
MISMO’s XML Management Platform
A User’s Guide to Contivo Builder
Prepared By Core Data Structures
Version 0.4
Ted A. – Initial steps
DMK – Add screenshots and expand certain functionalities
DMK – Added information for Getting Started
DMK – Add information on adding child, new data point
Copyright 2007 - Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO).
All rights reserved.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute the documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted in perpetuity,
provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright holders make no representation about the
suitability of the DTD or documentation for any purpose.
Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Purpose............................................................................................................................................. 3
Intended Audience ........................................................................................................................... 3
First time usage - Loading Files into Contivo Builder ........................................................................ 4
Getting Started ..................................................................................................................................... 8
View Version 3.x and Version 2.x Container Side-by-Side .......................................................... 11
Add New Container ....................................................................................................................... 13
Create Parent-Child Container Relationship .................................................................................. 16
Add a New Data Carrying Element As a Child of a Container ..................................................... 19
This document outlines steps and procedures for using the Contivo Builder product with the MISMO XML data
standards. The guidelines have been formulated inline with MISMO Engineering Guidelines (MEGs) and
Contivo best practice documents.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for the members of the MISMO Architecture Workgroup, Core Data Structures
Workgroup, the individual process area workgroups and MISMO staff charged with managing the MISMO
XML data standards. It is designed to serve as the introduction to the Builder tool and encourage conversation
regarding data standard creation process.
First time usage - Loading Files into Contivo Builder
Receive V3 Reconciliation package from MBA Staff.
Save V3 Reconciliation package to a folder on your local drive
Unzip contents of the package into any desired folder
Open Contivo Builder
On open, the Workspace launcher is presented. In Builder, you must identify the workspace
you intend to work in each time you launch the application. For first time use, use the Browse
button and navigate to the folder in which you unzipped the V3 Reconciliation package.
Hitting OK establishes your Contivo workspace.
User will now be presented with the Contivo Builder User Interface (UI). Builder is an Eclipse
product and manages much of its interface using “panes” and “tabs”. When opening Builder
for the first time, a user must establish a project.
o Right click in Navigator
o Select New / Project
o Project Wizard launches
o Select Simple and expand file structure
o Select Project
o Click Next
o Enter project name : format name ‘XXX_Sandbox’ (eg Borrower_Sandbox)
o Finish
o Should have folder in the Navigator screen with the Project name
New project should now appear in the Navigator pane
Import Comp files to Project
o Highlight the ‘XXX_Sandbox’ file in the Navigator pane
o Right click
o Select Import
o Takes you to the import resources screen
o Select File System
o Click Next
o Takes you to the import file system screen
o Browse to the directory in which file was originally unzipped
o Select the same file that you originally unzipped into "the Contivo Workspace" – Do
not select ‘XXX_Sandbox’
o Brings you back to the Import File system
o On left pane click box next to the folder name. This should select all of the individual
comp files in the right pane.
o Click Finish
o Asked to overwrite project in folder
o Select Yes to all
o All files imported should be represented in the Navigator
Getting Started
Highlight the Master Vocabulary file and double click in Navigator window
This loads the Outline window and shows a tab on the right panes for the Master Vocabulary
Click on Outline tab and drag to top of pane next to Navigator tab. You will see a framed box.
Release to place folder.
Find your reconciliation comp file in the Outline tab.
Expand to see the Packages indicated by the purple square icon.
o Packages are used to organize like items.
You should see ‘xxx Dictionary – Container Terms’, ‘xxx Reference Models – OLD’, xxx
Reference Models –NEW’ and ‘xxx Concrete – New’. The xxx represents the structure being
reconciled (“Property” in the screenshot below).
o Package ‘xxx Dictionary – Container Terms’ houses all of the terms for the containers
involved in the reconciliation. Terms are represented by green circles in Contivo
Builder and represent the highest level of abstraction. Terms can be either containers or
individual data points. Definitions for both the container and individual data points are
created and associated at the term level.
o Package ‘xxx Reference Models – OLD’ contains all of the semantic components for
the containers involved in the reconciliation. Semantic components are represented by
light blue boxes with two yellow circles on the left hand side. Semantic components
define the containers’ child elements (containers) and data points. Semantic
components are the next level down from terms in terms of abstraction. The semantic
level is where the structure and the relationship between the various pieces of the
transaction are defined. This is the level at which all of the reconciliation work
happens. The semantic components included in this package are created inline with the
Version 2 transaction set.
o Package ‘xxx Reference Models – NEW’ contains the semantic component
representations for Version 3.x. Again these define the container’s child elements and
data points. These semantic components are bound to the same term as the semantic
components in the ‘Reference Models – OLD’ however can (and will) be different.
These will represent the reconciled, corrected, new containers to be used in Version 3.x
o Package ‘xxx Concrete – NEW’ houses all of the concrete representations of the
containers involved in the reconciliation. Concrete components are represented by
three light yellow rectangles stacked on top of each other. Concrete components are the
next level down from semantic components. They are generated from the semantic
components and can contain all children pieces (containers and attributes) of the
semantic component OR just the pieces necessary for the specific transaction. The
XML schema that forms the basis of the MISMO data standards package, is generated
from the concrete components. Each transaction will have its own set of concrete
Basic Builder Functions
View Version 3.x and Version 2.x Container Side-by-Side
During the reconciliation process, groups will need to view Version 2.x and Version 3.x structures
simultaneously. This allows for comparisons and better decision making.
Right click on the semantic component in the ‘xxx Reference Model – Old’ package and select
Open On>Right Pane. This will open the structure in the right pane.
Right click on the semantic component in the ‘xxx Reference Model – New’ package and
select Open On>Left Pane. This will open the structure in the left pane.
Both structures can now be view simultaneously
Add New Container
During the reconciliation process, it might become necessary to add a new container (create a
container that did not exist in Version 2.x). This process requires the creation of a new container term
and new semantic component and then binding the term to the semantic component.
The first step in creating a new container is to add a new term
Right click on the ‘xxx Dictionary – Container Terms’ and select New Child>Term
Enter the name of the new container, in all upper case characters, using underscores instead of
Highlight the new container, select the Properties tab and enter in the necessary definition in
the Documentation section
Now a new semantic component should be created
Right click on the ‘xxx Reference Models – NEW’ the select New Child>Semantic Component
Enter the name of the new container, in all upper case characters, using underscores instead of
Now that the semantic has been created, it is necessary to bind it with the term created in the
previous step
Double click the newly created semantic component. It should appear in the left edit pane.
The new semantic must now be bound to the previously created term. Click and drag the new
container term (from the Outline pane) onto the semantic component in the left edit pane. This
should create a new binding, represented as a red diamond, on the semantic component
Create Parent-Child Container Relationship
The reconciliation process will require that containers be reorganized and new parent-child
relationships be established. This process requires the creation of a new semantic property and
associating a semantic component to that property
Double click on the parent semantic component so that it appears in the left edit pane
Right click on the semantic component and select New Child>Semantic Property
Type in the name of the new child container (upper case with underscores)
Now need to set the complex type for the new container. Double click on the semantic
property (“NEW_CHILD_CONTAINER”) in the left edit pane. This will open a modal titled
“Select a Type of Component (and Term) for the Semantic Property”
Type in the name of the semantic component definition that you want associated with the
newly created child container.
In the example, the LANDLORD semantic component from the ‘Borrower Reference Models
– New’ package is being selected.
Click on Finish
Verify that the new container now has the semantic property selected from the modal
(LANDLORD) set as its Type. You can confirm this in both the left edit pane and in the
Properties tab in the lower section of the interface.
Note, if the semantic component that you selected as the Type is already bound to a term, this
term will automatically be bound to the newly created child container. This is represented by
the purple diamond in the figure above.
Add a New Data Carrying Element As a Child of a Container
This describes the process for adding a new data carrying element to a container. It is similar to
adding a new child container (described in previous section).
Double click the semantic component (container) that you want to add a child to so that it
appears in the left edit pane
Right click on the semantic component and select New Child>Semantic Property
Type in the name of the data point (upper camel case without whitespace)
The new semantic property needs to be bound to a LDD term. Expand the
‘MismoReferenceModel-v3-c1.comp’ file in the Outline and navigate to the ‘Dictionary –
LDD’ package (Mismo Residential Vocabulary>Abstract Models (dictionary and reference
models)>dictionary – LDD).
Select the term that should be associated with the new data point. Note, this is assuming that
the data point you are assigning to the NEW_CONTAINER existed in Version 2.x. If this is an
entirely new data point, please see the Adding New Data Point to LDD section (not yet
Click and drag the LDD term from the Outline pane to the new data point semantic property.
This will bind the term to the semantic property. The binding will be represented by the
purple diamond below the semantic property. Note, if the term has been correctly
associated with a simple type (i.e. MISMOString or MISMONumeric) that simple type
(data type) will also be associated to the semantic component.