Exposure to airborne pollutants – experience from Danish studies OleHertel1,2, Steen S. Jensen1, Matthias Ketzel1, Thomas Becker1, Robert G. Peel1,3, Pia Viuf1,4, Carsten A. Skjøth1,5, Thomas Ellermann1, Ole Raaschou-Nielsen6, Mette Sørensen6, Elvira V. Bräuner6, Zorana J. Andersen6, Steffen Loft7, Vivi Schlünssen4, Jakob Bønløkke4, and Torben Sigsgaard4 1Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde, DK Environmental, Social & Spatial Change, Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde, DK 3National Pollen and Aerobiology research Unit, University of Worcester, UK 4Dep. of Public Health, Unit of Env. & Occ. Medicine, Aarhus University, Bartolins Allé 2, 8000 Aarhus C 5Dep. for Earth and Ecosystem Sciences, Lund University, Sölvegatan 12, 223 62 Lund, Sweden 6Danish Cancer Society, Strandboulevarden 49, 2100 Copenhagen East, DK 7Dep. for Public Health, Section Env. Health, Uni. of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5A, 1014 CPH K, DK E-mail contact: Ole.Hertel@dmu.dk 2Dep. 1. Introduction Danish air pollutant (AP) levels are generally moderate due to windy climate and moderate emissions [1]. Despite this, DK epidemiological studies points at severe negative adverse health effects: stroke [1,2], lung cancer [3], COPD [4], asthma in adults [6], wheeze in infants {7,8], asthma hospital admission in children [9], oxidative stress in blood DNA [10], vascular function in elderly [11], AP enhance effects of radon on childhood leukaemia [12], and most recently diabetes[13]. These findings have been possible due to access to precise health data and advanced exposure assessment methods. Unique population and health registries in DK allow detailed health impact assessments to be carried out. 2. Materials and methods For assessing exposures, a GIS based modelling system, AirGIS (www.AirGIS.dk), has been developed [14]. AirGIS is originally aimed for traffic air pollution, but is under steady improvement and development [15,16] e.g. also to handle other pollutant emissions. The central part is Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM)[17], currently applied in >17 countries worldwide [18]. Within the Danish research centre AIRPOLIFE (www.airpolife.dk), the AirGIS system was applied for exposure assessment for a variety of DK cohorts including the diet, cancer, & health cohort of 50,000 people. Measurements from the DK AP monitoring programmes and AirGIS calculations on address level have been used as exposure proxies in a series of publications to evaluate various negative health outcomes. The later were based either on data from health registers or biomarker measurements. Wood smoke is the largest source of particles emissions in Denmark, and health effects have been studied in chamber experiments [19], but not yet in epidemiological studies. Emission Traffic Trafficloads loads Composition Composition Speed Speed Cold Coldstart start Other Othersources sources Ambient levels Exposure Meteorology Transformation Topography Street configuration Background concentrations Demography Time-activity patterns Microenvironments Indoor/outdoor Dose Physiology Activity level Health effect Dose response 3. Perspectives Wood smoke and emissions of aeroallergens (e.g. pollen, fungal spores, free allergens etc) from either agricultural activities or from vegetation are among the future aims for further development of AirGIS. Air pollution is believed to increase allergenic potential of airborne pollen [20] and risk of new sensitisation [21]. Traditionally, monitoring of aeroallergens is performed solely through sparse networks. Recent field studies have investigated exposure variability across an urban environment, and related chamber experiments have been applied to dose-response relationships for asthmatic people. Modelling strategies used in air pollution monitoring are currently being modified for aeroallergens, where the long-term goal is to incorporate aeroallergens within the AirGIS. 4. Conclusions The Danish AirGIS system has proven to be a very strong tool in assessment of negative health effects of air pollution. This is seen in the fact that statistically significant associations are found between AirGIS address level air pollution exposure and health effects, and that these associations are stronger than what has previously been found when measurements from routine monitoring programmes have been used as exposure proxies. 5. References [1] Hertel O, Goodsite ME. Urban Air Pollution Climate Through out the World. In: Hester RE, Harrison RM, editors. Air Quality in Urban Environments. Cambrigde: RSC Publishing; 2009. 1-22. [2] Andersen ZJ et al. Traffic Related Air Pollution Associated with Mild Stroke Hospital Admissions in Copenhagen, Denmark. Epidemiology 2009; 20(6):S28-S29. 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