CSU SAN MARCOS GUIDELINES FOR THE MASTER’S THESIS A finished Master’s thesis is a scholarly work that is the product of extensive research and related preparation. The University will make Master’s theses publicly available to other students, faculty, and outside researchers in the University Library. These theses will become a visible and permanent measure of the quality of scholarship expected at California State University San Marcos. As such, theses must adhere to uniform standards of format and construction to preserve the work and to prepare it for binding. Thesis Placement in the Library Students must submit two copies of their approved thesis to the Library, both of which must be signed by all members of the thesis committee on the thesis signature page; see below for the CSU San Marcos model signature page. These signatures indicate that the thesis has been accepted by the thesis committee. ALL SIGNATURES MUST BE IN DARK BLUE OR BLACK INK. One copy will be kept in the Library archives; the other will become part of the circulating collection. A fee is charged for binding the library copies. Separate arrangements must be made with a bookbinder of the student’s choice for the binding of personal copies. Students wishing to copyright their theses through an official agency must make their own arrangements to do so. FORMAT GUIDELINES FOR THE THESIS Paper The two copies to be submitted to the Library must be printed on 8 1/2” x 11” unpunched, unbound white paper of 20-24 lb. weight. The paper must also meet the specification of 100% cotton content and must not contain lines, smudges, spots, or shaded background. Watermarks identifying cotton content must appear on each page. Copies from a laser printer or commercial copier service are highly recommended. Copies done on departmental or self-service copy machines are rarely clean enough to meet the University’s quality standard. ALL PRINTING MUST BE ONE-SIDED. Photographs, maps, charts, color copies, and some special illustrative materials may be placed, prepared, or reproduced on paper different from that of the regular text (for example, color copies on cotton paper will smudge; use paper specifically made for color copying). On either side of this special paper, students must include a blank sheet of the specified cotton, acid-free paper. Students also must place one extra sheet at both the front and the back of the thesis. Signature Page The first page after the extra blank page of the thesis is the Signature Page. This page also functions as the title page of the thesis. From APP 165-99 Approved August 22, 2000 Thesis Abstract Abstracts must be double-spaced and are limited to a single page with margins as described below. This page bears the heading “Thesis Abstract.” Keywords The student will supply, at the end of the Abstract, a list of five to seven keywords describing the subject content of the thesis. Margins The following (minimum) margins must be used throughout the manuscript: Left margin: Right margin: Top margin: - Page numbers: - Text: Bottom margin: 1.5” 1.25” 1” FROM TOP-RIGHT CORNER 1.25” minimum, 1.5” maximum 1.25” minimum, 1.5” maximum. Because margins can shift during printing, it is advisable to print sample pages and measure the margins on them. Every effort should be made to use a reduced version (copy reduction) of oversized material. Letters and numbers, however, must be legible. Some material may fit within the required oversized margins by turning the material 90 degrees. Material that cannot fit feasibly within regular or oversized margin requirements may be placed on 11” x 17” paper. Page numbers must be placed in the upper right corner in the same position as the rest of the text. These pages are NOT to be folded prior to submittal. The bindery will fold them as appropriate. Style and Fonts Recognizing that there are variations of acceptable styles and fonts used by different academic disciplines, the University allows discretion in the use of styles and fonts according to the professional standards of the discipline. Master’s candidates must check with their thesis chairs or their graduate program directors/coordinators for further information regarding thesis formatting and the citing of sources. From APP 165-99 Approved August 22, 2000 THESIS REVIEW AND SUBMISSION After a successful thesis defense, the student must prepare two official copies of the manuscript. The student should check with the library to make certain that the paper has the correct size, weight and cotton content, and that the printing process produces sufficiently clean copy. To do this, the student must make an appointment with either the Collections Librarian or the Lead Library Assistant in Library Acquisitions. A pre-review by either person to ensure that the thesis meets the standards as described above is recommended.. Other library staff will not be able to conduct this pre-review. 1. The student obtains signatures of the thesis committee on the signature page of each official copy of the thesis. 2. The thesis committee chair and the graduate program director/coordinator sign the Master’s Thesis Certification Form. 3. The student makes an appointment with either the Collections Librarian or the Lead Library Assistant in Library Acquisitions—and is notified of the current thesis binding fee, and method of payment. 4. The student brings to this appointment: two copies of the completed Thesis Signature Page, both on 100% cotton paper, both with original signatures of all committee members in black or dark blue ink. two official copies of the completed thesis, both on 100% cotton paper, with the following margins: Left margin: 1.5” Right margin: 1.25” Top margin: - Page numbers: 1” FROM TOP-RIGHT CORNER - Text: 1.25” minimum, 1.5” maximum Bottom margin: 1.25” minimum, 1.5” maximum the Master’s Thesis Certification Form (signed by the thesis committee chair and the graduate program director/coordinator.) the thesis binding fee (check made out to “CSUSM Library.”) If the thesis is acceptable and the student has the binding fee, the Librarian will take the two copies of the thesis, the binding fee and the Master’s Thesis Certification Form. A copy of the Master’s Thesis Certification Form (with the Librarian’s signature) is given to the student as a receipt, certifying that the Library has accepted the submission of the thesis. 5. The Library sends the Master’s Thesis Certification Form to the Office of Registration and Records, who will notify the Office of Graduate Studies, who will in turn notify the director/coordinator of the graduate program that the student has completed all thesis requirements. From APP 165-99 Approved August 22, 2000