1 2 Supplementary Data 3 4 5 Supplementary Figure S1. Mast cell inhibition of active caspase-3 expression and 6 intramacrophage LVS infection is partially dependent on STAT6 and IL-4 7 production. Mast cells, macrophages, or co-cultures were infected (MOI=100) with 8 LVS followed by analysis at 3 and 24 h for caspase-3 expression and bacterial growth. 9 (A) Caspase-3 expression in STAT6+/+ macrophages compared to co-cultures of 10 STAT6+/+ macrophages + STAT6+/+ mast cells and co-cultures of STAT6+/+ macrophages 11 + STAT6-/- mast cells. * p < 0.03, **p < 0.002 (3-way ANOVA). (B) Bacterial growth in 12 STAT6+/+ macrophages compared to co-cultures of STAT6+/+ macrophages + STAT6+/+ 13 mast cells and co-cultures of STAT6+/+ macrophages + STAT6-/- mast cells. *p < 0.03, 14 **p < 0.003 (3-way ANOVA). (C) IL-4 and TNF-α production from STAT6+/+ or 15 STAT6-/- mast cells was analyzed by ELISA at 24h. 16 17 Supplementary Figure S2. Macrophages exhibit reduced morphological alterations 18 with rIL-4 treatment during F. tularensis LVS infection. Macrophages were 19 untreated, or rIL-4 treated (5 or 25 ng/ml) macrophages and infected (MOI=100) with 20 Lucifer yellow-labeled LVS or mock infected. Cellular morphology was analyzed at 24 21 h. Representative images of uninfected (mock) and LVS infected macrophages (CD11b, 22 red) are shown with nuclear stain (DAPI, blue), and Lucifer labeled LVS (yellow). 23 Magnification 400X. 24 25 Wild-type Macrophages MR-/- Macrophages 26 27 28 29 30 Lucifer labeled LVS, CD11b, Acidification Probe 400 X 1 h 31 acidified regions, but notable levels of bacteria with rIL-4 treatment. Wild-type and 32 MR-/- macrophages untreated or rIL-4 treated were infected (MOI=100) with Lucifer 33 yellow-labeled LVS. Representative images of rIL-4 treated LVS (yellow) infected WT 34 and MR-/- macrophages (CD11b, green) are shown with acidification regions (red); 35 Magnification 400X. 36 Supplementary Figure S3. Mannose receptor deficient macrophages exhibit 37 Enlargement Enlargement 38 39 40 Supplementary Figure S4. IL-4 receptor deficient macrophages exhibit minimal 41 acidification regions in co-culture with mast cells compared to WT macrophages in 42 co-culture with mast cells. IL-4R-/-macrophage-WT mast cell co-cultures and WT 43 macrophage-WT mast cell co-cultures were infected (MOI=100) with Lucifer labeled 44 LVS (yellow) for 1 h. Representative images of macrophages (CD11b, green) and mast 45 cells (white arrows, unstained cell surface with blue nuclei) in co-culture are shown. 46 Mast cells are shown with numerous acidified (red) organelles surrounding blue nuclei; 47 Magnification 400X. Enlargements of co-cultures (IL-4R-/-macrophage-WT mast cell 48 and WT macrophage-WT mast cell) are shown. 49 50 51 40 Nitrite (u M ) A 30 20 10 0 * CF U/well 6 B 10 10 * 3 h 5 24 h 1 04 1 03 1 02 Mock Unt reat ed rIL4 25 ng/ ml Mock LVS rIF N 1 0 n g / ml Mast cel l spent supernat ant 52 53 Supplementary Fig. S5. Nitric oxide is not enhanced with rIL-4 or mast cell 54 supernatant. LVS-infected (MOI=100) macrophages were treated with filtered mast cell 55 spent supernatant, rIL-4 or rIFN-γ. 56 cells analyzed for nitric oxide and bacterial growth. (A) Macrophages cultured with 57 filtered spent supernatant from mock or LVS infected (MOI=100) mast cells, or rIL-4 (25 58 ng/ml) were compared to untreated LVS infected macrophages for nitric oxide 59 production at 24 h; Positive control (rIFN-γ,10ng/ml) shown right of the black bar. (B) 60 Bacterial replication in macrophages cultured with filtered spent supernatant from mock 61 or LVS infected (MOI=100) mast cells, or rIL-4 (25 ng/ml) were compared to untreated 62 LVS infected macrophages at 3 h or 24 h; Positive control (rIFN-γ,10ng/ml) shown right 63 of the black bar; *p < 0.05 (Unpaired t Test). 64 independent experiments. 65 Cultures were infected with LVS (MOI=100) and Results are representative of three 66 67 68 Supplementary Figure S6. Mast cell secreted factors inhibit intramacrophage LVS 69 replication and active caspase-3. 70 treated with neutralizing anti-IL-4 (25 ug/ml), anti-TNF-α (25 ug/ml) or both. Cultures 71 were infected (MOI=100) with LVS and cells analyzed for active caspase-3 and bacterial 72 replication. Co-culture macrophages were analyzed within the CD11b gate for flow 73 cytometry and cell lysates were plated for bacterial enumeration at 3 and 24h as 74 previously described. Active caspase-3 expression or bacterial replication of treated co- 75 cultures were compared to untreated co-cultures; *p < 0.05 (Unpaired t Test). 76 77 78 79 Mast cell-macrophage co-cultures were untreated, 80 Supplemental Methods 81 82 Mice 83 Specific pathogen-free 4-8 week old mice were utilized for all procedures. C57BL/6 and 84 BALB/c mice were purchased from the National Cancer Institute. BALB/c IL-4R-/- 85 mice1 were purchased from Taconic Farms, and STAT6-/- mice were from the UT Health 86 Science Center at San Antonio. All experimental procedures and animal care were 87 performed in accordance with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 88 (IACUC) guidelines. 89 90 Nitric Oxide Assay. Nitrite concentrations in culture supernatants were analyzed using 91 the Greiss reaction as previously described2. Briefly, supernatant were incubated with 92 1% sulfanilamide and 1% naphthylethylenediamine dihydrochloride (in 2.5% phosphoric 93 acid) at room temperature for 10 minutes. Nitrite was quantified (uQuant) at 545nm 94 using NaNO2 standards. 95 96 Phagocytosis assay. Phagocytosis assays were performed on wild-type or STAT6 97 deficient cells (bone marrow derived mast cells or macrophages) as discussed in the 98 Materials and Methods sections with modifications. On the day before the assay, mast 99 cells were plated, rested 4 h, and infected (100=MOI) or mock treated for 2 h followed by 100 gentamicin treatment for 1 h. The media was replaced, and the cultures were incubated 101 for the remaining 24 h. 102 (0.22μm), and placed on ice for use the same day as spent-culture medium. For culture At 24 h, the supernatants were collected, syringe filtered 103 analyses, murine recombinant IL-4 (25 ng/ml, eBioscience), recombinant interferon- 104 gamma (rIFN-γ, 10 ng/ml) or spent supernatant, was added to cultures 2 h prior to 105 infection, and replaced to cultures after each wash. Analyses were performed at 3 and 24 106 h for determination of bacterial burden; and supernatant was collected at 24h and stored 107 at -80°C for cytokine or nitric oxide analyses. In separate experiments, co-cultures were 108 untreated, or treated with anti-IL-4, anti-TNF-α or both for two hours prior to LVS 109 infection (100=MOI). Antibodies (anti-IL-4, anti-TNF-α) were replaced after each wash 110 and cells were analyzed for bacterial replication and active caspase-3 at 3 and 24 h. 111 112 Microscopy Analysis. On the day of the assay, cells were counted and seeded (2.5 X 113 105) on coverslips placed in a 24-well plate, rested 4 h, and infected (100=MOI) with 114 unlabeled or Lucifer labeled LVS. Cultures were treated as described in the Methods 115 section for confocal microscopy. At 1, 3 or 24 h, cells were washed with 1XPBS and 116 stained as previously described. Acquisition was performed using a Zeiss 510 Meta and 117 analyzed with IMARIS® software. 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 References 128 1 Noben-Trauth, N. et al. An interleukin 4 (IL-4)-independent pathway for CD4+ T 129 cell IL-4 production is revealed in IL-4 receptor-deficient mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. 130 Sci. U S A 94, 10838-10843 (1997). 131 132 133 134 2 Green, L. C. et al. Analysis of nitrate, nitrite, and [15N]nitrate in biological fluids. Anal. Biochem 126, 131-138 (1982).