB Table 2. Operons with average half-lives 2.5 minutes A number of these unstable operons enable biosynthesis that is presumably unnecessary in rich media, such as amino acid biosynthesis (thr, cad), alternative carbon sources (lac, sdh), and nucleotide biosynthesis (deo). Underlining indicates half-lives used in the average. 73 Functional Category Putative enzymes Translation and posttranslational modification Energy metabolism Translation, post-translational modification Hypothetical, unclassified, unknown Putative transport proteins Experimental Group HL <= 5 min HL <= 5 min Rep. over under p-value 6.5x10-5 1.8x10-5 10 min < HL < 20 min ORFs with measured HLs over over 5.4x10-3 1.8x10-23 ORFs with measured HLs under 1.3x10-8 ORFs with measured HLs under 2.8x10-5 Table 3. Functional category representation of half-life groups Several half-life groupings (HL 5 min, 5 < HL 10, 10< HL 20, and HL >20) were tested for over- or under-representation of 23 different functional categories (Blattner et al. 1997) relative to all genes whose half-lives were estimated. Categories were also identified which were over- or under-represented in the set of all ORFs with measured half-lives. P-values were calculated using the cumulative hypergeometric distribution (Tavazoie et al. 1999). A 95% confidence level was achieved using a cutoff of 2.2x10-3 to account for multiple hypotheses. Transcripts displaying no preference were those encoding proteins involved in transport and binding, structure and membrane proteins, carbon compound metabolism, amino acid- and nucleotide biosynthesis and metabolism, and central intermediary metabolism, transcription, and post-transcriptional regulation. Despite the rapid degradation of some well-studied genes (such as pnp, rhlB, and rho), as a whole, genes involved in RNA degradation were not significantly enriched in any halflife group. 74 Acknowledgements We thank Sidney Kushner for advice and the provision of mutants (not used in this study). We thank Kenn Rudd and Joel Belasco for critical reviews of the manuscript. One of the authors (DS) was graciously hosted in the lab of Minoru Kanehisa for part of this work. 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Meyer, M. Mao, J. Burchard, M.J. Kidd, H. Dai, J.W. Phillips, P.S. Linsley, R. Stoughton, S. Scherer, and M.S. Boguski. 2001. Experimental annotation of the human genome using microarray technology. Nature 409: 922927. Tavazoie, S., J.D. Hughes, M.J. Campbell, R.J. Cho, and G.M. Church. 1999. Systematic determination of genetic network architecture. Nat Genet 22: 281-285. Tjaden, B., D.R. Haynor, S. Stolyar, C. Rosenow, and E. Kolker. 2002. Identifying operons and untranslated regions of transcripts using Escherichia coli RNA expression analysis. Bioinformatics 18 Suppl 1: S337-S344. Vicente, M., M.J. Gomez, and J.A. Ayala. 1998. Regulation of transcription of cell division genes in the Escherichia coli dcw cluster. Cell Mol Life Sci 54: 317-324. Wang, Y., C.L. Liu, J.D. Storey, R.J. Tibshirani, D. Herschlag, and P.O. Brown. 2002. Precision and functional specificity in mRNA decay. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99: 5860-5865. Wegrzyn, A., A. Szalewska-Palasz, A. Blaszczak, K. 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Here I consider some of these implications and speculate on future avenues of research. Widespread antisense transcription The detection of widespread transcription from the antisense strand (relative to known and predicted ORFs) was perhaps the most surprising result, and has been the subject of much speculation. Initially observed using a first strand cDNA labeling approach of stationary phase cells (Chapter 2) and later confirmed by a direct RNA labeling approach of log phase cells, we detected transcription from the antisense strand for >90% of the ORFs. The chance that this highly specific signal is an artifact of incomplete removal of gDNA was reduced by treatment of isolated cellular RNA with DNase I before labeling, and subsequent lack of observable genomic DNA by ethidium bromide staining. Additionally, antisense transcription was observed using two different labeling protocols, one of which involved direct labeling of RNA. 79 Sense Antisense Figure 1. Hybridization of directly labeled RNA isolated from cells growing at log phase to both a standard "sense" array (left) and a reverse complement "antisense" array (right) to detect antisense transcription. Comparison of hybridization of the same sample to both "sense" and "antisense" (Fig. 1) reveals that signal on the sense strand has a wider range of intensities, indicating that their corresponding transcripts are needed in differing amounts, whereas the antisense signal tends to be relatively uniform and of lower intensity. (Note that the intensity of the antisense array in this image was increased for clarity.) The almost universal detection of antisense transcription at a low, and relatively uniform level suggests that it may be, for the most part, transcriptional "noise" caused by the imperfect initiation and/or termination of RNA polymerase. However, it is also likely that at least some of these small RNAs have a bona fide biological function. In fact, small RNAs are receiving a large amount of attention, recently being declared the "Breakthrough of the Year" by Science (Couzin 2002), due in part to genome scale screens like the one described here. Historically, this is an interesting return to the roots of molecular biology, as Jacob and Monod initially proposed RNA as the likely trans 80 acting factor in the transcriptional control of operons (Jacob and Monod 1961), before the focus later shifted decisively to proteins. It is unclear precisely how many functional small RNAs exist in E. coli, although many are known (Wassarman et al. 1999) and new ones are continually being identified (Argaman et al. 2001; Eddy 2001; Wassarman et al. 2001). There are several ways to assess the biological significance of small RNAs. CsrB, a known small untranslated RNA, was inadvertently represented in the wrong orientation on the sense array, and in a stationary phase experiment (Chapter 2, Fig. 3) was clearly detected on an antisense array at a signal intensity far above any other. This suggests that signal intensity may be a reliable indicator for biological significance. Also, the presence of upstream consensus promoter sequences, evolutionary conservation, or known RNA hairpin structures may be good indicators of biological function. Transcriptional or post-transcriptional regulation of small RNAs across timecourses, conditions, or mutants would also strongly suggest a biological function. Our RNA degradation analysis found that ORFs annotated as "hypothetical, unclassified, unknown" had an increased likelihood of showing no change in RNA levels throughout a rifampicin timecourse (Chapter 3, Table 3), suggesting that many of these computationally predicted ORFs are erroneous. This observation, together with the possibility of widespread transcriptional noise, highlights the need for ORF- or small RNA finding algorithms with higher levels of specificity. The widespread transcription we observe should also sound a cautionary note that many verifiably transcribed RNAs may not have a biological function, and that further tests of functionality are necessary before a firm conclusion can be drawn. 81 RNA decay pathways In 1973, Apirion proposed that mRNA decay in E. coli involves both endo- and exonucleolytic events (Apirion 1973). These were assumed to be part of a ribonucleotide salvage pathway, and the possibility that RNA stability may play a role in gene regulation was not originally considered. As with many areas of molecular biology, the picture is considerably more complicated now than when it was initially envisioned. E. coli is known to contain at least 5 endo- and 8 exoribonucleases, and RNA decay is thought to be a carefully controlled process which, in many cases, plays a gene regulatory role (Grunberg-Manago 1999; Kushner 2002). Although far more attention has been paid to gene regulation at the level of transcriptional initiation, RNA stability is emerging as an important determinant of gene activity. Gene expression is a dynamic process, and we may learn a lot by paying attention to both the creation and destruction of this key intermediate in the flow of cellular information. Before the advent of microarrays, the decay of fewer than 25 bacterial RNAs had ever been studied (Bernstein et al. 2002). While these careful studies have lead to a wealth of information about the mechanisms of RNA degradation, it has always been difficult to draw general conclusions from such a small sampling of the transcriptome. Traditionally, transcriptome-wide measurements lacked gene level detail, and more detailed analyses only applied to a small number of transcripts at a time. In the RNA degradation study described in this thesis, transcriptome-wide coverage was combined with subgenic level detail to allow a preliminary glimpse into the global patterns of RNA degradation. 82 RNA, being a directionally oriented linear polymer, can be degraded in many distinct ways: from the 5' end, the middle, the 3' end, or some combination thereof. Different patterns have different biological consequences making some more intuitively favorable than others. For example, a 3' → 5' directionality would cause the degradation machinery to run against the translating ribosomes as well as allow the translation of many incomplete peptide products; both presumably poor adaptations. In contrast, a 5' → 3' directionality would allow faster inactivation of transcripts, no incomplete proteins, and would work co-directionally with translation. Thus, it has been hypothesized that most transcripts are degraded in a 5' → 3' direction, a proposal which has been shown rigorously for -Gal mRNA (Cannistraro and Kennell 1985; Cannistraro et al. 1986) (Kennell 2002; Kushner 2002). Notably, examples of 3' → 5' directionality are also known, suggesting multiple pathways of RNA decay exist (Arraiano et al. 1997; von Gabain et al. 1983). Interestingly, E. coli doesn't appear to have a 5' → 3' exonuclease, and the net 5' → 3' directionality is thought to result from an endonuclease (RNase E/G) which initiates degradation at the 5' end and then successively jumps to more 3' sites (Regnier and Arraiano 2000). This step is thought to be closely followed by a 3' → 5' exonuclease digestion (RNase II, PNPase) which quickly degrades the resulting fragments into oligoribonucleotides, which in turn, are degraded to mononucleotides by oligoribonuclease (Ghosh and Deutscher 1999). The results presented in Chapter 3 confirm and further generalize the 5' → 3' directionality of RNA degradation in E. coli as well as identify a significant number of transcripts which do not conform to the model. Hierarchical clustering of the degradation patterns, in addition to confirming that the 5' → 3' mechanism predominates, also 83 revealed a number of transcripts which appear to have very stable 5' UTRs (Chap. 3, Fig. 2, cluster a) and some cases in which the region most targeted by RNases changes midway through the timecourse (Chap. 3, Fig. 2, cluster b). Furthermore, although the degradation of bulk mRNA was exponential, our data suggests that the degradation of many individual transcripts is not (Appendix C). The transcripts with unusual degradation patterns highlighted by this analysis would make excellent targets for follow-up studies, as they may be processed by alternative degradation pathways. Further subgenic resolution microarray studies using various mutants of the RNA decay pathway would give invaluable information about the genes responsible for the patterns observed. It would also be interesting to see if RNA sequence or structural motifs could be associated with particular patterns of degradation. While this has been found for individual transcripts (Emory et al. 1992), initial genome wide searches so far have been unsuccessful (Bernstein et al. 2002). Final thoughts Microarray analysis provides a powerful combination of exhaustiveness and detail, allowing systematic surveys of transcription and RNA decay. The analyses described in this thesis led to the discovery of widespread antisense transcription, generated large scale kinetic data on RNA processing, and provided evidence supporting the generalization of the current model for RNA decay. The empirical mapping of transcriptional boundaries was also explored, and its utility in transcriptome mapping was later demonstrated in eukaryotic expression studies (Kapranov et al. 2002; Shoemaker et al. 2001). 84 Functional genomic data provide abundant raw material for hypothesis generation at both the single gene and genome wide level. Specific hypotheses can be tested either with traditional approaches, or by independent and/or more refined large scale measurements. With the increasing amount of quantitative data, hypotheses are beginning to include computational models. These models can be retested as new datasets become available, and refined as necessary. Computational modeling is slowly becoming more accessible to the average biologist and may eventually become as widespread and useful as tools like BLAST (Altschul et al. 1990). The generation, in recent years, of astounding quantities of diverse biological information, combined with the ever increasing power of computers, heralds a new age in the understanding, and perhaps engineering, of biological systems. References Altschul, S.F., W. Gish, W. Miller, E.W. Myers, and D.J. Lipman. 1990. Basic local alignment search tool. J Mol Biol 215: 403-410. Apirion, D. 1973. Degradation of RNA in Escherichia coli. A hypothesis. Mol Gen Genet 122: 313-322. Argaman, L., R. Hershberg, J. Vogel, G. Bejerano, E.G. Wagner, H. Margalit, and S. Altuvia. 2001. Novel small RNA-encoding genes in the intergenic regions of Escherichia coli. Curr Biol 11: 941-950. Arraiano, C.M., A.A. Cruz, and S.R. Kushner. 1997. Analysis of the in vivo decay of the Escherichia coli dicistronic pyrF-orfF transcript: evidence for multiple degradation pathways. J Mol Biol 268: 261-272. Bernstein, J.A., A.B. Khodursky, P.H. Lin, S. Lin-Chao, and S.N. Cohen. 2002. Global analysis of mRNA decay and abundance in Escherichia coli at single-gene resolution using two-color fluorescent DNA microarrays. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99: 9697-9702. Cannistraro, V.J. and D. Kennell. 1985. Evidence that the 5' end of lac mRNA starts to decay as soon as it is synthesized. J Bacteriol 161: 820-822. Cannistraro, V.J., M.N. Subbarao, and D. Kennell. 1986. Specific endonucleolytic cleavage sites for decay of Escherichia coli mRNA. J Mol Biol 192: 257-274. Couzin, J. 2002. Breakthrough of the year. Small RNAs make big splash. Science 298: 2296-2297. 85 Eddy, S.R. 2001. Non-coding RNA genes and the modern RNA world. Nat Rev Genet 2: 919-929. Emory, S.A., P. Bouvet, and J.G. Belasco. 1992. A 5'-terminal stem-loop structure can stabilize mRNA in Escherichia coli. Genes Dev 6: 135-148. Ghosh, S. and M.P. Deutscher. 1999. Oligoribonuclease is an essential component of the mRNA decay pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96: 4372-4377. Grunberg-Manago, M. 1999. Messenger RNA stability and its role in control of gene expression in bacteria and phages. Annu Rev Genet 33: 193-227. Jacob, F. and J. Monod. 1961. Genetic regulatory mechanisms in the synthesis of proteins. J Mol Biol 3: 318-356. Kapranov, P., S.E. Cawley, J. Drenkow, S. Bekiranov, R.L. Strausberg, S.P. Fodor, and T.R. Gingeras. 2002. Large-scale transcriptional activity in chromosomes 21 and 22. Science 296: 916-919. Kennell, D. 2002. Processing endoribonucleases and mRNA degradation in bacteria. J Bacteriol 184: 4645-4657; discussion 4665. Kushner, S.R. 2002. mRNA decay in Escherichia coli comes of age. J Bacteriol 184: 4658-4665; discussion 4657. Regnier, P. and C.M. Arraiano. 2000. Degradation of mRNA in bacteria: emergence of ubiquitous features. Bioessays 22: 235-244. Selinger, D.W., K.J. Cheung, R. Mei, E.M. Johansson, C.S. Richmond, F.R. Blattner, D.J. Lockhart, and G.M. Church. 2000. RNA expression analysis using a 30 base pair resolution Escherichia coli genome array. Nat Biotechnol 18: 1262-1268. Shoemaker, D.D., E.E. Schadt, C.D. Armour, Y.D. He, P. Garrett-Engele, P.D. McDonagh, P.M. Loerch, A. Leonardson, P.Y. Lum, G. Cavet, L.F. Wu, S.J. Altschuler, S. Edwards, J. King, J.S. Tsang, G. Schimmack, J.M. Schelter, J. Koch, M. Ziman, M.J. Marton, B. Li, P. Cundiff, T. Ward, J. Castle, M. Krolewski, M.R. Meyer, M. Mao, J. Burchard, M.J. Kidd, H. Dai, J.W. Phillips, P.S. Linsley, R. Stoughton, S. Scherer, and M.S. Boguski. 2001. Experimental annotation of the human genome using microarray technology. Nature 409: 922927. von Gabain, A., J.G. Belasco, J.L. Schottel, A.C. Chang, and S.N. Cohen. 1983. Decay of mRNA in Escherichia coli: investigation of the fate of specific segments of transcripts. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 80: 653-657. Wassarman, K.M., F. Repoila, C. Rosenow, G. Storz, and S. Gottesman. 2001. Identification of novel small RNAs using comparative genomics and microarrays. Genes Dev 15: 1637-1651. Wassarman, K.M., A. Zhang, and G. Storz. 1999. Small RNAs in Escherichia coli. Trends Microbiol 7: 37-45. 86 Appendix A RNA expression analysis using a 30 base pair resolution Escherichia coli genome array Douglas W. Selinger, Kevin J. Cheung, Rui Mei, Eric M. Johansson, Craig S. Richmond, Frederick R. Blattner, David J. Lockhart, and George M. Church Original publication format, Nature Biotechnology 18(12): 1262-68 (2000). 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Appendix B Genome Array Processing Software (GAPS) 95 GAPS © Genome Array Processing Software© Developed by Doug Selinger (selinger@fas.harvard.edu) Thesis Advisor: George M. Church, Ph.D. Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Genetics last updated March 2001 This package is designed for the analysis of Affymetrix E. coli oligonucleotide arrays as described in Selinger et al, Nature Biotechnology 18:1262-8 (2000). It can be used in conjunction with Affymetrix's GeneChip© software package and extends its functionality in several ways: - More flexibility in the way the analysis is done - An algorithm which corrects for varying signal in different regions of the chip - High resolution analysis, allowing data to be analyzed oligo by oligo - Handles replicates and multiple timepoints - Automatic annotation of results - All output files can easily be opened and analyzed in Excel - Detection of transcripts is decided by a simple statistical test We are grateful for the tremendous foresight that Affymetrix has shown in permitting the public release of all of the E. coli chip oligo sequences. This has allowed expression to be monitored at an unprecedented resolution, with on average one probe every 30 bases throughout the entire genome. We feel that high resolution expression profiling is the logical next step in the evolution of high density DNA array experiments and we thank Affymetrix for making it possible. Note to users: This package is not an Affymetrix product, and therefore their technical help line will not answer questions about it. All questions should be directed to Doug Selinger. I have devoted considerable effort to making this package usable by the general biological community and its use does not require any knowledge of programming. However, its proper use does require thorough reading of this manual, as it is not the type of program that can be figured out as you go along. To be able to support this package without it becoming my fulltime occupation I am setting some ground rules on the questions I will respond to. I will not answer: i) questions which I feel are already answered clearly in this manual 96 ii) questions about Perl (setup or use), Excel, or other programs which might be used in conjunction with GAPS©, or iii) general computer questions not specifically related to the use of GAPS© All other comments and questions are welcome. I. Outline of package components preGAPS© - This script takes a .CEL file output from GeneChip© and outputs a file (.adf) in which the following processing has been done: - background is subtracted - mismatch (MM) features are subtracted from perfect match (PM) features - the result is multiplied by a scaling factor to correct for differences between chips - the result is multiplied by a correction factor for varying fluorescence within the same chip. (This typically varies 2-3 fold across the chip surface.) Note: The background and scaling factors must be entered by the user and can be taken from a GeneChip© analysis or by another method. GAPS© - This script is the heart of the package and takes a set of .adf files (see above) and averages those which are replicates and compares multiple conditions/timepoints. It has two separate analysis modes which can be used together or separately: - ORF summary: Each predicted ORF is assigned a single fluorescence intensity and these are reported for each condition along with annotation. - High resolution analysis: The intensity of every oligo is reported across all chips and all conditions. This is output as two large tab-delimited files (one for the Watson strand and one for the Crick) which can be opened in a text editor, and portions copied into Excel. Alternatively, portions of these files can be returned by genome position using GAPScan © (see below). GAPScan© - This script is used to analyze sections of high resolution files output by GAPS©. The user enters the region of the genome and the desired strand, and the program returns all oligos and predicted ORFS in that range along with all associated data. A high resolution plot of the oligos along the genome can then be generated with Excel. II. Getting Started System requirements 97 - Windows, Linux, or Macintosh with at least 128 MB of physical RAM (256 MB recommended). The large memory requirement is due to the large amount of data which needs to be analyzed - each chip has almost 300,000 oligos. - Perl needs to be installed on the user's machine before these scripts can be used. There are versions of Perl available free for all major platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris - ActivePerl http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/Download.html Macintosh - MacPerl http://www.macperl.com/ For those unfamiliar with Perl, it is a relatively simple to use but powerful programming language which can be used on any platform. I have provided the source code (since Perl is runtime-compiled) which you are free to modify. At the beginning of each script there is a portion of code which contain the userdefineable parameters. In most cases, these must be modified with user specific information, such as file locations, etc. I have tried to make this portion of the program well-annotated so that non-programmers will be comfortable modifying these parameters. They can be modified in any text editor, as long as the resulting file is saved as plain text and ends in .pl so it is recognized as a Perl script. (I use the EditPlus text editor (for Windows) and illustrations in this manual will be screen-shots from that program, using its default color-coding settings.) III. PreGAPS© Command line: program_name filename background scalingfactor chiptype Example: pregaps.pl my_chip.CEL 100 2 s where: program_name = pregaps.pl filename = my_first_chip.CEL (the .CEL file created by GeneChip©, placed in the "rawdata" folder.) background = 100 units scaling factor = 2 chip type = "s" or blank for sense, "a" for antisense Chip type: Currently Affymetrix only sells "sense" chips. A "sense" chip contains oligos which will bind to mRNA. An "antisense" chip contains oligos which will hybridize to the complement of mRNA, such as cDNA. 98 Be sure that .CEL files are placed in the "rawdata" folder (and not in a subfolder) so that preGAPS© can find them. The .CEL files used in Selinger et al, Nature Biotechnology 2000 can be found on our web site. GAPS© is set up to do an analysis of these files as a demonstration. Normalization parameters for preGAPS© are provided in the "ref" folder. The background and scaling factors can be derived from a .CHP file generated with GeneChip©. The .CHP file was saved as a text file and then opened in Word. The background (underlined, highlighted in red) and scaling factor (underlined, highlighted in blue) are at the top of the file. These parameters can also be found by opening the .CHP file in GeneChip © and going to View -> Probe Info (which will include the background) and then View -> Parameters (which will include the scaling factor, SF). Output This program will output the .CEL file with the added extension .adf (which stands for "adjusted difference file"). These .adf files are needed as input for GAPS©. The following is an example of a .adf file: 99 At the top of the file are the chip type, background, and scaling factor values that were used by PreGAPS©. The columns tell the x and y coordinates of each PM feature and the fluoresecence intensity values, after background subtraction, of the PM and MM features. The Difference, with a small rounding error, is found by the following equation: (PM-MM) * scaling factor * correction factor. The correction factor is dependent on the intensity of local control features and corrects for uneven fluorescence intensity across the surface of the chip, explained in the following section. Spatial Correction The array contains a regularly spaced 10 x 10 grid of control feature pairs which all hybridize to the same control oligonucleotide, and should thus be of equal intensity. However, we found that fluorescence intensity of these features typically varied about 2-3 fold across the surface of the array, possibly because of local differences in washing/staining efficiencies. The following is a graph of the variation in the signal from these control features across the surface of the chip for two log phase replicates (Note: the data to create these graphs is automatically generated and can be found in the control_grid folder with a _controls suffix): 100 Log Phase 1 Log Phase 2 3000 22000 20000 2500 18000 2000 14000 Intensity 12000 10000 8000 2000 500 200 400 300 0 100 200 Y 100 600 500 400 300 500 X 4000 0 1000 600 500 400 300 6000 1500 0 500 200 400 300 X Intensity 16000 100 200 0 Y 100 0 0 To correct for this spatial variation, the control grid was used to estimate local deviations in florescence intensity. First, each pair of controls were averaged. Then experimental features were multiplied by a correction factor which is derived from control features representing the relative brightness of the region. Control features closer to the probe pair contributed more to the final correction factor than distant ones. This correction factor was determined by the following equation: c Correction Factor = 1 4 di 4 1 ci i 1 j 1 dj where di or j is the Euclidean distance from the PM feature to the 4 closest control features, ci is the intensity of control feature i, and c is the mean of all control features on the array. In the Log Phase 1 vs Log Phase 2 example above, where the control features showed a large amount of variation between arrays, the correction factor reduced the average coefficient of variation (coefficient of variation = standard deviation / mean) from 0.66 to 0.28. In Stationary Phase 1 vs. Stationary Phase 2, where the control features showed a similar pattern between arrays, there was a probably insignificant reduction from 0.53 to 0.52. These numbers were calculated from the 2max of ORF probe sets, which are located on the top half of the arrays. 101 IV. GAPS© Command line: program_name output_file_name Example: gaps.pl my_analysis where: program_name = gaps.pl output_file_name = my_analysis Here are the user-defineable parameters, named "parameters.txt" in the "ref" folder: ############# List of files to be processed $input_file_list = "input_LPvsSPvsgDNA"; This points GAPS© to a file which contains all of the names and paths of pre-GAPS© files to be used in the analysis. This is where the user assigns pre-GAPS© files to timepoints/conditions. The format for this file is as follows: header <tab> timepoint 1 name <cr> filename 1 <cr> filename 2 <cr> header <tab> timepoint 2 name <cr> filename 3 <cr> filename 4 <cr> where <tab> is the tab key, <cr> is carriage return, and the word "header" is typed literally, i.e. not substituted by a name. Example This file is provided in the "ref" folder and is setup to analyze the .CEL files from Selinger et al Nature Biotechnology 2000 after they have been processed by preGAPS©. header LP pdata/pregaps_output_files/log1.CEL.adf pdata/pregaps_output_files/log2.CEL.adf header SP pdata/pregaps_output_files/stat1.CEL.adf pdata/pregaps_output_files/stat2.CEL.adf header gDNA pdata/pregaps_output_files/gDNA.CEL.adf Note there should be no extra lines or carriage returns at the beginning or end of the file and the file should be plain text only. The example 102 reference file tells GAPS© that the first condition has two pre-GAPS© files (replicates) which are both for the condition named LP (log phase). The second condition contains two replicates for the condition named SP (stationary phase) and the last contains only a single pre-GAPS© file named gDNA (genomic DNA). The number of conditions and chips GAPS© can handle is limited only by available RAM. A rule of thumb for memory requirements is ~30 MB/chip. Many conditions requires more memory than many replicates. ############# Choice of Analyses $orf_summary = 1; Generate summary report of ORFs? 1 = yes, 0 = no. (Default = 1) This tells GAPS© whether or not to create a report describing changes in relative ORF abundances. $hires_file = 1; Generate high resolution file? 1 = yes, 0 = no. (Default = 1) This tells GAPS© whether or not to run an oligo by oligo analysis. This allows the user to later use GAPScan© to analyze expression results at high resolution. Two large (usually > 5 MB) are generated, one for the watson strand and one for the crick strand. These files will not be affected by changing ORF summary parameters (see below) so high resolution analysis only needs to be done once per dataset, even if multiple ORF summary analyses are done. ############# ORF Summary Parameters: $cutoff_sdevs = 3; the number of standard deviations above the negative controls to consider a transcript present (Default = 3). The negative controls are any B. subtilis control RNAs which were NOT spiked in by the user. The user must tell GAPS© which control RNAs were not spiked by appropriately setting the $neg_start and $neg_end parameters (see above). $rank_report = 2; $last_rank = 2; the range of the ranked probe pairs which should represent the probe set (Default: $rank_report = 2, $last_rank = 2). The fifteen probe pairs are ranked from brightest (1) to dimmest (15) and a subset of these is used to measure the abundance of the transcript. Setting both to 2 gives the "2max" (second maximal) and setting both to 8 gives the median. A range of ranks can also be used, for example setting them to 2 and 14 will give the mean of the 2nd to 14th ranks, "2-14max". 2-14max is analagous to Affymetrix's "average difference" measurement. 2-8max also works well as it takes the upper half of the signal distribution. Whichever metric is used is also applied to the negative controls to measure the amount of signal which that metric can be expected to give at random. This is then 103 used to call the transcripts present or absent, according to the standard deviation cutoff defined in $cutoff_sdevs above. $use_ttest = 1; "1" uses t-test to assign significance to changes, "0" doesn't (uses change cutoff regardless)(Default = 1) A t-test for significant changes can only be done when a single probe pair is used, such as 2max or median. $c_value = 4.303; critical value for t-test (decides significant changes) With 2 degrees of freedom use 4.303 for 95% confidence. The degrees of freedom, and thus the critical value, will change depending on the number of replicates of each condition/timepoint. Consult a critical value table for a Student's ttest. $change_cutoff = 11; number of probe pairs which must be different (by any amount) for change to be considered significant (Default = 11). The fifteen ranked probe pairs are compared between two conditions, rank 1 to rank 1, rank 2 to rank 2, etc., regardless of whether they are actually the same probe pair (although they usually are). If this is set at 11, then 11 of these must be larger or smaller in one condition for the change to be considered significant. Using a $change_cutoff of 11, the algorithm correctly assigned significant changes to 52/52 of probe sets for control RNAs spiked at known concentration changes, all of which had fold changes of at least 2fold. Probe sets for control RNAs spiked at equal concentrations showed no significant changes (0/16). ############ ORF Summary Parameters not needed for GAPS© version 1.1 or higher. See important note below*. $neg_start = 17; $neg_end = 20; These parameters define which probe sets to use as negative controls. These MUST correspond to control B. subtilis probe sets for which NO RNA was spiked. These probe sets allow GAPS© to decide the distribution of signal expected when there is no RNA present. All signal at the negative controls is assumed to be nonspecific and is used as a baseline to determine which transcripts have specific signal and should thus be called "present." There are 20 control probe sets corresponding to 5 different B. subtilis RNAs. 1-4 are dap, 5-8 are lys, 9-12 are phe, 1316 are thr, and 17-20 are trp. If no control RNAs were spiked set $neg_start = 1 and $neg_end = 20. If all but trp RNA were spiked set $neg_start = 17 and $neg_end = 20. Currently the choices need to be consecutive so that you cannot use dap and trp but not lys as negative 104 controls. The user must be certain to correctly define the negative controls, or the ORF summary analysis will be meaningless. *Version 1.1 of GAPS© (GAPS1-1.pl) uses 90 control probe sets which are present on the E. coli chip but not in the standard MG1655 genome. These include genes from bacteriophage lambda and several plasmid encoded genes. These probe sets are located from coordinates 421,81 to 152,87. Please check that this region of the chip doesn't contain any genes which you expect to be present in your experiment. If it does, we recommend using GAPS© version 1.0 (gaps.pl). This change was made so that more negative controls can be included (90 vs. a maximum of 20) and to make the negative controls independent of the B. subtilis controls, which are then freed for use as positive controls and/or for spiking experiments. These two parameters ($neg_start and $neg_end) are ignored by GAPS© version 1.1 (but absolutely neccessary for GAPS© version 1.0). GAPS© Output Files A. ORF Summary Output There are two output files produced by the ORF summary analysis. These are identified by the file suffixes: _rpt = These are the report files which contain a summary of how all transcripts behaved in the experiments. _info = A summary of the negative controls, including their mean, standard deviation, the resulting detection cutoff, number of probe sets used, and the metric used (such as rank 2 or ranks 2 to 14). The following is an example of the _rpt output from the ORF summary analysis opened in Excel: 105 This is data from a comparison of log vs. stationary phase, sorted by bnumber. All data is output as tab-delimted text files which are easily imported into Excel. We'll step through this data file column by column. Some of the column headers are cut off due to space constraints. Bnumber: The unique number assigned to all ORFs in the Blattner annotations. Gene: The common name of the ORF according to the Blattner annotations. LP Intensity: The fluorescence intensity of condition "LP" (log phase) using the metric selected in the parameters (discussed above). The fluorescence of the negative controls is subtracted from this number, so that numbers greater than 0 are brighter than the negative controls. The same summary metric is used for the negative controls as for the ORFs so they can be compared. For example, if GAPS© is set to average probe pairs of ranks 2 - 14, it will do the same for the negative controls. LP sdev*: The standard deviation of LP replicates. If the condition contains only one chip, this will be zero. LP detection: Whether the transcript is considered present (P) or absent (A). In order to be considered present the intensity must be a certain number of 106 standard deviations (as defined by the $cutoff_sdevs parameter) above the negative controls. SP Intensity, sdev, and detection: Same as above but for the condition labeled SP (stationary phase). The following columns are comparisons to the first condition (LP) which is taken as the baseline condition. SP absolute change: SP Intensity - LP Intensity SP fold change sig: If the transcript is present in both conditions, this will be blank. If it is absent in one of the conditions it will have a greater-than (>) or less-than (<) sign indicating that the fold change in the following column is expected to be an over- or under-estimate, respectively. The estimate is made by replacing the intensity of the absent transcript by the intensity of the negative controls + (the standard deviation * the number of standard deviations specified in the $cutoff_sdevs parameter). If both transcripts are absent, it will be scored "not determined" (ND). SP fold change: SP/LP. When the transcript is absent in one condition this will be an estimate (see above), and if absent in both conditions it will be scored "not determine" (ND). SP t-test*: The t statistic from a Student's t-test comparing the difference between the SP and LP intensities. This will only be meaningful when SP and LP are done in replicate. SP call: This scores whether the transcript has changed and whether this change is considered significant according to the user's paramters. The possible scores are increased (I), significantly increased (SI), decreased (D), significantly decreased (SD), or not determined (ND). This column deserves a little more elaboration. First of all, for the change to be considered for significance it must have been called present in at least one condition. Otherwise, it is scored ND. If it has been detected in at least one condition the change will be called significant if it meets at least one of the following two criteria: i) It passes a Student's t-test using the critical value supplied in the $c_value parameter. This test will only be performed if the $use_ttest paramter is set to 1. ii) When the the probes at each rank are compared, at least a certain number of probes (defined in the $change_cutoff parameter) are greater in one condition than in the other, by any amount. RNA type: Whether the RNA represents a coding sequence (CDS), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), or miscellaneous RNA (misc_RNA). 107 Length (bases): Length of the RNA in bases. Annotation: According to the Blattner annotations. *This column will not be present if the summary metric chosen is an average of multiple ranks. GAPS© can handle any number of conditions, as long as there is enough available RAM. Additional columns, of the same types as those above, will be added automatically and all comparisons are done to the first condition, which is considered the baseline. B. High Resolution Analysis Note that high resolution output files contain oligo sequences which are copyrighted by Affymetrix and their use is subject to certain terms and conditions. This analysis generates two high resolution files: _wat = The Watson strand _crk = The Crick strand _neg = A summary of the negative control features These files contain all of the oligos on the chip, in the order they are found in the genome (5' to 3' for Watson, 3' to 5' for Crick), and all of the data for each oligo. For this reason these files tend to be large and cannot be opened in Excel. However, it can be opened in a text editor and regions of interest can be selected and pasted into Excel. GAPScan©, the last script in the GAPS© package, can select regions of interest automatically. The _neg file gives detailed info on the negative controls, oligo by oligo. Gives the chip position (x,y coordinates), PM-MM for each chip, the average of replicates, and standard deviation. Then, for each condition, it reports the mean and standard deviation of all of the negative control probe pairs on the chip. If there are replicates then this is the mean of all the probe pair averages. The _wat and _crk files give a high resolution oligo by oligo analysis of transcription. Here is an example of a section of the Watson strand: 108 - The "Name" column is the name given to the probe set by GAPS ©. In this case the first one is ig_ds_b4403 which means this intergenic region (ig_) is downstream (ds_) of b4403, the last predicted ORF. For Crick files the intergenic annotation denotes the gene the region is upstream of. - The "Affy_ID" column is the name given to this probe set by Affymetrix so that it can be found with Affymetrix's GeneChip© software. - The "Oligo" column has the oligo sequence. - Then follow the x and y coordinates of the feature on the chip, and the 5' and 3' ends of the ORF in the genome, and the position of the center of the oligo in the genome. - Then follow the intensities of each oligo on each chip (LP1, LP2, etc), the mean of replicates (LP Average), number of standard deviations above the negative controls (LP sig - note that the data on the negative controls can be found in the _neg file), the standard deviation of the LP duplicates (LP SD) and finally markers for the 5' and 3' end of each ORF to make it easier to include the ORF boundaries in a plot of the oligo data. The following is a sample graph generated in Excel with the above data: 109 b0001 - Threonine Leader Peptide 700000 600000 Intensity (PM-MM) 500000 400000 LP Average SP Average ORF 5' ORF 3' 300000 200000 100000 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -100000 Genome Position V. GAPScan© GAPScan© is a "reader" for the high resolution files which are output from GAPS©. It was used to select and organize the data for the above graph. The user specifies the high resolution file to use, the region of the genome to report, and the strand and GAPScan© searches through the files and returns all corresponding oligos and data. The command line format is as follows: gapscan.pl datafile locusname ORF_start ORF_end strand Example gapscan.pl LPvsSP my_fav_locus 100 2000 w Where the datafile is the base name of the high resolution file generated by GAPS© (leave off the "_crk.txt" or "_wat.txt). This will run the program GAPScan.pl on the LPvsSP high resolution analysis file and output the information from the Watson strand between genome positions 100 and 2000 to a file named "my_favorite_locus". If the strand is left out, the program outputs both strands for the specified region. 110 The program will work for queries which begin and end on opposite sides of the origin, but will give warnings about how the resulting output may differ from other queries, such as the file being out of order. A datafile listing predicted operons and their locations is provided in the "ref" folder for the user's convenience. This file is a list of operons predicted by Julio Collado-Vides and colleagues (in modified form). The most current list can be found at RegulonDB: http://tula.cifn.unam.mx:8850/regulondb/regulon_intro.frameset Reference Salgado, et al. RegulonDB (version 3.0): transcriptional regulation and operon organization in Escherichiacoli K-12. Nucleic Acids Res. 2000 Jan 1;28(1):65-67. Acknowledgements I thank George Church for giving me the opportunity to work with such an exciting emerging technology, Jeremy Edwards, Dan Janse, and Vasudeo Badarinarayana for being the first users of my software and suggesting valuable features which have since been included, Adnan Derti for BLASTing all the oligos on the chip against the genome and providing me with the results, and the rest of the Church lab for the support and advice which greatly aided the development of these software tools. We thank Affymetrix for supplying us with their technology before it was publicly available and for their foresightedness in allowing release of the E. coli chip oligo sequences, which make possible this software package, as well as many future analyses. We hope Affymetrix will continue in this spirit of openness by keeping .CEL files openly readable and by considering the release of more chip oligo sequences so that researchers may get the fullest possible benefit from their data. 111 Appendix C Measured half-lives of 2,679 Escherichia coli mRNAs 112 Half-life calculation by non-linear least squares curvefitting In order to improve the statistical rigor and accuracy of the half-life calculation, the data for each RNA was fitted to an exponential function (of the form A = A0ekt) using a non-linear least squares algorithm implented in MATLAB (function nlinfit in the statistics toolbox which uses the Gauss-Newton method). The function nlparci was then used to estimate 95% confidence intervals for the two parameters (A0,low, klow, A0,hi, and khi) which were then used to calculate upper and lower bounds of the half lives. Half-lives were calculated for 2,679 RNAs for which A0,low was positive (95% confidence of detection) and khi was negative (95% confidence of decrease). Half-lives are reported in minutes. 907 half-lives calculated by both methods are plotted in figure 1. Transcripts which fall along the line fit an exponential degradation pattern, whereas those that fall off the line do not. Those above the line degrade more slowly at the beginning of the timecourse (over their first 2-fold change) and more quickly later on. Those below the line have the opposite pattern. Exponential Fit vs. 2-Fold Method 40 35 2-fold half-life (min) 30 slope = 1 25 20 15 10 5 R = 0.57 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Exponential fit half-life (min) Figure. 1 113 30 35 40 b0074 b0076 b0077 b0078 b0080 b0081 b0082 b0083 b0084 b0085 b0086 b0087 b0088 b0089 b0090 b0091 b0092 b0093 b0095 b0096 b0097 b0098 b0100 b0102 b0103 b0104 b0105 b0106 b0109 b0110 b0111 b0112 b0114 b0115 b0116 b0118 b0119 b0120 b0121 b0122 b0123 b0125 b0126 b0127 b0128 b0129 b0130 b0131 b0132 b0133 b0134 b0143 Measured half lives for 2,679 E. coli mRNAs, with best estimate and 95% confidence upper and lower bounds, respectively. B# b0002 b0003 b0008 b0009 b0014 b0015 b0016 b0019 b0020 b0022 b0023 b0025 b0026 b0027 b0028 b0030 b0031 b0036 b0037 b0038 b0039 b0043 b0045 b0048 b0049 b0050 b0051 b0052 b0053 b0054 b0055 b0056 b0057 b0058 b0059 b0062 b0063 b0064 b0065 b0067 b0069 b0070 b0071 b0072 b0073 Gene thrA thrB talB mog dnaK dnaJ yi81_1 nhaA nhaR insA_1 rpsT ribF ileS lspA slpA yaaF dapB caiD caiC caiB caiA fixC yaaU folA apaH apaG ksgA pdxA surA imp yabH yabP yabQ yabO hepA araA araB araC yabI yabK yabN yabM leuD leuC leuB HL HL min HL max 5.8 3.3 23.7 5.1 2.6 237.2 11.4 9.4 14.4 7.6 4.9 16.3 15.4 8.7 63.2 13.1 8.6 27.3 13.4 7.6 58.6 8.3 5.5 16.4 6.6 3.6 42.5 10.2 7.0 18.8 10.1 5.5 56.3 13.8 8.2 43.2 9.6 5.4 43.7 12.6 7.0 61.6 13.3 7.2 92.7 11.5 6.5 51.1 13.3 6.8 211.2 17.8 8.9 1641.7 19.5 10.9 92.1 8.7 6.1 15.7 2.5 1.5 8.5 10.5 5.9 43.8 15.1 9.1 43.2 2.4 1.4 7.0 10.1 5.7 43.2 7.3 5.7 10.4 7.1 5.4 10.5 6.7 3.7 31.1 7.5 6.0 10.0 6.4 4.4 11.6 7.6 5.6 11.9 8.7 6.3 13.8 11.4 7.2 28.1 16.2 9.6 50.9 9.9 6.8 18.4 20.5 11.1 132.7 12.2 7.4 35.7 11.4 7.0 31.1 11.6 6.6 46.0 7.8 4.3 39.1 9.4 5.7 26.6 2.5 1.5 7.3 8.7 5.1 27.5 11.8 7.2 33.8 13.9 9.3 27.6 114 leuA leuO ilvI ilvH fruR yabB yabC ftsL ftsI murE murF mraY murD ftsW murG murC ddlB ftsQ ftsZ lpxC yacA secA yacF yacE guaC hofC nadC ampD ampE aroP aceE aceF lpdA acnB yacL speD speE yacC yacK hpt yadF yadG yadH yadI yadE panD yadD panC panB pcnB 13.4 9.1 5.5 2.7 3.9 3.1 4.4 6.1 6.3 10.3 11.5 11.2 13.6 9.8 11.6 10.0 7.9 9.0 11.3 9.0 8.5 12.7 12.2 8.1 7.4 15.3 11.0 8.2 7.8 3.0 7.4 12.2 11.7 15.0 12.2 9.0 2.6 12.9 6.0 5.1 16.9 11.1 6.3 11.4 11.5 4.0 14.9 5.6 3.7 10.6 5.0 8.8 8.4 5.9 3.8 1.7 3.1 2.4 3.4 4.8 5.0 7.2 7.9 7.6 8.8 6.5 7.7 6.9 5.3 5.6 6.2 6.1 4.4 7.5 6.6 6.0 4.7 10.6 5.7 5.7 5.5 2.6 5.6 8.5 7.8 8.2 8.4 7.4 1.9 9.1 4.2 4.0 10.3 6.3 4.3 8.1 7.5 3.0 8.8 4.1 2.6 7.2 3.9 5.7 33.0 19.9 9.8 5.8 5.3 4.3 6.0 8.4 8.6 18.1 21.3 21.7 29.7 19.8 23.6 18.4 16.0 23.9 59.8 16.8 89.2 42.1 73.9 12.5 17.2 27.6 153.9 14.3 13.4 3.6 11.0 21.3 23.9 91.5 22.0 11.6 4.0 21.7 10.3 7.3 47.5 49.1 12.3 19.2 24.1 5.9 49.5 8.6 6.7 19.8 7.0 19.2 b0145 b0146 b0147 b0148 b0149 b0150 b0151 b0152 b0153 b0154 b0155 b0156 b0159 b0162 b0163 b0164 b0165 b0166 b0167 b0168 b0169 b0170 b0171 b0172 b0173 b0174 b0175 b0176 b0177 b0178 b0179 b0180 b0181 b0182 b0183 b0184 b0185 b0186 b0187 b0188 b0190 b0191 b0192 b0194 b0195 b0196 b0197 b0198 b0200 b0207 b0208 b0209 dksA sfsA yadP hrpB mrcB fhuA fhuC fhuD fhuB hemL yadQ yadR pfs yaeG yaeH yaeI dapD glnD map rpsB tsf pyrH frr yaeM yaeS cdsA yaeL yaeT hlpA lpxD fabZ lpxA lpxB rnhB dnaE accA ldcC yaeR mesJ yaeQ yaeJ cutF proS yaeB rcsF yaeC yaeE yaeD yafB yafC yafD 7.5 5.6 3.6 6.9 14.5 8.3 9.4 11.2 13.7 9.5 5.5 6.5 7.6 1.9 10.6 8.4 7.9 7.9 7.5 6.5 8.9 9.8 7.2 7.3 13.3 8.0 6.4 9.1 10.0 17.5 9.8 8.4 12.7 7.7 15.0 10.0 12.6 4.7 4.8 11.9 7.1 7.3 6.1 10.0 12.1 5.7 8.1 6.5 9.0 10.5 4.0 2.6 5.9 3.9 2.5 5.1 10.4 5.0 6.3 6.1 8.0 5.2 4.2 4.4 5.3 1.1 6.8 5.4 5.4 5.9 5.8 5.4 7.0 7.6 6.0 5.4 8.1 5.7 4.4 6.8 8.1 10.2 6.8 6.5 8.8 4.9 9.6 7.6 8.8 3.7 3.7 8.0 5.6 5.3 4.8 6.9 7.2 3.7 4.1 3.4 6.9 6.5 2.1 2.0 10.5 10.3 6.8 10.7 23.7 24.9 18.0 66.4 48.5 57.6 7.9 12.1 13.8 6.4 24.5 19.3 14.4 12.0 10.7 8.4 12.1 13.9 9.2 11.4 36.9 13.5 11.5 13.6 13.1 58.8 17.7 12.1 22.4 17.6 33.6 14.6 22.2 6.6 6.8 22.9 9.8 11.8 8.3 18.3 38.8 12.2 275.3 67.8 12.8 28.6 121.9 3.8 b0210 b0212 b0213 b0214 b0215 b0219 b0220 b0222 b0223 b0224 b0225 b0226 b0227 b0228 b0231 b0232 b0234 b0235 b0237 b0238 b0239 b0240 b0241 b0242 b0243 b0249 b0250 b0251 b0254 b0255 b0257 b0258 b0260 b0261 b0265 b0267 b0268 b0269 b0271 b0275 b0276 b0280 b0281 b0287 b0288 b0300 b0304 b0305 b0306 b0307 b0308 b0311 115 yafE gloB yafS rnhA dnaQ yafV ykfE gmhA yafJ yafK yafQ dinJ yafL yafM dinP yafN yafP pepD gpt yafA crl phoE proB proA ykfF ykfB yafY perR yi91a ykfC ykfD yagD insA_2 yagA yagE yagF yagH insA_3 yagJ yagN intF yagU ykgJ ykgA ykgC ykgD ykgE ykgF ykgG betA 9.3 8.7 6.1 6.5 5.3 2.1 9.5 5.2 7.9 6.0 3.0 2.4 8.4 3.9 4.4 1.9 12.6 10.7 9.9 8.4 4.4 9.0 14.1 7.0 5.0 18.3 4.8 5.6 10.0 10.7 8.9 9.3 7.9 1.7 9.7 12.3 4.5 12.3 15.4 9.7 5.4 4.7 8.1 3.5 9.7 10.9 12.0 4.9 4.8 4.9 6.2 4.3 6.1 5.7 4.4 4.7 3.5 1.1 6.8 3.9 6.1 4.1 2.2 1.8 5.3 2.8 2.9 1.3 7.5 6.2 7.2 5.1 2.5 4.8 8.2 4.7 3.4 10.8 3.4 3.0 6.8 5.7 6.5 4.7 5.3 1.2 6.9 7.7 2.9 7.7 8.0 6.9 3.3 2.7 5.2 2.6 5.3 6.6 6.4 3.6 3.5 3.8 5.2 2.2 20.0 17.9 9.9 10.6 10.5 22.3 15.5 7.8 10.9 11.1 5.0 3.5 19.2 6.3 9.4 3.4 40.2 37.9 15.9 23.1 19.7 78.6 51.9 13.5 9.6 61.2 8.0 39.3 18.7 82.7 14.3 359.1 15.9 2.7 16.6 30.3 9.7 29.4 231.1 16.6 14.6 18.9 17.8 5.3 56.6 30.3 105.3 7.4 7.5 7.1 7.9 57.9 b0313 b0314 b0315 b0318 b0319 b0320 b0322 b0325 b0328 b0329 b0331 b0332 b0333 b0335 b0338 b0342 b0343 b0344 b0346 b0347 b0349 b0352 b0353 b0354 b0356 b0357 b0358 b0362 b0366 b0369 b0371 b0376 b0380 b0381 b0382 b0384 b0385 b0386 b0387 b0388 b0389 b0390 b0391 b0393 b0394 b0395 b0397 b0398 b0399 b0401 b0402 b0403 betI betT yahA yahD yahE yahF yahH yahK yahN yahO prpB prpC prpE cynR lacA lacY lacZ mhpR mhpA mhpC mhpE mhpT yaiL 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