Techniques and tools for measurement of fabricatory depth Gordon Rugg, October 2004 draft in progress Abstract (light version) It’s clear that some technologies are more complex than others, but trying to put a number on that has traditionally been viewed as tricky. One way that you can handle this is to use a branch of maths called graph theory. For instance, you can use graph theory to represent the layers of tools you need to make the tools to make the tools (and so forth) that you need to make a given item. You can then do some simple but powerful things like counting the number of layers, or the number of tools within a given level. This then lets you do interesting things (well, some people find them interesting) such as seeing whether hominids such as Neanderthals had technologies with fewer levels than modern-style humans contemporary with them. You can also assess how stable a culture’s technology is, and how dependent it is on a given material or tool; you can do various other things, such as seeing which technologies pre-adapt a society for adopting a given innovation. You can also do something pretty similar with the layers of explanation required to explain abstract concepts (such as technical or subjective terms), to assess the conceptual sophistication of a given discipline; this is known as elucidatory depth. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can also measure the ripple effects from a given restructuring of concepts within a discipline (no, they don’t ripple out forever) as a more sophisticated way of representing “paradigm shifts”. Neither of these is described in any detail in this paper, but it should be fairly clear how you map the concepts across from this paper to these concepts. The Rugg & McGeorge paper on laddering, in “Expert Systems”, gives some more detail on this, but it’s a brute of a paper, so be warned… I’m working on a more user-friendly paper about elucidatory depth and paradigms. Abstract (heavy version) Although the concept of complexity and hence of development of technologies is of central importance to the study of innovation and technology, methods for describing technologies have historically been qualitative rather than quantitative. This paper describes the application of graph theory to the description of technologies, to produce a formal, rigorous methodology which produces both quantitative and qualititative results in a form which is computationally tractable and amenable to the formulation of testable hypotheses. The method is applied to an extended case study (the manufacture of axes) to demonstrate its use and implications. It is concluded that this approach provides a useful tool for archaeology, cultural anthropology, and studies of technological change and innovation. Introduction Although the concept of technological complexity is at the heart of the idea of technological development, previous attempts to describe technologies in terms of their complexities have been primarily qualitative. The problems encountered in describing this area have led to understandable caution among researchers: for instance, the concept of the "primitive society" has long been abandoned, and instead terms such as "technologically primitive society" are used, though often with visible unease. Given the difficulty of defining what is "technologically primitive" in qualitative terms, this unease is understandable. One way out of the existing impasse is to import methods from other areas. One suitable approach, described here, is graph theory. Graph theory provides a formal mathematical framework for describing graphs, in the sense of graphical network diagrams. Figure 1: a simple graph This graph has three levels. At the top level is a single node, shown by a rectangle. This node is joined by two arcs (the technical term, even if the lines are actually straight) to the two nodes below it. Each of these nodes is in turn joined to two more nodes on the bottom level of the graph. Graph theory can be readily applied to the description of technologies because of the way in which manufactured items are produced. An item is produced using techniques, tools and materials, each of which may in turn require the use of other techniques, tools and materials, and so on recursively until the sequence "bottoms out" in raw materials which do not require any previous tools, materials or processing. This type of sequential decomposition is extremely amenable to a graph theory representation, which then provides a variety of mathematical metrics to describe the resulting graph. A simple example is the concept of "fabricatory depth" (Rugg & McGeorge, 1995). This consists of counting the layers of tools (or materials, or processes) needed to make the tools to make the tools etc. to make the item. If there are two layers, then the item has a fabricatory depth of 2; if there are seven layers, then the item has a fabricatory depth of 7. The implications of this are obvious: it is possible to describe two or more technologies in terms of the fabricatory depth of the items in those technologies, and then to compare the results in quantitative terms. A society can then be described, for instance, as having several level 3 technologies and one level 4 technology. The advantage of this method over previous definitions of levels of technology is that it is descriptive rather than prescriptive: it does not depend on an a priori definition of what constitutes a "higher" or "lower" technology. Comparison with the famous debate about what constitutes a civilisation is instructive: instead of arguing about whether or not production of grape wine or barley beer is an indicator of civilisation, researchers can simply count the levels of fabricatory depth in the technologies available to that society. Method Definitions: Fabricatory depth is the maximum number of levels of fabrication needed to produce the item. Fabricatory width is the maximum number of entities involved at any single level of fabricatory decomposition. Fabricatory size is the number of fabricatory entities needed to produce the item. The distinction between breadth, width and size is useful for capturing the difference between e.g. a simple process which uses a large number of raw materials, and a complex process using the same number of entities but with much greater fabricatory depth. Fabricatory entities: • process (public domain or expert); • tool • material Expert process: a process involving skills or knowledge which are not known to everyone within the society. Public domain process: a process involving skills or knowledge which are known to everyone within the society. Primitive: an entity which cannot be further decomposed. (Note that an entity may be a primitive in one technology or a composed entity in another. For instance, in handaxe manufacture "flint" is a primitive, whereas for the manufacture of polished flint axes it is a composed entity, obtained by mining using specialist techniques and tools.) Composed entity: an entity which can be further decomposed. Black box entity: a composed entity which is produced by one technology and then used "as-is" in another technology. Necessary entity: an entity which is a necessary part of the manufacture of the end product (e.g. tin for the manufacture of bronze). Contingent entity: the entity which happens to be used as the instantiation of a necessary entity within a particular technology. For example, shaft mining involves the necessary entity of a means of letting miners get in and out of the shaft; contingent ways of achieving this include notched log ladders, runged ladders, rope ladders, etc. Pre-adaptation: an entity originally produced for one purpose which can also be used for other purposes. It is in principle possible to produce a complete description of all the techniques, tools and materials used in a society's technology. This allows the use of more complex metrics such as technological size (the number of entities in the society's technology) and technological interdependence (the number of entities used in the manufacture of more than one end product). Thus one society, for example, may have a relatively large number of tools, none of which shares raw materials, processes or precursor tools with any of the others, whereas another society may have a relatively small number of tools which are all dependent on the same set of materials, processes and precursor tools. The latter is clearly likely to be more sensitive to perturbation than the former if there is any change in availability of any of the entities involved. Procedure Although in principle it is possible to represent an entire technology on a single graph, in practice this produces complex graphs which are hard to understand and modify and which require a large amount of paper. (This approach is eminently amenable to computerisation, which has many advantages over manual representation. For clarity, the description here concentrates on manual representation.) The simplest approach is to draw a separate graph for each tool and material used in the society, showing the tools, techniques and materials used to produce it. Each tool or material and corresponding graph should be uniquely labelled. When manufacture of a tool or material requires use of another tool or material, then that tool or material can be identified on the graph by its name and its own graph number. This keeps individual graphs down to a tractable size. The completed graphs can be analysed in various ways. The metrics described above can be used to provide a quantitative analysis of the technology. For a more impressionistic overview, the graphs can be attached to a suitably large surface, with cross-links between them indicated by coloured wool. This makes it possible to see at a glance to what extent any given entity is used across the technology. For instance, in modern western society, copper and gold would be have numerous links because of their use in electronics and electricity, whereas bone would have very few links. In mediaeval western society, although all three materials were known, bone would be much more widely linked to different materials and products than either copper or gold. Case Study The case study examines the manufacture of four different types of stone artefact: handaxes, tranchet axes, polished flint axes made from surface flint, and polished flint axes made from mined flint. For present purposes the difference in use of handaxes and later true axes is of secondary importance; the primary focus is on means of manufacture. The method will be extended to metal axes, to demonstrate the principle. (Light version…) Handaxes were not used in the same way as modern “true” axes: analysis of wear patterns on handaxes has shown that were used as multi-purpose tools, usually for cutting rather than hacking. They’re particularly good for butchering large game. Early handaxes were made using hard hammer technique, as shown in figure 2. The raw material was a flint nodule, probably found in a riverbank, as opposed to being mined. The only other tool needed was a roundish pebble of some stone other than flint. This pebble is usually hard (hence “hard hammer technique” but may be quite soft. Soft hammers (usually antler or dense wood billets, but sometimes soft stone pebbles) allow the removal of finer flakes, and therefore the production of more finely-shaped artefacts. Many modern knappers also use a piece of leather to protect their hands (freshly broken flint is sharper than a razor), but many others don’t, claiming that they get better control that way. The cuts aren’t usually deep, and don’t hurt much. If we disregard the leather, this gives us one layer underneath the final artefact “handaxe”; the layer contains one material (“flint nodule)”and one tool (“round pebble”). Later stone axes, such as tranchet axes and polished flint axes, were used similarly to modern axes. They tended to be made of better quality flint than handaxes, since otherwise they were prone to shattering. Flint varies in quality; flint picked up in a field will probably have been exposed to frost, which makes it prone to shattering. Flint freshly exposed in a riverbank probably won’t have been exposed to frost, but there are obvious limitations to this as a source of material. The best British flint is found some distance (about twenty feet) underground, and was mined by Neolithic people, who dug straight through layers of less deep, but less high quality, flint to get to the best material. They were made by knapping the basic shape, and then finishing them. Tranchet axes were finished with a single, highly-skilled transverse blow to create a cutting edge; polished flint axes were finished by grinding them against sand and/or a rock for hours (about two to twenty, depending on how fine a finish you wanted and how good the basic shape was). (end of light version) Figure 2: Fabricatory graph for lower Palaeolithic handaxe handaxe flint nodule round rock Figure 3: Fabricatory graph for polished flint axehead polished axehead soft hammer flint nodule polishing stone hard hammer antler Note that the hard hammer is used both in its own right (to rough out the flint nodule into the right general shape) and also to make the soft hammer (by breaking the tines off an antler, so the remaining antler shaft can be used as a soft hammer). Figure 4: Partial fabricatory graph for mined flint nodule (first two levels, and part of third level) flint nodule pick antler ladde r rope shove l basket lamp hard hammer Note that this only goes three levels down, because of clarity requirements. I’ve fully unpacked only the pick: the other second level entities can also be unpacked. I’ve indicated this with small boxes with small arcs underneath them, but have not filled in the details, because of space constraints. The lamp, for instance, would be unpacked into a chalk nodule, a burin to work it with, a knife or scraper to cut up fat or tallow, and a wick; the wick in turn would also need to be unpacked, for instance into a stripped length of rush. The main point about this diagram is that it’s clearly much larger and deeper than the graph for a handaxe. There are other interesting points, such as a loop involving the ladder; attested examples of ladders include tree trunks worked to shape with an axe (so an axehead will be needed to make the ladder which is needed to extract the flint to make the axhead). I haven’t represented that in this diagram, for clarity. Figure 5: Fabricatory graph for bronze axhead (To be completed… will contain mining for copper; smelting copper; bellows; forge; moulds for copper, etc) Discussion Methodological discussion The examples above demonstrate how graph theory can be used to represent fabricatory depth. The representations used above have deliberately been kept simple, and anyone wanting to use this approach will probably want to use more sophisticated representations. For instance, the graphs above show the tools and materials which were used, but do not show the processes and procedures which were used. In the case of tranchet axe manufacture, for instance, an essential process was the blow which detached a transverse flake, giving the axe its cutting edge. It is fairly easy to represent processes via graphs which show activities, subactivities and so forth: for instance, the process of roughing out a blank for a polished flint axhead can be broken down into the sub-processes of hard hammer roughing out and soft hammer roughing out. Similarly, the graphs above do not make any distinction between tools and materials which are archaeologically attested (such as the stones used as hard hammers), and those which are hypothesised (such as rush pith for lamp wicks). This can be represented using different formats for the arcs in the graph, such as different colours, different thickness of lines, and dashed lines rather than continuous lines. This can be useful for “what-if?” representations to check the feasibility of a hypothesis about how something was manufactured. For instance, this makes it possible to check whether the hypothesis would involve lower-level tools or materials which were not available in that area, such as a particular type of ore or clay. Coloured graphs can also be useful for showing which parts of a technology depend on tools or materials coming from outside the local area (and are therefore vulnerable to disruption if that source of supply is interrupted). The graphs above show that representing all the entities in all the levels of the graph can quickly produce very cluttered diagrams. One simple solution is to use large sheets of paper, or cards for the entities and wool for the arcs, on pinboards. Although this may sound like a flippant suggestion, there are in fact considerable practical and methodological advantages in doing this compared to the usual formats of A4 or a computer screen. I’ve seldom had much success in persuading people of this, though: there’s a widespread implicit belief that a computer-based representation is always more sophisticated. With the A4/computer screen format, graphs can be de-cluttered by using “black box” entities: the node shows an entity, such as “lamp”, and ends there; the entity “lamp” is unpacked in a separate graph. The advantage of this is clarity. The disadvantage is that it can easily lose the lower-level interconnections between entities which are an important advantage of this approach – for instance, discovering which low-level entities are used in the production of a large proportion of higher-level entities, as opposed to those which are only used in the production of a few higher-level entities. Implications of using mined flint There is a large increase in fabricatory depth and width associated with the change from the handaxe to the polished flint axehead using mined flint. For instance, fabricatory width increases from 2 to 6, even for the first level of decomposition. The number of non-primitive entities also increases from 1 to 4 for the mining alone. The technologies used for working the flint are very similar between handaxe and polished flint axehead manufacture - the only difference is the addition of the polishing stone, which is usually a lump of suitable sedimentary stone or a layer of sand on a hard stone. The mining process, however, involves a set of entities larger than those used for the flint working itself. Support technologies One surprising result of the analysis above is the number of items concerned with producing the raw material: flint mining, for instance, is clearly a significant activity, rather than an insignificant add-on to the process of producing the axe. When we come to describe the production of a metal axehead using machine tools, this becomes even more apparent, and the attraction of using "black box" representations to represent e.g. the ships used to transport iron ore is obvious. (Once an item such as a ship has been described once, the description can be re-used as a black box when describing other products, thus keeping the task down to a feasible size). Pre-adaptation There has been considerable and heated debate about the relative importance of diffusion and independent development in technology. The metric of technological interdependence, and the concept of pre-adaptation, make it possible to quantify the extent to which a given technological product is likely to be the result of diffusion or of independent development. A pre-adaptation in this context is a pre-existing technology or tool which can be used as part of a new process. (There is debate in the evolutionary ecology community about suitability of the term “pre-adaptation” in that discipline, since it has connotations of a feature being consciously evolved in anticipation of future needs. This is a cogent argument in that field, in the context of debates with religious creationists who advance arguments for deliberate pre-adaptation, but this is less of an issue in cultural anthropology, so the discussion here uses the term “pre-adaptation” on the grounds that it is clearer than alternatives such as “exadaptation”.) For example, several of the main tools involved in Neolithic flint mining are attested as already in use for the erection of monuments involving significant amounts of earth moving (ditches, banks, barrows, etc.). The development of mining for societies with such tools would not require many technological developments (if any) to make mining possible, and such societies would be preadapted for mining. It would therefore not be surprising if two different societies already engaged in earth-moving for monuments independently began mining. Perhaps significantly, early farming does not necessarily require major earth moving - slash and burn agriculture, combined with the use of the digging stick, is well attested. For such a society with no history of defensive or monumental earthworks, mining would require the development of several new entities, and it would be unlikely that two societies of this sort would independently begin mining. This implies that pre-adaptations facilitating the development of mining were not a necessary consequence of farming, but were an attested contingent consequence of the construction of large defensive and ceremonial structures. A further implication is that since large defensive structures require both significant manpower to construct, and a significant threat to guard against, there was neither means nor need to construct them until the population growth associated with the spread of farming. This produces the testable hypothesis that mining would be considerably more likely to occur after farming and warfare were common than before them. This is in agreement with the archaeological record, where there are a few cases of pre-Neolithic mining, but the earliest large scale evidence for mining comes from the Neolithic. Fabricatory loops Another interesting point is the fabricatory loop in which ladders are used in the manufacture of axes, and axes are used in the manufacture of ladders. Such loops can be reached by an evolutionary process in which, for instance, axes made from surface flint are used to make the ladders used for mining flint to make axes. Once sufficient axes have been made with mined flint, the process of using mined flint axes to make ladders for mining flint becomes self sustaining. Fabricatory loops of this sort have implications for technological resilience. As described above, a loop can be self sustaining. If, however, one part of the loop is removed (for example, because the supply of flint in the mines becomes exhausted), then the process can no longer be self-sustaining. If there are alternative ways of achieving the same end process (e.g. using surface flint, or trade, or making polished stone axes using surface igneous rock), then the technology of the society can continue relatively unchanged. If, however, there is no alternative path, then the repercussions can be considerable. It is likely that some technological breakdowns can be traced to the breakdown of such loops, and research into this area promises to be fruitful. An advantage of the graph approach described here is that it can be used to trace the implications of a breakdown in any given item, process or material. Other relevant approaches There are numerous methods which apply top-down decomposition to different disciplines. Particularly salient examples include laddering, task decomposition and JSD. Laddering is a technique for eliciting hierarchically arranged knowledge from people: for instance, finding out the tasks and sub-tasks involved in producing an artefact. It was invented by Hinkle, in an unpublished PhD thesis, and was subsequently developed and extended by other researchers, including myself. There is a brief article on laddering elsewhere on my website. Laddering is well suited to gathering the information needed to draw up graphs of the type described here. It appears superficially similar to a simple structured interview, with a few questions being used to unpack successive layers of explanation. It’s useful if you have to extract knowledge from a human expert, rather than observing the process at first hand. The main thing to remember is to keep going down to the final levels of detail, rather than stopping when you think you know what a particular term means – the same term may be used in different ways across different fields. Although laddering is good at eliciting this type of knowledge, it’s wise to complement it by firsthand observation. Experts frequently forget to mention things that they take for granted, and these things can be essential details (in fact, the most basic things are the most likely to be overlooked). That’s why this draft doesn’t contain a section on metal axeheads yet: I’ve made and used handaxes, tranchet axeheads and polished flint axeheads, but I don’t have first-hand experience of replica bronze-age metalworking. Task decomposition is a well established technique in ergonomics, and deals with tasks, rather than technologies. It has a well established set of representations and techniques; it also has experience of the problems involved in trying to represent complex tasks. JSD (Jackson Structured Design) deals with software design. It was fashionable some years ago, and there are other approaches which are similar to it. Their strength is that they have had to tackle a full representation of tasks, in a form which can be translated into software, and this leads into complex representational issues which cannot be fudged in the context of software development. For example, if a task contains several different optional ways of handling various sub-tasks, then the software developer needs to work through all the permutations of options, to check that none of them interfere with each other. Similarly, software developers need to spell out explicitly which sub-tasks need to be done in sequence, and which can be done in parallel with each other. From the viewpoint of cultural anthropology, most of this debate is probably not relevant, but some of the underlying notational concepts from software engineering can be useful. Conclusion Graph theory can be used as a representation of the complexity of a technology, in a way which helps understand a culture’s technology in context – for instance, in terms of dependencies on raw materials, or in terms of activities for which a culture will be pre-adapted. It has clear applications in modelling early societies, but can also be used to model aspects of modern technologies. References