Mystery Elements Worksheet: Periodic Table Activity

Mystery Elements Cards
Instructions: Print, cut apart on lines and shuffle. Use the numbers in the lower right corner of
each card to find the “mystery” element name on the answer sheet.
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
First element in the periodic table
Diatomic gas
One of two elements that make up water
79% of our atmosphere is this in gaseous form
Gaseous at room temperature
Liquid used in cryogenics and to make ice cream
Extremely flammable
One of two elements in ammonia
Oxidation state (charge) of +1
Integral part of amino acids
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Often used to inflate balloons
Major component of air
Gaseous at room temperature
Waste product of photosynthesis
Temporarily changes one’s voice when a small
amount is inhaled
Human life would not exist without it
Second lightest element
Oxidation state (charge) of -2
A noble gas
One of its states (isotopes) plays a major role
in the protective layer around the Earth
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Lightest metal element
Chemically very similar to sodium
Poisonous and corrosive gas
Used in batteries
Reacts explosively with hydrogen
Reacts easily with water
Most reactive and electronegative of all elements
Oxidation state (charge) of +1
Used in production of Teflon
Mixtures & Solutions: Lesson 2, Engineering and the Periodic Table Activity
— Mystery Elements Cards
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Alkaline earth metal
Colorless inert gas
Contains four protons
Part of the noble gas family
Used as a hardening agent in metal alloys
Second lightest noble gas
Emeralds and aquamarines contain this element
Used to make attention-getting signs
Contains 10 protons
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Solid at room temperature
Alkali metal
Brown or black non-metal
One of two elements present in salt
Acts as a Lewis-acid
Found in baking soda
Oxidation state (charge) of +3 (very electrophilic)
Necessary for life to exist
Used to make insulating fiberglass
Oxidation state (charge) of +1
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Contains six protons
Contains 16 protons
Diamond and graphite are composed of this
Yellow non-metal
Present in all organic compounds; the basis of life
Found in several amino acids; essential for life
Used in radioactive dating
Associated with a rotten egg smell
Makes steel when combined with iron
Part of a relatively strong acid used
as an industrial raw material
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Very abundant on Earth
Used to disinfect water and swimming pools
Alkaline earth metal
Diatomic gas
Used to make mild of magnesia and Epson salts
One of two elements found in common salt
Used to make metal alloys
Extremely poisonous
An important human nutrient found in nuts,
seeds and whole grains
Halogen with a -1 oxidation state (charge)
Mixtures & Solutions: Lesson 2, Engineering and the Periodic Table Activity
— Mystery Elements Cards
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Very resistant to oxidation
Contains 18 protons
Strong and lightweight metal
Colorless and odorless
Used to make automobiles and beverage cans
Commonly used in lighting
Was once considered a precious metal due to
the rarity of the pure element
Most common noble gas on Earth
Oxidation state (charge) of +3
No confirmed chemical compounds contain
this element
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Similar properties to carbon, but less reactive
Shares many characteristics with sodium
Contains 14 protons
Second lightest metal
Second most abundant element in Earth’s crust
Alkali metal that reacts violently with water
Quartz and sand contain this element
Found in high quantities in bananas
Used in semiconductor industry and a
major component of glass and cement
A shortage of this element in the body leads
to a fatal condition known as hypokalemia
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Very reactive, solid, non-metal
Soft, gray alkaline earth metal
Oxidation state (charge) of -3 or +5
Essential for life
Found in all living cells
Human nutrient found in dairy products
Burns spontaneously in air
Fifth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust
Used to produce fertilizer and by cells
to transport energy
Oxidation state (charge) of +2
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Transition metal
Comes from Latin word “ferrum”
Contains 21 protons
Used to make high-intensity lights
Essential to all organisms; used in the
heme complex in humans
Used to form metal alloys with aluminum
Most abundant element that makes up the Earth
Found in rare minerals in Scandinavia
Most widely-used metal
Extracted from hematite and magnetite
Mixtures & Solutions: Lesson 2, Engineering and the Periodic Table Activity
— Mystery Elements Cards
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Similar properties to zirconium
Contains 27 protons
Used to make very strong, light-weight metal alloys
Corrosive-resistant transition metal
Used to make medical implants, aircraft and boats
Oxidation state (charge) of +2 or +3
As strong as steel, but half the weight
Used in radiotherapy
Corrosion resistant
Comes from the German word “kobold,”
which means evil spirit
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Transition metal containing 23 protons
Used in coin making; and brass and iron plating
Used to make metal alloys, particularly steel
Rare and ductile
A US monetary coin shares its name with this
element that contains it
Very toxic
Found in rechargeable batteries
Only found bound to other elements
Belongs to the iron group
The Earth’s core is supposedly composed
of this element and iron
Mystery Element
Reacts immediately with oxygen, forming a
protective layer
Steel gray color
Helps with sugar metabolism in humans
Used in making metal alloys as well as in
dyes and paints
Mystery Element
Used in the US one cent piece
Reddish-gold color
Known as “chalkos” by the Greeks, “aes Cyprium”
by the Romans, and simplified to “cuprum”
Used by civilizations more than 10,000 years ago
Used to make brass/bronze metal alloys
Mystery Element
Mystery Element
Essential to steel production
Contains 30 protons
Contained in potassium permanganate,
which is used in medicine
Fourth most common metal used on Earth
Necessary for life; found in animal proteins
Human deficiency leads to memory and sensory
loss as well as stunted brain development
Oxidation state (charge) of +2
Nutrient in all of life
Found primarily in pyrolusite
Part of the iron group of elements
Mixtures & Solutions: Lesson 2, Engineering and the Periodic Table Activity
— Mystery Elements Cards