Amended 4/10/07 Enacted 4/10/07 1 2 Introduced by the Council President at the request of the Mayor and amended by the Finance Committee: 3 4 5 ORDINANCE 2007-252-E 6 AN ORDINANCE 7 ($1,404,424 8 FUND 9 SPECIFIC PROJECT (UNF CAMPUS) AND APPROPRIATING $$4,455,364 THE FAIR SHARE SECTOR $3,050,940 FROM THE FROM REALIGNMENT SHARE FUND) TO FUND 10 THE 11 WIDENING 12 TECHNOLOGY PARKWAY TO A SIX-LANE DIVIDED URBAN 13 SECTION 14 COAST 15 SUBSTITUTION 16 PORTION OF KERNAN BOULEVARD NOW ABUTTING FIRST 17 COAST TECHNOLOGY PARK, AS INITIATED BY AMENDD 18 B.T. 07-109; PROVIDING A CARRYOVER OF FUNDS TO 19 FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008; AMENDING THE 2006-2011 20 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROVED 21 BY 22 ENTITLED 23 PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE AND OF FAIR 3-4 KERNAN EXISTING PLATTED RECONFIGURING TECHNOLOGY ORDINANCE (AS PARKWAY KERNAN FIRST PORTIONS TO FOR BOULEVARD FIRST PERMIT THE BY COAST OF BOULEVARD) 2006-789-E “KERNAN BOULEVARD FOR ITS THE PROJECT (JTB-MCCORMICK); 24 25 BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Jacksonville: 26 Section 1. the City’s Appropriation. For the 2006-2007 fiscal year, 27 within budget, there are hereby appropriated the 28 indicated sum(s) from the account(s) listed in subsection (a) to 29 the account(s) listed in subsection (b): Amended 4/10/07 1 2 (Amended B.T. 07-109, attached hereto as Revised Exhibit 1.) (a) Appropriated from: 3 4 See Amended B.T. 07-109 (b) Appropriated to: 5 6 $4,455,364 See Amended B.T. 07-109 Section 3. 1 is Purpose. Section 8 Boulevard by widening the existing platted First Coast Technology 9 Parkway a provide The purpose of the appropriation in 7 to to $4,455,364 six-lane of First funding divided urban the realignment section reconfiguring 11 substitution 12 Boulevard now abutting First Coast Technology Park, as initiated by 13 Amended B.T. 07-109. 14 Section 4. Boulevard) Parkway Kernan portions Kernan Technology and of 10 (as Coast for for the to permit portion of its Kernan CIP Amendment. Ordinance 2006-789-E, being the 15 2006-2011 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for the City and 16 certain of its independent agencies, is hereby amended to increase 17 the scope of the project entitled “Kernan Boulevard – McCormick 18 Road to JTB.” 19 Project Information Sheet, attached hereto as Revised Exhibit 2, 20 and shall constitute an amendment to Ordinance 2006-789-E. 21 other respects, the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program approved 22 by Ordinance 2006-789-E shall continue in full force and effect. 23 Section 5. effective This project is more fully described in the CIP Effective Date. upon signature by This 24 become the 25 effective without the Mayor’s signature. 26 Form Approved: Mayor 27 28 ____/s/ Margaret M. Sidman__________ 29 Office of General Counsel 30 Legislation Prepared By: 31 G:\SHARED\LEGIS.CC\2007\ord\02.27.07.PW.FairShare.Kernan.CIP.CO..doc Jim McCain - 2 - ordinance or upon In all shall becoming