Project Deliverable D2.2 Project Number: Project Acronym: 247992 SEMIDEC Instrument: Project Title: Stimulating Semiconductor Design Cooperation between Europe and Russia Thematic Priority SUPPORT ACTION INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Title D2.2 Report on organisations and research in semiconductor design methods and tools in Russia Contractual Delivery Date: Actual Delivery Date: Month 12 (November 2010) Start date of project: Month 12 (November 2010) Duration: December, 1st 2009 Organization name of lead contractor for this deliverable: Fraunhofer IIS 24 months Document version: V1.0 Dissemination level ( Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme) PU Public PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission) RE Restricted to a group defined by the consortium (including the Commission) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission) Authors (organizations) : Anna PYATENKO, Johann Hauer (Fraunhofer IIS), Giles BRANDON (Intelligentsia) Gergana HRISTOZOVA (Inno), Alexander LARCHIKOV (MIET), Alexander KOROTKOV (SPbSPU), Anton YANOVSKY (RTTN) Reviewed by: Giles BRANDON (Intelligentsia) X Report on Russian Semiconductor Research, Technology and Organizations SEMIDEC REPORT ON ORGANISATIONS AND RESEARCH IN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN IN RUSSIA | 2 This report has been prepared under the FP7 SEMIDEC project. The project is a European Commission funded initiative entitled “Stimulating Semiconductor Design Cooperation Between Europe and Russia” (Contract No 247992). Its main aim is to increase cooperation in developing semiconductor design methods and tools between the EU and Russia. The project runs from December 2009 until November 2011. The project is being implemented by a consortium of European and Russian partners: Intelligentsia Consultants,, Project Coordinator Inno TSD SA, Fraunhofer-IIS, Russian Technology Transfer Network Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, St Petersburg State Polytechnical University, This report has been written by the following group of experts: Anna PYATENKO, Fraunhofer-IIS, (lead author) Johann HAUER, Fraunhofer-IIS, Giles BRANDON, Intelligentsia Consultants, Gergana HRISTOZOVA, Inno, Alexander LARCHIKOV, MIET, Alexander KOROTKOV, SPbSPU, Anton YANOVSKY, RTTN, If you would like further information about the FP7 SEMIDEC project and its activities and events, please visit the project website: Disclaimer Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use, which might be made of the following information. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission © FP7 SEMIDEC, 2010 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Table of Contents 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 5 1. RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR SECTOR .............................................................................. 6 1.1 1.2 SHORT HISTORY ..........................................................................................................................6 CURRENT SITUATION .................................................................................................................7 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ............................................................................................................. 7 INDUSTRY .............................................................................................................................................. 8 SEMICONDUCTOR MARKET ............................................................................................................... 9 STATE SUPPORT ................................................................................................................................. 12 1.3 TRENDS .......................................................................................................................................23 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 2. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ............................................................................................................31 SYSTEM ON A CHIP (SOC) .......................................................................................................33 SILICON-ON-INSULATOR (SOI) ..............................................................................................34 PHOTONICS ................................................................................................................................35 MEMS AND NEMS .....................................................................................................................36 FPGA ............................................................................................................................................ 37 RFID ..............................................................................................................................................38 SENSORS .....................................................................................................................................39 OPPORTUNITIES FOR RUSSIA TO PARTICIPATE IN EUROPEAN IC ACTIVITIES.......... 40 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ........................................................................................................... 23 INDUSTRY ............................................................................................................................................ 25 SEMICONDUCTOR MARKET ............................................................................................................. 26 STATE SUPPORT ................................................................................................................................. 27 RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY ...................................... 29 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3. STATE INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................ 12 STATE SUPPORT PROGRAMMES ............................................................................................................... 16 IC DESIGN TRENDS IN EUROPE ..............................................................................................40 EUROPEAN R&D FRAMEWORK PROGRAMMES ................................................................. 47 EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS AND NETWORKS OF EXCELLENCE .................48 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND EU-RUSSIA SEMICONDUCTOR COOPERATION ....... 51 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANISATIONS AND TREATIES ..........................................51 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND RIGHTS ......................................................52 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY TRANSFER ..................................................................................54 EXPORT CONTROL.....................................................................................................................55 5. RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................... 58 APPENDIX A BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 61 APPENDIX B RUSSIA’S MEMBERSHIP OF WIPO TREATIES ............................................. 64 APPENDIX C ORGANIGRAMME OF R&D SYSTEM IN RUSSIA ........................................ 65 APPENDIX D EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS ..................................................... 66 APPENDIX E EUROPEAN NETWORKS OF EXCELLENCE ................................................... 78 APPENDIX F RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS ........................... 81 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Table of Contents 4 INTRODUCTION This report aims to provide a thorough description of Russian organisations and research concerned with semiconductor design methods and tools. Furthermore, the report examines the overall Russian semiconductor sector and the key role performed by the State. Next, opportunities for Russia to participate in European activities are investigated as well as how semiconductor related intellectual property can be transferred between the regions. Finally, the report concludes with a set of practical recommendations on ways for Russia and Europe to strengthen their semiconductor cooperation in the future. The report is structured into the following sections: Section 1 provides an overview of the Russian semiconductor sector. Section 2 provides a detailed analysis of Russian semiconductor research and technology. Section 3 examines the opportunities for Russia to participate in European IC activities. Section 4 describes and assesses semiconductor intellectual property transfer between Europe and Russia. Section 5 contains recommendations on how to enhance semiconductor cooperation between Europe and Russia. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Introduction 5 1. RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR SECTOR 1.1 SHORT HISTORY The USSR was one of the world’s leaders in the area of microelectronics between the 1950s and 1970s. Its leadership was not limited to IC production, but also covered material science, electronic engineering and clean room infrastructure. Even during the 1980s, the technology lag with leading industrial nations was only about 3-4 years. In many areas, for example heterostructures and optoelectronics, technological advances were made earlier in Russia than abroad. Furthermore, electronics organizations existed across all the Soviet Republics having been established on powerful scientific and technological institutions1. There were lags in some areas, in particular, in LSIC (large-scale integrated circuits) where it was about 3-5 years. In 1987, the State established a goal to eliminate the lag and a colossal investment plan was initiated. Financing began in 1988 but already by 1990 everything had been stopped. In late 1991, the USSR disintegrated and the Soviet electronics industry almost disappeared with it. Since the late 1960s, the global microelectronics industry has been evolving exponentially in accordance with Moore’s famous law. However, Russia has been largely absent from developments between 1990 and 2005. The period up to 1990 in the USSR was characterized by the supply of semiconductor electronics – from simple components up to ICs and LSIC - for civilian and military applications in protected domestic markets. The absence of external market competition contributed to the USSR not maintaining its technological leadership despite the considerable potential of its scientists and designers. Between 1990 and 2005, there were attempts to support microelectronics in Russia. However, the technology gap between Russia and the world’s leading companies increased to 4 technological generations. Meanwhile, the consumption of imported electronic components grew rapidly to 95% of all sales in Russia by 2005. Unsurprisingly, only several tens of Russian design-centres and a few industrial organizations (e.g. “Mikron” and “Angstrem”) survived the market upheaval. The latest period of the Russia’s electronics industry can be traced back to 2005. The industry is now comprised of about 200 organizations - 121 industry organizations, 18 production organizations, and 61 scientific organizations. Amongst them there are 36 federal state unitary enterprises and 164 open joint stock companies. About 57% of the parts produced by the Russian electronics industry consist of electronic based components: microchips and semiconductor devices (23%), electronic discharge devices (19%), electro vacuum devices (14%), and optoelectronic devices (1%)2. 1 "Revival: A Look Inside "("Возрождение: взгляд изнутри"), «Open systems» («Открытые системы»), № 6, 2008, 2 SEMIDEC Project SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 6 1.2 CURRENT SITUATION 1.2.1 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH There still exists a system for training highly skilled professionals in Russia, which is based on a unique polytechnic education schools. However, facilities at Russian universities are often outdated and graduates, despite their high professional level, often lack English language skills. On top of that, the best graduates are often hired by international companies and leave the country. The acute shortage of young, energetic and ambitious entrepreneurs, as well as market-oriented middle and upper level managers, poses a serious obstacle to the development of the domestic electronics industry. The absence of such human capital makes it almost impossible to implement the most perspective and complex IC products and services. Developers of very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI) and systems-on-chip (SoC) are needed most of all today. However, according to representatives of several foreign companies (e.g. Synopsis), market development for new customer designs will slow down in 2-3 years due to the lack of specialists and additional training centres. Russia still retains considerable resources in the field of basic and applied research. Since the beginning of the new millennium, Russian microelectronics research has begun a logical transition towards the nanoscale region. To enable State policy in the field of Nanotechnology, the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO) was established in 2007. Based on information from an assessment by the Russian Academy of Sciences in 20083, the current state of R&D in various critical technologies in the Russian Federation is presented in table below: Critical technologies Software design technologies Technologies for electronic components database creation Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials Technologies for creation and processing of polymers and elastomers Technologies for creation and processing of crystalline materials Technologies for mechatronics and creation of micro system technics Standard of Russia compared to World Level 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 - Russian developments are inferior to the global level in general and only in some areas do they match. 2 - Russian developments match the global level in general. 3 – Russian developments match the global level; Russia is leading in some areas. 3 Prognosis for science- technology development in the Russian Federation till 2030, Moscow , 2008, p.38, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 7 On the one hand, Russia’s current scientific and technological potential is being maintained thanks to the R&D and innovation programmes of recent decades. On the other hand, Russia's electronic science and technology development is strongly driven by security threats and gaps in ICT development perceived by the State. 1.2.2 INDUSTRY The Russian electronics industry can be divided into 3 main groups: large companies, small/new companies, and design-centres. The first electronics industrial group comprises of large companies, which were established in the Soviet period. They are highly vertically integrated with capabilities spanning the industrial cycle from design to production to product distribution. However, they lack modern design and production technologies and much of their equipment is obsolete. Such larger organisations have usually reorganized into companies that produce specific devices or have broken-up into smaller organizations. Furthermore, their involvement in silicon wafer treatment has gradually petered out. Nevertheless, such organisations survive thanks to their management’s old industrial contacts, which help to ensure they win State contracts. The current situation with regard to serial production is as follows: 180-500 nm chips are produced in Russian electronic facilities in Zelenograd (Moscow district), while 130-90 nm chips are produced in the Far East of Europe based on Russian designs. Russia has only recently started installing a production line for chips below 180 nm. The second electronics industrial group comprises of small, new companies that are either “start ups” or the result of the break-up of older, larger organisations. Typically, the number of personnel does not exceed 100 people in such companies. These companies have managed to identify areas of interest and applications, which are economically profitable. The basis of their existence is contacts with manufacturers of devices and electronic components and with higher education institutes, which are also a source of talented employees. Several different business strategies exist for new Russian microelectronic companies. The following are the main options: • Cooperation with large foreign corporations in educational programmes and services in Russia in areas of common interest; • Development of special software for the design of various types of devices; • Development of small-series ICs based on FPGA for Russian consumers; • Cooperation with large foreign corporations in the field of designing IP-blocks to order; • Development of original projects for sale to large foreign corporations. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 8 The third electronics industrial group comprises of scientific and research departments of universities, institutes and also state scientific research organizations. Some of them have successfully developed domestic and international relations and transformed into modern design-centres. Others concentrate on solving scientific tasks and are waiting for budget financing to increase. However, their continued scientific research in microelectronics faces an uphill battle without the support of industry and development of new products. Russian design centres do not have significant production facilities, so their products can be presented only in the form of intellectual property. But the intellectual property also becomes quickly obsolete due to the high replacement rates. Consequently, companies cannot afford to be engaged in long-term projects – they probably do not have the necessary resources and they run the risk of their design becoming outdated before it has a chance to be produced. It is also very dangerous to concentrate all efforts on a single project. If the project proves unprofitable, then the financial viability of the design centre is put at risk. Typically, during a given year, the number of microelectronics design projects that reach production is three times smaller than the number of projects in development. The optimal variant is 3-4 projects in development with different dates for completion. Comprehensive and well executed business plans are required to ensure that the company and its staff have the necessary equipment (e.g. CAD systems) and training (e.g. design methods). Finally, it should be mentioned that the number of new organizations is rising very quickly in Russia as a result of foreign direct investment. The interest of the world’s leading electronics companies in Russia and East Europe can be explained by the lack of qualified designers in Europe, America and South-East Asia. Moscow and St Petersburg are important sources of highly skilled and qualified human capital, which have universities training people for the electronics industry in cooperation with multinational enterprises. 1.2.3 SEMICONDUCTOR MARKET With the dramatic growth in imports of electronic components and products during the 1990s and early 2000s, Russia surrendered its technological independence and leadership. One consequence of this is that State security has been compromised. For example, ICs for domestic security applications may be designed locally but are typically produced at foreign foundries. Consequently, the risk exists that the IC topology can be interfered with. In view of the strategic national importance of microelectronics, versus the current lack of domestic production capability, some government ministries and agencies are trying to change the situation. However, with limited financial and human resources, the government is proving ineffective so far at establishing new production facilities. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 9 Since the late 1990s, government support for the electronics industry has grown, however the crisis in the sector has only deepened. A key reason is the Russian industry’s uncompetitiveness compared to the global industry and its urgent need for restructuring. Government support needs to be more targeted on the creation and support of highly competitive businesses rather than the maintenance of existing, monolithic companies. Unlike other developed countries, there is a lack of lobbying by the domestic electronics industry in the bodies of state power in Russia. Today, the Russian semiconductor market is characterised by a lack of diversified demand from private industry and the State. Only certain microelectronics areas are supported by State programmes. Consequently, the majority of Russian organizations offer their developments and competencies in the following applied areas: • Telecommunications, • Transport, safety and security, • Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools. In percentage terms, the structure of the Russian microelectronics market is as follows: Structure of the Russian Microelectronics Market4 Many Russian microelectronics companies only work for one or two customers. Consequently, demand is irregular and can easily collapse. Often the demand is not even large enough to meet the production capacity of a single, typical, foreign semiconductor factory. 4 Uriy Borisov, Deputy Minister Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Report on the conference “Russian microelectronics market – perspectives of development”, February 26, 2010, Moscow SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 10 Also problematic is the number of different products produced by a factory. The lack of commercial perspectives for modern semiconductor production is the main reason no large scale production facilities exist in Russia. Household and office electronics, automotive and telecommunications form the main demand for microelectronics, however their manufacture is virtually absent in Russia. For investment in semiconductor production to breakeven, it nearly always involves production runs in the millions. The Russian semiconductor production industry simply cannot compete. Successful global semiconductor production companies demonstrate flexibility and speed in restructuring their lines for new product runs, ensuring output quality control, and a willingness to produce different products. This is in complete contrast to Russian production, which is rather closed and traditionally focused on small runs for military and space electronics5. Experts estimate that Russia only has a development lead in narrow fields of electronics, nanotechnology and mechatronics. However, although Russia can produce science and hightechnology concepts, their commercialisation must largely be implemented by other countries, and the finished products are often then imported back into Russia. Despite the gloomy assessment, there are grounds for future optimism as Russia has significantly increased its investment in R&D in recent years. Hopefully, the increase in R&D activity will lead to the development of high-technology electronic products that are competitive on domestic and world markets. Also, in recent years, Russian private investors have begun investing in the electronic industry for the first time ever. However, it has been a steep learning curve for the new Russian owners who have not been prepared for such complex business cycles with unusually long – by Russian standards - investment payback periods. 5 “The chance of Russia in the IT market”, Adamov D., Tishin U., Electronics: Science, Technology, Business, 3/2005, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 11 1.2.4 STATE SUPPORT The State plays a pervasive role in semiconductor research and production in Russia as the following figure summarises. 4 IP 1 IP 2 3 IP IP IP IP The State influences activities through several main routes: 1 – Federal targeted programmes and research contracts 2 – Special tax treatments and funding schemes 3 – IC design contracts for domestic applications 4 – Military contracts IP – Intellectual property (e.g. chip designs) These will be examined in more detail in the following sections. STATE INFRASTRUCTURE The State funds a range of different facilities - R&D centres and innovation support infrastructure – to support semiconductor research and production (See Appendix C for an organigramme illustrating much of the State R&D system in Russia). Development of such state infrastructure is dependent on the State’s strategy goals for research and industrial policy. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 12 Joint Use Centres Joint Use Centres for scientific equipment in the Russian Federation are multi-functional research complexes enabling a broad circle of scientists and scientific teams to carry out research on the basis of state-of-the-art, expensive and unique equipment, giving an opportunity to increase the efficiency of the usage of such equipment. Joint Use Centres are key support units in the country’s regions and facilitate frontier research, integrated developments and implementation of significant innovative projects. The situation today with respect to Joint Use Centres is as follows: national network of 56 Joints Use Centres created in 7 federal districts of the Russian Federation; accumulated 1,674 units of scientific equipment (total cost over 500 M€, i.e. about 5.5% of the cost of the national research equipment stock)6. Labs for New Knowledge Generation Several Labs for New Knowledge Generation have been established across Russia to conduct R&D work, to efficiently use practical professional skills, to use accessible knowledge bases for problem solving, and to generate new knowledge. A good example is the Laboratory of Micro-technologies and Micro-electromechanical Systems in the Innovation and Investment Centre of St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University. The lab's core staff consists of highly trained professionals who combine good theoretical knowledge with serious practical experience. The lab can conduct the full development cycle for new devices through to successful testing of experimental prototypes and manufacture of small production series. Scientific-Innovation Centres Scientific-innovation centres provide high level conditions for commercial developments and work for scientific, engineering and business groups. Clean Room Facilities Many of the above described R&D and scientific organisations also have clean room facilities including the following examples: • • • Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Research-and-manufacturing enterprise Technofilter, Vladimir; JSC POLEMA, Tula; 6 Catalogue of Joint Use Centers of scientific equipment (of project executors in 2005-2006 of the federal task scientific and technical program “Researches and developments in priority areas of the science and technology” for 2002-2006) / Moscow State University of Engineering Ecology. Center for Applied Studies. – M., 2007. -149 p. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 13 • • • • • • Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Zelenograd; JSC Svetlana, St. Petersburg; Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" (ETU); St Petersburg Academic University — Nanotechnology Research and Education Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Lebedev Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow - Clean room system for production of powerful and durable semiconductor lasers; Russian Research Institute of Engineering Physics, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region - Clean room system for hydride technology of heterojunction manufacturing department and naturally in all semiconductor production facilities. Technoparks Technoparks are medium-sized specialized centres which house high-tech enterprises in such sectors as nano-, bio-, information and other kinds of technology, as well as scientific research organizations, educational institutions providing staff for such enterprises, and other related ventures. The surface area of a typical Russian technological park is about 700,000 square meters, with 40% of this designated for residential buildings, 25-30% for industrial purposes and 30-35% for infrastructure7. The Russian Union of Innovation and Technology Centres (RUITC) represents more than 29 technoparks – with over 1500 companies - from across Russia8. RUITC aims to improve Russian innovation complex infrastructure as well as create an information environment for the efficient interaction of innovation centres. Arguably the most successful technopark in Russia is the one first established in 1991 at Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET) in Zelenograd9. The technopark has since grown into a major innovation complex encompassing an innovation-technology centre, technology village (high-tech cluster) and technology transfer office. Between 1999 and 2006, the MIET innovation complex created impressive impacts in terms of stimulating innovation and entrepreneurism as the following table demonstrates: Indicator 1999 2002 2004 2006 Number of small high tech firms Volume of sales (€m) Volume of investments (€m) Number of MIET professors working at small firms Number of students trained at small firms Number of graduates hired by high tech companies located in the cluster 10 2.2 1.5 2 40 14.6 9.1 8 70 35.7 14.3 30 160 72.1 23.1 60 35 150 260 440 30 120 220 470 7 9 INNO-Policy TrendChart - Policy Trends and Appraisal Report – Russia, Ivanova et al, 2007 8 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 14 This “success story” demonstrates that State initiatives aimed at creating technological infrastructure can be successful, especially in the case of different types of infrastructure that co-exist on one territory. Aside from that, important factors for success have been: 1) Zelenograd’s narrow specialization on electronics: much of the electronics industry is presented nearby, which has helped with establishing linkages between the university, small companies and large firms and factories; and 2) Zelenograd already initially possessed strong potential in education and research. Technology Transfer Centres The mission of technology transfer centres is to support the development of innovative business and the commercialization of science-intensive technologies in Russia. Technology transfer centres receive information from their members about offered or requested technologies and conduct technology audits. In this way, they are able to build-up a common database of technology offers and requests. The clients of technology transfer centres are SMEs and big companies, academic and industrial R&D institutes, universities and individuals engaged in the promotion of technology information and partner search. The main objectives of technology transfer centres can be summarised as: • technology transfer between the science sector and industry, as well as between different industries, • partner search for co-operation in development and commercialization of new high-tech products. Over 60 technology transfer centres from 25 Russian regions are linked together under the Russian Technology Transfer Network (RTTN)10. Recently, the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) have established a joint Center for Technology Transfer (CTT) 11. The total budget for the project is 65.4m roubles of which RUSNANO is contributing 34.9m roubles. The mission of the CTT is to commercialize knowledge and technology developed by the research institutes of RAS. Projects developed in the centre can apply for RUSNANO’s co-financing, as well as to seed and venture capital funds. Another important function of the centre is to monitor technological trends and challenges, as well as analyse industrial road maps. Special Economic Zones A special economic zone (SEZ) is a geographical region that has economic laws that are more liberal than a country's typical economic laws. Approximately 20 special economic zones (SEZs) have been founded in Russia. Among them there are technical/innovation zones, industrial/development zones and tourist zones. As of March 2010, Russia's federal special economic zones host 207 investors from 18 countries. 10 11 ERAWATCH Research Inventory Report for: Russian Federation, Manfred Spiesberger, 30.04.2010 RUSNANO and Russian Academy of Sciences Establish Technology Transfer Center 15.07.2010, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 15 Russia’s 15 existing and intended federal special economic zones are managed by OJSC "Special Economic Zones". OJSC "SEZ" was founded in 2006 to accumulate and implement world best practice in developing and managing SEZ and to promote foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Russian economy. It is fully owned and funded by the Russian State. Federal economic zones in Russia are regulated by Federal Law №116 FZ issued on July 22, 200512. STATE SUPPORT PROGRAMMES Due to the recent world economic crisis, the Russian State’s funding of certain investment projects has been cut, but the maximum reduction is expected to be limited to 15%. Also, some projects have been postponed e.g. from 2009 until 2010. State support takes the form of direct and indirect measures13: 1. 2. Direct support of $50 Billion (e.g. $10 Billion for Stage I enterprises) Indirect support: Government guarantees for credits, subsidies interest rates 20% reduction in profit tax Reduced export taxes for certain products Government buy-back of qualifying companies Continued government support of critical technologies Block fund allocation was the most important funding tool in Russia in 2007, with a share of slightly more than 50% of civil public R&D budget allocated via this mode. However, block funding will diminish relative to competitive funding schemes in the coming years. It will also increasingly be based on key performance indicators for the R&D institutions. There are several important public institutions that receive large chunks of their R&D budget in the form of block funds: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ministry of Science and Education Federal Agency for Science and Innovations (Rosnauka) Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR) Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) State corporations, including Rosatom, Rusnano, and Russian Technologies are important groups that receive block funding. The State – with a 63% share - is the largest funder of R&D in Russia as shown in the figure overleaf. 12 Russian Market Update, World Trade Center, Moscow, Russia, 8th April, 2009, 13 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 16 Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD)14 In the past few years, the State has introduced competitive funding programmes - called Federal Targeted Programmes - to support specific thematic priorities (e.g. nanotechnologies) and socioeconomic priorities (e.g. human resources). The recent economic situation has helped to stimulate a policy shift to a more competitive and project based allocation of R&D funding in Russia. The Federal Targeted Programmes are multi-annual in duration and come with substantial budgets. The funds are spread over the programme period with annual budget increases so that the funding peak occurs at the end of the programme period. There are a number of thematically focussed Federal Targeted Programmes involving semiconductor R&D that have been introduced in recent years, which distribute funds on a competitive basis via tenders: The Federal Targeted Programme National Technological Base 2007-2011 is a thematic funding programme focussed on industry and accordingly managed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the Ministry of Education and Science. The budget amounts to RUB 61 billion (€1.52 billion) and is financed to slightly less than 50% by the federal budget. 14 ERAWATCH Research Inventory Report: RUSSIAN FEDERATION SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 17 The Federal Targeted Programme Development of Electronic Component Base and Radio Electronics 2008-2015; budget: RUB 187 billion (€4.68 billion), of which RUB 110 billion funded from the federal budget; The Research and Development in Preferred Elaboration Directions of the Russian Technology Complex 2007-2012 managed by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, budget: RUB 187 billion (€4.68 billion). Strategy of Russian electronic industry development till 2025 managed by Ministry of Industry and Energy. The budget amounts to: o 1st stage (2007-2011) – 4,9 billion roubles, of which 3,0 billion roubles funded from the federal budget; o 2nd stage (2012-2015) – 63,2 billion roubles, of which 38,9 billion roubles funded from the federal budget; o 3rd stage (2016-2025) – 115,0-135,0 billion roubles, of which 70,0-80,0 billion roubles funded from the federal budget. In the table on the following pages, the main programmes are summarised, which provide support to semiconductor related education, research, production and entrepreneurism. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 18 Programme Name Programme End Date Areas of Interest Federal Target Programmes Development of scientific and technical potential of the Russian with a view of preferred directions science, technology and technique development in the Russian Federation. Creation of national nanotechnology network modern infrastructure for development and implementation of native nanoindustry potential. Development of scientific and technological and industrial base for elaboration and production of competitive high technology electronic products for solving the priorities problems of socio-economic development and national security. Funding Comments 4,7bn euros (187bn roubles) Priority directions of science and technology development in Russia in accordance with the list of critical technologies in Russian Federation. Research and Development in Preferred Elaboration Directions of the Russian Technology Complex 2007-2012 2012 Development of the nanoindustrial infrastructure in the Russian Federation 20082010 2010 Development of the electronic component base and radioelectronics 20082015 2015 Scientific and academic and teaching staff of innovation Russia 20092013 2013 Creation conditions for effective reproduction of scientific and academic and teaching staff and young people fixation in sphere of a science, education and high technology, maintenance of intergenerational continuity in science and education. 2,3bn euros (90,4 bn roubles) Undefined The main goal is R&D at start-up enterprises support. This is the first government initiative providing small enterprises with seed financing. Financing is provided through a special government foundation for assistance to small Fund budget defined annually. Data for 2010 – 60.5m euros (2,4bn roubles) FASIE Programmes Support of R&D at start-up innovative companies – programme START 695m euros (27,7bn roubles) 4,7 euros (187 roubles) SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector bn bn It is planned that in 2011 will be achieved technological level of 0,09 microns with the subsequent transition by 2015 to a technological level of 0,045 microns that will essentially reduce of Russian electronics and radio electronics from world indicators. 19 Programme Name Programme End Date Member of Youth Research and Innovation Competition(U.M.N.I.K.) Undefined Partnership universities and companies programme – PUSK Undefined FASIE-OSEO (Joint FrancoRussian projects) 2010 FASIE-BMBF (Joint German-Russian projects) 2010 Areas of Interest innovative enterprises whose budget is 1.5% of the total federal budget for civilian science. The foundation finances only R&D work of small enterprises. The main goal is identification of young scientists, seeking to fulfil their potential through innovation activity, and stimulation of youth mass participation in scientific and technological and innovation activity, through organizational and financial support of innovative projects. The foundation supports the implementation of research and advanced development projects of programme participants. The main goal is the promotion of small innovative enterprises and level increasing of technology and competitive through the introduction of scientific and technological development of Russian institutions and the special training of engineering skills for a particular technology or design. The call objective is promotion and development of bilateral scientific and technological cooperation between Russian and French small innovative enterprises, conducting applied researches. Support is lent to GermanRussian research projects Funding Comments Fund budget defined annually. Data for 2010 – 60.5m euros (2,4bn roubles) Support can be lent to French and Russian research projects aimed at priority technology in terms of French and Russian sides (without limitation of subject areas). SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 20 Programme Name Programme End Date The Foundation for the Assistance of Small Innovation Enterprises in science and technology, R&D and anti-crisis Undefined ”RAZVITIE” programme Undefined ”INTER” programme Undefined RFBR projects The joint research projects call of RFBR and CNRS (PICS international projects of scientific cooperation 2011) 2014 Areas of Interest Funding in the following research themes: Biotechnology, research in health and medical equipment sphere; Nanotechnology; Information and communication technology; New materials and production technologies; Technology resources and energy efficiency, stable environmental technologies; Optical technology. The main goal is support of R&D at start-up companies. This is the first government initiative of providing small companies with seed financing. Financing is provided through a special government foundation for small innovative enterprises assistance, which budget is 1.5% of the total federal budget for civilian science. The foundation finances only R&D work of small enterprises. The main goal is increasing market capitalization of small innovative enterprises. Perform research and development work by residents of special economic zones of technology-innovative type. Fund budget defined annually. Data for 2010 – 60.5m euros (2,4bn roubles) Comments The main goals is support for basic research in the following disciplines: mathematics, informatics and mechanics; physics SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 21 Programme Name Programme End Date Areas of Interest Funding Comments and astronomy; chemistry and materials science; biology and medical science; earth sciences; human and social sciences; information technology 7and computer systems; fundamentals of engineering sciences. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 22 1.3 TRENDS 1.3.1 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH The Russian system of engineering education is currently undergoing remarkable structural transformation in accordance with the principles of Bologna declaration as well as best practices and standards in worldwide academia and in engineering education in particular. Also, the prestige of Russian higher education has considerably improved since the beginning of the 2000s, especially in law and economics. But, despite the country's increased demand for higher education, the salaries of university professors remain low. There is some disparity in the information about the average salaries of academics. Oleg Smolin, Deputy Chairman of the State's Duma Committee on Education, said the average salary of university professors was about 17,000 roubles a month (US$600). But, according to Andrei Fursenko, the Minister of Education, the rate is much higher, at 50,000 roubles (US$1750). Even so, 50,000 roubles are inadequate when compared to the ever-rising cost of living in Russia. This creates conditions for corruption in the country's universities15. In Russia, scientific research expenditure has declined more than fivefold during the preceding 18 years and approached the level of developing countries. Today, Russia’s annual investment in science is 1/7th of Japan and only 1/17th of the United States of America. The number of researchers has halved. The average age of production and research equipment is over 20 years old despite the maximum effective age being just 9 years. New equipment is mainly imported. Nevertheless, some high-tech areas - such as nuclear energy, rocket and space industry and aircraft industry have managed to more-or-less maintain investment in advanced facilities. In other sectors, such as machine tools, there has been a serious collapse in a similar manner to that witnessed by the electronics industry16. The expected evolution in the numbers of R&D organizations is shown in the following diagram17. 15 RUSSIA: Rising corruption threatens universities”, University World News, Eugene Vorotnikov 16 May 2010 ISSN 1019-3316, Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009, Vol. 79, No. 2, pp. 109–116. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009. Original Russian Text © B.N. Kuzyk, 2009, published in Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, 2009, Vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 216–224, 17 Prognosis for science- technology development in the Russian Federation till 2030, Moscow , 2008 16 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 23 Dynamic evolution of the number of R&D organizations number Some analysts claim that, in general, the level of high technology development across Russia is about 10-15 years behind that of the most advanced nations, and up to 20 years behind in specific areas. Number of personnel working in R&D in Russia (thousands people) SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 24 The above figure shows the forecasted evolution of personnel involved in R&D 18. According to the State’s development strategy, the number of personnel in R&D organizations is forecast to rise to 1,8 times that of 2007 levels by 2030, and the number of researchers is expected to rise to 1.9 times by the same year. 1.3.2 INDUSTRY In 2009, the electronics world was on the threshold of a crisis: the production capacity of modern enterprises far exceeded demand whilst designers lacked the time and technological resources to create new products. At the same time, South East Asian companies have been seeking to become not only the major contract manufacturers of commoditised ASICs, but also developers and manufacturers of devices. It is a far more profitable market. This development is leading to radical changes in the structure of the global electronics industry. The establishment of large development teams tends to reduce the responsibility and creativity of individual workers. In turn, this can lead to a drop in work productivity. One of the ways to solve the problem is to restructure large teams into a system of relatively independent design centres. Each design centre carries out its part within the bounds of a common programme of development and specializes in IP-developments in a defined area. The design centres also compete against each other since the IP-products of one centre can be replaced by the products of others. There is a trend for large corporations to establish new design centres around the world. Nevertheless, small independent design companies are able to compete with them successfully. Large corporations are interested to have their own networks of independent design centres that can supply IP-blocks and secondary products covering the whole range of components for new electronic systems. If a small independent company comes to market with a new and very profitable product, larger corporations need to learn to be nimble in order to rapidly design and produce their own version at lower cost. On the other hand, the market for electronic goods is developing intensively. Consumer electronic products become obsolete after 3-4 years and need to be replaced. Smaller, independent companies expand the range of consumer electronics, ensure low volume deliveries of industrial electronics, and reduce overall production costs by increasing the use of semiconductor foundries. Small firms play a useful role for large corporations in this way. 18 Prognosis for science- technology development in the Russian Federation till 2030, Moscow , 2008 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 25 Consequently, the microelectronics industry is currently characterized by intensive technological developments as well as growth in the number of independent design centres and growth in those linked to large corporations. 1.3.3 SEMICONDUCTOR MARKET Today, there is a huge market for smart cards used in electronic passports, driving licenses, bank cards, social cards and SIM-cards. Also, RFID tags are an example of an electronic technology experiencing huge growth. RFID tags are being used everywhere: shops, hospitals, factories and warehouses, and contactless cards for travel in metros. In Russia, the demand for such chips is estimated to be hundreds of thousands, if not billions, of pieces per year19. Demand is also being driven by government policy. For example, the federal programme "Development of Broadcasting in Russia", adopted by the Government of Russia, aims to deliver nationwide digital television broadcasting by 2015. Smart cards, RFID tags and consumer digital devices are good examples of relatively simple chips, required in vast quantities, but not needing leading edge manufacturing facilities for their production. These devices exhibit two key qualities, which are necessary for the recoupment of investment in modern semiconductor manufacturing: widespread and sustainable demand. The forecasted demand for microelectronics devices in Russia is as follows: Forecasted demand for microelectronic devices in Russia20: Passports Social cards SIM-cards Driving licenses RFID Digital Television GLONASS 6 m. 4,5 m. 45 m. 15 m. 300 m. 58 m. 750,000 Currently, it is difficult to say if the capacity of Russian production facilities will be sufficient to match the forecasted demand. Market demand for electronics components can also be assessed from data provided in the government’s programme “Development of the electronic component base and radioelectronics 2008-2015”. The figures for different market segments are provided in the following table: 19 20 ROSNANO and JSC «Sistematika Group» invest to the establishment of domestic RFID-tags manufacturer», 24.03.2010 «Micro perspectives of Russian microelectronics», March 2010, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 26 Market demand for electronic components and radioelectronics (Billions Roubles) Market segment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RFID GLONASS Digital television Broadband access Avionics Automobile industry Special equipment TOTAL 1.3.4 Annual sales volume of electronics 6-7 1,5 - 2,2 6-8 0,7 - 0,9 1 - 1,5 5-6 15 - 20 35,2 – 45,6 Annual sales volume of radioelectronics 15 - 18 3,5 - 4,5 20 1,5 - 1,8 2,5 - 4 16 - 18 30 88,5 – 96,3 STATE SUPPORT The State’s main strategic goals concerning science and technology development over the coming years are formulated in two documents: “List of priority directions for development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation” and “List of critical technologies of the Russian Federation”. Recently, the Russian government has announced plans to establish 59 National Technology Platforms, however the precise technology topics are not yet known. In a similar approach to European Technology Platforms, the Russian National Technology Platforms will aim to draw together universities, public research institutes and industry on common technology projects. It is anticipated that 6-7 will be launched by the end of 2010 and the rest over the coming years21. One of the Russian government’s most important and widely discussed policy measures is the “Skolkovo Project”. This is a new and ambitious project to establish an ultra-modern scientifictechnological complex in the Skolkovo Village near Moscow. The Skolkovo Project is also a good example of how many different factors – political, economic and technological – influence Russian microelectronics development. The future innovation city in Skolkovo will have a special legal regime and its own special security force. The city, which has come to be referred to as an innograd, will also have a tax regime that is not typical: companies that have the status of ‘resident’ will be exempt of profit and property taxes and will have lower rates for social expenditures. 21 Minutes - Meeting of the Government Commission on High Technology and Innovations, 02.08.2010, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 27 The innograd will be run by a nonprofit foundation that will be managed by Viktor Vekselberg22 and established by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rosnano, Vneshekonombank, Russian Venture Company, Small Business Research Development Foundation, Housing Assistance Foundation and several nonprofit organizations that will found universities, including Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The foundation will build the innograd for 25,000 -30,000 people and organize its main activities. The first residents will move in within about 3 years. Scientific research premises will be built, as will graduate schools, laboratories, housing, offices, kindergartens, schools and hospitals. Highway infrastructure will be built within four years. Financing of the first stage (technical assignments, architectural plans, tenders, and analyses) will cost 4.6 billion roubles, which was earmarked by the government’s commission for modernization this year23. World famous companies such as Philips (Holland), Nokia (Finland), Siemens (Germany), Boeing, Cisco and Intel (USA) have expressed strong interest to be involved in the Russian Silicon Valley (which is how the Skolkovo Project is also referred to). 22 23 St. Petersburg Times, Issue #1568 (29), Tuesday, April 27, 2010, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Sector 28 2. RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY During the first half of 2010 the FP7 SEMIDEC project team conducted a mapping exercise of Russian semiconductor organisations. The mapping exercise involved surveying over 100 public and private organisations across Russia to identify their organisational structure, research activities, technologies and interest for international cooperation. The geographical distribution of these semiconductor organisations across Russia is illustrated in the map overleaf. Furthermore, a comprehensive list of Russian semiconductor organisations can be found in Appendix F. Thanks to the mapping exercise, it has been possible to identify the main strengths of Russian organisations, which make them potentially attractive for European microelectronics companies and research organisations: Russian Semiconductor Sector – Main Strengths S1. Good educational and theoretical basis of Russian experts S2. Good contacts between Russian and European experts based on past cooperation projects S3. Wide variety of nanoelectronics applications are being developed and introduced S4. Comparative level of salaries of Russian experts is less then in Europe S5. Strong Russian government support to microelectronics sector S6. Strong growth in the Russian semiconductor market Also, the mapping exercise has helped to pinpoint the technical domains where Russian organisations are most active: integrated chips (ICs), system-on-chip (SoC), silicon-on-insulator (SOI), photonics, micro/nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), field programmable gate array (FPGA), radio frequency identification devices (RFID) and sensors. The involvement of Russian organisations in each of these technical domains is examined in depth in the following sub-sections. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Research and Technology 29 Map of Main Russian Cities with Semiconductor Organisations 2.1 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Geographical situation The majority of Russian organizations involved in semiconductor design R&D are active in the area of IC design. Most of these organisations are concentrated close to Moscow, in Zelenograd, also known as “Russian Silicon Valley”. Also, there are R&D centres situated around Russia such as St. Petersburg, Voronezh and Vladimir. Organisations are also located in Tomsk, Novosibirsk and in the south of Russia such as Taganrog. Technologies Russian organisations are involved in three main directions in IC design: mixed IC, analogue IC and digital IC. The majority of them work with semiconductor materials on the basis of silicon (Si). The organisations mainly use the following technologies: CMOS / BiCMOS and bipolar. However, the technology level varies considerably between design and production technologies. For example, Voronezh Innovation & Technology Centre works on the basis of modern technical processes according to standard design cycle with CMOS technology: 0.13, 0.18, 0.25, 0,35, 0.5 and 0.8 μm. Whilst the fabless Vladimir State University has successful experience in design of IC with design rules of CMOS 0.35 μm, 0.18 μm and 0.13 μm, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University works in design area of analog and RF ICs, ADCs with design rules 0.35 and 0.18 μm CMOS or “IDM-plus” from Zelenograd offers CMOS, SoC, EEPROM technology: 0.6, 0.36, 0.18 μm24. Meanwhile, ELVEES R&D Centre offers IC design services with topological level of CMOS 65-250nm. JSC Mikron (Zelenograd) has recently completed a 200 mm project (0.18um CMOS EEPROM) - all the equipment has been installed and production has been launched. JSC Mikron’s current project is dedicated to setting up commercial 90-nm IC production in Russia25. Work to upgrade up to 90 nm is going on and a joint venture agreement has been signed with RusNano as well as a process license agreement with ST Microelectronics (France). Production launch (test wafers) is planned for Q4 2010 / Q1 2011. Angstrem-T (Zelenograd) is also involved in a 130nm project26. The organisation has bought the technological equipment from AMD (USA) and plans to implement it by the 2011. Currently, they are working on the Angstrem -T restructuring project aimed at increasing the technology level up to 90 nm. 24 Materials from the first SEMIDEC event, 20-21 September 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia 26 25 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Research and Technology 31 Co operation Russian organizations successfully cooperate with world renowned microelectronics companies such as Freescale Semiconductor (USA), STMicroelectronics (France), Infineon (Germany), XFAB (Germany), LFOUNDRY (Germany) and Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Shanghai) Corp. Russian organizations use software from these world leaders for IC design (e.g. Synopsys, Cadence, Mentor) and modelling as well as use their foundry facilities. For example, SaintPetersburg State Polytechnical University realized a Switched-Capacitor Filter project in cooperation with Austria Microsystem Inc. Similarly, IDM-plus (Zelenograd) has contacts to Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Shanghai) Corp. and X-FAB (Germany) for developing chip production. Market demand Russian-made microchips are being produced for smart cards integrated into electronic traveller’s passports, driving licenses and vehicle registration certificates, bank and social cards, mobile phones SIM-cards, and RFID chips. The integrated circuits being manufactured will also be used in GPS devices and digital set-top boxes that utilise Russia’s global navigation satellite system (GLONASS)27. 27 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Research and Technology 32 2.2 SYSTEM ON A CHIP (SOC) Geographical situation The geographical spread of organisations working with SoC is wide: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Voronezh, Zelenograd and Vladimir. This area of activity is very closely connected to IC design and FPGA. Technologies Russian organisations can design SoC chips with rules 0.045, 0.065, 0.09, 0.13, 0.18 and 0.25 μm28. The technological processes, they use in SoC design, are CMOS and BiCMOS. The semiconductor materials they use for SoCs are Si and SiGe. For example, the Russian organisation “Digital Solutions” (Moscow) pays special attention to solving different problems using SoC which are functionally flexible. The company works with semiconductor materials on the basis of silicon (Si). Meanwhile, the Institute of Electronic Control Machines (Moscow) also works in the SoC design area with technological rules 0.045, 0.065 and 0.09 μm. Co operation The organizations cooperate with Russian, European, American and Asian production companies. It includes global companies such as Freescale Semiconductor (USA), STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), Infineon (Germany), XFAB (Germany), LFOUNDRY (Germany), Chartered Semiconductor (Singapore) and Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Shanghai) Corp. Market demand In Russia, demand is being driven by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation’s endorsement of a national programme to produce novel ICs for digital television receivers using design rules 90-65 nm. The chip production will be realized by JSC “Elecard NanoDevices” (Tomsk), JSC “MNITI” (Moscow research television institute), and JSC “Mikron” in the framework of the RusNano project “Multimedia multiprocessor systems on chip”29. 28 29 Materials from the first SEMIDEC event, 20-21 September 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Research and Technology 33 2.3 SILICON-ON-INSULATOR (SOI) Geographical situation The development of silicon-on-insulator technology is concentrated in the centre of Russia in Moscow and Zelenograd. "Technological Centre" MIET, JSC PKK “Milandr”, Research Institute of Material Science and Technology and Research Centre "Module" are amongst several organisations offering IC design services based on SoI technology. Technologies SoI chips can be designed with technological rules 0.13, 0.18, 0.25, 0.35 and 0.5 μm and utilising CMOS technology30. For this reason, the technologies used by Russian organisations correspond closely to those also used in the IC design area. Cooperation JSC “Syntez Microelectronics” (Voronezh) provides foundry services to Wafer Foundry Fabs in Asia, Europe and the USA according to a door-to-door scheme (shaping of the customer’s technical requirements, granting access to libraries and design manuals, conclusion and further maintenance of contracts with the foundry fab in our own name, providing communication between the customer and the foundry fab). Their partners include Austria Microsystems, China Resources Semiconductor, EPISIL (Taiwan), Freescale Semiconductor (USA), LFoundry, X-FAB (Germany) and others. Most fabless Russian companies work in cooperation with these world semiconductor design leaders. Market demand Demand in Russia is being driven by the federal targeted programme “Development of the electronic component base and radioelectronics 2008-2015”31 which is supporting research in the direction of “Radiation-resistant electronic components”. This specific programme aims to develop: • Base design technology using radiation-resistant specialized LSIs with the level of 0.50.35 μm based on SoI structures • Design and production technologies for logic and analogue radiation-resistant devices based on SoI with the design level 0.25-0.18 μm. 30 31 Materials from the first SEMIDEC event, 20-21 September 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Research and Technology 34 2.4 PHOTONICS Geographical situation Organisations working in photonics are situated across many cities of Russia, for example, Tomsk, Moscow, Zelenograd and St. Petersburg. Altogether, there are about 800 Russian organisations involved in R&D related to laser equipment, optics and optoelectronics. There are many special research topics in photonics: imaging and metrology, optic components and systems, lighting, production engineering, power engineering and ICT. Usually, research organisations are specialised in more than one specific field of photonics. For example, MEPhI Photonics Centre in Moscow is focussed on laser effects, photonics for medical applications, and photonic methods for high energy physics. On the other hand, the St. Petersburg optical industry is focussed on LED design, design and production of lighting for auto and rail transport, optics of nanostructures, and investigation of three-dimensional holograms. Technologies Photonics, like other branches of microelectronic, relates very closely to fundamental semiconductor technologies. Lasers, LEDs and optical filters tend to be silicon-based. Co operation Russian organizations participate extensively in international research projects. For example, under the FP7 ICT programme, there are currently two photonics projects involving Russian and EU partners. Firstly, “Vertically integrated systems for information transfer” (FP7 VISIT) involving Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) and, secondly, “Network of excellence for biophotonics” (FP7 PHOTONICS4LIFE) involving Saratov State University. It means that Russia is cooperating with the main European research centres in this area: Institut für Photonische Technologien (IPHT) of the Technische Universitaet Berlin (Germany); Centre National de La Recherche Scientifique (France); and Lunds Universitet (Sweden). Contacts also exist with the International Commission for Optics, European Photonic Association, Muenster University (Germany), Tohoku University (Japan), Louis Pasteur University (France) and Pennsylvania State University (USA). Market demand The demand for photonics technology is very wide because photonics covers many research directions such as lighting, signal devices, industrial lighting, material laser cutting, laser range finders, telecommunications and medicine. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Research and Technology 35 2.5 MEMS AND NEMS Geographical situation Organisations working in MEMS and NEMS design areas can be found in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Zelenograd, Vladimir and Tula. MEMS production is mainly located in IC-foundry centres in Zelenograd. MEMS R&D is being carried out by MIET, SPbSTU, Tula State University and Institute of Applied Chemical Physics of Russian Scientific Centre “Kurchatovsky Institute”, amongst others. Technologies Usually MEMS are designed in accordance with CMOS and BiCMOS technologies. Consequently, the design rules are the same as those used for CMOS technology in IC design. Co operation Russian organisations are involved in several FP7 projects related to MEMS/NEMS. For example, the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics is involved in the GAKO2007CA project, which aims to develop multiscale methods in the planning of nano MEMS. Also, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) is involved in the FP7 MINIGAS project, which aims to develop a miniaturised photoacoustic gas sensor based on patented interferometric readout and novel photonic integration technologies and involves research partners from Norway, Finland, Romania, Italy and UK. Market demand MEMS and NEMS technology is highlighted in the Russian government scheme “Programme of nanoindustry development for the Russian Federation”32, which is part of the strategy of Russian electronics industry development until 2020 that has been developed by the Ministry of Industry and Energy. The specific technology highlighted includes inertial sensors, micromachined pressure sensors, surface micromachined devices, microscale vacuum pumps, reactive control for skin-friction reduction, and microchannel heat sinks. 32 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Research and Technology 36 2.6 FPGA Geographical situation Fabless companies are located in St. Petersburg, Zelenograd, Moscow, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod and Omsk. Meanwhile, foundries can be found in Voronezh (JSC "Voronezh's factory of semiconductor devices assembly") and Zelenograd (JSC "Mikron" and JSC "Angstrem"). FPGA technology has very close connections with SoC technology, because the latter is often based on FPGA. Technologies Russian organisations can design FPGA chips with technological rules 0.13, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5 and 0.8 μm. Co operation Currently, the main area of cooperation is in marketing relationships: Russia buys FPGA chips from foreign producers and realizes projects based on their component base. Russia orders FPGA chips from American companies such as Altera, Xilinx, Actel and Atmel. An international collaboration project is currently underway involving teams from Russia and Belarus called SKIF-AURORA (2008–2010)33, which aims to develop a family of top-level supercomputers using advanced CPUs for computation and FPGAs for its acceleration. The responsibility of the Russian organizations includes programming FPGAs produced by foreign foundries. Market demand The area of FPGA applications is large. However, the vast majority of FPGA are currently imported to Russia from the USA. Nevertheless, Russian produced FPGA are competitive enough to be implemented in a wide variety of enterprise applications: medical, telecommunication, audio equipment; automotive, measurement and database systems. 33 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Research and Technology 37 2.7 RFID Geographical situation Organisations working in RFID production are concentrated in Zelenograd near Moscow. Currently, there is a major new project supported by RusNano to establish an RFID-foundry in St. Petersburg with design rules of 90 nm34. Fabless RFID design organisations can be found in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Voronezh and Zelenograd. Technologies Russia’s main RFID production facilities are based at JSC “Mikron” in Zelenograd, which has a design level of 180 nm. Meanwhile, AngstremT (Zelenograd) is involved in establishing a 130nm foundry . The organisation has bought the technological equipment from AMD (USA) and plans to implement it by the 2011. Furthermore, projects are also underway to establish 90 nm foundries in Zelenograd and St. Petersburg. Co operation RusNano and the Italian company Galileo Vacuum Systems s.p.a. are members of a joint project, which aims to establish high technology production of RFID-tags for goods calculation in warehouses and trade organizations35. Meanwhile, the EU funded GRIFS project “Global RFID interoperability forum for standards” aims to develop global RFID interoperability standards and involves organisations from Europe, Russia, China, Japan, Korea and USA36. Market demand RFID-tags usage is becoming ubiquitous: shops, hospitals, factories and warehouses to name but a few arenas. For example, JSC “Mikron” produces RFID-tickets based on 0.18 μm design rules for rock concerts, football matches, and metro/buses in St.Petersburg. 34 36 GRIFS Project, 35 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Research and Technology 38 2.8 SENSORS Geographical situation Russian organisations produce microelectronics based sensors for a wide range of applications. Over 1200 types of inductive, optoelectronic and capacitive proximity switches are produced for factory and process automation markets. For this reason, sensor organisations can be found all over Russia: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Voronezh, Zelenograd, Yekaterinburg, Penza and Obninsk. Technologies It is difficult to single out any particular technology for sensor production, because all of them are specialized cells that are sensitive to: • Light, motion, temperature, magnetic fields, gravity, humidity, vibration, pressure, electrical fields, sound, and other physical aspects of the external environment; • Physical aspects of the internal environment, such as stretch, motion of the organism, and position of appendages (proprioception); • Environmental molecules, including toxins, nutrients, and pheromones and others. Co operation Russian R&D organizations participate in many international projects in direction of sensors. A good example is the FP7 MINIGAS project involving Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), which aims to develop a miniaturised photoacoustic gas sensor based on patented interferometric readout and novel photonic integration technologies and involves research partners from Norway, Finland, Romania, Italy and UK37. Market demand Applications include cars, machines, aerospace, medicine, manufacturing and robotics, smoke detectors, ambient intelligence systems and special branch directions (food industry, shipbuilding, hydraulic actuators and systems). The market for intelligent sensors is increasing following rising demand in Europe. 37 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Russian Semiconductor Research and Technology 39 3. OPPORTUNITIES FOR RUSSIA TO PARTICIPATE IN EUROPEAN IC ACTIVITIES 3.1 IC DESIGN TRENDS IN EUROPE At the start of the 21st century, the dominant electronics trend is towards what is called Ambient Intelligence. Ambient intelligence is a vision of the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing originally developed in the late 1990s for the time frame 2010–2020. In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in carrying out their everyday life activities and tasks in an easy, natural way using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these devices. As these devices grow smaller, more connected and more integrated into our environment, the technology disappears into our surroundings until only the user interface remains perceivable by users. Ambient Intelligence38 A variety of technologies can be used to enable Ambient Intelligence environments such as: • • • • • • 38 RFID ICT Sensors Software agents Nanotechnology Biometrics El futuro del marketing: los entornos inteligentes”, Jueves 14 May 2009 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 40 The market demand is growing very rapidly to have Ambient Intelligent environments. But the realization of intelligence systems can be possible only with an evolution in the performance of chips and ICs. Of course, everybody knows of the famous Moore’s law. It states that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit will double approximately every two years. It started from a technological level of about 25 microns with the first ICs and it is now in full production at a level of 44 nm. On the area of a single transistor from the 1970s, we can place today 40 000 transistors. It is a very impressive increase. It started from around 10 components on a single chip and has progressed to billon components on a single chip today. Therefore, with this very quick evolution of the performance of the ICs design, it is clear that chip performance has increased in terms of speed, integration density and SoC capability. However, the same dramatic increases have also been witnessed in: • Costs for accessing the latest Si technology, especially for prototyping, are rising very sharply; • Circuit level/system level design complexity because a lot of effects are appearing at the circuit and system level; • Costs of advanced CAD tools; • CAD tool complexity (set-up, use / maintenance). The trend in cost of establishment of industrial production is a kind of extension of Moore’s law. Exponential Growth of Computing39 39 Moore's Law”, Paul Kedrosky,·22 Jan 2010, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 41 About $5 billion are required today to establish a full production unit for the latest CMOS technology. Consequently, there are very few production plants around the world. Today, most of the fabs are situated or being transferred to Asia. Also, technological physical limits are in sight today for CMOS technology. As a result, there are three major directions of R&D development being explored: Directions for R&D development40 • More Moore: pushing current CMOS technologies up to the design limit of Moore’s law, • More than Moore: putting in a single chip more than just standard CMOS components, • Beyond CMOS: using nanotechnologies. More Moore It can be characterized by pushing CMOS up to its extreme technological &physical limits: • • • • Very complex technologies; New materials: low-k, high-k dielectrics; New component architectures; New circuit design techniques to be developed: Sub - 1V, static leakages, dispersion of characteristics; • New system-level architectures (redundancy, reliability); • Very expensive development and prototyping costs. The solving of these problems is relevant for: • Very large production volumes • Applications with cutting-edge specifications Microprocessors 40 “Strategic Research Agenda - First full edition”, Fred van Roosmalen, ENIAC Forum of Stakeholders, Barcelona, 23 Nov 2005 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 42 Memories Complex signal processing • Mainly digital applications Considering the fact that most Silicon foundries are migrating to Asia, the European microelectronic industry is becoming increasingly fabless. Nevertheless, it is crucial to maintain leadership in circuit and system design. To maintain technological leadership requires experts to have a deep scientific knowledge and continuing education. By doing this, it will be possible to: • Maintain technological know-how; • Master physical limits and second order phenomena at a deep-submicron level; • Master advanced device design and modelling; • Master innovative circuit design technologies (sub-1V analog, RF, etc); • Develop innovative system-level architectures (fault-tolerant, ultra-low power systems) More than Moore More than Moore explores a new area of micro/nanoelectronics, which reaches beyond the boundaries of conventional semiconductor technologies and applications, creating and integrating various non-digital functionality to semiconductor products. More than Moore focuses on creating high value micro/nanoelectronics systems, motivating new technological possibilities and unlimited application potential. It requires integrating in one single chip or package much more than basic CMOS. Many applications such as radio frequency (RF) devices, power management subsystems, passive components, biochips, sensors, actuators and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) play an equally important role in today’s semiconductor products. Integrating analogue functions into CMOS-based specialty technologies enables cost-optimized and value-added system solutions. These diversified technologies are known as “More than Moore.” More than Moore41 41 What is “More than Moore”?“, X-FAB SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 43 More than Moore devices comprise of complex systems SoC and SiP with the following types of features integrated into them: • • • • • • • • • • • • CMOS logic Embedded RAM Analog interfaces Power output Non-volatile memory Analog RF& RF MEMS Digital Signal Processing Evergy Scanvenging& power management On-chip HV Generation Micro cores Software MEMS Sensors & actuators The integrated systems and heterogeneous systems open new perspectives for a wide range of applications: • • • • • • • • • • Security Mobility Communication Health Quality of life - improved autonomy for the elderly Environment& sustainable development Leasure Domotics Bio-medical Energy There is a huge market, which is still growing very rapidly, based on More than Moore technology. More than Moore technology is a key domain for Europe since Europe already has the following pre-requisites: • • • • State-of-the-art R&D facilities Technology and foundries Rapidly growing markets and application domains More than Moore is fully in phase with the trend towards "Ambient Intelligence" Furthermore, Europe has various different European Technology Platforms (ETPs) and Networks of Excellence (NoEs) that support More than Moore developments. For example, EUROPRACTICE plays a central role in keeping education at its highest level in IC design. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 44 Beyond CMOS The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors predicts that the minimum feature size of silicon CMOS technology will approach 20 nm as early as 2010. As silicon CMOS technology scales beyond these dimensions, new device structures and computational paradigms will be required to replace and augment standard CMOS devices for ultra large scale integrated (ULSI) circuits. These possible emerging technologies span the realm from transistors made of silicon nanowires to devices made of nanoscale molecules. One theme that pervades these seemingly disparate emerging technologies is that the electronic properties of these nanodevices are extremely susceptible to small perturbations in structural and material properties, such as dimension, structure, roughness, and defects. The extreme sensitivity of electronic properties to nanoscale physical properties defines a significant need for precise metrology as well as computational tools for nanoscale materials and devices. Technologies The following is an assessment of existing technologies for More Moore and More than Moore. More Moore: • Low cost access models to deep sub-micron CMOS More than Moore: a large palette of technologies covering a wide spectrum of applications • • • • • • CMOS High-Voltage SiGe & CMOS RF CMOS Opto MEMS 3D Packaging Smart System Integration Developments in these two directions are also supported by: • • • • • Access to IP's libraries Prototyping, low volume, high volume Design, testing and packaging support Low cost access to state-of-the-art CAD tools Educational support: links with EUROPRACTICE, EUROTRAINING, IDESA and others. Training and Education A basis for effective development is a triangle of knowledge: Education – Innovation – Research. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 45 Knowledge Triangle Schools provide new competences and learning habits which provide the opportunity for further development of established skills as well as the development of new skills. This in turn increases job opportunities. The European Council has constantly stressed the importance of education and training in the long term plans of the Union. The achievement of such goals depends on the acceleration of reforms, further excellence in higher education and the promotion of creativity and innovation in all aspects of education and training. Europe pays a lot of attention to education and human resource development for the hightechnology and semiconductor areas. For example, Master degree programmes often include the following elements: Analogue circuit design HF&VHF circuits and techniques Advanced analogue and RF IC design VLSI Design Integrated System Design Hardware Systems modelling Test of VLSI Systems EDA-BASED Design Labs IC Design Projects Electronic Devices Nanoelectronics In the educational and industrial processes, the following CAD tools are mostly used42: • Cadence Tool Suite • Synopsys Tool Suite • Mentor Tool Suite 42 “A passport for the future of IC design in Europe”, Prof. Michel Declercq, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EUROPRACTICE Conference, 17 Sep 2009, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 46 3.2 EUROPEAN R&D FRAMEWORK PROGRAMMES The FP7 SEMIDEC mapping exercise revealed that Russian organisations are eager to participate in the semiconductor R&D projects funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). However, there have been relatively few examples of such participation to date. Nevertheless, the following are examples funded under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). FP6 DELILA - Development of lithography technology for nanoscale structuring of materials using laser beam interference43. DELILA is a recently completed 3 year project that involved the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP). The main aim of the 2m euro funded project was to research and develop a new production technology for the high resolution fabrication – better than 40nm - of 2D and 3D nanostructures and devices. In particular, DELILA aimed to enable low cost and large volume production of surface structures and patterns with nanometric resolution. During the project, IAP had lead responsibility for the development of the multiple beam interference lithography technology. And, using the new system, the DELIA team was able to successfully fabricate high resolution nanostructures with feature sizes of ~30nm for direct writing as well as modifications of ~5nm. FP6 SEMINANO – Physics and technology of elemental, alloy and compound semiconductor nanocrystals, materials and devices. The main aim of SEMINANO was to develop fundamental knowledge in production techniques, characterization and methods of application of semiconductor Nan crystals to light emitting devices and floating gate memories. The project was broken down into 3 main areas: 1) Preparation of Is and Gee Nan crystals in different media and processed by various techniques; 2) Production and characterisation of some alloy and compound semiconductor Nan crystals; and 3) Application of the materials studied in the first two areas to the devices mentioned above. Led by the Middle East Technical University (Turkey), the project consortium included Moscow-based Surface Phenomena Research Group LLC (SPRG) who were deeply involved in optimisation of the annealing parameters and luminescence properties of P, B, N doped SiO2:Si nanocomposite and P, B doped Al2O3:Si nanocomposite. FP6 DOMINO - Antimonide quantum dots for mid-infrared nano-photonic devices. The main objective of the DOMINO project was to demonstrate the feasibility of antimonides-based quantum-dots (QDs) in nano-photonic quantum-dots laser diodes (QDLDs) operating continuous wave at room temperature in the 3-5m wavelength range. Université Montpellier II (France) coordinated the project with the support of nine partners – from five countries – including the Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science. Ioffe was in charge of all indepth scanning probe microscope studies of QDS populations. Notably, Ioffe applied recently developed scanning kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM) and electric force microscopy (EFM) techniques whilst performing the studies. 43 FP6 DELILA, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 47 3.3 EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS AND NETWORKS OF EXCELLENCE A European Technology Platform (ETP) is a European network that brings together researchers, industry and other relevant stakeholders in a particular technological field in order to foster European research and development in the concerned area. European Technology Platforms provide frameworks to define research and development priorities, timeframes and action plans on different strategically important issues. Some European Technology Platforms have become engaged in public-private partnerships, the Joint Technology Initiatives, further contributing to the renewed Lisbon Strategy and to the development of a European Research Area of knowledge for growth. They are proving to be powerful actors in the development of European research policy, in particular in orienting the Seventh Research Framework Programme to better meet the needs of industry. What is more, ETPs mobilise public authorities at national and regional levels. Network of Excellence (NoE) are medium-sized research projects funded by the European Commission in the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes (FP6 and FP7). NoE projects are designed to strengthen scientific and technological excellence on a particular research topic through the durable integration of the research capacities of the participants. NoE projects are provided grants for a maximum of seven years. The budget granted by the Commission is one to six million euro per year depending upon the number of researchers involved. An NoE project should not really be considered as a research project, since its aim is not to conduct research, but rather to contribute to the clarification of the concepts in the covered field. Although ETP and NoE are potentially very interesting for Russian semiconductor organisations, there are very few examples with Russian members44. Russian organisations need to make a concerted effort to join. Firstly, they should identify which ETP/NoE are relevant to them by reviewing the ETP/NoE membership lists and their R&D projects. Secondly, they should make a convincing application explaining what their contribution/benefit could be. Their application will be strengthened if supported by the nomination of an existing member. The following is a list of European Technology Platforms, Networks of Excellence and some other examples of EU funded projects relevant to semiconductor design. 44 FP7 SEMIDEC Mapping Exercise of Russian Semiconductor Organisations, First Half 2010 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 48 № Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Start Date End Date More information European Technology Platforms ENIAC 2004 Indefinite Technology Platform for Nanoelectronics ARTEMIS 2007 Indefinite Advanced Research & Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems PHOTOVOLTAIC 2005 Indefinite Technology Platform for photovoltaic PHOTONICS21 2005 Indefinite Technology Platform for photonics EPoSS 2006 Indefinite Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration EuMaT 2004 Indefinite Technology Platform for Advanced Materials and Technologies Existing EU funded Networks of Excellence relevant to Semiconductor Design EUROSOI 2003 Indefinite Thematic Network on Silicon-onInsulator Technology, Devices and Circuits NANOICT 2008 2010 Nano-scale ICT Devices and Systems Instrument Coordination Action EUROPRACTICE 1989 Indefinite European service-type projects in the Microsystems and Microelectronics fields Other EU funded Projects relevant to Semiconductor Design DOTFIVE 2008 2011 Individual Devices and Integrated Circuits with higher operating speed allowing realization of new applications in new regions of the electromagnetic spectrum R&D ACCESS 2009 2012 Access to research results on semiconductor design SOFI 2010 2012 Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits POLARIC 2010 2013 Printable, organic and large-area realisation of integrated circuits SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 49 № Name 5 EUROPIC Start Date 2009 End Date 2012 More information European manufacturing platform for photonic integrated circuits 6 D-DOT FET 2005 Indefinite Disposable Dot Field Effect Transistor for High Speed Si Integrated Circuits 7 HISTORIC 2008 2011 Heterogeneous InP on silicon technology for optical routing and logic 8 COSMIC 2010 2013 Complementary organic semiconductor and metal integrated circuits 9 MEMS-4-MMIC 2008 2011 Enabling MEMS-MMIC technology for cost-effective multifunctional RF-system integration 10 REALITY 2008 2010 Reliable and variability tolerant system-on-a-chip design in more-Moore technologies 11 SYNAPTIC 2009 2011 Synthesis using Advanced Process Technology Integrated in regular Cells, IPs, architectures, and design platforms 12 NANOC 2010 No info Nanoscale Silicon-Aware Network-on-Chip Design Platform FP7 NMP Project funded jointly with the Russian Federation 1 SELFMEM 2009 2012 Self-assembled polymer membranes 2 DOUBLENANOMEM 2009 2012 Nanocomposite and nanostructured polymeric membranes for gas and vapour separations 3 NEPHH 2009 2012 Nanomaterials-related environmental pollution and health hazards throughout their life-cycle Extensive details about the ETP and NoE, including how to join them, can be found in Appendix D and Appendix E. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Opportunities for Russia to Participate in European IC Activities 50 4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND EU-RUSSIA SEMICONDUCTOR COOPERATION Intellectual property rights - very broadly - are rights granted to creators and owners of works that are the result of human intellectual creativity. These works can be in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic domains. They can – for example - be in the form of an invention, a manuscript, a suite of software, or a business name. In general, the objective of intellectual property law is to grant the creator of a work certain control over the exploitation of that work, as the unfettered ability of others to copy the work or invention may deprive the creator of reward and incentive. For some intellectual property rights, the grant of protection is also in return for the creator making the work accessible to the general public. Intellectual property law maintains a balance by (in most cases) granting the rights for a limited time. Some rights require registration, for example, patent right, whilst other rights accrue automatically upon the work's creation as in copyright. The objects of copyright certificates include software, IC’s topologies and databases. Copyright law fulfils a decisive role in articulating the contributions and rights of the different stakeholders taking part in the cultural industries and the relation between them and the public. 4.1 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANISATIONS AND TREATIES The main world and European organizations dealing with intellectual property, rights protection and transfer are: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)45 European Patent Organisation (EPO)46 European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN)47 Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO)48 In Russia, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent)49 is responsible for intellectual property rights protection. Russia’s most important laws concerning intellectual property are: • Civil code of Russian Federation Part 4 Chapter 72 “Patents right” 45 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), European Patent Organisation (EPO), 47 uropean Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN), 48 Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO), 49 Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent), 46 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Intellectual Property and EU-Russia Semiconductor Cooperation 51 • Federal Law “About the bases of state regulation of foreign trade“ • Federal Law “About the state secret” Russia is a member of the following important intellectual property treaties: • • • • • Locarno Agreement an International Classification for Industrial Designs Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Strasbourg Agreement (Concerning the International Patent Classification) Patent Law Treaty (PLT) Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property Further details about Russia’s membership of such treaties can be found in Appendix B. Notably, Russia is not a member of the following important intellectual property treaties: • Washington Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits • Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights • Hague Agreement (Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs) Due to the complex legal issues surrounding the transfer and protection of intellectual property for the EU and Russia, a one year, EU-funded project “Approximation of EU and Russian Federation Intellectual Property Right aspects” was started in November 2009. The main objective of the project has been to examine current Russian patent legislation and make recommendations on how to converge it with European legislation as well as to develop patent guidelines that can be used by patent examiners at “Rospatent”. The project has also sought to streamline Russia’s patent application, registration and processing procedure and to approximate them to the EU approach and facilitate the teaching of intellectual property economics in Russia. 4.2 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND RIGHTS We summarise here the main principles for intellectual property ownership and rights from the EU and Russia perspectives. The main principles with regard to participation in EU funded collaborative R&D projects are as follows: Foreground resulting from the project is owned by the participant generating it. When foreground is generated jointly (i.e. where the separate parts of some result cannot be SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Intellectual Property and EU-Russia Semiconductor Cooperation 52 attributed to different participants), it is jointly owned, unless the participants concerned agree on a different solution. In addition, participants must ensure that, where necessary, they reach an agreement with their employees and other personnel if the latter are entitled to claim rights to foreground (including third parties such as subcontractors, students, etc.), in order for the participant to be able to meet its contractual obligations. Such agreements may for instance involve a formal transfer of ownership, or at least the granting of appropriate access rights (with a right to sublicense). For academic institutions, this is especially relevant regarding: 1) "non-employees" such as students (both undergraduate and postgraduate, e.g. PhD students), and 2) researchers in those countries having a specific type of "professor’s privilege" regime (according to which the researchers concerned may have some personal rights to the results of university research). Nevertheless, it can be challenging for European organisations to deal with intellectual property ownership and rights issues arising from EU funded R&D projects, because the projects often require working with competitors in large consortia50. In Russia, the main principles with regard to intellectual property ownership and rights are as follows: Intellectual property rights differ according to the type of agreement. If it is a research activity involving two parties, it means that there is a concerted, coordinated action to achieve a common goal. In this case, the results are the common intellectual property of both parties. If it is a contractor’s agreement, it means that each side has its own interests. But the duty of consumer and executor is to keep confidential information, including knowledge, which is not protected by legislation about trade secret. Prerogative rights are not determined for both sides by law. That is why all details of ownership have to be clarified in the special agreement. However, in practice, Russian semiconductor design organisations that work with European companies usually accept an offer and all EU terms concerning intellectual property transfer. For IC design projects, it means that IC topologies designed by a Russian partner are owned 50 Interviews with European semiconductor experts, SEMIDEC event, 20-21 September, St. Petersburg SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Intellectual Property and EU-Russia Semiconductor Cooperation 53 exclusively by the European customer. However, if it is an R&D project, there can be special conditions included in the contract signed between the Russian and European participants. 4.3 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY TRANSFER The five main phases of intellectual property transfer are shown in the figure below. The process starts with strategy and goal definition and ends with contract completion. Legal aspects play an important role already in the strategy and goal definition phase. Depending on the specific objectives of cooperation there are different aspects to consider for contract execution. Also, country-specific regulations can play a critical role. Main Phases of Intellectual Property Transfer The phase of preparing and beginning a contact involves an initiating organisation identifying the competences it seeks in a partner organisation and assessing the collaboration risks. Information about the partnering organisation’s country, legal norms and export control systems is also accumulated and analyzed. The next step is to invite the potential partner organisation to a first negotiation meeting. It is essential to clarify early on the next main points of the contract: • The agreement type, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Intellectual Property and EU-Russia Semiconductor Cooperation 54 • • • • • • The branch, which the agreement belongs to, Existence of international agreements in the bounds of cooperation, Conditions of the international agreements, including rights allocation, Volume of work for every partner, The territory of common project realization, Investment by the partners in the project. In the case of contracts involving trade secrets, it is important to include in the contract rules some confidentiality clauses to protect the partners’ intellectual property. On the basis of the gathered information, the partners make a decision whether or not to establish a common project. After signing of the contract, the cooperation project begins. Usually the stage of co-operation has a fixed duration. In most cases, the Russian partners are in a comparatively weak bargaining position and obliged to accept the contract requirements of the European partner51. During execution of a contract, it is essential to control intermediate results and ensure compliance with any deadlines. Clearly, the main goal of any collaboration is to achieve successful results and unanimous agreement. The earlier diagram captures accurately the process of co-operation between Russian SMEs and European private enterprises and private orders. However, in the case of Russian State organisations, considerable administrative and legislative hurdles also need to be crossed. The main reason for this is often due to the State organisation being a supplier to the military, which raises issues of dual-use and import/export control. In such instances, many Russian State organisations opt not to work with foreign companies to avoid difficulties52. 4.4 EXPORT CONTROL From the point-of-view of international collaboration between Russia and the EU, special attention must be paid to the nature of the research and technology development: is it uncritical (household devices, food, wear), critical (weapon, ammunition) or dual-use (technologies which can be used for both peaceful and military aims). Before Russian and European organisations can collaborate on research or technology that has a dual-use nature, the work must be permitted by their respective export control authorities. From the EU perspective, the export, transfer, brokering and transit of dual use items are 51 52 Interviews with Russian semiconductor experts, SEMIDEC event, 20-21 September, St. Petersburg Interviews with Russian semiconductor experts, SEMIDEC event, 20-21 September, St. Petersburg SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Intellectual Property and EU-Russia Semiconductor Cooperation 55 controlled at Community level by Council Regulation (EC) No. 428/200953. DG Trade of the European Commission54 is the EU organisation at the centre of export control related issues. Under the EU regime, controlled items may not leave the EU customs territory without an export authorisation. Additional restrictions are also in place concerning the provision of brokering services with regard to dual-use items and concerning the transit of such items through the EU. From the Russian perspective, Article 8 of Russia's law On Export Control55 broadly defines the duties of governmental entities in the sphere of export control. The Department of Export Control of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade56 is the country's lead export control agency; it issues licenses for the export of dual-use and critical nuclear materials. Meanwhile, the President and the Export Control Commission57 also play significant roles in the export control system. For collaboration on research and technology development involving international partners to be successful, international laws and agreements need to be respected. Unfortunately, this is always the case as the following figure illustrates from the perspective of the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). Frequency and severity of violations of international R&D agreements58 Light blue circles – private companies Light green circles – public research institutions In fact, Russian companies belong to a relatively low risk group for violation of international R&D agreements. Certainly, less risk posed than US companies and research institutions. 53 55 56 57 58 Umgang mit Know-how in internationalen FuE-Kooperationen - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) - Bonn, Berlin 2009 54 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Intellectual Property and EU-Russia Semiconductor Cooperation 56 However, Russian public research institutions are considered to be on the border between low and medium risk groups. Significantly, Russian private companies and public research institutions are considered to pose a considerably lower risk than their Chinese and Indian equivalents. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Intellectual Property and EU-Russia Semiconductor Cooperation 57 5. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the preceding investigation and analysis of the Russian semiconductor sector, Russian semiconductor research and technology and existing EU-Russia semiconductor cooperation, we now propose recommendations to strengthen future EU-Russia semiconductor design and production activities. The recommendations target different organisations (i.e. RTD community, private industry and government) and are separated between strategic (medium-to-long term) and operational levels (short-to-medium term and/or making use of existing schemes). Strategic Level Recommendation #1: Create National Technology Platforms to support the Russian semiconductor sector and to interact with the European Technology Platforms (e.g. ARTEMIS, ENIAC and EPOSS). Need Addressed: Low interaction between domestic industry and state run research organisations (see Section Low Russian membership in ETP and NoE (see Section 3.3). Responsible Organisation(s): Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Education and Science and Russian Academy of Sciences. Recommendation #2: Organise a SICA (Special International Cooperation Action) workshop focused on semiconductor research topics of common interest to Russia and EU. The aim of the workshop will be to pinpoint semiconductor research topics that could form the basis of a SICA call in a future FP7 ICT work programme. Need Addressed: Relative lack of semiconductor R&D collaboration between Russia and Europe (see Section 3.2). Responsible Organisation(s): Russian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Education and Science and DG INFSO Units G.1 Nanoelectronics and G.2 Microsystems. Recommendation #3: Recommend to the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Education and Science and Russian Academy of Sciences to launch a competitive “Micro/nanoelectronics technology transfer” programme where consortia comprising of higher educational institutes, public research organisations and industrial SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Recommendations 58 partners implement technology-transfer projects (from academic/public research organisations to industry). The programme should be largely “bottom-up” driven, where the state defines broad micro/nanoelectronics themes but consortia formulate their own specific proposal ideas. Need Addressed: Support State’s move towards competitive funding programmes. Low interaction between domestic industry and state run research organisations (see Section Responsible Organisation(s): Semiconductor RTD organisations (e.g. SPbSPU and MIET) and private industry (e.g. IDM-Plus and Mikron). Recommendation #4 Conduct a branding exercise to internationally promote Russian semiconductor design organizations. Need Addressed: Relatively low awareness in Europe of Russian microelectronics industry. Lack of semiconductor R&D collaboration between Russia and Europe (see Section 3.2). Responsible Organisation(s): Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication and Ministry of Economic Development. Operational Level Recommendation #1: Organise and financially support annual FP7 ICT awareness raising/training workshops – concerning micro/nanoelectronics priorities - involving European semiconductor experts. Need Addressed: Relative lack of semiconductor R&D collaboration between Russia and Europe (see Section 3.2). Responsible Organisation(s): Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Education and Science and Russian Academy of Sciences. Recommendation #2: Join European Technology Platforms and Networks of Excellence and concerned with micro/nanoelectronics (e.g. AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA, EUROSOI and EUROPRACTICE). SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Recommendations 59 Need Addressed: Low Russian membership in ETP and NoE (see Section 3.3). Responsible Organisation(s): Semiconductor RTD organisations (e.g. SPbSPU and MIET) and private industry (e.g. IDM-Plus and Mikron). Recommendation #3: Use the Gate to Russian Business and Innovation Networks (Gate2RuBIN) and Russian Technology Transfer Network (RTTN) to promote and transfer semiconductor knowledge and technology to international partners. Need Addressed: Challenge of transferring intellectual property between Russia and Europe (see Section 4.2). Responsible Organisation(s): Semiconductor RTD organisations (e.g. SPbSPU and MIET) and private industry (e.g. IDM-Plus and Mikron). Recommendation #4 Provide tailored training courses to Russian semiconductor design organizations. - marketing and business development (e.g. how to exploit specialized IC market niches) - technology transfer (e.g. intellectual property rights, contracts, export control, etc) - quality management systems (e.g. service best practice for fab and fabless organisations) Need Addressed: Challenge of transferring intellectual property between Russia and Europe (see Section 4.2). Responsible Organisation(s): Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication and Ministry of Economic Development. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Recommendations 60 APPENDIX A BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. "Revival: A Look Inside "("Возрождение: взгляд изнутри"), «Open systems» («Открытые системы»), № 6, 2008 2. “Moore's Law”, Paul Kedrosky,·22 Jan 2010 3. “Strategic Research Agenda - First full edition”, Fred van Roosmalen, ENIAC Forum of Stakeholders, Barcelona, 23 Nov 2005 4. “The chance of Russia in the IT market”, Adamov D., Tishin U., Electronics: Science, Technology, Business, 3/2005 5. „Russian business newspaper“ №755 (22) , 22 June 2010 6. «Micro perspectives of Russian microelectronics», March 2010 7. «ROSNANO and JSC «Sistematika Group» invest to the establishment of domestic RFID-tags manufacturer», 24.03.2010 8. «Russian semiconductors: to the future with a hope», Romanchenko V., 02.09.2009 9. Catalogue of Joint Use Centers of scientific equipment (of project executors in 2005-2006 of the federal task scientific and technical program “Researches and developments in priority areas of the science and technology” for 2002-2006) / 10. Checklisten zur optimierten Antragstellung - Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle Stand: 01.08.2005 11. Collection of normative legal acts in the sphere of legal protection and use of intellectual property - Office of monitoring in the field of legal protection and use of scientific and technical activities results – Moscow 2009 (Сборник нормативных правовых актов в сфере правовой охраны и использования результатов интеллектуальной деятельности Управление по контролю в сфере правовой охраны и использования РНТД –Москва 2009) 12. Commission recommendation on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities and Code of Practice for universities and other public research organizations - Commission of the European Communities - Brussels, 10.4.2008 C(2008)1329 13. ERAWATCH Research Inventory Report: RUSSIAN FEDERATION 14. EU and Russia to harmonize intellectual property right aspects - press release - Moscow, 03 November 2009 15. European Community-Russia scientific and technological cooperation a roadmap for action 2009-2011 16. Guide to Intellectual Property Rules for FP7 projects - The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-2013) - European Commission SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 61 17. INNO-Policy TrendChart - Policy Trends and Appraisal Report – Russia – 2007, N.Ivanova, I.Dezhina, N.Sheliubskaya, L.Pipiya and V.Zavarukhin, 2007 18. International patent classification guide - Version 2009 - World Intellectual Property Organization 19. Interview with Dr Alexander Antonov ("NTK"SciDeCo" Ltd), SEMIDEC Event, St Petersburg, 20-21 Sept 2010 20. Interview with Vasily Atyunin (NEVATRON Ltd), SEMIDEC Event, St Petersburg, 20-21 Sept 2010 21. Interview with L.V. Lutsev (A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute), SEMIDEC Event, St Petersburg, 20-21 Sept 2010 22. Interview with Alexandra Lyaplina (JSC "Intel A/O"), SEMIDEC Event, St Petersburg, 20-21 Sept 2010 23. Interview with Prof. Konstantin O. Petrosjans (Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics), SEMIDEC Event, St Petersburg, 20-21 Sept 2010 24. Interview with Veniamin G. Stakhin (JSC "IDM-PLUS"), SEMIDEC Event, St Petersburg, 20-21 Sept 2010 25. Interview with Michel V. Voloshenko (SRC "Crystal"), SEMIDEC Event, St Petersburg, 20-21 Sept 2010 26. Interview with Dr. Irina Zakharova (St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University ), SEMIDEC Event, St Petersburg, 20-21 Sept 2010 27. ISSN 1019-3316, Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009, Vol. 79, No. 2, pp. 109– 116. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009. Original Russian Text © B.N. Kuzyk, 2009, published in Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, 2009, Vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 216–224. 28. Memorandum result for the Second International Workshop – Exhibition “Strategy of Development of Large-Scale Research Infrastructures of the Russian Federation & Cooperation with the European Union” September 7-8, 2009 29. Presentation materials from the first SEMIDEC event, 20-21 September 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia 30. Prognose of the science - technology development of the Russian Federation till 2030, Moscow 2008 31. Report on the conference “Russian microelectronics market – perspectives of development”, Uriy Borisov, Deputy Minister Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, February 26, Moscow 32. Results of interviewing of Russian and European experts in the semiconductor design area 33. Russia Falling Short of Anti-Corruption Plan, The Moscow times, Natalya Kostenko, 13 July 2010 34. Russian Market Update, World Trade Center, Moscow, Russia, 8th April, 2009 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 62 35. The law N311 ”On approval of development strategy of electronic industry in Russia till 2025”, The Industry and Energy Ministry of Russia, Aug. 7, 2007 36. The St. Petersburg Times, Issue #1568 (29), Tuesday, April 27, 2010 37. Umgang mit Know-how in internationalen FuE-Kooperationen - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) - Bonn, Berlin 2009 38. Understanding Copyright and related rights - World Intellectual Property Organization Web links: 1. 2. 3. 4. SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 63 APPENDIX B RUSSIA’S MEMBERSHIP OF WIPO TREATIES SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 64 APPENDIX C 59 ORGANIGRAMME OF R&D SYSTEM IN RUSSIA 59 ERAWATCH Research Inventory Report: RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 65 APPENDIX D EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS 1. NAME, WEBSITE ENIAC, 2. YEAR OF FOUNDATION ENIAC was established in 2004 as the Technology Platform for Nanoelectronics. 3. MISSION Its main goal was to define common research and innovation priorities to ensure a truly competitive nanoelectronics industry in Europe. To attain such an objective, ENIAC invested intensive efforts to bring together the key players in nanoelectronics research by gathering within the Platform the main European industrial groups and research organisations, setting up the ENIAC Scientific Community Council to ensure representation of Universities, and encouraging the participation in ENIAC of Small and Medium enterprises through national platforms. Once the strategic directions defined, the ENIAC Technology Platform drove the process leading to the establishment of AENEAS (Association for European NanoElectronics Actitivities). AENEAS is carrying on the activities of the Technology Platform and represents R&D actors in the ENIAC Joint Undertaking (JU). The ENIAC Joint Undertaking (JU) is a Community body established for the implementation of the Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) on nanoelectronics, chartered to contribute to the implementation of the Seventh Framework Programme and the theme Information and Communication Technologies of the Specific Programme Cooperation. 4. MEMBERSHIP AENEAS is a non-profit industrial association established under French law that will continue the activities of the ENIAC Platform and represent the Nanoelectronics RTD partners in the Joint Undertaking. Members are classified as active members and associated members. ACTIVE MEMBERS: three types of Active Members are foreseen in the Articles of Association: Active Members A also referred to as “SME-Active Members” Active Members B of the association, hereinafter also referred to as “Public research organisations” Active Members C of the association, hereinafter also referred to as “Corporate-Active Members” ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: they must be natural persons active in the field of nanoelectronics, or organisations existing as legal entities of industrial or public research organisations active in the field of nanoelectronics not carrying out research or technological development activities in funding schemes of industrial or not-for-profit research organisations active in the field of SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 66 nanoelectronics. , e.g. EUREKA clusters, national platforms, pôles de compétivité. The fixed contribution is an amount, which is set by the General Assembly, that is payable annually by all Active Members and all Associated Members. Active Members: 10,000 euros for Corporate-Active Members; 5,000 euros for Corporate-Active Members with a world-wide turnover in the Group to which they belong of less than 500 Million euros in the ended fiscal year before the Effective Date; 1,000 euros for SMEs-Active Members and Research organisation-Active Members. Associated Members: 1,000 euros for Associated Members. All Active Members shall pay a Variable Contribution calculated on the basis of each Active Member’s and its Associated Companies’ person year participation in JU Projects in the relevant calendar/ financial year. TO BECOME A MEMBER OR AN ASSOCIATE, THE PROCEDURE IS AS FOLLOWS: A. 1. Download and read the Articles of Association, the AENEAS Supplementary Agreement and the Declaration of Accession (for applicants as active members only); 2. Fill in the online application form; 3. After submitting the online application form, you will receive a pro-forma Application Form by email. B. The pro-forma Application Form and the Declaration of Accession Form must be filled and returned BY MAIL with the requested data and duly signed. C. A copy of the documents must also be sent electronically. 5. POSSIBILITIES OF RUSSIAN PARTICIPATION Russian organizations conduction R&D in Europe can become a member of AENEAS. Otherwise, organizations in FP7 associated countries are also accepted. Unfortunately, Russia is not on the list of such countries. 6. CONTACTS AENEAS 140 bis rue de Rennes 75006 Paris France Tel : 00 33 1 40 64 45 80 Fax : 00 33 1 40 64 45 89 Email: SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 67 1. NAME, WEBSITE ARTEMIS, 2. YEAR OF FOUNDATION ARTEMIS Industry Association is the association for R&D actors in Advanced Research & Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems. It was founded in January 2007 to support the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking (JU) and to continue the work of the ARTEMIS European Technology Platform. 3. MISSION The ARTEMIS JU programme is the first of its kind to bring private-sector research actors together with the European Commission and a large number of contributing Member States. The vision of ARTEMIS-IA is that embedded systems will realise the dream of ambient intelligence. In which intelligent support for people will be embedded in everyday objects. Large-scale application will increase our quality of life. The result will be to help make life healthier and more secure. And to provide more comfort for Europe's ageing population. ARTEMIS-IA nurtures the ambition to strengthen Europe's position in embedded intelligence and systems and to attain world-class leadership. 4. MEMBERSHIP ARTEMIS-IA is founding member of the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking (JU). A Public Private Partnership together with the EC and participating member states. Till 2017, ARTEMIS JU issues every year a Call for project proposals. ARTEMISIA represents all her members in the ARTEMIS JU. The ARTEMISIA Office supports the members by organising multiple networking events and they can help you in becoming visible in the ARTEMIS network. Only members have free participation in the ARTEMISIA events such as the Annual Autumn Event and Co-summit with ITEA 2, the Annual Spring Event, Brokerage Event, Summer Camp and workshops. As stated by the Articles of Association (AoA), Membership is equally open to SMEs (Members A), Public Research Organisation (Members B) and Corporate members (Members C). Individuals who are active in the field of embedded systems or legal persons that maintain an organisation of enterprises and/or Public Research Organisations that are active in the field of embedded systems can apply for a position of Associate. FOUR STEPS TO BECOME AN ARTEMIS-IA MEMBER or an ARTEMIS-IA ASSOCIATE: 1. Read the Articles of Association (AoA) and the ARTEMIS-IA Supplementary Agreement (ASA) 2. In order to pursue your membership or associate application, we ask you to print fill in and sign the completed Application Form (and in case of membership, the Declaration of Accession (DoA) ) and send the original signed document(s) in any case by regular postal mail! Membership Application Form Associate Application Form 3. Only applicants having signed the original Application Form documents are eligible to become SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 68 an ARTEMIS-IA member or ARTEMIS-IA Associate. 4. The ARTEMIS-IA Presidium will decide on your application within two to three weeks and will communicate its decision in writing, mentioning which kind of membership you will be attributed. 5. The original signed document(s) can be posted. MEMBERSHIP FEE The fee is per year as from January until December and will be calculated as from the day your organization is officially accepted as an ARTEMIS-IA member. EUR 1,000 for Associates EUR 1,000 for SMEs (A members) EUR 1,000 for Research Organisations (B members) EUR 5,000 for Corporate Organisations < 500m (C members<500m) EUR 10,000 for Corporate Organisations > 500m (C members>500m) 5. POSSIBILITIES OF RUSSIAN PARTICIPATION Russian organizations can become a member of ARTEMIS-IA Association, although they cannot participate with in funding in the ARTEMIS programme, since only organizations in the EU countries are eligible for funding which is regrettable. 6. CONTACTS Visiting address ARTEMISIA Association High Tech Campus 69 - 3rd Floor 5656 AG Eindhoven The Netherlands Tel: +31(0)88 0036 188 Fax: +31(0)88 0036 180 E-mail: SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 69 1. NAME, WEBSITE PHOTOVOLTAIC, 2. YEAR OF FOUNDATION PHOTOVOLTAIC was founded in 2005 as Photovoltaic Technology Platform. 3. MISSION The Photovoltaic Technology Platform is an initiative which aims at mobilising all the actors sharing a long-term European vision for photovoltaic; realising the European Strategic Research Agenda for PV for the next decade(s) and give recommendations for implementation; ensuring that Europe maintains industrial leadership. The Platform Goals are: Contribute to a rapid development of a world-class cost competitive European PV for a sustainable electricity production; Involve stakeholders in the formulation of research programmes; Ensure strong links and coordination between industry, research and market; To implement the strategic plan. To implement the recommendations of the “vision” report of the Photovoltaic Technology Platform at national level by deepening co-operation between Member States and European Activities on technical and non-technical matters related to the Technology Platform, with a view to promoting a European Research Area, facilitating public/private partnerships, removing national barriers to commercial exploitation and contributing to the realisation of a coherent European policy framework. 4. MEMBERSHIP The Member State Mirror Group, acting in co-operation with the platform Steering Committee and its Governing Board has a crucial role to play in goal and target setting, proposing actions and providing opinion and feedback on strategies, activities and results generated through the platform operations. Participants in the Mirror Group are Member States, Associated Candidate Countries and Associated States of the research Framework Programme having an interest in the development of photovoltaics. Additional participation from Regions or large Cities having ambitious integrated initiatives may be considered. Transnational organisations can participate in the Mirror Group provided that the individual countries which belong to them do not raise any objections. 1. Obligation for members’ commitment SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 70 It is crucial that Member State delegates are empowered to devote time and effort to participate to meetings and to develop Member State position papers responding to recommended actions and reports from the Steering Committee and Working Groups. 2. Chairperson and vice-chairpersons The Mirror Group will select a committed member to act as Chairperson, to stimulate and coordinate Member States’ activities, to interact with the Steering Committee and participate to its meetings as representative of the Mirror Group. Two vice-chairpersons shall be appointed to assist the Chairperson. The Chairperson and Vice-chairpersons will serve for a two-year term with the possibility to renew it once. 3. Secretariat A secretariat will be established to support the activities of the Mirror Group and a Secretary will be appointed by the Mirror Group. The secretariat will act in a purely administrative capacity. This could be supported through a funded ERA-NET co-ordination action. 5. POSSIBILITIES OF RUSSIAN PARTICIPATION There are no restrictions for participation of Russian experts, but there is only personal membership. 6. CONTACTS Coordinator PV SEC EPIA - European Photovoltaic Industry Association 63-65, rue d'Arlon 1040 Brussels Tel. + 32-2-4653884 Fax +32-2-4001010 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 71 1. NAME, WEBSITE PHOTONICS21, 2. YEAR OF FOUNDATION Photonics21 – founded 2005 – is a voluntary association of industrial enterprises and other stakeholders in the field of photonics in Europe. 3. MISSION Photonics21 is a voluntary association of industrial enterprises and other stakeholders in the field of photonics in Europe. It unites the majority of the leading Photonics industries and relevant R&D stakeholders along the whole economic value chain throughout Europe. Presently, we can count as members more than 1,400 stakeholders who come from 49 countries. Photonics21 undertakes to establish Europe as a leader in the development and deployment of Photonics in five industrial areas (Information and Communication, Lighting and Displays, Manufacturing, Life Science and Security) as well as in Education and Training. To achieve this leadership for the benefit of Europe and its citizens, an ambitious programme is required to: Supply the necessary research environment capable of supporting the visionary and industrially relevant R&D activities for photonics components, systems and their application over a broad range of industry sectors; Establish strategic links between mainly SME-based photonics industries and principal user industries to share their long term vision and to mobilise a critical mass resources; Foster co-operation and smooth out the current fragmentation of national and European R&D activities. The mission of the European Technology Platform Photonics21 is the concerted strategic planning, the coordination and the facilitation of photonics industrial and research activities in Europe, encompassing education, basic research, applied research, development, manufacturing and application. To this end, Photonics21 will determine common industrial, scientific, technical, political, social and economic objectives and agree on actions to be taken in order to achieve them. 4. MEMBERSHIP All those who are involved with applied research, technical development and practical application of optical and photonic technologies can become a member. However, the main reason for which European Technology Platforms have been launched is to better align EU research priorities with industry's needs. Thus, in particular, industrial enterprises and research institutions working at the SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 72 industrial-scientific interface are called upon to join Photonics21. Representatives of public bodies and governmental organisations involved with research and innovation in the field of photonics are invited to participate via the Mirror Group of Photonics21. Becoming a member of Photonics21 is an opportunity to be integrated into a European network of Photonics experts. Furthermore, you will have the possibility to present your point of view in your work group and to influence the future research in the field of photonics. Every two month, members receive a newsletter providing information on platform's activities; they also have access to a privileged member area within in the Photonics21 website. HOW TO JOIN? You can find the link to the membership application form in the web-site of the platform. In order to join, please fill in the application form. 5. POSSIBILITIES OF RUSSIAN PARTICIPATION There are no restrictions for participation of Russian experts, but there is only personal membership. 6. CONTACTS Photonics21 Secretariat c/o VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH VDI-Platz 1 40468 Duesseldorf Germany Telephone: +49 (0) 211 6214-668 e-mail: SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 73 1. NAME, WEBSITE EPoSS, 2. YEAR OF FOUNDATION EPoSS was founded in 2006 as the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration 3. MISSION EPoSS, the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration, is an industry-driven policy initiative, defining R&D and innovation needs as well as policy requirements related to Smart Systems Integration and integrated Micro- and Nanosystems. EPoSS is contributing to the Lisbon Strategy, aiming at boosting economic growth, creating more and better jobs and ensuring sustainable prosperity in Europe. EPoSS brings together European private and public stakeholders in order to create an enduring basis for structuring initiatives, for co-ordinating and bundling efforts, for setting-up sustainable structures of a European Research Area on Smart Systems Integration. EPoSS embraces all key players, public and private, in the value chain so as to provide a common European approach on Innovative Smart Systems Integration from research to production outlining the key issues for a strategic European innovation process formulate a commonly agreed roadmap for action (updating, assembling and completing existing material and approaches) and provide a strategic R&D agenda mobilise public and private human, infrastructural and financial resources, and define priorities for common research and innovation in the future. 4. MEMBERSHIP Like other Technology Platforms the infrastructure necessary to maintain operations as well as the activities of the EPoSS Office are financed by its members. This contribution is not intended to be a formal membership fee, but a remuneration for the services provided. EPoSS Members will therefore be asked to pay a small contribution as follows: Large Companies (>250 employees): 6,000 € SMEs and public research institutions: 3,000 € Universities: 1,500 € Becoming an EPoSS member will provide you with a series of advantages as it will allow you amongst others to access the internal area of the EPoSS web portal have unlimited access to the EPoSS Working Groups and to receive information from internal sessions SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 74 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. facilitate your access to European projects and funding and to receive information on Commission decisions participate at EPoSS internal meetings free of charge obtain a reduced participation fee for the annual EPoSS conference have privileged access to other smart systems events connected to EPoSS MEMBERSHIP PROCCESS: Fill in online form You are now registered as the manager/responsible for this institution. Confirmation You will receive a notification. Representatives of an institution will now be able to add substitutes for their institutions as well as accept further members. Payment The office will send the "offer for the services of the ETP" to you. Please return a signed version of the fax-answer to the office. The office will send the invoice for the first year to you. Please pay the membership contribution. Access You now have access to the internal area of the web portal. You will be able to download documents, upload files (in certain folders) and contribute on a variety of working group activites. Access is preliminary and is finally confirmed by payment of the membership fee. Remember This web portal will evolve continuously. The office will improve its functionality according to the needs of the ETP members. 5. POSSIBILITIES OF RUSSIAN PARTICIPATION There are no any special procedures to become an EPoSS member for Russia. Although EPoSS essentially is open for everybody, members should predominantly be industry representatives. SMEs are particularly welcome. Furthermore public research organisations, industry associations and other organisations able to further develop the vision of Smart Systems are welcome. 6. CONTACTS VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH Steinplatz 1 10623 Berlin, Germany Mr. Wolfgang Gessner Dr. Sebastian Lange Tel.: +49 30 310078-299 Fax: +49 30 310078-225 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 75 1. NAME, WEBSITE EuMaT, 2. YEAR OF FOUNDATION Establishing of the EuMaT has happened on November 29, 2004 in Brussells. 3. MISSION EuMaT – European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies has been launched in order to assure optimal involvement of industry and other important stakeholders in the process of establishing of R&D priorities in the area of advanced engineering materials and technologies. EuMaT should improve coherence in existing and forthcoming EU projects, and lead to (according the EU list of keywords): "Radical Change" "Sustainable Development" Both, obviously, in the sector of advanced engineering materials and related technologies. EuMaT should cover all elements of the life cycle of advanced engineering materials / technologies: design, development & qualification of advanced materials advanced production, processing and manufacturing material and component testing material selection and optimization advanced modeling on all scales databases and supporting analytical tools life-cycle considerations, including impacts, decommissioning, reliability, hazards, risks and recyclability. 4. MEMBERSHIP To become a member there is a possibility to express interest in EuMaT online using the form on the web-site. The procedure is quite simple and it consists of few steps. You need to provide your contact data, to explain your interest in EuMaT and fill out the inquiry. You have to indicate your views on general priorities in the area of Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies. There is no fee for EuMaT members. For the deployment of its Strategic Research Agenda EuMaT looks explicitly for other than only EU based financing. For this purpose EuMaT concentrates its efforts on strong concerting of the EU and non-EU financing, helping to avoid duplication and/or any sub-optimal use of resources. For its financing EuMaT looks at the experiences from other success stories (e.g. European Coal and Steel Community - ECSC), and relays on the principles of the PPP – Public-Private-Partnership schemes. The stakeholders will be organized as a EuMaT partners (regular ones, core ones, ad-hoc ones, each of which can be, at the same time also an "investing/financing partner"). The decisionSEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 76 making and management structure comprising essentially: the Industrial Supervisory Board the Scientific Advisory Board the all-partner General Assembly and the Executive Group, and the Operating Agent Main stakeholders to be involved are: Industry (large, medium and small, embracing the whole production and supply chain, including component, equipment and sub-system suppliers, service providers and user industries; those involved in technology transfer; also, industry associations) Public authorities (regulators and policy makers, funding agencies; in the particular notified and licensing bodies) Academic community (apart for education and research also those involved in innovation and interested in the issue of European Innovation Area); Consortia from other EU projects Financial community (private banks including the EIB, the European Investment Fund EIF, venture capital, etc.; in particular supporting SME’s) Civil society, including users and consumers (involving the also the future customers, e.g. through associations). 5. POSSIBILITIES OF RUSSIAN PARTICIPATION Russian organizations can become a member of EuMaT, there are no restrictions or special procedures for them. 6. CONTACTS KMM-VIN AISBL Rue du Trône 98 1050 Brussels Belgium Prof. Michal Basista Tel: +48 22 828 53 74 +48 22 826 25 22 Fax: +48 22 826 25 22 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 77 APPENDIX E EUROPEAN NETWORKS OF EXCELLENCE 1. NAME, WEBSITE EUROSOI, 2. YEAR OF FOUNDATION EUROSOI was founded in 2005 as a discussion forum for the exchange of ideas and results around Silicon-On-Insulator technologies in Europe. 3. MISSION The EUROSOI network embraces a broad range of research areas related to Silicon-On-Insulator technology (from materials to end-user electronic applications in traditionally strong European industrial sectors such as automotive, communications, space). EUROSOI aims at federating the existing research work on SOI topics and at providing an appropriate communication channel between academic groups and industrial production centres. EUROSOI coordination efforts will be focused on fostering different activities to improve the lack of industrial development in Europe in SOI topics. A network of research centres, industries and end-users is the appropriate tool to structure and organize the existing R&D work on SOI topics, and achieve a critical mass to efficiently close the gap between academic groups and industry, which is responsible for the weakness of European Industry with regard to SOI. Key actions to reach the above-mentioned objectives are: to promote interaction between scientists, to take advantage of the previous experience of research groups, to join forces to maximize the synergy between individual skills, thus obtaining the best achievable global results, and to provide an appropriate communication channel between academic groups and industrial production centres. 4. CONTACTS Sorin Cristoloveanu, Co-Chair Tel: +33476856040 E-mail: Olivier Faynot, Co-chair Tel: +33438784368 E-mail: SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 78 1. NAME, WEBSITE EUROPRACTICE, 2. YEAR OF FOUNDATION EUROPRACTICE was launched by the European Commission (DGIII) in October 1995. 3. MISSION EUROPRACTICE was launched to help companies improve their competitive position in world markets by adopting ASIC, Multi-Chip Module (MCM) or Microsystems solutions in the products they manufacture. The program helps to reduce the perceived risks and costs associated with these technologies by offering potential users a range of services, including initial advice and ongoing support, reduced entry costs and a clear route to chip manufacture and product supply. EUROPRACTICE can also provide users with the training and CAD software required to design and develop their ASIC, MCM or Microsystems solution. EUROPRACTICE services were enlarged and funded again by the EU Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7). The aim is to improve the competitiveness of European industry by the adoption of advanced electronics technologies. EUROPRACTICE is a quality brand name for European service-type projects in the Microsystems and Microelectronics fields. The EUROPRACTICE brand name covers a wide range of FP6 and FP7 projects. 4. POSSIBILITIES OF RUSSIAN PARTICIPATION There are no restrictions on Russian Organizations taking part in EUROPRACTICE. Currently there are 15 Russian institutes with design tools supported via EUROPRACTICE and some of them have had ICs fabricated. 5. CONTACTS For general enquires about EUROPRACTICE: Carl Das, Project Coordinator Phone: +32 16 281571 E-Mail : For IC Services: Wayne Mckinley Tel : +49 (0)9131 776-4413 E-mail : For Tools and Software: John McLean, Project Coordinator Phone: +44 1235 445327 E-Mail : SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 79 1. NAME, WEBSITE NANOICT, 2. YEAR OF FOUNDATION NANOICT was founded in January 2008 as Nano-scale ICT Devices and Systems Instrument Coordination Action 3. MISSION The nanoICT Coordination Action activities will reinforce and support the whole European Research Community in "ICT nanoscale devices" covering the following research areas expected to demonstrate unconventional solutions beyond the expected limits of CMOS technology: Demonstration of new concepts for switches or memory cells Demonstration of new concepts, technologies and architectures for local and chip level interconnects with substantial improvements over current solutions Demonstration of radically new functionalities by the integration of blocks from a few nanometres down to the atomic scale into high added-value systems The CA action plans will go beyond the organisation of conferences, workshops, exchange of personnel, WEB site, etc. developing the following activities: Consolidation and visibility of the research community in ICT nanoscale devices Mapping and benchmarking of research at European level, and its comparison with other continents Identification of drivers and measures to assess research in ICT nanoscale devices, and to assess the potential of results to be taken up in industrial research Coordination of research agendas and development of research roadmaps Coordination of national or regional research programmes or activities, with the aim to involve funding authorities in building the ERA around this topic Development of strategies for international cooperation on themes related to NanoICT Expected impact will be the enhanced visibility, shaping and consolidation of the NanoICT research community in Europe. Fill in the online form to become a partner. 4. CONTACTS Project Coordinator: Dr. Antonio Correia Mailing address: Phantoms Foundation PCM - Pabellon C - 1ºPlanta Ctra. Colmenar Viejo - Km.15 / Campus Cantoblanco / UAM 28049 Madrid (Spain) Fax: +34 91 4973471 SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 80 APPENDIX F RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS Name City Activities Applications UNIVERSITIES Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow System design ICDesign, Process Modelling Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Department of Microand Nanoelectronics Moscow System design IC-Design, Process Modelling, Nanotechnology devices Increasing industrial process variability, Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Novel process/metrology equipment and materials, Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Photonics, Electro-magnetic interference, heat dissipation, energy consumption, Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications, Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems, Heterogeneous systems, integration of heterogeneous functions National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Department of Electronics Moscow IC-Design Read-out ASICs for different multichannel detectors, Chips for data-driven systems SaintPetersburg State Polytechnical University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications SaintPetersburg State Polytechnical University, Department of Telematics St.Petersburg IC-Design Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications St.Petersburg Measuring devices, High-speed communication network Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" St.Petersburg System design, Nanotechnology devices Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Novel process/metrology equipment and materials, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications Increasing industrial process variability, Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Novel process/metrology equipment and SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 81 Name Vladimir State University City Vladimir R&D INSTITUTES/ORGANISATIONS Research Institute of Moscow Material Science and Technology Activities IC-Design, System design Applications materials, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications Telecommunications, Heterogeneous systems, integration of heterogeneous functions Transport, safety and security Basic research, application development and industrial engineering of materials for military and civil electronics technology Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools Novel process/metrology equipment and materials Photonics Electro-magnetic interference, heat dissipation, energy consumption Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design Transport, safety and security Telecommunications Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems Research Centre "Module", JSC Moscow System design IC-Design, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Microelectronic Research Institute "PROGRESS" Moscow System design, IC-Design Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications, Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems Digital Solutions, LLC, SPE Moscow System design IC-Design, Process Modelling Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics Moscow Process Modelling Novel process/metrology equipment and materials, Electro-magnetic interference, heat dissipation, energy consumption, Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 82 Name City Activities Applications Intel Labs St. Petersburg (Intel Labs Department in Russia) IC Design Centre “Alfa Cristal” St.Petersburg System design Telecommunications, Heterogeneous systems, integration of heterogeneous functions Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Novel process/metrology equipment and materials, Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Photonics, Telecommunications Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications, Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems Novel process/metrology equipment and materials, Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design, Transport, safety and security St.Petersburg IC-Design Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Science St.Petersburg Process Modelling, Nanotechnology devices Nevatron, Ltd. St.Petersburg System design, IC-Design Taganrog Institute of Technology (Southern Federal University), Centre “Nanotechnologies” Taganrog JointStock Company Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices Tomsk System design, IC-Design, Process Modeling, Nanotechnology devices System design IC-Design, Process Modelling Voronezh Innovation & Technology Centre Voronezh IC-Design, Process Modelling Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications, Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems ELNAS Voronezh IC-Design Telecommunications (DVB H/T), Satellite navigation (Glonass/GPS), Logic and Memory SiP (FPGA/Flash), Increasing industrial process variability, Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Novel process/metrology equipment and materials, Photonics, Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems, Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 83 Name City Activities Applications MEMS (Smart RFID), Novel electrochemical nanomaterials (for IC, 3D TSV and Solar Cells) Research and Production Company "Sensor IS”, LLC Zelenograd System design IC-Design, Process Modelling Increasing industrial process variability, Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Novel process/metrology equipment and materials, Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Photonics, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications, Heterogeneous systems, integration of heterogeneous functions PKK Milandr, JSC Zelenograd IC-Design IDM Ltd Zelenograd IC-Design Heterogeneous systems, integration of heterogeneous functions Telecommunications, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems, Heterogeneous systems, integration of heterogeneous functions, Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems IDM-PLUS Zelenograd System design, IC-Design Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Electro-magnetic interference, heat dissipation, energy consumption, Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications, Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems "Laboratory of Innovation Technology" ltd. Zelenograd System design, Process Modelling, Nanotechnology devices Increasing industrial process variability, Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Novel process/metrology equipment and materials, Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications, Biomedical microsystems and smart SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 84 Name City Activities Applications miniaturised systems, Heterogeneous systems, integration of heterogeneous functions Electronic VLSI Engineering and Embedded Systems Research and Development Centre of Microelectronics Design Centre KM211 Zelenograd Zelenograd PRODUCTION COMPANIES/ORGANISATIONS Epiel Joint Stock Company Zelenograd System design, VLSI Design, Process simulation, Nanotechnology devices System design, IC-Design ASIC (SoC & SiP, FPGA & IP) design, Navigation and telecommunications Rad Hard IC design for Space, Transport, safety and security Supplier of silicon epitaxial wafers and epitaxial services for the Microelectronics Industry Increasing industrial process variability, Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Novel process/metrology equipment and materials, Photonics Flexible, organic and large area electronics (sensors, RFID, TFTs and others), Photonics, Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal effect aware design, Electro-magnetic interference, heat dissipation, energy consumption, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems, Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications, Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems Mikron, Joint Stock Company Zelenograd System design IC-Design, Process Modelling, Nanotechnology devices Semiconductor manufacturing approaches, processes and tools, Novel process/metrology equipment and materials, Energy efficient electronic systems, thermal eff ect aware design, Autonomous energy efficient smart systems Transport, safety and security, Telecommunications, Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems SMC "TECHNOLOGICAL CENTRE" MIET Zelenograd IC-Design, Process Modelling Transport, safety and security, Biomedical microsystems and smart miniaturised systems, Heterogeneous systems, integration of heterogeneous functions SEMIDEC REPORT ON RUSSIAN SEMICONDUCTOR DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS | Appendices 85