Study Plan for Bachelor’s Degree in Applied English 2011-2012 Department of Applied English Faculty of Foreign Languages University of Jordan Study Plan of Bachelor’s Degree in Applied English 2011-2012 Title of the degree in Arabic: البكالوريوس في اللغة اإلنجليزية التطبيقية Title of the degree in English: B.A. in Applied English Plan Components The study plan of the Bachelor's Degree in Applied English consists of 132 credit hours distributed as follows: Component Category Credit Hours 1. University Requirements 27 2. Faculty Requirements 21 3. Major Requirements 84 Total 132 Course Numbering System Each course number consists of SEVEN digits that are grouped as follows: Faculty Code Edition Dept. Code Level Specialization Domain Serial 22 0 5 X X X The code for the Faculty of Foreign Languages is 22. The code for the Applied English Department is 5, whilst the code for the Department of English Language and Literature is 1. Edition designates the “course generation”. It is customary for the original designation and description of a course to be given the code 0. Then, whenever the course undergoes any modification whether in title or description, this change will be assigned an edition number that the Admissions and Records Department labels “course generation”. Thus, the first modification will be given number 1, the second number 2, etc. -2- Level represents year of study at university; thus first year is 1, second year 2, third year 3, and fourth year 4. Specialization Domains are fields of expertise and skills that the Department offers courses in. The codes for these strands occupy the tens place value; they are as follows: Specialization Domain Code General Knowledge 0 Language Skills 1 Linguistics 2 Teaching 3 Translation 4 English for Specific Purposes 5 Field Training 9 Serial is the sequence of the course within its domain. -3- أوالً :متطلبات الجامعة متطلبات الجامعة هي ( )27ساعة معتمدة موزعة على النحو اآلتي: أ .المتطلبات اإلجبارية ويخصص لها( )12ساعة معتمدة وتشمل المواد التالية: اسم المادة المتطلب السابق الساعات المعتمدة 3 رقم المادة 1501100 -- مهارات االتصال باللغة العربية -- 1502100 مهارات االتصال باللغة اإلنجليزية 3 2200100 العلوم العسكرية 3 -- 2300100 التربية الوطنية 3 -- ب .متطلبات الجامعة االختيارية ( )15ساعة معتمدة يختارها الطالب من المجاالت األول والثااني والثالاا الماركورة أدناابح وبحاد أدناى مادة واحدة من كل مجالح وبحد أقصى مادتان من كل مجالح على أن تكون من خارج قسم التخصص: المجال األول :العلوم اإلنسانية: اسم المادة رقم المادة 1041100 الثقافة القانونية الساعات المعتمدة 3 - 0401100 الثقافة اإلسالمية 3 - 0402100 نظام إسالم 3 - 2302101 حضارات إنسانية 3 - 1601105 مهارات إدارية 3 - 2301100 الكتابة اإلبداعية 3 - 0807100 مدخل إلى علم المكتبات والمعلومات 3 - 1132100 الرياضة والصحة 3 2001100 التروق الفني - 3 - 1502103 لغة أجنبية 3 - -4- المتطلب السابق المجال الثاني :العلوم االجتماعية واالقتصادية: اسم المادة المتطلب السابق رقم المادة 2302104 تاريخ األردن وفلسطين الساعات المعتمدة 3 - 1607100 االقتصاد السياسي العالمي 3 - 2308100 مبادئ علم السياسة 3 - 2303100 المنطق والتفكير الناقد 3 - 2305100 مدخل إلى علم االجتماع 3 - 2307100 مبادئ علم النفس 3 - 2304100 جغرافية األردن 3 - 2601100 آثار األردن 3 - 2701100 مبادئ العمل االجتماعي 3 - المجال الثالا :العلوم والتكنولوجيا والزراعة والصحة: اسم المادة رقم المادة 050100 مبادئ في الصحة العامة الساعات المعتمدة 3 - 0300100 مناهج البحا العلمي 3 - 0342100 العلم والمجتمع 3 - 0641100 الزراعة المنزلية 3 - 0905100 مبادئ في السالمة العامة 3 - 0352100 مبادئ الطاقة واقتصادياتها 3 - 0905101 صناعات أردنية 3 - 0603100 مبادئ تغرية اإلنسان 3 - 0305100 علم البيئة 3 - 0700100 اإلسعاف األولي 3 - -5- المتطلب السابق II. Faculty Requirements Faculty Requirements: 21 Credit hours as follows: A. Compulsory Faculty Requirements: 12 credits B. Elective Faculty Requirements: 9 credits A: Compulsory Requirements: 12 credit hours Number Title of the course Credit Hours Pre-requisite Theoretical Credits Practical Credits 2205103 Study and Research Skills (in English) 3 -- -- 2201104 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Interaction (in English) 3 -- -- 2205101 Introduction to Linguistics 3 -- -- 1902102 Computer Skills/ Humanities 3 -- -- B. Elective Faculty Requirements Students can choose to study three levels of a foreign language other than that they take as a major. They can select 9 credit hours from the following: Course Number Course Title Credit Hours 2202101 French Language For Beginners 1 3 2202102 French Language For Beginners 2 3 2202101 2202107 French Language For Beginners 3 3 2202102 2203101 German Language For Beginners 1 3 2203102 German Language For Beginners 2 3 -6- Prerequisite 2203101 2203136 German Language For Beginners 3 3 2203103 Spanish Language For Beginners 1 3 2203104 Spanish Language For Beginners 2 3 2203103 2203137 Spanish Language For Beginners 3 3 2203104 2203105 Italian Language For Beginners 1 3 2203106 Italian Language For Beginners 2 3 2203105 2203143 Italian Language For Beginners 3 3 2203106 2203119 Greek Language For Beginners 1 3 2203120 Greek Language For Beginners 2 3 2203119 2203130 Greek Language For Beginners 3 3 2203120 2203128 Latin Language For Beginners 1 3 2203138 Latin Language For Beginners 2 3 2203128 2203148 Latin Language For Beginners 3 3 2203138 2204110 Turkish Language For Beginners 1 3 2204122 Turkish Language For Beginners 2 3 2204110 2204133 Turkish Language For Beginners 3 3 2204122 2204112 Japanese Language For Beginners 1 3 2204124 Japanese Language For Beginners 2 3 2204112 2204134 Japanese Language For Beginners 3 3 2204124 2204113 Hebrew Language For Beginners 1 3 2204125 Hebrew Language For Beginners 2 3 2204113 2204131 Hebrew Language For Beginners 3 3 2204125 2204129 Russian Language For Beginners 1 3 2204139 Russian Language For Beginners 2 3 2204129 2204149 Russian Language For Beginners 3 3 2204139 2204111 Persian Language For Beginners 1 3 -7- 2203102 2204123 Persian Language For Beginners 2 3 2204111 2204144 Persian Language For Beginners 3 3 2204123 2204126 Korean Language For Beginners 1 3 2204127 Korean Language For Beginners 2 3 2204126 2204132 Korean Language For Beginners 3 3 2204127 2204107 Chinese Language For Beginners 1 3 2204108 Chinese Language For Beginners 2 3 2204107 2204220 Chinese Language For Beginners 3 3 2204108 2204141 Urdu Language for Beginners 1 3 2204142 Urdu Language for Beginners 2 3 2204141 2204145 Urdu Language for Beginners 3 3 2204142 2203107 Polish Language for Beginners 1 3 -- 2203108 Polish Language for Beginners 2 3 2203107 2203109 Polish Language for Beginners 3 3 2203108 -8- Departmental Requirements The Applied English major requirements are: 1. Passing the English Proficiency Exam 2. Compulsory Departmental Requirements: 66 Credit hours 3. Elective Departmental Requirements: 18 Credit hours English Proficiency Exam Applied English majoring students must satisfactorily pass English Proficiency Exam (2201098) during their first year at the Department. Those who fail this exam must take and successfully pass the six-hour weekly Intensive English course (2201099). Compulsory Departmental Requirements Students must take the following 66 credit hours: Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite 2201111 Introduction to English Literature 3 2201098 or 2201099 2231222 English Phonetics 3 2201224 2201224 English Linguistics 3 2201098 or 2201099 2201341 Novel 1 3 2201111 2205113 Writing 3 2205120 English Grammar 3 2205210 Pronunciation and Speech 3 2205215 Essentials of Public Speaking 3 2205216 Professional Writing 3 2205123 Word Formation and Collocation 3 2205234 Foreign Language Learning 3 2205240 Translation of Written Texts (English-Arabic) 3 -9- 2205113 2205322 Semantics 3 2201224 2205324 Discourse Analysis 3 2201224 2205335 Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language 3 2205234 2235341 Translation of Written Texts (Arabic-English) 3 2205240 2205350 Business English 3 2205351 English for Tourism and Hotel Industry 3 2205352 English for Science and Technology 3 2205354 English for Journalism 3 2205427 Language and Society 3 2205490 Field Training 3 - 10 - Completion of 75 credit hours Elective Departmental Requirements Students can select any 18 credit hours from the following list of courses: Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite 2201241 Drama 3 2201111 2201251 Short Story 3 2201111 2205114 English Use 3 2205221 Advanced English Grammar 3 2205120 2205325 Consecutive & Simultaneous Translation 3 2205341 2205353 English for Diplomatic Purposes 3 2235433 Contrastive and Error Analysis 3 2205444 Translation of Commercial & Economic Texts 3 2205240 2205445 Translation of International Conventions 3 2205240 2205446 Translation of Legal Text 3 2205240 2205447 Subtitling 3 2205325 2205448 Computer-Assisted Translation 3 2205450 Language Testing 3 2205451 Computer-Assisted Language Learning 3 2205455 Writing for Journalism 3 2205113 2205456 Writing for Public Relations 3 2205113 - 11 - List of Courses Offered by the Department Course No. Course Title Credit Hours 2205101 Introduction to Linguistics (in Arabic) 3 2205103 Study and Research Skills 3 2205113 Writing 3 2205114 English Use 3 2205120 English Grammar 3 2205123 Word Formation and Collocation 3 2205210 Pronunciation and Speech 2205215 Essentials of Public Speaking 3 2205216 Professional Writing 3 2205113 2205221 Advanced English Grammar 3 2205120 2205234 Foreign Language Learning 3 2205240 Translation of Written Texts (English-Arabic) 3 2205322 Semantics 3 2201224 2205324 Discourse Analysis 3 2201224 2205325 Consecutive & Simultaneous Translation 3 2205341 2205335 Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language 3 2205234 2205341 Translation of Written Texts (Arabic-English) 3 2205240 2205350 Business English 3 2205351 English for Tourism and Hotel Industry 3 2205352 English for Science and Technology 3 2205353 English for Diplomatic Purposes 3 2205354 English for Journalism 3 2205427 Language and Society 3 2235433 Contrastive and Error Analysis 3 - 12 - Prerequisite 2205444 Translation of Commercial & Economic Texts 3 2205240 2205445 Translation of International Conventions 3 2205240 2205446 Translation of legal Text 3 2205240 2205447 Subtitling 3 2205325 2205448 Computer-Assisted Translation 3 2205450 Language Testing 3 2205451 Computer-Assisted Language Learning 3 2205455 Writing for Journalism 3 2205113 2205456 Writing for Public Relations 3 2205113 2205490 Field Training 3 Completion of 75 credit hours - 13 - Advisory Study Plan First Year First Semester Course No. Course Title Second Semester Credit Hours Course No. Course Title Credit Hours University requirement 3 University requirement 3 University requirement 3 University requirement 3 Faculty requirement 3 Faculty requirement 3 Faculty requirement 3 2201224 English Linguistics 3 University requirement 3 2205210 Pronunciation and Speech 3 Total 15 Total 15 Second Year First Semester Course No. Course Title Second Semester Credit Hours Course No. Course Title Credit Hours University requirement 3 University requirement 3 University requirement 3 University requirement 3 2205120 English Grammar 3 2201111 Introduction to English Literature 3 2205123 Word Formation and Collocation 3 2205215 Essentials of Public Speaking 3 2205113 Writing 3 2205114 English Use 3 Total 15 Total 15 - 14 - Third Year First Semester Course No. Course Title Second Semester Credit Hours Faculty requirement 3 2231222 English Phonetics 3 2205216 Professional Writing 2205240 Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Faculty requirement 3 2205322 Semantics 3 3 2205324 Discourse Analysis 3 Translation of Written Texts (English-Arabic) 3 2205341 Translation of Written Texts (Arabic-English) 3 2205234 Foreign Language Learning 3 2205351 English for Tourism and Hotel Industry 3 2205350 Business English 3 2205352 English for Science and Technology 3 Total 18 Total 18 Fourth Year First Semester Course No. Course Title Second Semester Credit Hours Faculty requirement 3 2201341 Novel 1 3 2205354 English for Journalism 3 2205335 Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language 3 Departmental Elective 3 Departmental Elective 3 Total 18 Course No. 2205490 2205427 - 15 - Course Title Credit Hours Faculty requirement 3 Field Training 3 Departmental Elective 3 Departmental Elective 3 Departmental Elective 3 Language and Society 3 Total 18 COURSE DESCRIPTION 2201111 Introduction to English Literature 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2201098 or 2201099 This course is an introduction to samples from literature written in English in the three basic genres: poetry, drama, and fiction, in addition to prose essays. It focuses on the formal and linguistic aspects of the literary work, but also discusses its intellectual content. 2231222 English Phonetics 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2201224 Acquainting students with the basic theoretical principles of English phonetics. Special emphasis is given to place and manner of articulation, stress and intonation, and transcription. 2201224 English Linguistics 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2201098 or 2201099 An introduction to Linguistic Science, its aims, aspects, and relation to other social disciplines. The course aims at acquainting the student with the nature of human language, its characteristics, functions, and components. A fairly detailed study of language components is presented within the overall framework of modern linguistic theories, in particular the Structural and the Generative Schools. 2201241 Drama 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2201111 A general course that teaches the student the elements of drama dialogue, action, plot, and characterization through detailed study of representative plays. Particular attention is paid to the major types of drama, viz. tragedy and comedy, with some help from the theoreticians. 2201251 Short Story 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2201111 This course aims at introducing students to the genre of Short Story through tracing its origins and its development from 1840 to the present times. To achieve its purposes, the course selects some twenty stories, beginning with the pioneers of the genre, like Poe, Turgenev, Maupassant, and the modernists, such as Joyce, Lawrence, Hemingway, Faulkner, and Beckett, among others. 2201341 Novel 1 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2201111 An introduction to both the world and art of the novel. Elements of the novel, i.e., setting, plot, characterization, etc. receive ample treatment, and so do the cultural and historical backgrounds. Through an in-depth study of 4 to 6 novels, students are acquainted with the various styles and trends within this rich genre. - 16 - 2205101 Introduction to Linguistics (in Arabic) 3 credit hours An overview of the traditional sub-disciplines of linguistics, examination of the origins of language, definitions of language, overview of the principles involved in phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic levels of linguistic analysis, evolution of linguistics as a science since the end of the Second World War. The course is taught in Arabic. 2205103 Study and Research Skills 3 credit hours This course focuses on developing basic skills in data collection, study skills, and language research. It is specifically concerned with effective internet search techniques, time management, goal-setting, note-taking, critical reading, and crucial problems of research design and implementation as well as the study of quantitative and qualitative research approaches to language phenomena. 2205113 Writing 3 credit hours This course aims at developing students' ability to write correct, cohesive, and organized paragraphs and short essays of different rhetorical types, e.g., expository, descriptive, argumentative, etc. 2205114 English Use 3 credit hours Developing the language skills of reading and listening comprehension. It aims at enabling students to understand main ideas in spoken and written discourse through relevant exercises in conversation and reading on topics such as business, culture, literature, and international communication. It also provides extensive listening and pronunciation practice in the language lab using on-line material. 2205120 English Grammar 3 credit hours This course aims at acquainting students with the structure of simple sentences. Students are trained on how to analyze sentences into their constituents in terms of categories and functions. The course gives special attention to sentence types: simple, compound, and complex. 2205123 Word Formation and Collocation 3 credit hours The course introduces students to basic concepts in morphology and discusses the major mechanisms involved in word formation: affixation, borrowing, compounding, conversion, etc. It also reviews lexical notions, including collocations and multi-word units, as well as sense relations, semantic change, and dictionary typology. 2205210 Pronunciation and Speech 3 credit hours The course aims at developing the student's pronunciation and speaking skills at both segmental and suprasegmental levels of English in key words, phrases, and sentences. It trains students to produce short and long utterances using appropriate stress and intonation. 2205215 Essentials of Public Speaking 3 credit hours The course aims at training students to develop self-confidence, use appropriate body language when speaking in public. It also trains them to speak both impromptu and from notes. Two genres of speech are emphasized: the informative and the persuasive. - 17 - 2205216 Professional Writing 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2205113 The course aims at developing the student's skills in producing texts of different genres, e.g., curriculum vitae, memos, minutes, cover letters and application forms, correspondence: acceptance, rejection, complaint, etc. 2205221 Advanced English Grammar 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2205120 The course introduces students to some advanced grammatical issues, particularly complex and compound sentences, and nominal and adverbial clauses. It also focuses on adjectival, appositive, parenthetical, and reporting clauses. 2205234 Foreign Language Learning 3 credit hours The course provides an overview of the major areas related to second language acquisition or learning from an applied linguistic perspective and their manifestation in the language classroom. 2205240 Translation of Written Texts (English-Arabic) 3 credit hours The course aims at training students to translate written texts of general nature from English into Arabic. It also highlights the basic principles, techniques, and skills of written translation. 2205322 Semantics 3 Credit hours Prerequisite: 2201224 The course acquaints students with concept of meaning in addition to sense relations between words such as synonyms and antonyms. It also addresses issues such as sentence relations, lexical and structural ambiguity. 2205324 Discourse Analysis 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2201224 The course addresses text linguistics placing special emphasis on sources, tools, principles, and methods necessary for analyzing naturally occurring data. 2205325 Consecutive & Simultaneous Translation 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2205341 The course utilizes the language lab to train students in translating short oral texts of general nature from English into Arabic and vice versa. Problems and difficulties associated with consecutive and simultaneous translation are identified and suggestions to minimize and eventually overcome them are presented and discussed. 2205335 Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2205234 The course introduces students to the principles of teaching English as a foreign language. It also examines the different contexts, purposes and approaches of teaching EFL placing special emphasis on teaching reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, correction of errors, lesson planning, classroom management, and testing. - 18 - 2205341 Translation of Written Texts (Arabic-English) 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2205240 The course aims at training students to translate written texts of general nature from Arabic into English. It also promotes students understanding and application of the basic principles, techniques, and skills of written translation. 2205350 Business English 3 credit hours The course aims at acquainting students with the language of business. It places special emphasis on company structure, meetings, job applications and interviews, telephoning, basic business writing, language of marketing, and business socializing. 2205351 English for Tourism and Hotel Industry 3 credit hours The course focuses on different areas of the tourism sector and hotel industry with the aim of providing students with basic vocabulary and jargon that are most often used. Topics include travel programs, types of offers, travel contracts, transportation, providing information on topics of interest to tourists, writing tourism brochures, describing hotel facilities, dealing with complaints, making and confirming reservations, and organizing tours, and excursions. The ultimate goal is developing students’ ability to respond quickly, fluently, and politely in high-pressure situations. 2205352 English for Science and Technology 3 credit hours This course uses authentic scientific English texts as reading material for the purpose of teaching the characteristics of this discourse genre, particularly the syntactic structures, and basic terminology in biology, chemistry, mathematics, health sciences, etc. It will teach how to write lab reports, science reviews and critiques, and scientific research proposals. 2205353 English for Diplomatic Purposes 3 credit hours The course introduces students to the UN bodies & organization: structure and operating mechanism. It also familiarizes students with terms and expression used in diplomatic texts and correspondence through relevant texts and activities 2205354 English for Journalism 3 credit hours The course aims at training students to produce audio, visual, and cyber media reports. It also develops their skills in listening to and monitoring news bulletins and reading mainstream newspapers. Moreover, it promotes their skills in conducting interviews, in addition to reporting and editing news. 2205427 Language and Society 3 credit hours This course is an introduction to major topics in sociolinguistics: sociolinguistic goals, techniques and levels of analysis; implications of the recognition of language as a social phenomenon and its importance in social interaction; and functions of different speech varieties in human communities. It focuses on topics such as language variation; language change; language maintenance, shift, and death; multilingualism; styles and registers; and the influence of social factors on language use. - 19 - 2235433 Contrastive and Error Analysis 3 credit hours This course contrasts English and Arabic at phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic levels. Topics of interest include learner’s inter-language system and approaches to the analysis of the linguistic forms acquired by second language learners. Emphasis is also placed on types and causes of language errors. 2205444 Translation of Commercial & Economic Texts 3 credit hours Pre- requisite: 2205240 The course trains students to translate from English into Arabic and vice versa a variety of texts in the fields of finance, banking, investment, stock markets, and governance. 2205445 Translation of International Conventions 3 credit hours Pre- requisite: 2205240 The course introduces students to the basic terms and structures used in international conventions. It aims to empower students to translate English - Arabic excerpts form a sample of international conventions , e.g. Protection of the Rights of Children , Social Security, Elimination of All Kinds of Discrimination Against Women. 2205446 Translation of legal Text 3 credit hours The course trains students to translate from English into Arabic and vice versa selected legal documents with special emphasis on contracts, policies, hearing sessions and selected provisions of some laws. 2205447 Subtitling 3 credit hours Prerequisite: 2205325 The course introduces a variety of skills for the translation and interpretation of films and television shows. Topics include transcription and translation of narration and dialogue, translation of film scripts, sound tracks,, and translation and production of subtitles. 2205448 Computer-Assisted Translation 3 credit hours This is a hands-on introduction to IT knowledge and resources that enable a translator to operate successfully in the industry. The concepts it covers are: machine translation, translation memory, terminology management, database repository, corpus, automation, parsing, and information retrieval. It outlines the major translation processes and reviews some computer-assisted translation tools available on the market. 2205450 Language Testing 3 credit hours This course aims at acquainting students with the basic notions of language testing including the questions of validity, reliability and practicality, the purposes of testing, qualities of a good test, types of tests, methods of testing listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar. It also aims at familiarizing students with how test results can be interpreted. Students will also be trained to write and evaluate tests of different types. - 20 - 2205451 Computer-Assisted Language Learning 3 credit hours This course explores the effect of information technology on language teaching methodology. A broad range of computer-assisted language learning software is pedagogically and philosophically evaluated and extensive training is given in authoring CALL resources for teaching listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar. 2205455 Writing for Journalism 3 credit hours Pre- requisite: 2205113 The course trains students to write different types of journalistic texts in both Arabic and English. Such texts include editorials, political and social news, sports and advertisements. 2205456 Writing for Public Relations 3 credit hours Pre- requisite: 2205113 The course introduces students to the concepts of mission and vision statement, methods of drafting organizational goals and objectives. It also trains students to prepare PR programs, press releases, ad copy, releases for radio and television, PR letters, and brochures, organize funding appeals, and other internal projects designed to help organizations. 2205490 Field Training 3 credit hours Prerequisite completion of 75 credit hours The course provides prospective graduates with training in public & private sectors as well as organizations inside and outside the country for the purpose of enhancing their linguistic and communicative skills. Training is supervised by experienced professionals in such organization as well as faculty members from the department. - 21 -