Highlighted = class is on BOTH days ►= 2 hour class 9:00 10:00 K 1 2 In Joy 444 In Joy Let’s Get Playing 444 975 Ballet In Joy Let’s Get Playing 718 444 975 TaeKwonDo-White/Yellow732 Weather Watchers 819 3 Ballet Let’s Get Playing 718 975 TaeKwonDo-White/Yellow732 Weather Watchers 819 4 Ballet Fraction Fun Friendship Fixer 718 502 937 TaeKwonDo-White/Yellow732 5 Ballet Fraction Fun Friendship Fixer 718 502 937 TaeKwonDo-White/Yellow732 6 Fraction Fun Friendship Fixer 502 937 TaeKwonDo-White/Yellow732 Watercolor Intro 110 7 TaeKwonDo-White/Yellow732 Watercolor Intro 110 12:00 680 Grammar in Motion 423 412 Gymnasts for Jesus 707 743 TaeKwonDo-Wht/Wht Sr 730 What Moves Me? Choir/Music 680 Learning w/Dr. Seuss 414 Grammar in Motion 423 Storytime Travels 412 Gymnasts for Jesus 707 743 TaeKwonDo-Wht/Wht Sr 730 What Moves Me? Choir/Music 680 Fraction Fun 501 In Joy 443 Crafts! Crafts! 104 Learning w/Dr. Seuss 414 Grammar in Motion 423 Violin II Fun/Quality 646 Gymnasts for Jesus 707 Choir/Music 680 Classics for Kids 436 Crafts! Crafts! 104 Fraction Fun 501 Gymnasts for Jesus 707 In Joy 443 Praise Hula 721 Violin II Fun/Quality 646 Violin I Fun/Quality 645 Choir/Music 682 Classics for Kids 436 Colorado History 320 In Joy 443 Crafts! Crafts! 104 More Math Games 511 Musical Recorders 600 Violin II Fun/Quality 646 Praise Hula 721 Weather Watchers 802 Violin I Fun/Quality 645 A Global Flood? 851 Classics for Kids 436 Choir/Music 682 In Joy 443 Colorado History 320 More Math Games 511 Musical Recorders 600 Violin II Fun/Quality 646 Praise Hula 721 Weather Watchers 802 Violin I Fun/Quality 645 A Global Flood? 851 124 Amazing Acrobats 710 Art Jr. High 682 Gadgets & Gizmos 956 Choir/Music 320 In Joy 443 Colorado History 600 Listening Prayer Journey 914 Musical Recorders More Math Games 511 Praise Hula 721 Violin II Fun/Quality 646 TaeKwonDo-All Ranks 733 A Global Flood? 851 124 Amazing Acrobats 710 Art Jr. High 682 Gadgets & Gizmos 956 Choir/Music Listening Prayer Journey 914 Colorado History 320 Praise Hula 722 Fraction Fundamentals 500 Write Skills, The 400 TaeKwonDo-All Ranks 733 Choir/Music Storytime Travels Amazing Acrobats Gadgets & Gizmos 8 TUESDAY Spring ‘14 ~ CLASSES BY GRADE 11:00 710 A Global Flood? 956 Art Jr. High 851 124 Listening Prayer Journey 914 Fraction Fundamentals 500 Praise Hula 110 Write Skills, The TaeKwonDo-White/Yellow732 Watercolor Intro 9 Customs/Cultures 300 Spread of Civilization 326 TaeKwonDo-White/Yellow732 Writing/Composition 10 11 12 407 Anatomy/PhysiologyLab 862 Customs/Cultures 300 Spread of Civilization 326 TaeKwonDo-White/Yellow 732 Writing/Composition 407 US Constitution/Civ 342► Amazing Acrobats Biology & Lab Drawing Sr. High Praise Hula Write Skills, The Amazing Acrobats Biology & Lab Drawing Sr. High Praise Hula Write Skills, The ◄US Constitution/Civ Mom’s Group Adult TaeKwonDo - White/Yellow 732 Praise Hula ALL Homework Room 981 Homework Room 722 TaeKwonDo-All Ranks 733 528► 400 Algebra I 710 856 128 722 400 710 856 128 722 400 Biology & Lab 857 TaeKwonDo-All Ranks 733 World Geography II 363 Algebra I 528► Build a Worldview 933► Life Skills 936► Biology & Lab 1:00 Fitness Fun 742 Let’s Study the Bible 905 Show-Tell-Read 413 Back in Time w/Molly 427 Fitness Fun 742 Lego WeDo Robotics 878 Lego WeDo Robotics 877 Let’s Study the Bible 905 Show-Tell-Read 413 Back in Time w/Molly 427 Build a Body 818 Fitness Fun 742 Lego WeDo Robotics 878 Lego WeDo Robotics 877 TaeKwonDo YL/Up 731 Show-Tell-Read 413 Adventures w/Addy 429 Back in Time w/Molly 427 Ancient Egypt 349 Build a Body 818 Lego WeDo Robotics 877 Lego WeDo Robotics 878 Show-Tell-Read 413 TaeKwonDo YL/Up 731 Let’s Get Physical 803► Back in Time w/Molly 427 Adventures w/Addy 429 349 Communicate w/Purpose 464 Ancient Egypt 807 Puppets 973 Magnetic Forces TaeKwonDo YL/Up 731 Princess & the Kiss 929 Terrific Tumblers 709 Let’s Get Physical 803► Adventures w/Addy 429 807 Communicate w/Purpose 464 Magnetic Forces In Joy 442 Princess & the Kiss 929 Puppets 973 V-Ball/B-Ball Skills 787 TaeKwonDo YL/Up 731 Writing/Composition 406 Terrific Tumblers 709 Let’s Get Physical 803► Communicate w/Purpose 464 Adventures w/Addy 429 455 Crochet Beginning 117 In Joy Founder’s Faith 303 Magnetic Forces 807 Group Improv 477 Princess & the Kiss 929 In Joy 442 V-Ball/B-Ball Skills 787 TaeKwonDo YL/Up 731 Writing/Composition 406 Terrific Tumblers 709 Let’s Get Physical 803► Crochet Beginning Founder’s Faith Group Improv In Joy Terrific Tumblers Choir/Music Crochet Beginning Founder’s Faith Group Improv In Joy Terrific Tumblers ◄Algebra I Building Faith Choir/Music Listening Prayer Terrific Tumblers Watercolor Intro ◄Algebra I ◄Build a Worldview ◄Life Skills Building Faith Choir/Music Homemaking-101 857 Listening Prayer 117 303 477 442 709 684 117 303 477 442 709 528 941 684 910 709 111 528 933 936 941 684 910 Watercolor Intro ◄Algebra I ◄Build a Worldview ◄Life Skills 111 528 933 936 901 MG1 TaeKwonDo-All Ranks 733 Homemaking-101 722 Build a Worldview 933► ◄Build a Worldview 933 982 Homework Room 983 Homework Room 984 History Heroes Read, Sign, Sing 925 209 History Heroes Read, Sign, Sing 925 209 History Heroes Read, Sign, Sing 925 209 Fall Back w/Felicity V-Ball/B-Ball Skills Writing/Composition ◄Let’s Get Physical 430 788 405 803 Fall Back w/Felicity V-Ball/B-Ball Skills Writing/Composition ◄Let’s Get Physical 430 788 405 803 Fall Back w/Felicity Poet’s Place V-Ball/B-Ball Skills 430 458 788 Writing/Composition 405 ◄Let’s Get Physical 803 Botany Piano/Keyboard II Poet’s Place Spanish ◄Let’s Get Physical 829 607 458 245 803 Botany Piano/Keyboard II Poet’s Place Pursuit of Manhood 406 Spanish 829 607 458 919 245 Communicate w/Purpose 467 Guitar I In Joy Puppets V-Ball/B-Ball Skills Writing/Composition 623 455 974 787 Communicate w/Purpose 467 Botany Writing/Composition 623 Piano/Keyboard II 455 Poet’s Place 974 Pursuit of Manhood 406 Spanish 829 607 458 919 245 Crochet Beginning Guitar I Piano/Keyboard II 118 Pursuit of Manhood 623 Spanish 607 919 245 106► ◄Studio Art 107► ◄Videography III 356► ◄World History/Lit 106 107 356 Guitar I In Joy Puppets Social Science Intro 859► ◄Social Science-Intro Studio Art Videography III World History/Lit Crochet Beginning 118 623 Piano/Keyboard II WOW Fit Workout 744 Pursuit of Manhood Chemistry & Lab 809► ◄Chemistry & Lab Social Science Intro 859► ◄Social Science-Intro Studio Art 106► ◄Studio Art Videography III 107► ◄Videography III World History/Lit 356► ◄World History/Lit Crochet Beginning 118 WOW Fit Workout 744 Studio Art 106► ◄Studio Art Homework Room 985 Homework Room 901 Guitar I TaeKwonDo-All Ranks 733 Terrific Tumblers(10th only) 709 World Geography II 363 Algebra I 528► Build a Worldview 933► 342 Life Skills 936► 2:00 859 607 919 809 859 106 107 356 106 986 TaeKwonDo Leadership classes available on Tuesday on previous page: See descriptions for details. Highlighted = class is on BOTH days ►= 9:00 K 10:00 Karate-All Ranks In Joy 445 Show-N-Tell Let’s Study the Bible 906 Spanish Fun 2 hour class WEDNESDAY Spring ‘14 ~ C`LASSES BY GRADE 11:00 12:00 734 International Games 746 399 Learning w/Little House 435 Choir/Music 243 Read, Sign, Sing 207 Geography Hop 1:00 Bible Drama 681 Science-Zoology 365 Storytime Travels Brain Ready Reading L2 433 1 Karate-All Ranks In Joy 445 Show-N-Tell Let’s Study the Bible 906 Spanish Fun Bible Drama Science-Zoology Storytime Travels 398 810 410 In Joy Science-Zoology Storytime Travels 810 410 Bible Drama 397 Back in Time w/Molly 428 Choir/Music 681 Let’s Study the Bible 902 Fall Back w/Felicity Spanish Fun 244 In Joy Violin Continuing 648 Life of Faith-Elsie II 431 448 Bible Drama 927 Science-Zoology 397 811 Back in Time w/Molly 428 Fall Back w/Felicity In Joy 447 In Joy Karate-White/High White 735 Karate-Green/Brown Violin Continuing 648 Life of Faith-Elsie II 431 448 736 927 Fall Back w/Felicity 119 In Joy 447 Karate-Green/Brown Karate-White/High White 735 Life of Faith-Elsie II Violin Continuing 648 Violin Ensemble/Solo 431 448 736 927 644 957 Group Improv Jr. High 119 In Joy 447 Karate-Green/Brown Karate-White/High White 735 Sign Language Violin Continuing 648 Violin Ensemble/Solo 448 736 199 644 2 734 International Games 746 Back in Time w/Molly 428 399 Learning w/Little House 435 Choir/Music 681 243 Read, Sign, Sing 207 Geography Hop 365 Back in Time w/Molly 428 Choir/Music 681 Brain Ready Reading L2 433 In Joy 446 Geography Hop 365 Karate-All Ranks 734 International Games 746 Let’s Study the Bible 902 Let’s Learn Poetry 459 Learning w/Little House 435 445 Show-N-Tell 399 Read, Sign, Sing 207 Spanish Fun 244 Brain Ready Reading L2 433 Drawing-Beginner II 102 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2:00 398 810 410 In Joy 446 Adventures w/Addy 426 Karate-All Ranks 734 Etiquette is Fun 900 Stagecoach History 301 Let’s Learn Poetry 459 Human Body Detectives 804 Writing/Composition 409 Tennis-Beginning 701 Sign Language 198 Adventures w/Addy 426 Karate-Black Belt Paper Craft Stagecoach History Writing/Composition 739 130 301 409 Drawing-Beginner II 102 Brain Connected Reading L3 434 In Joy 446 Etiquette is Fun 900 Tennis-Beginning 701 Human Body Detectives 804 Let’s Learn Poetry 459 Karate-Yellow/Hi Orange 737 Violin-Beginning 649 Sign Language 198 Adventures w/Addy 426 Author in Training 411 Brain Connected Reading L3 434 Karate-Black Belt 739 Band-Beginning 602 Etiquette is Fun 900 Paper Craft 130 Drawing-Beginner II 102 Human Body Detectives 804 Stagecoach History 301 Tennis-Beginning 701 Karate-Yellow/Hi Orange 737 Writing/Composition 409 Violin-Beginning 649 Sign Language 198 Adventures w/Addy 426 Author in Training 411 Art Jr. High 122 Band–Beginning 602 Brain Connected Reading L3 434 Drawing-Beginner II 102 Guitar I 625 Guitar II 626 Karate-Yellow/Hi Orange 737 Karate-Black Belt 739 Stagecoach History 302 Latin-Beginning 272 Paper Craft 130 Violin-Beginning 649 Violin-Beginning 647 Art Jr. High 122 Author in Training 411 B-Ball Scrimmage-Boys 771 Band–Beginning 602 Brain Connected Reading L3 434 Basketball-Girls 711 Guitar II 626 Guitar I 625 Karate-Black Belt 739 Stagecoach History 302 Karate-Yellow/Hi Orange 737 Paper Craft 130 Violin-Beginning 649 Latin-Beginning 272 Beef up the Math! 525► ◄Beef up the Math 525 Violin-Beginning 647 Basketball-Girls 711 Faith Art/Journaling 113 Karate-Black Belt 739 Paper Craft 130 Beef up the Math! 525► Band-Intermediate 603 Basketball-Girls 711 Faith Art/Journaling 113 Karate-Black Belt 739 Latin-Beginning 273 Microsoft Word II 966 Beef up the Math! 525► Band-Intermediate 10 Basketball-Girls 11 Faith Art/Journaling 12 Karate-Black Belt Latin- Beginning Microsoft Word II 603 711 113 739 273 966 Faith Art/Journaling 113 Karate-Black Belt 739 Adult Microsoft Word II 966 ALL Homework Room 991 Author in Training Band–Beginning Guitar II Stagecoach History Violin-Beginning ◄Beef up the Math 411 602 626 302 649 525 Author in Training 411 Coffeehouse Classics 449 Drawing Sr. High 129 Guitar II 626 Microsoft Excel II 964 ◄Beef up the Math 525 Author in Training 411 Coffeehouse Classics 449 Drawing Sr. High 129 Guitar II 626 Microsoft Excel II 964 Author in Training 411 Microsoft Excel II 964 Mom’s Group MG2 Homework Room 992 Hooks & Needles In Joy Gadgets & Gizmos Hooks & Needles In Joy B-Ball Scrimmage-Boys Guitar I Karate-Yellow/Hi Orange Latin-Beginning Violin-Beginning 122 737 272 647 479 Geography III-Africa 447 771 In Joy 625 Karate-White/High White 735 206 KarateYellow/Hi Orange 737 Sign Language 468 Microsoft Powerpoint-Beg 962 Speech II Violin-Beginning 647 Violin Continuing 648 Pursuit of Manhood 921► ◄Pursuit of Manhood 921 Guitar I 738 606 Princess & the Kiss Science-Zoology Sign Language Speech II 647 Violin Continuing 921► ◄Pursuit of Manhood 206 468 648 Pursuit of Manhood 921 Karate-Yellow/Hi Orange 737 Karate-White/High White Microsoft Powerpoint-Beg 962 Sign Language 993 Homework Room 735 Acrylic Painting 206 Just in Time Meals 994 Homework Room 738 Photography-Beginning 180 Piano/Keyboard I 606 Scripted! 480 Princess & the Kiss 954 738 180 606 480 402 781 Karate-Brown Belt Photography-Beginning Scripted! ◄Just in Time Meals ◄Mixed Media Art ◄V-Ball-Girls Beg/Int 738 180 480 952 402 781 Karate-Brown Belt Scripted! ◄Acrylic Painting ◄Just in Time Meals ◄Mixed Media Art ◄V-Ball-Girls Beg/Int 738 480 114 952 402 781 368 Geography IV-Amer/Aust 369 736 Karate-Brown Belt 644 Acrylic Painting 114► Just in Time Meals 952► Mixed Media Art 402► V-Ball-Girls Beg/Int 781► Karate-Green/Brown 954 811 368 Geography IV-Amer/Aust 369 Karate-Green/Brown 736 Violin Ensemble/Solo 644 Acrylic Painting 114► Just in Time Meals 952► Mixed Media Art 402► V-Ball-Girls Beg/Int 781► B-Ball Scrimmage-Boys 773 Geography III-Africa Group Improv Sr High 479 Karate-Green/Brown Karate-White/High White 735 Violin Ensemble/Solo 625 Karate-Yellow/Hi Orange 737 Microsoft Powerpoint-Beg 962 Homework Room Karate-Brown Belt Piano/Keyboard I 954 478 Karate-Green/Brown 736 199 957 Sign Language Hooks & Needles 119 Violin Ensemble/Solo 644 In Joy 447 Just in Time Meals 952► 402► Karate-White/High White 735 Mixed Media Art Violin Continuing 648 V-Ball-Girls Beg/Int 781► B-Ball Scrimmage-Boys Violin-Beginning 811 Group Improv Jr. High 478 Karate-Brown Belt 957 Karate-Green/Brown 736 Photography-Beginning 199 Piano/Keyboard I 119 Sign Language 447 Violin Ensemble/Solo 644 Scripted! 402► ◄Mixed Media Art Karate-White/High White 735 Mixed Media Art Violin Continuing 648 V-Ball Girls Beg/Int 781► ◄V-Ball Girls Beg/Int Group Improv Sr High Guitar I Science-Zoology Princess & the Kiss 478 Karate-Brown Belt 771 Gadgets & Gizmos 625 738 606 Gadgets & Gizmos Hooks & Needles In Joy Group Improv Jr. High Art Jr. High Karate-Brown Belt Piano/Keyboard I 736 114► 952► 995 Scripted! ◄Acrylic Painting ◄Just in Time Meals ◄Mixed Media Art ◄V-Ball-Girls Beg/Int Karate-Brown Belt ◄Acrylic Painting ◄Just in Time Meals Homework Room 738 480 114 952 402 781 738 114 952 996