劇本下載 版

Snow White
The Seven Dwarfs
劇 : 陳麗雪 老師
服裝設計 : 張靜宜 老師
舞台設計 : 吳忠勇 老師
指導教師 : 吳淑娟 老師
Snow White was considered as the most beautiful
woman in the world in the magic mirror’s eye, but appeared
ugly and fat to the Seven Dwarfs and the Prince Charming.
After the soldier’s deliberate failure in killing Snow White,
under the disguise of a witch, the new queen had Snow
White eat the poisonous apple, which caused Snow White
faint. By using CPR, the unconscious Snow White was finally
saved by the Prince Charming, who had no choice but marry
her because Snow White was told by her mother to marry to
the first man that “kissed” her.
Actors and actresses (按出場序)
Narrator & Magic Mirror
六年丙班 李 潔
六年丙班 王力雯
New Queen
六年戊班 黃于華
六年甲班 林哲加
Snow White
六年甲班 尤俊詠
Dwarf 1
六年乙班 潘士傑
Dwarf 2
六年甲班 鄭惠方
Dwarf 3
六年乙班 黃瓊慧
Dwarf 4
六年乙班 潘佩君
Dwarf 5
六年甲班 陳鎮城
Dwarf 6
五年戊班 蕭佳蓉
Dwarf 7
六年丙班 吳少奇
Prince Charming
六年甲班 楊高任
【Scene 1】
Once upon a time, there was a queen, who had long been hoping for
a child, made a wish.
The Queen:
I wish I had a child with hair as black as night, lips as red as blood, and
skin as white as snow.
Later that year, a lovely daughter was born. The child had black hair,
red lips, and white skin.
The Queen:
What a beautiful girl you are!
Well, baby, we will call you “Snow
But, sadly, the Queen died soon after her daughter was born, and Snow
White’s father, the King, married again. The new Queen was also very
beautiful, but she was a very bad queen.
The New Queen:
“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall. Who is the most beautiful woman in the
Magic Mirror:
Of all the women in the world, You, O Queen, are the most beautiful
woman in the world.”
The New Queen:
Ha, ha, ha. Yes, I am the most beautiful woman in the world.
【Scene 2】
But day after day, Snow White grew up, and she became more and
more beautiful. And one day, the queen stood before the mirror, and
she asked the same question again.
The New Queen:
“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall. Who is the most beautiful woman in the
Magic Mirror:
My dear Queen, you are very beautiful, but Snow White is more
beautiful than you.
The New Queen:
What? Snow White is more beautiful? Oh, my God. Jack….
Jack (The Soldier):
The New Queen:
Take Snow White into the forest and kill her, and I want to see her heart.
Oh! Snow White is a nice girl. How can I kill her? Oh, yes.
a pig, and show the Queen the pig’s heart. Yes. That’s it.
I can kill
So, the next day, Jack showed Snow White to a forest, and told her…
Snow White, the Queen wants me to kill you. So, run away.
the Queen that you are dead.
I will tell
Snow White:
Yes? The Queen wanted you to kill me? Oh, no.
Jack saw a pig. He killed the pig, and took the pig’s heart out.
the pig’s heart in a box, and showed it to the Queen.
He put
“Here is the heart of Snow White.”
The New Queen:
Ha, ha, ha. Snow White is dead. Then, I am the most beautiful
woman in the world. Ha, ha, ha. “Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is
the most beautiful woman in the world?”
Magic Mirror:
My dear Queen, you are very beautiful, but Snow White is more
beautiful than you.
The New Queen:
I am so angry. Snow White is not dead.
Ok, I’ll kill her myself.
【 Scene 3】
Snow White ran and ran and ran. At last, she saw a very little house,
and she went in.
Snow White:
Wow, this house is so small, but it is so dirty.
house. I can cook some food, too.
Mmmm…I can clean the
So Snow White cleaned the house.
Snow White:
Oh, I am so tired. I want to sleep.
Later, the 7 dwarfs came home.
Dwarf 1:
Oh, no! Someone is in our house.
Dwarf 2:
Oh, no! It smells so good. I am so hungry.
Dwarf 3:
Oh, no! I am very hungry, too.
Dwarf 4:
I want to eat something.
Dwarf 5:
I can’t wait.
Dwarf 6:
Who is cooking?
Dwarf 7:
Let’s go.
We have to find out.
So the seven dwarfs went into their house, and they heard a very loud
noise upstairs. They went upstairs and saw someone lying in their beds.
Dwarf 1:
Wow! She is so…. big.
Dwarf 2:
Oh, my God. She is …….
Dwarf 3:
Oh, my God.
Dwarf 4, 5, 7:
Oh, my God. She is so ugly and fat.
(Snow White is woken by their noise)
Snow White:
Oh! What is the noise?... Oh, hi. My name is Snow White.
meet you.
Nice to
Dwarf 1:
Why…….why…..why are you here?
Snow White started crying, telling the 7 dwarfs how the queen sent
someone to kill her, and how she ran to the house.
Seven Dwarfs:
Oh, I see.
Snow White:
Anyway, I can cook. I can help you clean the house, but please let
me stay here.
Seven Dwarfs:
All right. You may stay here.
Snow White:
Okay. Cool.
Dwarf 1:
Oh, I am so hungry.
May we have dinner now?
Snow White:
Sure. The dinner is ready.
So they had the dinner, and a happy evening.
【Scene 4】
The next day, the seven dwarfs were out for work. Snow white was
cleaning the house.
The New Queen:
Hello, big girl. I have some apples for you.
Snow White:
Oh, really? How many apples do you have?
The New Queen:
I have 10 apples.
Snow White:
May I have all the 10 apples?
The New Queen:
Sure. They are all yours.
Snow White:
Oh. Thank you.
So Snow white ate one of the apples and fell on the floor.
seven dwarfs came home.
Later, the
Dwarf 1:
Oh, no. Is she dead? Hello. Hi. How are you?
Dwarf 3:
What are we going to do? She is so big.
Dwarf 2:
Let’s move her out of the house.
So they moved Snow White out of the house.
Dwarf 7:
What are we going to do? She is dead. Nobody will cook and clean
the house.
(The seven dwarfs start crying)
Prince Charming:
What is the noise? Let me check.
What’s wrong with this big girl?
What’s the matter with you?
Seven Dwarfs:
She is dead.
Prince Charming:
No kidding! She cannot be dead. Look at her. She is so……big.
Don’t worry. I can save her by CPR.
Suddenly, Snow White woke up.
Snow White:
Did you kiss me?
Prince Charming:
No, no, no. I was just saving you by CPR.
Snow White:
Yes, you kissed me. You have to marry me.
Prince Charming:
No. You must be kidding. I can’t marry you.
Snow White:
Yes, you have to.
My mother said I had to marry to the man that kissed
Seven Dwarfs:
Prince Charming:
How unlucky I am!
So the prince and the princess married, and they lived happily….
(happily???? ) ever after.
(behind the screen)
Help. Help.
Snow White:
Come on, baby. Come on.
~ The End ~