

CDROM/AJ/V107/P2067 Dynamics of M15 (Gebhardt+ 1994)



Fabry-Perot Measurements of the Dynamics of Globular Cluster Cores: M15

(NGC 7078)

K. Gebhardt, C. Pryor, T.B. Williams, & James E. Hesser

<1994, AJ, 107, 2067>





We report the first use of the Rutgers Imaging Fabry-Perot

Spectrophotometer to study the dynamics of the cores of globular

clusters. We have obtained velocities for cluster stars by tuning the

Fabry-Perot to take a series of narrowband (0.8 A FWHM at 5890 A)

images at different wavelengths across one of the Na D (5890 A)

absorption lines. Measuring the flux in every frame yields a short

portion of the spectrum for each star simultaneously. This proves to

be a very efficient method for obtaining accurate stellar velocities;

in crowded regions we are able to measure hundreds of velocities in 3-4

h of observing time. We have measured velocities with uncertainties of

less than 5 km/s for 216 stars within 1.5' of the center of the

globular cluster M15 (NGC 7078). The velocity dispersion profile shows

a sharp rise from 7 to 12 km/s at 0.6' (1.8 parsec), and then appears

to flatten into our innermost point at 0.1'. A rotation amplitude of

1.4 +/- 0.8 km/s is detected. The rotation has been measured at a

radius of 0.6' using stellar velocities and at 0.2' using the

integrated light profile. The amplitude and position angle are the

same at both radii, indicating a constant rotation profile in this

region. Combining our two epochs of Fabry-Perot observation with

published measurements, we have repeat velocity measurements for 67

stars. We calculate a binary fraction of about 7% for binary periods

between 0.2 and 20 years and mass ratios larger than 0.22, which is in

agreement with measurements for other globular clusters.

File Summary:



File Name Lrecl Records Explanations


------- table1.dat 62 480 M15 stars table1.tex 93 507 LaTeX planotable version of Table 1



Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.dat



Bytes Format Units Label Explanations



1- 6 A6 --- ID *Star ID, blank indicates continuations

7-13 F7.1 arcsec X *[]? X offset from cluster center

14-21 F8.1 arcsec Y *[]? Y offset from cluster center

22-27 F6.1 mag VFP []? Fabry-Perot V magnitude

28-35 F8.1 km/s Vel *Velocity

36-40 F5.1 km/s e_Vel Error in velocity

41-42 2X --- --- Blank

43-46 A4 --- r_Vel *Source for velocity

47-52 F6.2 --- ChiSq *[]? Chi-square for multiple measurements

53-62 A10 --- Note *Notes, explained in comments



Notes for file: table1.dat




If the ID field is blank, then Vel, e_Vel, and r_Vel are continued from

the previous record. ID is taken from Kuestner, F. 1921, Veroeff.


Bonn., No. 15, or Auriere, M., & Cordoni, J.P. 1981, A&AS, 46, 347 if the

star has been previously studied, or an FP number if it has not.

X, Y:

The center of the cluster was taken to be 21h27m33.3s, +11d56m49s


as measured by HST (Lauer, T.R. et al. 1991, ApJ, 369, L45).


When there are multiple velocity measurements for the same star, the first

line for that star lists the average velocity calculated from all of the

measurements weighted by their uncertainties and the following lines are

the individual measurements. r_Vel:

Source of velocity measurement. All the measurements from Peterson, R.


Seitzer, P., & Cudworth, K. M. 1989, ApJ, 347, 251 (PSC) are included.


sources are listed as FP91 or FP92 for the authors 1991 or 1992 Fabry-




Probability of chi-square for multiple measurements being drawn from the

same velocity.


Notes include code numbers, as follows:

1: Binary star candidates

2: Not used in dynamics due to radical FP bias

3: Not used in dynamics due to severe contamination

4: PSC has 33 measurements for this star

Other notes include additional ID's for stars, as follows:

V: Variable star number (Sawyer-Hogg, H. 1973, Publ. David

Dunlap Obs., 3, No. 6)

S: Sandage, A. 1970, ApJ, 162, 841

I-V: Roman numerals from Arp, H. C. 1955, AJ, 60, 317





(End) Lee Brotzman [ADS] 16-

