Program Degrees Boston University http://bioinfo.bu. edu/ MS, PhD Carnegie Mellon http://www.cmu. edu/mcs/Merck/ BS, MS, PhD Entrance Requirements Intro to C, Intro to Probability and/or Statistics, Intro to Algorithms, Knowledge of PERL, Cell Biology, Physical Chemistry, and Biochemistry Degree Requirements MS requires 32 credits and an industrial internship (2-3 years). PhD requires 64 credits and a collaborative research project (4-5 years). Host Department Courses & Research Bioinformatics Research areas include: computational, physical/biochem, molecular/cell bio, other Apply to Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry, or Biomedical Engineering (follow their entrance requirements) Computational biology and chemistry program. No curriculum details provided. Participating departments: computer science, biology, chemistry, biomedical engineering. Students apply to one of these departments. Students can also apply for a degree in computational biology from the biology department: s/Masters/ Funding: exernal & student No funding for MS students. research: rch/index.shtml No research list, but this is the faculty page: Merck/MerckFaculty.html Program funded by the Merck company Merck graduate fellowships are available Other info They have a Center for Advanced Genomic Technology (CAGT) Program Degrees George Mason School of Computational Studies demics/bioinfor matics/ MS – 18 months PhD – 4-5 years Entrance Requirements BA or BS in a relevant field and undergraduate courses in the following areas: molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, differential equations; experience with a high-level programming language (C/C++, Java, etc.) and a course in data structures; and a course in probability and statistics. Degree Requirements twelve credit hours of fundamental biosciences requirements provide a common bond between the Bioinformatics Ph.D. and the Bioscience Ph.D. sixteen credit hours of core bioinformatic requirements provide the scientific background for the discipline a minimum of twenty hours of electives or independent research allow the student to specialize into an area of bioinformatics a minimum of twenty-four credit hours of dissertation research. Host Department Courses & Research Biology department offers MS and PhD in Bioinformatics. PhD administered through Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, w/participation from biology, biomedical engineering, computing, chemistry & biochemistry, mathematics, and physics departments oinformatics/descriptions. html Funding: exernal & student Other info Program Degrees Iowa State Bioinformatics & Computational Biology http://www.bcb.i PhD and MS options Arizona State .edu/~sloan/inde x.html Master’s degree only offered Entrance Requirements A four-year university degree is required. Successful applicants typically have an undergraduate degree in molecular biology, computer science, mathematics, statistics, physics or a closely related discipline. Strong computational, mathematical or statistical training is desirable. Degree Requirements PhD: 72 credit hours; core courses; other coursework; research rotations; bioethics training; thesis. One-year sequences in general chemistry and biology, one semester of organic chemistry, one semester each of calculus and differential equations, a course in data structures and analysis of algorithms, and a course with a substantial programming component. 30 credit hours, an internship, and a “professional” option for 6 additional credit hours MS: 30 credit hours; same requirements as for PhD but with fewer credit hours and no dissertation. Host Department Courses & Research Participating departments include animal science, botany, chemical engineering, computer science, electrical & computer engineering, math, physics & astronomy, plant pathology, statistics, veterinary microbiology, zoology & genetics Computational biosciences program with a focus in bioinformatics and genomics available Focus of program is computational molecular biology; bioinformatics focus/research area http://www.bcb.iastate.ed u/courses/ ml oan/document/ ml Funding: exernal & student Awarded a $3 million training grant from NSF Other info developed with a grant from the Alfred p. sloan foundation New degree as of fall 2002 Program Degrees Entrance Requirements Harvard and MIT Bioinformatics and Integrated Genomics http://big.chip.or g/ Doctoral option only; most students complete coursework in 3 years Introductory background in informatics/co mputer science and biology Degree Requirements 3 courses out of a Quantitative Foundations Core (Probability theory, Computer Science, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, Genomics) An intensive month-long course on experimental methods of molecular biology and genomics. The MEMP Life Sciences Core Molecular and Cellular Medicine Track A course on ethics in biomedical research A seminar series held every other week. Host Department Courses & Research Administered through the Harvard/MIT division of Health Sciences and Technology’s medical engineering and medical physics program um.html Funding: exernal & student Funded through grant from Human Genome Research Institute Other info Program Degrees Indiana University School of Informatics http://www.infor matics.indiana.ed u/ MS in Bioinformat ics offered, also BS and PhD minor Medical College of Wisconsin bioinformatics graduate program http://www.brc. Offers masters degree only Entrance Requirements Introductory background in informatics/compu ter science and biology Degree Requirements 36 credit hours plus thesis required for MS; PhD minor requires 12 credits. Apply through Marquette graduate school to program of choice Either 24 credit hours, plus a 6credit thesis, or 36 credit hours. Host Department Courses & Research Colleagues from dept. of computer and information science, dept of biochemistry and molecular biology, and dept of biology, on several IU campuses Informatics and biosciences faculty share teaching duties Departments included: Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Biology; and Biomedical Engineering at Marquette University with the bioinformatic and biomedical research conducted at the Medical College of Wisconsin ions.asp ap/courses/ Funding: exernal & student Funded by Eli Lilly and company Other info Program Degrees NC State statistical genetics & bioinformatics http://bioinforma Offers PhD and MS in bioinformati cs Northern Illinois University http://www.bios. matics/ Bioinformat ics specializatio n& certification at a master’s level. You can get a biology PhD w/a bioinformati cs focus Offers BS, master’s and PhD Renneselear bioinformatics and molecular biology http://www.bioin Entrance Requirements Requirements: basic statistics and genetics, knowledge of multivariate calculus and linear algebra, knowledge of a programming language BIOS 300, Cell Biology and BIOS 308, Genetics CSCI 240, Computer Programming in C; and CSCI 241, Intermediate Programming in C and C++ Apply to the RPI Biology department Degree Requirements PhD requires a minimum of 72 credit hours (15 hours in Genomic Science and 57 in Bioinformatics). MS requires a minimum of 33 credit hours (15 hours in Genomic Science and 18 in Bioinformatics). Specialization: 30 credit hours. Certificate: 16-17 credit hours. Although courses are listed, no graduation requirements are available. Host Department Courses & Research Program in genomic science http://bioinformatics.ncsu. edu/statgen/degr_courses. html No actual degree program, but you do have to apply for either certification or specialization Administered by the Dept. of Biological Sciences ioinformatics/ ml Administered out of RensselaerWadsworth Center for Bioinformatics (CB), but students must apply to the RPI biology department http://www.bioinfo.rpi.ed u/education/ Funding: exernal & student Offers thesis, travel, and block grants to phd students /functions.htm IBM is a partner in this program Other info Housed in the Bioinformatics Research Center (BRC) Program Degrees University of Washington bioinformatics program http://www.infor matics.washingto Offer MS and hope to begin to offer the PhD soon Entrance Requirements College-level mathematics, computer programming, and biology courses; undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above. Degree Requirements MS requires 60 credits, Final Examination, and Thesis/Project. Host Department Courses & Research The Biomedical and Health Informatics Graduate Program is an interdisciplinary program across seven schools and colleges of the University of Washington: School of Dentistry, College of Engineering, Information School, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy and the School of Public Health and Community Medicine. The academic home of the BHI Graduate Program is in the Department of Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics (MEBI) in the School of Medicine. http://www.informatics.w st.html http://www.informatics.w .html Funding: exernal & student Funded by a grant from the University initiatives fund Other info Program Degrees Entrance Requirements Summarize background in medicine and computer science; admissions committee will determine if prerequisites are required. Degree Requirements MS requires 44 credits and Research Project/Thesis. PhD requires 71 credits, comprehensive exam, and dissertation. Pittsburgh University http://www.cbmi ng_program/desc ription.htm Offers MS, PhD, and postdoctoral fellowships Stanford bioinformatics certificate program http://scpd.stanfo rams/certs/bioinf ormatics.htm Certificate program only Aimed towards working professionals. Three graduate courses on computing in biology, with an emphasis on molecular biology. University of California, Irvine http://www.ics.u PhD and MS in Information & Computer Science, with bioinformati cs concentratio n Requirements for entering the Information & Computer Science program. Three core courses, plus at last 6 additional courses, and courses to satisfy a breadth requirement. Paper required for phd but not ms. Host Department Courses & Research Interdisciplinary degree program that draws on several departments, but especially the Center for Biomedical Informatics (CBMI) and School of Information Studies (SIS) Offered through the Stanford Center for Professional Development, a distancelearning initiative for industry professionals http://www.cbmi.upmc.ed u/training_program/descri ption.htm (click on courses link for pdf) Specialization in the Information and Computer Science department (http://www.ics. Funding: exernal & student Other info http://www.cbmi.upmc.ed u/training_program/resear ch_training_areas.htm - Computational Molecular Biology (BIOC218), 3 units - Protein and Nucleic Acid Structure, Dynamics, and Engineering(Structural Biology 228), 3 units - Representations and Algorithms for Computational Molecular Biology (BMI214), Spring, 4 units Courses: iomed/#courses research areas: iomed/#research Topics range from sequence, structure and function analysis to the context of algorithms, databases and visualization. Program Degrees UCLA http://www.bioin formatics.ucla.ed u/ Undergradu ate, MS, PhD UCSD Interdisciplinary Bioinformatics program http://bioinforma PhD specializatio n UCSF Biological & medical informatics http://www.mis.u PhD, MS Entrance Requirements Students should have an interdisciplinary undergraduate background, e.g. Computer Science major + math minor; Biology major + Computer Science minor; etc. Students must take bio & medical informatics core courses, plus do at least one informatics rotation Degree Requirements Get PhD or MS in major field, complete bioinformatics core plus additional “minor subject” courses. Undergraduate degree majoring in any of the disciplines in biological science, physical science, computer science, mathematics, or engineering with a strong background in quantitative sciences and biology. Host Department Courses & Research Math / Statistics; Computer Science; Biological Sciences Courses core: http://www.bioinformatic m_core.htm optional courses: http://www.bioinformatic m_comp_bio.htm#graduat e Bioengineering, biology, biomedical sciences, chemistry, biochemistry, computer science & engineering, math, physics Courses: http://bioinformatics.ucsd. edu/students/courses.cfm Formally associated with program in quantitative biology, also affiliated with the Bioengineering Graduate Group Courses: ourse-descrip.html research: http://bioinformatics.ucsd. edu/students/research.htm Funding: exernal & student NSF-IGERT fellowships available to PhD and undergraduate students Other info All graduate students funded by department, university, outside grants, and/or assistantships Fields of emphasis: Biological Data & Analysis Tools, Sequence Analysis, Genomic Analysis, Statistical Methods for Bioinformatics PhD students funded, MS students not funded Program Degrees Northeastern http://www.bioin formatics.neu.ed u/ MS Georgia Tech http://www.biolo oinform.html MS in bioinformati cs; PhD in computation al bio & bioinformati cs Entrance Requirements Applicants to the MS Program must have earned a baccalaureate degree in a biological science, chemistry, computer science, pharmacy, engineering, nursing, or other related discipline from an accredited college or university. Sufficient background in science. University of Memphis http://www.msci. ri/bio.html N/A: concentratio n with CS Master’s degree Need masters or PhD in biological sciences University of Minnesota http://www.binf. Graduate minor for Biology or Computer Science students, either PhD or MS Apply to Department of Biology or Computer Science Degree Requirements All fundamental & core courses, at least one elective, industrial internship Host Department Courses & Research Joint program with BU; they seem to have a lot of the same courses and requirements Courses: http://www.bioinformatic MS: 3 semesters, 37 hours Apply to program through School of Biology Courses: http://www.biology.gatec ssion_and_cur.html Apply to program through CS department phd courses: http://www.biology.gatec nformatics_phd.htm Courses: http://www.msci.memphis .edu/~giri/bio.html Biology, Computer Science Core coursework: courses.html Master’s thesis required; 30 credit hours for those with a PhD, 33 credit hours for other applicants MS: 3 core courses PhD: 5 core courses Funding: exernal & student No financial aid available. Other info Financial aid for phd students only. Has GA Tech Center for Computational Biology & Bioinformatics : ology.gatech.e du/gt_bioinfo/ about.html Program Degrees Entrance Requirements BS or BA in a life science, Computer Science, or Chemistry Degree Requirements Required courses, electives, and a two-semester independent project. Host Department Courses & Research University of the Sciences in Philadelphia http://www.usip. edu/graduate/bioi nformatics.html VA Tech Graduate Option in bioinformatics oinformatics.vt.e du/ BS and MS in bioinformati cs Bioinformatics Courses: uate/bioinformatics.html MS, PhD Official approval of the option is still pending so this has not yet been outlined. Official approval of the option is still pending so this has not yet been outlined. Courses: http://graduate.bioinforma Rice University http://www.cs.ric ioinfo.shtml MS in Computer Science Bioinformat ics Background in computer science, chemistry, biology, and math 6 computer science courses, 2 statistics courses, 5 biology courses This is a degree option for people in these depts.: Biochem, biology, CS, crop & soil environmental science, genetics, plant pathology, statistics CS department with bioinformatics concentration University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill http://bioinfo.unc .edu/ PhD certificate of specializatio n Formal coursework in computer science including programming, algorithms and data structures; biochemistry, cellular biology, or genetics; and statistics. Core curriculum, plus six additional courses; successful completion of examinations. Twenty-two participating departments including the School of Information and Library Science; hosted by Genome Sciences Center. Courses: Courses: tabase/bioinfo.shtml Funding: exernal & student Other info None for MS students Department also offers PhD, MS degrees – but w/o concentration Program Degrees Vanderbilt University mi/bmigradprog/ program.html MS in biomedical informatics; PhD can add 2 bioinformati cs concentratio n options: Bioinformat ics for Molecular Medicine or Clinical Bioinformat ics Entrance Requirements Computer Programming, Design and Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures (e.g., CS 250, or CS201), Networks (e.g., CS 283) Degree Requirements MS requires 27 credit hours and a thesis. PhD concentration requires core courses, plus at least 2 elective courses and a reading list on 3 areas of concentration. Host Department Courses & Research Biomedical informatics edu/dbmi/bmigradprog/pr ogram.html Funding: exernal & student Other info