ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY IN POZNAŃ, POLAND Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Wydział Biologii UAM w Poznaniu BIOTECHNOLOGY – brief description The Master of Science program in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, is designed to give an understanding of the principles of medical biotechnology. The program emphasizes genetics, molecular diagnostics, gene therapy, and systems biology approaches, and aims to give practical training and advanced knowledge of bioeconomy and biotechnology legislation. The entrepreneurship skills will be trained in Biotech companies and leading research institutions abroad. A majority of courses are team-taught by Faculty instructors and partnering world-class scientists. Part of the core course content contains elements of e-learning. Education program includes three certificates: Advanced Scientific English; Patent law regulations and BioEconomy. This unique program offers academic training for future managers in biotechnology field as well as research scientists. Field of study: Speciality: Mode of study Professional title: Study duration: Entry requirements: Study continuation: Study completion form: Curriculum: Educational and professional goals: Biotechnology -Full-time studies Master of Science 2 years MSc studies: Bachelor after MSc studies: PhD studies master thesis and master exam see Table 1 The graduate is prepared to fill the positions requiring formation in biotechnology, especially at the crossroads of technology and modern methods of molecular and cell biology. The graduate is skilled in carrying out processes in order to obtain biotechnological products of required qualities, and is able to use biological procedures and components in analytical and diagnostic tests. The graduate is ready to take up a PhD degree programme in domestic and foreign higher education institutions. TABLE 1: BIOTECHNOLOGY – Master (M.Sc.) studies Hours ECTS Course Lect. Sem. Class Lab. Course code (total) credits YEAR1, semester 1 Methodology of the experimental work Human molecular genetics 30 ECTS 360 h 30 45 15 10 20 4 10 20 4 Developmental biology Systems biology BioEconomy Optional courses AMU PIE Lab Rotations Advanced course in Scientific English YEAR 1, semester 2 Human molecular genetics Methods in molecular diagnostics Animal models of human diseases Bio-imaging BioEconomy Optional courses AMU PIE Lab Rotations Advanced course in Scientific English YEAR 2, semester 3 Bioethics Molecular therapies BioMaterials Structural biology Intellectual property rights Advanced course in Scientific English MSc project YEAR 2, semester 4 New generation pharmaceuticals Patent law Advanced course in Scientific English MSc Project Seminar MSc project 75 75 30E 30E 45 45 15 15 30 30 6 6 4 60 60 30 4 30 2 30 ECTS 338 h 45 15E 10 20 4 45 15E 10 20 4 35 15E 5 15 4 60 15E 15 30 6 63 15 48 6 60 4 60 30 15 90 30 75 15 30 15 30E 20 30E 15 15 10 10 35 30 120 120 45 15 30 30 2 8 30 ECTS 370 h 10 20 4 3 30 15 250 30 ECTS 375 h 2 8 3 6 1 45 30 2 30E 15 250 4 3 16 E = exam Note: positive assessment of the MSc thesis and positive result of the final MSc exam are required to finish the study and for the University graduation with the MSc diploma. 1. Methodology of the experimental work Semester I; seminars + lab 30 h; final project Contents: experiment planning; formulation and verification of hypotheses; measurements and the role of control variants; elaboration of testing procedures; choice and application of appropriate methods for statistical analysis; optimization of experimental protocols; verification of experimental data; research projects; grant application; presentation of data and scientific writing. 2. Human molecular genetics Semesters I-II; lectures, seminars – 15 h/semester + e-learning; lab., journal club – 30 h/semester Contents: Organization of genetic material; heredity of traits; HUPO – The Human Genome Project; individual and population genetic diversity; polymorphism and mutations; techniques for the determination of genetic diversity; physiological and molecular basis of human diseases; single- and multigene diseases; genetic and environmental determinants of diseases; genetic markers for human diseases; molecular and cellular mechanisms of disease pathogenesis. 3. Developmental biology Semester I; lectures, seminars – 30 h; lab, journal club – 45 h Contents: molecular cell biology, model organisms, in vitro cultures 4. Systems biology Semester I; lectures, seminars – 30 h; lab., journal club - 45 h Contents: types of networks: transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic; tools and methods for planning experiments: transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic; signalling pathways; mathematical network models; statistical evaluation 5. Methods in molecular diagnostics Semester II; lectures, seminars – 15 h + e-learning; lab., journal club - 30 h Contents: markers used in diagnostics, high-throughput methods, detection of mutations in DNA, cytogenetics, immunological methods, methods used in forensic studies and practice 6. Animal models of human diseases Semester II; lectures 15 h + e-learning; journal club/seminars 20 h Contents: animal models of human diseases, generation of mice (other animals): transgenic, knock-in and knock-out; regulation of transgene expression; mouse models in clinical trials 7. Bioimaging Semester II; lectures 15 h; lab – 30 h, seminars/journal club 15 h Contents: physical and biological bases of fluorescence microscopy, imaging of cellular processes and intermolecular interactions (fluorescent proteins, immunostaining, FISH, FRET, FRAP, FLIM); in vivo imaging; non-fluorescent imaging 8. BioEconomy Semester I – 45 h (lectures selected from an AMU PIE offer) Semester II; lectures, seminars 15 h; obligatory study visit 48 h; final project, additional certificate Contents: entrepreneurship, business career, the basics of bioeconomy, 9. Lab Rotations Semesters I - II; lab 60 h/semester Contents: practical work at 3 different labs/semester; 1 week in the lab per month 10. Advanced course in Scientific English Semesters I - II; 30 h/semester; certificate in scientific English Contents: course of professional English; emphasis on the group work; the aims of the course are: training of the abilities to speak and write with the use of professional vocabulary, learning of the planning and delivering oral scientific presentations, practicing of the useful phrases and acquiring professional vocabulary, characteristic for various branches of biotechnology 11. Bioethics Semester III, lectures 30 h Contents: basics of bioethics; bioethical aspects of GMO; stem cells, research on humans and bioethics 12. Molecular therapies Semester III, lectures 30 h + e-learning, practicals, journal club 60 h Contents: gene therapy; virus vectors; ex-vivo gene therapy; therapies using oligonucleotides and RNA interference; cellular therapies; stem cells in therapy 13. New generation pharmaceuticals Semester IV: lectures 15 h + e-learning; practicals, journal club 30 h Contents: combinatorial chemistry and the search for new pharmaceuticals; compound libraries screening; modelling of macromolecules and the elaboration of new pharmaceuticals; nanobiotechnology; preclinical drug testing; 14. BioMaterials Semester III; lectures/seminars 20 h; lab 10 h; final project Contents: biofuels, cosmetics, functionalized food, implants, artificial organs; natural products in biotechnology 15. Structural biology Semester III, lectures - 30 h; lab/journal club- 45 h Contents: biocrystallography, biomolecular modeling and dynamics, designing of therapeutical effectors 16. Intellectual property rights Semester III, lectures 30 h Contents: intellectual property, author law, authorship criteria; citation rights; the law on industrial property; originality 17. Patent law Semester IV, lectures/semianars 30 h; certificate in patent law Contents: patent; regional and European patents; patent documents; the limits of patent protection; international patent law 18. MSc Project Seminar Semester IV, seminar15 h, final report Contents: presentation of the results included in MSc Thesis 19. MSc Project Semesters III-IV, laboratory work 120+250 h Contents: experimental work related to MSc Thesis