Crypto_Lab_Report - Networked Software Systems Laboratory

Crypto Lab Project
Winter 2007-2008
Submitted by
Alexander Grechin
Zohar Rogel
Under supervision of
Zvika Berkovich
Software Systems Laboratory
Semester Winter 2007-2008
Software Systems Laboratory
Abstract ................................................................................................. - 3 Introduction ........................................................................................... - 4 Design ................................................................................................... - 7 Summary ............................................................................................. - 16 Appendix A: Definitions ....................................................................... - 19 Appendix B: Command Line Language ............................................... - 20 Appendix C: Use case description ...................................................... - 21 Appendix D: Sequence diagram.......................................................... - 28 Appendix E: Ciphers ........................................................................... - 32 Appendix F: User Manual .................................................................... - 38 References .......................................................................................... - 46 -
Semester Winter 2007-2008
Software Systems Laboratory
1. Abstract
For thousands of years, kings, queens and generals have relied on efficient
communication in order to govern their countries and command their armies. At
the same time, they have all been aware of the consequences of their messages
falling into the wrong hands, revealing precious secrets to rival nations and
betraying vital information to opposing forces. It was the threat of enemy
interception that motivated the development of codes and ciphers: techniques for
disguising a message so that only the intended recipient can read it.
The main goal of this project is to create a demonstration program that allows
the user to encrypt and decrypt the messages, and helps to break encrypted
messages. The application contains several ciphers and allows adding
supplementary ciphers.
By product purposes of the project are: to acquire programming skills in C#
language, to practice usage of reflection mechanism and graphics issues, to
meet .net framework technology and its features, to understand and apply
modular extensible design.
Semester Winter 2007-2008
Software Systems Laboratory
2. Introduction
2.1. General explanation
There are two logical parts in our program. The first one is a framework
program that will supply to user convenient way to work with ciphers. The
second one is a set of ciphers which attached to the framework program.
Framework program
Framework program includes two different applications which use the
same core module.
The core module supplies to the applications the next possibilities:
o Attach ciphers
o Work with each specific cipher
o Create and execute strategies (see definition in Appendix A)
o Receive feedback from ciphers such as log messages and
results of performed operations.
GUI Application (Windows Forms Application) allow the user to:
o Input-output texts
o Create and execute strategies
o Get log of executed operations
o Get results of performed operations
Console Application
o User should run it from command line (see command set in
Appendix B)
It intended for creation and execution of strategies only
Example of usage: if computation process takes a lot of time, user may
reveal some required parameters (secret key) using the GUI application
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Software Systems Laboratory
and then call the console application with these parameters for “pure
There are 4 ciphers (see chosen ciphers in Appendix E).
Each cipher implemented as independent library that attached to
framework program.
User may add his own ciphers to the framework program by
implementing these ciphers as additional library satisfying some
2.2. Requirements
The program will be written using C# programming language and .NET
framework 2.0
The program will consist of framework program and set of ciphers
attached to framework program
For each cipher a module will be written (one shift cipher, one
substitution cipher and one transposition cipher at least. In any case
Vigenere cipher will be one of them).
Modules should implement interfaces that will allow:
Automatic cracking
User aided cracking
Provide info (icon, properties for toolbox and strategy windows)
Each cipher will provide interactive window for user aided crack. It will
contain additional information about encrypted text and will help to find
some secret parameters.
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Software Systems Laboratory
Modules are added to the project by a simple file copy. No registration.
The project should use .NET reflection to identify available modules
and invoke them.
The program will contain GUI application and Command line utility
The program will allow strategy (see definition in Appendix A) building
and execution
Command line utility works independent of GUI - may not necessarily
have all options that are in GUI.
For automatic crack - display Hollywood effects - letters changing,
patterns appear and disappear on screen, add some delays when
needed so that the effect will be seen nicely.
Manual process should be more interesting. E.g. in Caesar cipher the
user can drag one histogram on the other in a cyclic way. In "railway
cipher" the user can drag a slide bar causing the text to split to more
Log window allows cipher modules to log their actions.
Important: GUI application will provide an easy way to generate
strategy and call the console application for its execution.
2.3. Main working scenario
User builds strategy using graphic tool of GUI application
User chooses to continue working in command line
Program transfers created strategy from GUI application to console
application format
Program calls cmd.exe application and passes control to user
User can run the strategy with some input file from command line
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Software Systems Laboratory
3. Design
3.1. Use cases
Dynamic model that relies on requirements
Shows all main scenarios of the program
See use cases in Appendix C
3.2. Module division
At the design level all program divided into 3 parts:
o User interface part (GUI application and Console application). At
the below diagram WinFormApp Package and ConsoleApp
o Core program part (module that serves applications from user
interface part). At the below diagram Engine Package.
o Ciphers part (each cipher implemented as single module and
attached to the core program during run time). At the below
diagram Cipher Packages.
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Software Systems Laboratory
Module diagram
Here, each package represents single assembly (dll or exe file).
At this figure we can see two applications as mentioned earlier. GUI
Application (WinFormApp Package) and Command Line Application
(ConsoleApp Package).
Both applications use the same core (Engine package).
Engine package implements two interfaces – one for each application. Its
inner structure will be described later.
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Software Systems Laboratory
Cipher Package is one of the cipher modules that may be attached to
Engine. In general, number of such modules is unlimited
Interaction between Engine and Ciphers:
o Engine package includes InterfaceCipher Package.
o InterfaceCipher Package contains one interface only - ICipher.
o This interface supplies to the Engine the standard set of functions –
cipher abilities (described latter).
o Each cipher must implement this interface in order to be attached to
cipher collection of the engine.
3.3. Engine Package
Object of the Engine class contains:
o CipherList – collection of ciphers pointed through ICipher
o StrategyEntryList (representation of current strategy) – a
collection of StrategyEntry objects, where each such object
represents a single action in the strategy sequence.
The class itself implements two interfaces:
o IWinFormEngin – interface for GUI application
o IConsoleEngine – interface for Console application.
StrategyEntery and Cipher are used to interchange data with GUI
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Class diagram of Engine package.
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IWinFormEngine interface:
o During initialization GUI receive attached to engine ciphers (names,
icons) using GetAttachedCiphers() function.
o If user works with single cipher (Encrypt(), Decrypt(), AutoCrack(),
ManualCrack(), ShowParameterWindow(), ShowAboutWindo()
functions) GUI transfers to Engine the name of the cipher and the
input text for operation. See the figure below:
o If user operates with strategies (ApplyStrategy(), EraseStrategy()
functions) GUI transfers to Engine the sequence of triples (cipher,
operation, parameter list) and the input text. See the figure below:
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IConsoleEngine interface:
o The Console application presents to the user information about
attached ciphers and their possible parameters (see set of
commands in Appendix B) using GetAttachedCiphers() and
GetCipherDetails() functions.
o CreateStrategy() function creates empty text file strategy.conf that
will contain strategy.
o AddAction2Strategy() function adds line to this file.
o ApplyStrategy() function parses the file and execute the strategy.
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3.4. InterfaceCipher Package
ICipher interface contained in InterfaceCipher package:
public interface ICipher
//cipherName – must be the single word
string GetName();
//image that represents the cipher in GUI
System.Drawing.Bitmap GetImage();
//returns pairs of parameterName - parameterValue
//for each function call returns NEW copy of
//parameter list
//parameterName must be the single word
Dictionary<string, string> GetParameters();
//merges parameters from received list into internal
//parameter list
void SetParameters(Dictionary<string, string>
//encypts received plaintext using parameters of the
//cipher and returnes ciphertext
string Encrypt(string plaintext);
//decrypts received ciphertext using parameters of the
//cipher and returnes plaintext
string Decrypt(string ciphertext);
//decrypts received ciphertext with different
//parameters (looking for optimal parameters)
//returns best received plaintext
string AutoCrack(string ciphertext);
//shows to user auxiliary window that presents
//additional information and allows to select
//returns received plaintext
string ManualCrack(string ciphertext);
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//show to user window that allows to select parameters
void ShowParameterWindow();
//show to user some information about this cipher
void ShowAboutInfo();
//returns to user string with description of the
//cipher, all parameters and their default values
string GetDetails();
//event raised in order to transfer log message
event LogDelegate LogEvent;
//event raised in order to transfer temporary result
//of computation
event ResultDelegate TempResultEvent;
All the ciphers must implement this interface.
3.5. Sequence Diagram
In order to understand all the scenarios in the dynamic way and to start
implementation we made the sequence diagram (see Appendix D).
3.6. Extensible design
The program should have ability to add new ciphers without any need to
be changed.
It means that engine assembly can't include ciphers at compilation time
and must attach them dynamically during runtime.
For this purpose the Reflection mechanism was used.
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Cipher attaching process:
o Engine is looking in the current directory for dll files which name
contains prefix "Cipher" (for example CipherShift).
o For each such assembly it tries to instantiate class with the same
(as assembly name) name using Reflection.
o Each such received object referenced through ICipher interface
contained in InterfaceCipher package.
o At the end of attaching operation, engine contains collection of
references to ICipher interface, where each reference points to
another cipher.
Cipher development process:
o Developer creates new assembly which name contains prefix
“Cipher” (for example CipherShift).
o The assembly contains public class named as the assembly.
o The class must implement ICipher interface.
o Finished dll copied into working directory (the same directory with
o The framework program automatically finds new cipher and
attaches it.
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4. Summary
4.1. Possible extensions and improvements
The main extension that may be done is, of course, development of
additional ciphers. The framework program was designed and
implemented taking into account this capability.
Currently, the program is rather demonstration than the serious
encoding instrument. For example, in Julius Caesar cipher we don't
eliminate white spaces during encoding. It done for readability of the
message decrypted back from cipher text. At the same time, it makes
the cipher text more breakable. So, a possible improvement is to make
the program "encoding machine" that will emit hard breakable cipher
It follows that break tools in our program could be improved.
Proceeding with above example, we must include additional tool into
GUI application that will automatically add white spaces between
words. It may be implemented using simple dictionary of the most
frequent English words.
Possible extension is advanced strategy builder that will allow
generation of more complicated strategies (for example tree with input
text in the root and different results in leaves).
Currently the program window contains 4 sub-windows (input, output,
strategy and log). Possible extension is to make those sub-windows
optional and sizable. It will allow the user to choose what to display.
Using this feature one can get strategy window only. It may be done
with minimal changes in GUI module.
Graphics improvements.
The application may contain an internet browser in order to get fast
help about some hard breakable cipher text
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Some ciphers are more difficult to break then others. Some
improvements could be made with the heuristic strategy for using in
auto-crack functionality.
The decryption (manual or auto-crack) could make more use of the
most common words in English to help the decryption process, making
it faster and more reliable.
4.2. Purchased knowledge and skills
We got knowledge about some known ciphers and their history; people
that used to develop them, used them to encrypt and decrypt
messages and others who broke them.
Experience in application development from the beginning (meeting
with user, requirement composition) to the end (code writing and
presentation of ready product).
Additional skills in C# programming language and working with
Microsoft Visual Studio.
We learned about Reflection mechanism and applied our knowledge in
We learned more build-in abilities of C# such as drag-drop feature and
simple graphic generation.
4.3. Encountered problems
We met some technical problems with calling to cmd.exe program from
the C# code and making it to execute some code. It was solved due to
example from internet.
Some ciphers were harder to implement, especially the automatic
crack figure. We used some internet examples to solve this difficult.
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4.4. Project workflow
Requirements composition and understanding
Cipher choosing
Use case composition (Appendix C)
Building module diagram (Design)
Building class diagram (Design) and sequence diagram (Appendix D)
Implementation of the framework program with dummy cipher
Algorithm choosing for each specific cipher (Appendix E)
Implementation of ciphers
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5. Appendix A: Definitions
Plaintext – the natural language message that intended for encryption.
Cipher text – the sequence of symbols which represent encrypted plaintext.
Strategy – (in CryptoLab application) a sequence of cipher-action-parameters
triples, where cipher is one of available ciphers, action is one of {encrypt,
decrypt, crack}, and parameters as defined for each specific cipher.
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6. Appendix B: Command Line Language
In order to use the CryptoLab command line application, type its executable file
name with command (e.g. : >>CryptoLab.exe help).
help – prints all commands with description into command line
cipherlist – prints the list of ciphers into the command line
cipher cipherName – prints description of the cipher and its possible
strategy – prints the strategy sequence into the command line
strategy –create – creates empty strategy and saves it in the
configuration file (overrides previously created strategy)
strategy –add cipherName command (proprtyName propertyValue)* –
adds action to created previously strategy (where command in {encrypt,
decrypt, crack}), changes are saved to the configuration file
strategy –apply fileInput fileOutput – applies the strategy created in the
configuration file on the text from the fileInput and puts the result into the
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7. Appendix C: Use case description
GUI Application Use Cases:
 Run GUI Application
 Encryption
 Decryption
 Auto Crack
 Manual Crack
 Cipher Settings
 Cipher About
 Save Input Text
 Load Input Text
 Save Output Text
 Create Strategy
 Apply Strategy
 Erase Strategy
 From GUI to Command Line
Command Line Application Use Cases:
 CL Help
 CL Cipher List
 CL Cipher
 CL Strategy
 CL Strategy Create
 CL Strategy Add
 CL Strategy Apply
Operational Use Cases:
 Developer Add Cipher
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Name: Run GUI Application
Actors: User
Goal: Run and initialize graphic application
Pre-conditions: User runs the application
1. The application attaches files with ciphers
2. (Optionally) the application loads the log file
Post-conditions: The application is waiting for user
Name: Encryption
Actors: User
Goal: Encrypt the input text
1. There is an input text
2. User has chosen a cipher
3. (Optionally) User has chosen cipher parameters
Description: Run the encryption algorithm over the input text
Post-conditions: The result of the encryption is presented to the user
Name: Decryption
Actors: User
Goal: Decrypt the input text
1. There is an input text
2. User has chosen a cipher
3. (Optionally) User has chosen cipher parameters
Description: Run the decryption algorithm over the input text
Post-conditions: The result of the decryption is presented to the user
Name: Auto Crack
Actors: User
Goal: Decrypt the input text without a key
1. There is an input text
2. User has chosen a cipher
Description: Run the automatic crack algorithm over the input text
Post-conditions: The result of the cipher cracking is presented to the user
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Name: Manual Crack
Actors: User
Goal: Decrypt the input text without a key
1. There is an input text
2. User has chosen a cipher
1. Run the auxiliary algorithm that presents to the user some information about
the input cipher text and allows him choosing some crack parameters
2. Get the final crack result from the auxiliary algorithm
Post-conditions: The result of the cipher cracking is presented to the user
Exceptions: 1 .a. User cancels working of the auxiliary algorithm
1. b. User returned from the use case without any presented result
Name: Cipher Settings
Actors: User
Goal: Allow the user to look at cipher parameters and change them
Pre-conditions: User has chosen a cipher
Description: The application presents to the user the current values of the
cipher parameters (user has an option to change the values and to load defaults)
Post-conditions: Changed parameters of chosen cipher are saved
Name: Cipher About
Actors: User
Goal: Allow the user to look at some information about the chosen cipher
Pre-conditions: User has chosen a cipher
Description: The application presents to the user some information about the
Post-conditions: Changed parameters of a chosen cipher are saved
Name: Save Input Text
Actors: User
Goal: Save input text to disk
Pre-conditions: User has typed some text in the application
1. The application allows the user to choose filename
2. The application saves text into the file
Post-conditions: File saved
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Name: Load Input Text
Actors: User
Goal: Load input text from disk
Pre-conditions: Exists text file that contains English text
1. The application allows the user to choose filename
2. The application loads text from the file into input section
Post-conditions: Text presented to user as input
Name: Save Output Text
Actors: User
Goal: Save output text to disk
Pre-conditions: Output text was received by applying some algorithm on an
input text
1. The application allows the user to choose filename
2. The application saves text into the file
Post-conditions: File saved
Name: Create Strategy
Actors: User
Goal: Create a sequence of actions
Pre-conditions: The application is running
Description: User builds a sequence of ciphers, adding them from a cipher list
presented to him (for every cipher in the sequence user chooses one of three
actions: encrypt, decrypt or automatic crack)
Post-conditions: There is a strategy chain built by user
Name: Apply Strategy
Actors: User
Goal: Apply the strategy created in “Create Strategy” use case
1. There is a strategy that was created
2. There is an input text
1. Apply the first action in action strategy on the input text
2. Every next action is applied on the result of the previous one
Post-conditions: The result of the last action is presented to the user as an
output text
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Name: Erase Strategy
Actors: User
Goal: Clean created strategy
Pre-conditions: There is a strategy that was created
Description: Application erases the strategy that was previously created by user
Post-conditions: There is no strategy
Name: From GUI to Command Line
Actors: User
Goal: Transition from GUI application to Command Line application
1. User worked with GUI application
2. User wants switch to Command Line application
1. User creates a strategy in GUI using results (parameters) of previous work
with GUI
2. User uses “Call Command Line for this strategy option”
3. System creates strategy configuration file with specified strategy on hard drive
4. System calls Windows CMD application
5. System passes control to the user
1. A strategy file created
2. User may continue working with Command Line application
Name: CL Help
Actors: User
Goal: Present to the user some information about possible commands and their
Pre-conditions: None
1. The application runs itself
2. The application presents information to user
3. The application finishes
Post-conditions: The presented information remains available for the user
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Name: CL Cipher List
Actors: User
Goal: Present to the user some information about available ciphers
Pre-conditions: None
1. The application runs itself
2. The application presents to user information
3. The application finishes
Post-conditions: The presented information remains available for the user
Name: CL Cipher
Actors: User
Goal: Present to the user some information about specified cipher and its
Pre-conditions: None
1. The application runs itself
2. The application presents to the user some information
3. The application finishes
Post-conditions: The presented information remains available for the user
Name: CL Strategy
Actors: User
Goal: Present to the user some information about the strategy
Pre-conditions: None
1. The application runs itself
2. The application presents to the user some information
3. The application finishes
Post-conditions: The presented information still available to the user
Name: CL Strategy Create
Actors: User
Goal: Creates an empty strategy and saves it to the disk
Pre-conditions: None
1. The application runs itself
2. The application creates an empty strategy and saves it to a configuration file
3. The application finishes
Post-conditions: The configuration file with empty strategy is saved
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Name: CL Strategy Add
Actors: User
Goal: Add an action to existence sequence of actions and save it to the disk
Pre-conditions: A strategy exist (empty or not)
1. The application runs itself
2. The application loads existent strategy from configuration file
3. The application adds an action specified by the user to the existent strategy
4. The application saves the created strategy to a configuration file
5. The application finishes
Post-conditions: The configuration file with strategy is saved
Name: CL Strategy Apply
Actors: User
Goal: Apply created strategy
1. A strategy exist (empty or not)
2. User specified input and output filenames
1. The application runs itself
2. The application applies the strategy on the input file and saves the result into
the output file
3. The application finishes
Post-conditions: None
Name: Developer Add Cipher
Actors: Developer
Goal: Add new cipher to existent CryptoLab
1. Developer wants to add a new cipher to the system
1. Developer writes a dll that implements ICipher interface
2. The name of the dll file started with word "Cipher" (example CipherShift)
3. Dll is copied into the application directory (no registration needed)
4. When restarting the UI, the new cipher appears as button that can be added to
a strategy
5. When running CL, new cipher and its properties are added to displayed list
Post-conditions: New cipher ready for use in CryptoLab.
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8. Appendix D: Sequence diagram
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9. Appendix E: Ciphers
9.1. Shift cipher (Julius Caesar cipher)
In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also known as a Caesar's cipher, the
shift cipher, Caesar's code or Caesar shift, is one of the simplest and most
widely known encryption techniques. It is a type of substitution cipher in which
each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of
positions down the alphabet. For example, with a shift of 3, A would be
replaced by D, B would become E, and so on. The method is named after
Julius Caesar, who used it to communicate with his generals.
Parameter: shift value in [0, 25] – number of positions to shift the letters in
Encryption algorithm: shift left all letters to “shift value” positions.
Decryption algorithm: shift right all letters to “shift value” positions.
Description of automatic breaking algorithm:
The automatic breaking is done by comparison of the letters distribution in
typical English text and distributions of letters in 26 different (shifted relatively
to original cipher text) texts. Shifted cipher text with the most similar
distribution will be returned as a plain text. Appropriate shift value will be
returned as a key.
Two histograms compared by summarizing of squared difference between
values of appropriate columns. Received number is grade for this
comparison. The comparison with the smallest grade supposed to be
between the most similar histograms.
Manual crack window:
Allows the user to shift the cipher text with different shift values and
presents result of the operation. Also, a histogram of the shifted text and a
histogram of typical English text are presented. User can drag one histogram
into another in order to compare them.
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9.2. Transposition cipher (Rail fence transposition)
The Rail Fence Cipher is a form of transposition cipher that gets its
name from the way in which it is encoded. In the rail fence cipher, the
plaintext is written downwards on successive "rails" of an imaginary fence,
then moving up when we get to the bottom. The message is then read off in
rows. For example, if we have three "rails" and a message of 'WE ARE
DISCOVERED. FLEE AT ONCE', the cipherer writes out:
And then reads off as:
Parameter: number of lines in [1, 256] to write the plaintext during
Encryption algorithm: write plaintext on “number of lines” lines as
described above.
Decryption algorithm: reversing the encryption process.
Description of automatic breaking algorithm:
The program contains dictionary with 2000 English words - GLS (The
General Service List, see Algorithm decrypts
received cipher text with all possible parameter values. For every received
decryption the algorithm looking for words from GLS in it. As found word is
longer so the match receive higher grade. The sum of all such grades for
given decrypted text is the grade of the decryption. After that the algorithm
chooses the decryption with the highest grade and returns it as decrypted
cipher text, the parameter of the decryption is returned as a key.
Manual crack window:
Allow the user to choose parameter value. Presents cipher text and its
decryption with chosen parameter. Also, paints the transposition.
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9.3. A Simple Substitution cipher
A substitution cipher is a method of encryption by which units of plaintext
are substituted with ciphertext according to a regular system; the "units" may
be single letters, pair of letters and so on.
In a simple substitution cipher the system uses a single letters and
substitutes them by other single letters. Traditionally the new alphabet for
encryption is created by first writing out a keyword, removing repeated letters
in it, and then writing all the remaining letters in the alphabet.
For example:
Using this system, the keyword "zebras" gives us the following alphabets:
Plaintext alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
And the message:
will be encrypted as:
"flee at once. We are discovered!"
Parameter: a keyword for creating the ciphertext alphabet.
Encryption algorithm: writing the plaintext, writing a keyword to create
ciphertext alphabet. Encrypt the plaintext as described above.
Decryption algorithm: reversing the encryption process using the same
keyword and same ciphertext alphabet.
Description of automatic breaking algorithm:
The program uses a distribution of typical English text and a calculated
distribution of the ciphertext. The program compares those two distributions,
and matches the letters according to the distribution percentages.
For example: the letter E is the most common letter in the English language.
It is very likely that in the calculation of the distribution of ciphertext, the most
common letter in this calculation was substituted by the letter E.
Manual crack window:
Allow the user to choose one of two heuristics: the first one is trying to
guess the keyword without any other help. The second one is trying to
guess the ciphertext alphabet by displaying the distribution histogram
of the ciphertext.
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9.4. Vigenere cipher
A Vigenère cipher is a method of encrypting alphabetic text by using a
series of different Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a keyword. It is a
simple from of polyalphabetic substitution.
The method was originally described by Gibson Battista Bellaso in 1553.
However the scheme was later misattributed to Blaise de Vigenère in the 19th
century and it is now widely known as the "Vigenère cipher".
This cipher is well known because while it is easy to understand and
implement, it is often appears to beginners to be unbreakable; this earned it
the description le chiffre indéchiffrable (French for 'the unbreakable cipher').
In Caesar cipher, each letter of the alphabet is shifted along some number of
places. The Vigenère cipher consists of several Caesar cipher in sequence
with different shift values.
To encipher, a table of alphabets is used, termed a Vigenère table. It consist
of the alphabet written out 26 times in different rows, each alphabet shifted
cyclically to the left compared to the previous alphabet, corresponding to the
26 possible Caesar ciphers. At different points on the encryption process, the
cipher uses different alphabet from one of the rows. The alphabet used at
each point depends on a repeating keyword.
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For example: suppose that the plaintext to be encrypted is:
The one who is sending the message chooses a keyword and repeats it until
it matches the length of the plaintext. For this example we will use the
keyword "LEMON".
The first letter of the plaintext, A, is enciphered using the alphabet in row L,
which is the first letter of the key. This is done by looking at the letter in row L
and column A of the Vigenère table. Similarly, for the second letter of the
plaintext, the second letter of the key is used; the letter at row E and column
T is X. The rest of the plaintext is enciphered in a similar fashion:
Parameter: a keyword to use with the Vigenère table to encrypt or
decrypt the plaintext.
Encryption algorithm: writing the plaintext, writing the keyword in a cyclic
form in a way the keyword repeat itself for as long as the plaintext size is.
Using the Vigenère table the program substitute each letter according to
the row and column in the table and the letters in the keyword. Encryption
example is shown above.
Decryption algorithm: reversing the encryption process by using the
same keyword and same Vigenère table. In the reverse process the
program searches for the letters encrypted with the keyword by column
and row (reverse to row and column as in encryption process).
Description of automatic breaking algorithm:
The program uses an algorithm for breaking the Vigenère cipher, known as
Kasiski test. First, the algorithm tries to find the keyword length. The
algorithm searches for repeated sequences of letters, and calculate the
spaces between those repeated sequences. Then, the algorithm takes the
spaces and calculates the factors of every space number it found earlier.
The most common factor found in this process is probably the keyword
length. The algorithm then uses a Caesar cipher decryption to indentify each
letter of the keyword. For every letter in the cracked keyword, the algorithm
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shifts the letters and searches for the best suitable shift value, by using
comparison between distribution of the ciphertext (for each letter a new
ciphertext is created) and the normal English distribution. Once the algorithm
founded the best shift value for a letter, it continues to the next letter as so
on, until it finds all the letters of the keyword.
Once the algorithm found all the letters, it uses them as a cracked keyword at
tries to decrypt the original ciphertext with the cracked keyword.
Manual crack window:
Allow the user to crack the keyword with the same algorithm as in the
automatic crack. The user needs to find the keyword length, and then he tries
to find the letters by shifting the letters. The user may try to compare the
distribution of the ciphertext of each letter to the normal English distribution.
The user will see on screen the ciphertext changes according to his letter
shifting, and he can indentify when the ciphertext does really cracked.
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10. Appendix F: User Manual
10.1. General
In order to run the program user should install Microsoft .Net framework
version 2.0 or higher (download from Microsoft official site:
The program contains following files:
o CryptoLab.exe
o CLCryptoLab.exe
o Engine.dll
o InterfaceCipher.dll
o CipherShift.dll
o CipherRailfence.dll
o CipherSubstitution.dll
o CipherVigenere.dll
o CrackTools.dll
In order to run the GUI application, click on the "CryptoLab.exe" file.
In order to execute commands of command line application type in
command line "CLCryptoLab.exe" followed by command and parameters
if needed (see possible commands in Appendix B).
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10.2. Working with GUI application
Initial view of GUI application. Now it’s ready to use.
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Using file menu the user can load text (plaintext or cipher text) from a
hard drive into the input window or save text from input, output
windows to a hard drive.
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Log window presents information about operations performed by
application. Strategy window allows building strategy with attached to
application ciphers.
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Work with a cipher:
o Using menu of each specific cipher the user can perform basic
operations (“Encrypt”, “Decrypt”, “Auto Crack”) over text from
input window.
o Click “Parameters…” option in order to choose parameters used
in the execution of the operations.
o Click to “About…” option in order to get some information about
the cipher.
o “Manual Crack…” option calls the auxiliary window. It helps to
find parameters used in cipher text decryption.
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After the encryption, the result – encrypted text, presented in the
output window. New log message added to the message list in log
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o Drag ciphers from the list of attached ciphers into strategy area.
o For every additional cipher the user can choose operation
(encrypt, decrypt, auto) and parameters.
o Operation and parameters may be changed after the strategy
was built.
o User can apply the strategy and erase it from the window using
appropriate buttons.
o “Call command line for this strategy…” option will copy created
strategy into strategy.conf file and will open command line. Here
user can continue working with created strategy.
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10.3. Console application
How to use:
Run cmd.exe application
Enter the program directory
Type “CLCryptoLab.exe command” (see possible commands in
Appendix B), see following example:
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11. References
[1] Simon Singh. “The Code Book” - 1st edition. 2000
[2] Wikipedia – the web free encyclopedia –
[3] The General Service List –
[4] MSDN – Microsoft Development Network, C# and .NET help and
Code exemples -
[5] Simon Singh, The Black Chamber .net edition – Vigenere cipher cracking
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