Editorial Boards - NYU Stern School of Business

Professor of Accounting
and Operations Management
Editor in Chief,
Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance
Stern School of Business
434 Tisch Hall
New York University
N.Y.,N.Y. 10003
Vincent C.Ross Institute
of Accounting Research Associate Director
University of Kentucky
Associate Professor
Management Science
Associate Professor
Operations Research
University of Wisconsin Assistant Professor
Management Science
Georgia Institute of
Visiting Professorships
University of Kansas
SDA Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
International University of Japan
Summer 1979.
!994, 1996, 1997.
Professional Experience
Touche Ross & Co.
Faculty Fellow in
Summer 1986
The National Cash
Register Company
Systems Analyst
General Mills, Inc.
Planning Analyst
Summer 1963
Neyveli Lignite
Management consultant and expert witness.
Institute of Management Accounting, 1978
Operations Research with minors in Economics and
Statistics, University of California, Berkeley,
M. S.
Industrial Engineering, University of California,
Berkeley, 1964
B. E.(Honors) Mechanical Engineering, University of
Madras, 1962
RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS (Listed according to journals and not
1. "Delay Costs and Incentive Schemes for Multiple Users" (with
Radhakrishnan), Management Science, Volume 41, No. 4, 1995.
2. "Extensions to Class Dominance Characteristics" (with
Radhakrishnan), Management Science, January 1995.
3. "On the D-Policy for the M/G/1 Queue", (with H.C.Tijms),
Management Science, vol.21, no.9, 1975.
4. "Control Policies for a Single Server System", Management
Science, vol.19, no.9, 1973.
5. "Purchasing Priorities in Queues", Management Science, vol.18,
no.5, 1972.
6. "Queue Length Dependent Priority Queues", Management Science,
vol.17, no.7, 1971.
7. "Variable Work Models for Predicting Course enrollments", (with
D.Gerwin), Operations Research, vol.21, no.3, 1973.
8. "Parametric Priority Rules-An Approach to Optimization in
Priority Queues", Operations Research, vol.18, no.3, 1970.
9. "Class Dominance Characteristics at a Service Facility", (with
M.E.Schaefer), Econometrica, vol.47, no.2, 1979.
10. "Cost of Congestion, Operational Efficiency and Management
Accounting", (with S. Radhakrishnan), European Journal of
Operational Research, Spring 1996.
11. "Optimal Transfer Pricing Schemes for Work Averse Division
Managers with Private Information", (with S. H. Li), European
Journal of Operational Research, 138-153, 1997.
12. "Stochastic Choice Hazard and Incentives in a Common Service
Facility" (with Radhakrishnan), European Journal of Operational
Research, vol. 81, issue 2, 1995.
13. "Incentive Contracts when Production is Subcontracted", (with
J.Ronen) European Journal of Operational Research, Spring 1989.
14. "Public and Private Optimization of a Service Facility with
Approximate Information", (with M.E.Schaefer), European Journal of
Operational Research, pp.195-202, 1980.
15. "Stable and Super Stable Customer Policies in Queues with
Balking and Priority Options", (with Borge Tilt), European Journal
of Operational Research, vol.3, 1979.
16. "Optimal Use of a Service Facility with Fixed Aggregate
Arrival Rates", (with Suresh Radhakrishnan), Journal of
Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol.25, No.6, Dec.1991.
17. "Incentives and Regulation in Queues", chapter in Stochastic
Processes and Their Applications, Edited by M.J.Beckman, Springer
Verlag publications, 1991.
18. "Optimal Control of Service System Utilization", Chapter 5 in:
S.G.Tzafestas (ed.) Optimization and Control of Dynamic
Operational Research Models, North Holland, 1982
19. "An Approach to Transfer Pricing under Uncertainty", (with
J.Ronen) Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn 1988.
20. "An Interactive Model for the CPA Firm Audit Staff Planning
Problem with Multiple Objectives", (with R.E.Steuer), The
Accounting Review, Vol.LVII, pp.125-140, 1982.
21. "Product Warranty Period: A Markovian Approach to Estimation
and Analysis of Repair and Repair Costs", (with R.A.Maschmeyer and
J.L.Livingstone), The Accounting Review, Vol.LVI, pp.115-124,
22. “The Role of Transfer Price for Coordination and Control
within a Firm”, (with Sungsoo Yeom and J. Ronen), Review of
Quantitative Finance and Accounting, March 2000.
23. “Wealth Effects and Committed Costs: An Agency Theory
Perspective”, (with J. Ronen and S. Radhakrisnan), Review of
Quantitative Finance and Accounting, No.7, 1996.
24. "Piecewise Linear Incentive Scheme and Participative
Budgeting", (with Sungsoo Yeom and J.Ronen), Review of
Quantitative Finance and Accounting, June 1993.
25. "Effects of Differential Tax Rates on Incentive Contracts",
(with Shu hsing Li), Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance,
Spring 1996.
26. "On the Control of Public Service", (with B.N.Srinidhi),
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Volume 9, No.2, 1994.
27. "Accounting for Product Wear out Costs", (with Maschmeyer)
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Vol.7, No.1, 1992.
28. "A Rationale for Fixed Charge Application", (with
B.N.Srinidhi) Journal of Accounting,Auditing and Finance, spring
29. "A Note on Cost Allocation, Opportunity Costs and Optimal
Utilization", (with B.N.Srinidhi) Journal of Business Finance and
Accounting, Fall 1990.
30. "A Stable Cost Application Scheme for Service Center Usage",
(with B.N.Srinidhi) Journal of Business Finance and Accounting,
Spring 1988.
31. "Optimal Diversification Among Classes for Auditing Tax
Returns" (with M.E.Schaefer), Journal of Public Finance, vol.XXXV,
32. "Optimal Acceptance of Job Orders", (with M.E.Schaefer),
International Journal of Production Research, vol.19, 1981.
33. "Regulation by Price of Arrivals to a Congested Facility",
(with M.E.Schaefer), Cahiers Du Centre D'Etudes De Recherche
Operationnelle, vol.21, 1979.
34. "Cost and Effectiveness of Physician Peer Review in Reducing
Medicare Over-Utilization", (with J.L.Livingstone),
Accounting,Organization and Society, pp.153-164, 1977.
35. "Gift and Estate Tax Planning: An Analytic Approach", (with
J.Largay), Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences,
pp.63-79, 1980.
36. "A Mathematical Programming Model of Lifetime Gift and Estate
Tax Planning", (with J.Largay), Journal of Information and
Optimization Sciences, pp.187-195, 1980.
37. “Identification and Examination of Factors in the Estimation
of the Probability of Fraud”, (with B.N. Srinidhi) Indian
Accounting Review, December 1997.
38. “A Framework for Examining Trade off Between Cost and
Quality”, International Journal of Quality Science, Fall 1996.
39. “Cost Concepts in Product Cost Determination”, (with J.
Callen), Encyclopedia of Accounting, A. Rashad Abdel-khalik
(editor), Blackwell Publishers, UK, 1996.
40. “Management Accounting for Advanced Manufacturing
Technologies”, (with J. Callen), Encyclopedia of Accounting, A.
Rashad Abdel-khalik (editor), Blackwell Publishers, UK, 1996.
41. "Agency Theory: An Approach to Incentive Problems in
Management Accounting", (with J. Ronen), Asian Review of
Accounting, Vol 3, No. 1, 1995.
42. "Financial Accounting and Reporting for Warranties", Chapter
26 in Product Warranty Handbook: An Integrated Approach to the
Analysis of Warranty Policies, W. R. Blischke and D. N. P.
Murthy,Editors, Marcel Dekker Publishing, 1996.
43. "Cost Management for Planning and Control of Product Quality
and Warranties", Chapter 29 in Product Warranty Handbook: An
Integrated Approach to the Analysis of Warranty Policies, Blischke
and Murthy, Editors, Marcel Dekker Publishing, 1996.
44. "Cost Analysis for Product Warranties", (with Richard
Maschmeyer), Pacific Accounting Review, vol.4, December 1992.
45. "A Stochastic Planning Model for Manufacturing Environments",
Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol.20, No.1, 1992.
46. "Target Analysis: Cost, Quality or Both?," Vikalpa: The
Journal of Decision Makers, June 1991.
47. "Multinational Transfer Pricing Under Information Asymmetry",
Atlantic Economic Journal: Adjudged Best Paper of Rome Conference,
48. "Cost Application with Externalities and Unobservability",
(with Radhakrishnan), Atlantic Economic Journal: Adjudged Best
Paper of Williamsburg Conference, 1990.
49. "International Home Products,Inc. : A Case Study on Foreign
Currency Translation", Deloitte Haskins & Sells Case Project,
50. "On Restricting Service in a Multi class System", (with
M.E.Schaefer), Advances in Management Studies, pp.79-96, 1982.
51. "Modeling Materiality Judgments", (with J.J.Bernardo and
G.Lander), Advances in Management Studies, pp.65-78, 1982.
52. "Obtaining Expert Judgement Consensus on Materiality", (with
Bernardo and Lander), proceedings of The American Institute of
Decision Sciences, 1982.
53. "Optimizing Performance of the Managerial Process", (with
P.Adler and R.E.Green), Journal of Information and Optimization
Sciences, vol.2, 1981.
54. Book Review of Frank Osborn: Costing and Control of Materials,
European Journal of Operational Research, vol.8, 1981.
55. "Efficient Resource Allocation in the Reading of County Water
Meters", (with M.E.Schaefer), Journal of Information and
Optimization Sciences, vol.2, 1981.
56. "Estimation of Repair Costs in Maintenance Agreements", (with
R.A.Maschmeyer), proceedings of The American Institute of Decision
Sciences, pp.393-395, November 1980.
57. "Optimal Design of a Post Office", OMEGA,The International
Journal of Management Science, vol.5, no.2, 1977.
58. "Stable Pricing Policies in Service Systems", (with J.Lukens),
Zeitschrift fur Operations Research, Band 20, Seite 189-201, 1976.
59. "An Approach to Expected Waiting Times in Mixed Priority
Queues", OPSEARCH, vol II, 1974.
60. "Private and Public Optimization in a Market for Medical
Care", MS-74-5, Research Report, Georgia Institute of Technology,
61. "Final Report of Management Science and Teaching Technology
Task Force" (coauthor), Governor's Commission on Education,
State of Wisconsin, 1969.
62. "Minimal Tag Content Data Analysis", ATD Research Report,
The National Cash Register Company, 1969.
63."An Approach to Post Office Operations Research", ATD Research
Report, The National Cash Register Company, 1969.
64. "Optimization in Priority Queues", ORC 68-26, Operations
Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, 1968.
1. "A Comparative Analysis of Depreciation Methods",(with
D.S.Shannon and W.Sartoris).
2. "Firm Characteristics and Inflation",(with J.L.Livingstone).
3. "Assessing the Liklihood of Fraud: The Case of Regina
4. "Cost Application with Externalities and Unobservability" (with
5. "On the Value of External Audits in Optimal Incentive Contracts
for Internal Accounting" (with V.Balachandran).
Over 180 presentations made at National and International Meetings
of The Institute of Management Sciences, Operations Research
Society of America, Operational Research Society of India,
American Accounting Association, European Accounting Association,
European Association of Research in Industrial Economics, Decision
Sciences Institute, Atlantic Economic Society and major
universities and professional organizations in U.S., Europe and
Governor's Commission on Education, Member, Management
Science and Teaching Technology Task Force, Wisconsin, 19691970.
Member, Role of the Professoriate Committee, The Federation of
Schools of Accountancy
Chairman and Organizer of sessions on "Accounting and
Operations Research" at several National/ International Meetings
of INFORMS and Atlantic Economic Society Meetings.
Organizer of Conference on Frontiers of Research in Management
Accounting, Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research, May,
Member, New Jersey Asian American Advisory Council, Office of
Governor of New Jersey 2000 -.
Research Fellow, China Accounting and Finance Research Centre,
Hong Kong.
Member, International Advisory Council
Finance Business School, Delhi, India.
Editorial Boards
Editor in Chief, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance.
Associate Editor, International Journal of Quality Science, 1995Associate Editor, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance,
Associate Editor, Quantitative Analysis in Accounting and Finance,
Associate Editor, National Taiwan University Journal of
Management, 1995-.
Associate Editor, OPSEARCH, Journal of Operational Research
Society of India, 1973-1981.
Referee, Accounting Review, Management Science, Econometrica,
Operations Research, OPSEARCH, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly,
European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Accounting,
Auditing and Finance, Advances in Accounting, Decision Sciences,
The Global Finance Journal, Information Systems Research Journal.
Reviewer, National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research
and several book publishers on managerial and financial
accounting, stochastic processes, queuing theory, linear
programming and operations research.
American Accounting Association
The Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences
Operational Research Society of India
Institute of Management Accounting
Doctoral Program Advisor, Department of Accounting, Taxation and
Business Law, 1984-1994.
Member, PPRC III on Evaluation of Stern Doctoral Program, 1996.
Faculty Council
Budget Committee
Affirmative Action Committee
Library Committee
Chairman of several subcommittees of Departmental P & T to
evaluate candidates for promotion and tenure.
Doctoral Dissertation Chairmanships
Stephen Lynn
Chiaho Chang
Shuhsing Li (won the Nichols award for best dissertation at Stern)
Suresh Radhakrishnan (won the Nichols award for best dissertation
at Stern)
Sungsoo Yeom (Runner up for Nichols award for best dissertation at
Member of several dissertation committees and chairman – member
of several doctoral examinations.
Nominated for Teacher of the Year by the Undergraduate Student
Council, 1995.