Programme of Studies and Examinations

Study and Examination Rules for Doctoral Study
at the University of Economics, Prague
valid from 21st June 2006
Article 1
Scheme of Study and Doctoral Study Programmes
(1) These Study and Examination Rules apply to the students in doctoral study programmes realised by the
Faculties of the University of Economics, Prague (henceforth just VŠE).
(2) The studies in doctoral programmes at VŠE are organized at the faculties in cooperation with the Office for
science and research of the Rector's office. The standard length of study is three academic years; maximal length
of study is five academic years.
(3) The studies are organized under Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on
Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (henceforth just „Act“).
Article 2
Branch Council
(1) The Branch Council for the Doctoral Study (henceforth just the Branch Council) is the basic professional,
control and evaluation body of study (§ 47 par. 6 of the Act). For its activity it is responsible to the Dean of the
(2) The Dean appoints and dismisses the members of the Branch Council after the discussion in the session of
Scientific Council of the Faculty.
(3)The Branch Council consists at least of seven members of whom at least two are not members of the
academic community of VŠE.
(4)The Head of the Branch Council is chosen from its members on the basis of their voting.
(5) The Branch Council has quorum if more than a half members are present. The decision is taken by the
absolute majority of all the present members.
(6) The Branch Council sits as needed but at least once a year, the head chairs the session. The session is
recorded; the record is submitted to the Vice-Dean for Science and Research, to the Dean and the Vice-Rector
for Science and Research.
(7) The Branch Council primarily:
a) takes care of updating and development of the Doctoral study programme and its study subjects, proposes
adaptation or establishing of new branches of study within the doctoral programme,
b) controls and evaluates the study running in the particular study branch,
c) proposes to the Dean to dismiss the supervisor in case of proved failure in duties,
d) in cooperation with the guarantor and supervisor it solves the professional and organizational issues in
Doctoral study programme and in the branch of study.
Article 3
Guarantor of the subject
(1) The guarantors are professors, readers, or other important experts with scientific degree DrSc. who are
approved by the Scientific Council of the faculty upon the Dean's proposal.
(2) The Dean appoints and dismisses the guarantor of the subject with the approval of the Scientific Council of
the Faculty.
(3) The Dean is obliged to announce the change of the guarantor of the subject to the Accreditation Committee
of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Education (henceforth just Ministry of Education).
(4) The guarantor of the subject:
a) is professionally responsible for the development of the branch of study in a doctoral study programme,
b) in cooperation with the Branch Council and supervisors solves professional and organizational issues of
Doctoral study programme in the branch,
c) may propose the Dean to award supervisors,
d) administers the professional activity of supervisors,
e) approves the student's study scheme and submits it to the Dean for his signature.
Article 4
(1) The supervisors are professors, readers, or other important experts with academic degree or title "Doctor"
who are appointed by the Dean upon the guarantor's proposal.
(2) In case of documented neglect of duty the supervisor can be dismissed. The Dean dismisses the supervisor on
grounds of the guarantor's proposal with the approval of the Branch Council.
(3) The supervisor
a) helps to set the individual study scheme of the student and submits it to the guarantor and the Dean for
their approval,
d) sees to the professional development of the student and follows how he/she meets the study scheme,
c) works out the evaluation of the students' work in progress,
d) through the guarantor he submits the student's individual study scheme to the Dean,
e) proposes to the Dean extra scholarship or rewards for students.
Article 5
(1) If the topic of the dissertation work (henceforth just dissertation) requires a specific guidance or professional
consultations, a consultant may be appointed who together with the supervisor secures the agreed part of the
professional preparation of the student. The consultant is usually a specialist in the field.
(2) The Dean appoints the consultant upon the supervisor's proposal.
Article 6
(1) The studies are realized in daily (full-time) form, distance form or their combination; the entrance exams for
both forms are identical.
(2) The student of daily form has to work at an appropriate department to the extent approved by the Head of the
Department on the recommendation of the student’s supervisor and according to his/her individual study plan. If
the competency is not clear, the Dean of the Faculty, into which the student is enrolled, decides the appropriate
(3) The conditions for granting scholarships are stipulated in the Scholarship Rules of VŠE.
(4) Programmes accredited and realised in Czech language may be taken by the Czech and foreign students who
have to study (i.e. pass entrance exams, attend classes, pass examinations, write and defend the dissertation) in
Czech or Slovak language. The Dean, on the basis of student’s application and with the approval of the Branch
Council and the head of the doctoral defence committee, may grant permission to submit the dissertation in a
world language. All other essentials of the defence are in Czech or Slovak language.
Programmes accredited and realised in English language may be taken by the Czech and foreign students who
have to study (i.e. pass entrance exams, attend classes, pass examinations, write and defend the dissertation) in
English language only. The programme may be taken also in another language if it is accredited in that language.
Article 7
Study Enrolment
(1) The students admitted to the doctoral study by the Dean’s decision enrol in the first year. They become
students of VŠE on the day of enrolment.
(2) The terms of enrolment are set by The Dean. Subsequently the students also perform the matriculate
academic pledge.
Article 8
Organization of the Academic Year
An academic year is divided into the winter and the summer semesters. The Rector decides the beginning of the
course, the number of weeks of the course, the examination period and the holidays in each of the semesters.
Article 9
Doctoral Study Scheme and Individual Study Scheme
(1) The Act sets the character of the study programme. Doctoral study schemes for each academic year realized
by VŠE and its organization, as well as the requirements for entrance examinations are available in a special
(2) The individual study scheme sets the requirements which a student is bound to fulfil both in the course of
study and for the proper completion of the study.
The individual study scheme is developed at the beginning of the programme by the student under the guidance
of his/her supervisor. It consists of the list of subjects, time schedules of courses and expected research and
pedagogical activity of the student and also the working title and content of the dissertation.
The individual study scheme usually includes the part of studies dealing with the general economic and specific
branch disciplines, the part of research concerning the work on a specific research project and the dissertation
and the supposed obligatory publishing activity of the student.
The student fulfils his/her study plan under the guidance of a supervisor. The student takes part in scientific
research and educational activity at an appropriate department.
Article 10
Classes and Their Organization
(1) The classes take place in the academic year.
(2) Part of the study is the research activity directed by a supervisor. The results of this activity are regularly (at
least once in an academic year) presented by a student at the Department meeting or on another similar occasion.
(3) The student also has to publish in scientific magazines (memoirs), in which the scientific papers are
Article 11
Enrolment to the Higher Year
(1) All admitted applicants may enrol in the first year.
(2) A student who has passed at least two of the required examinations in the previous academic year, has
fulfilled other tasks set and can submit in writing form the results of his/her research activity, may enrol in the
second year.
(3) A student who has passed all the examinations required in the individual study scheme, has fulfilled other
tasks set and can submit in writing the results of his/her research activity, may enrol in the third or the fourth
(4) A student may enrol in the fifth year after passing the state doctoral examination and the preliminary defence.
(5) The condition for the enrolment to the higher year is the Dean’s approval granted on the basis of the annual
evaluation of the student by his/her supervisor (Article 12 par.7).
(6) Exceptionally the Dean may decide about the conditional enrolment.
(7) The enrolment in a higher year is recorded in the Study Record and in the Faculty Register.
Article 12
Way of Teaching and Control of Studies
(1) Teaching in Doctoral study programme is realized in the form of lecture courses, seminars, group or
individual tutorials. Individual subjects are completed by an examination.
(2) The content and the form of the examination are determined in the accreditation of the subject. The oral
examination is taken in one day, a written part may follow. The examinations are graded by the scale
„Excellent“- 1, „Very Good“ - 2, “Good“ - 3, „Fail“ - 4. The student is informed about the examination result
immediately after the oral part of the examination.
(3) The examination may be repeated once. This is possible only after 4 weeks from the date when the student
received “Fail” grade.
(4) An examination may possibly be recognized if a comparable subject was completed in previous similar
studies at some university and the examination was taken no more than two academic years before. The
examination is recognized by the Dean of the Faculty in which the student is enrolled on the supervisor’s
recommendation or on the recommendation of the guarantor of the respective programme.
(5) If the student has successfully passed the state doctoral examination in his/her previous study in a related
branch at the VŠE, the Dean may acknowledge this examination, provided it took place less than two academic
years ago. Thus the student need not apply for acknowledgment of individual subjects.
(6) The Dean of the Faculty sets the dates of the annual controls of students’ doctoral programme. The result of
the control is recorded in the “Evaluation of doctoral student” consisting of the evaluation of previous work
done, the student’s participation in scientific research and pedagogical activities of the Department and binding
suggestions for further study.
(7) The control is carried out by the supervisor of the student in cooperation with the Head of Department and
the results are submitted to the Dean of the Faculty. This approval is the condition of the enrolment of the
student into the higher year (Article 11).
(8) The change of branches and its conditions are approved by the Deans of relevant Faculties after the
expression of opinion of guarantors and supervisors of both branches. The Dean of the Faculty to which the
student wants to move has to propose the supervisor with whom the student sets a new individual scheme. The
change of branches is not possible after passing the state doctoral examination.
Article 13
Doctoral State Examination
(1) Doctoral state examination (henceforth just „DSE“) is a thorough verification of knowledge of the studied
discipline. During the DSE a student shows that he/she has mastered broader general theoretical knowledge of
the given branch of study, methods of independent scientific work and methods of application of new
information. The content of DSE is determined by spheres set by the accreditation of the doctoral programme.
(2) The DSE is taken before an examination committee and is open to the public. The DSE may be re-taken
(3) It takes place at a time determined by the Rector of the VŠE in advance of the defence of the dissertation, so
that the result of the DSE could be applied towards the final defence.
Article 14
Committee for DSE
(1) Professors, senior lecturers and experts in the appropriate branch approved by the Branch council are entitled
to examine at the DSE. Other members of the Committee can be appointed by the Ministry of Education.
Competent members of academic community and other appointed members form the specialized Committee for
the DSE.
(2) The DSE examining Committee is appointed by the Dean upon the guarantor’s proposal after the approval of
the respective Scientific Council.
(3) The actual Examining Committee for DSE (henceforth Examining Committee) is appointed by the Dean
from the members of the committee two weeks prior to the date of the DSE at the latest. The committee consists
at least of three members (the chairman and two members).
Article 15
Conditions for Sitting for the DSE
(1) A student who has fulfilled all the requirements according to Article 11 par. 3 may apply for the DSE.
(2) The DSEs take place usually once in a semester. The written application for the DSE must be handed in at
least one month before the supposed date of the DSE.
(3) Enclosed with the application for DSE is the survey of publications verified by a supervisor and
a supervisor’s report on the research activity of the applicant confirmed by the guarantor of the appropriate study
Article 16
Duration and Classification of DSE
(1) The Chairman of the Committee for defence is responsible for the duration of the defence and for the
Committee's activity; exceptionally the set Vice-chairman takes over the responsibility.
(2) Doctoral student are informed in advance in writing form about the date and location of the DSE.
(3) The DSE is classified by these grades: "Excellent" - 1,"Very good" - 2, "Good" - 3, "Fail" - 4.
(4) The Committee evaluates the results of the DSE by vote on the same day the examination is taken in a
meeting which is not open to the public. If the vote ends in a tie, the Chairman of the Committee has to decide.
The result of the assessment is announced to the student immediately after the vote.
(5) The duration and the assessment of the DES is recorded in the DSE Record, signed by all members of the
examination Committee and in the Study Record (signed by the Chairman of the Committee).
(6) If the assessment result of the DSE is „Fail“, the student may apply to re-take the examination. The date of
re-taking the DSE must be set no sooner than 4 months from the date of the previous DES.
Article 17
(1) At the end of his/her study the student proves his/her ability in independent research work aimed at the scope
of the set discipline.
(2) When working on the dissertation the doctoral student and the supervisor inform a relevant department of the
progress in developing the theme of dissertation.
(3) The structure of the worked dissertation corresponds with the requirements of the topic and ensues in
presentation of new findings.
Article 18
Committees for Defence of Dissertations
(1) The Committee for the defence of dissertation consists of professors, readers and branch specialists appointed
by the Dean with the approval of the pertinent Scientific Council.
(2) With the approval of the Scientific Council of the Dean appoints the chair and the vice-chair of the
examination committee from among the members of the Committee for the defence of dissertation, chairs or
vice-chairs respectively if there are more examination committees.
(3) At least three weeks prior to the date of the DSE the Dean appoints the Examination committee for the
defence of dissertation consisting at least of five from among the members of the committee for the defence of
dissertation. At least two members of the committee cannot be members of academic community of the VŠE.
The chair of the examination committee is a professor (or a reader) of the respective or the closest related
branch, earlier appointed by the Dean after the approval of the Branch Council of the Faculty.
(4) The supervisor (consultant) also takes part in work of the examination committee; he/she cannot chair the
sitting of the committee and does not vote about the result of the defence.
Article 19
Conditions for Dissertation Defence
(1) Before the defence can be scheduled, the doctoral student presents the dissertation to the Head of the
Department. In the shortest possible time the Head of the Department organises the preliminary defence at the
department. The aim of the preliminary defence is to consider whether the presented dissertation meets the
requirements for dissertation. For this purpose the head of the department can ask the opinion of other experts
including experts outside of VŠE. The preliminary defence is recorded and the dissertation is recommended
either to be defended or to be improved. The conclusions and recommendations relating to the preliminary
defence are not binding upon the doctoral candidate. The Head of the Department forwards the record to the
Chairman of the Committee for defence. The Head of the Department presents the record to the Chairman of
Defence Committee.
(2) The dissertation may be submitted to defence only if the record from preliminary defence is available to the
Defence Committee.
(3) The written application for defence may be submitted to the Dean only after successfully taking DSE.
(4) The doctoral student presents with the application the following items:
certificate of passed DSE;
brief professional curriculum vitae;
at least 3 copies of bound dissertation in appropriate form;
at least 12 copies of the description of the dissertation. In about 20 pages there should be the aim, content
and the results of the research, with the description of the original research methodology, used literature,
concluded by an English and possibly other language summary;
e) list of both published and not published works, primarily his-her presentations in seminars, professional
meetings, certified by the guarantor of the subject and the supervisor. Publications in the course of the
doctoral studies must be indicated.
(5) The Dean in co-operation with the guarantor forwards the application to the Chairman of the Committee for
the defence.
The Chairman of the Committee for defence mainly judges if the dissertation covers the topic to sufficient extent
and if the theme of the dissertation falls within the scope of the branch of study in which the defence will take
place; he/she also judges whether all the formal requirements for the submitted doctoral dissertation have been
fulfilled. If the theme touches on more branches, he/she advises the Dean to expand or modify the Committee for
the defence.
(6) If the presented dissertation is considerably insufficient on the scientific level or in form, the Chairman of the
Committee asks the doctoral student for improvement and sets the appropriate deadline for improvement. In this
case the Chairman of the Committee postpones the defence in writing till the deadline. After the improvement
the defence continues.
If the doctoral student insists on defending his/her original work, the procedure must go on and the defence must
take place in spite of the serious reservations of the Chairman and members of the Committee and in spite of the
possible negative opponents´ reviews.
(7) The Committee for defence appoints at least two opponents of the dissertation; at least one of them must be a
university professor (or a research worker at the same research level) and at least one of them must not be an
academic member of the Faculty within which the defence takes place.
(8) The opponents work out the assessment of the submitted dissertation in writing and submit it to the Chairman
of Defence Committee. The content and the form of the review are decided uniformly by the Dean of the
respective Faculty. The conclusion of each of the reviews forms the sentence: “I recommend/do not recommend
the work to the defence in front of the respective examination committee.”
(9) The doctoral candidate is notified in writing of the date and the venue of the defence at least three weeks
before the date of the defence. Copies of the opponents’ reviews are mailed to the student at the same time.
Article 20
Duration and Evaluation of Defence of Dissertation
(1) Defence of dissertation is open to the public and may be repeated once.
(2) The Chairman of the Committee for defence is responsible for the duration of the defence and for the
Committee's activity. In his/her absence, the responsibility lies with the Vice-chairman.
(3) The Committee has a quorum if at least 5 members of the Committee (including the Chairman or the
Vice-chairman) are present. At least one of the opponents must be present at the defence.
(4) The defence consists of the introduction by the doctoral candidate, the supervisor's and opponents’ opinion,
responses of the candidate to the reviews and the following discussion. When the defence is finished, the
Defence Committee takes a vote on the result. The vote is taken by secret ballot. The Record of the defence
records the name of the student’s doctoral programme, names of the present Committee members and opponents
and relevant facts in the course of the defence. The conclusion states the course and results of the concluding
vote. The record is signed by the Chairman of the Committee.
(5) The vote of the Defence Committee is taken by secret ballot. All who vote mark one of the alternatives
DEFENDED or DID NOT DEFEND the dissertation on the ballot paper. Opponents and supervisor (consultant)
do not vote. The result of the vote is announced publicly to the student by the Chairman of the Committee
immediately after counting the votes.
(6) The student has defended the dissertation if a simple majority of ballot papers is marked with the word
DEFENDED. Otherwise the student has not defended his/her dissertation.
(7) The Chairman of the Committee forwards the record to the Dean of the Faculty, who, after reviewing the
procedure confirms the validity of the defence by his/her signature.
(8) If a candidate is unsuccessful in the defence of the dissertation, the Committee may prescribe the method and
the form of the revision of the dissertation. With that they set the deadline within which the revised dissertation
should be submitted for the new defence. The new date for the defence, however, may not be earlier than after 6
months according to the conditions stated in Article19.
Article 21
(1) If the candidate does not appear at an examination due to serious reasons, he/she must furnish an examiner
with a written excuse concerning his/her absence within 5 days (not longer than 3 days after the expiry date of
doctor’s excuse) and to arrange the substitute date.
If the student does not excuse himself/herself in the stated terms, the examination is assessed with grade „Fail“.
(2) If the candidate does not appear at the DSE or at the defence of the dissertation due to serious reasons in the
determined time, he/she must submit a written excuse concerning his/her absence within 5 days. In mailed
requests the date of the rubber stamp is considered the date of submitting.
(3) If the Dean of the Faculty finds the causes to be well-founded, he/she may allow the DSE or the defence in
the substitute time set by him/her in co-operation with the Chairman of the DSE committee or the Defence
(4) A candidate, who does not appear at the DSE or the defence without an excuse, may apply in writing for a
repetition of the DSE or the defence, which can take place no sooner than after 6 months.
Article 22
Regular Programme Completion
(1) By fulfilling all the requirements of the Individual Study Scheme, passing the Doctoral State Examination
and successful defence of the dissertation, the student is entitled to the university diploma confirming the right to
use the academic title „Doctor“, abbreviated as ”Ph.D.”, used after the name and also the Diploma supplement.
(2) The university diploma and the diploma supplement are usually given to the student at an academic
Article 23
Temporary Interruption of Study
(1) The Dean may repeatedly release a student from studies upon request of the student and his/her supervisor’s
approval. During the interruption period the person is not a student of VŠE.
(2) The period unit of the interruption is one semester or an academic year. The longest possible period of the
overall interruption is two academic years.
Article 24
Termination of the Programme according to § 56 of the Act
(1) The Dean may terminate the study due to default in fulfilment of requirements set by the study programme
according to § 56, par. 1, letter b) of the Act to that student, who has not fulfilled the individual study plan in the
course of one academic year. Chiefly if he/she:
a) has not repeatedly passed required examinations,
b) has not cooperated with an supervisor or Department without a sound reason,
c) within internal study he/she repeatedly did not fulfil duties and work tasks set by the Head of Department
d) has not submitted the protocol of “Evaluation of Doctoral student”,
e) has not appeared to the enrolment without an excuse,
f) has not been enrolled into a higher year.
If the Dean does not terminate the study, he/she sets the conditions for further study.
The study also can be terminated in accordance with § 56 par.1 letter e) of the Act.
The Dean’s decision is conditioned by § 68 of the Act.
(2) The Dean also may terminate the study due to default in fulfilment of requirements set by the study
programme according to § 56, par. 1, letter b) of the Act to that student, who:
a) has not passed the Doctoral State Examination or failed in the defence of the doctoral dissertation in the
b) has exceeded the maximum permitted time for study.
The Dean’s decision is conditioned by § 68 of the Act.
Article 25
Decisions about the Rights and Duties of Students
(1) Decisions must be made in accordance with § 68 of the Act.
(2) If the decision in writing cannot be delivered to the student’s hands at the address available to the Faculty, the
decision is displayed on the official Faculty board for five days. The last day of display is considered the day of
Article 26
Temporary and Final Provisions
(1) The Study and Examination Rules for Doctoral Study at the University of Economics, Prague registered by
the Ministry of Education on 7th May 1999 under the reg. number 20 961/1999-30 has been revoked.
(2) The students who were enrolled in the doctoral study programme in the academic year 2006/2007 and earlier
are entitled in accordance with Article 11 par. 2 to enrol in the second year provided they have successfully
passed at least one of the prescribed examinations in the past academic year, have fulfilled other required tasks
and can submit in writing the results of their research activity; to these students Article 11 par 4 does not apply.
(3) This Study and Examination Rules was approved under § 9, par.1, letter b) of the Act by the Academic
Senate of the VŠE on 12th June 2006.
(4) This Programme of Studies and Examinations comes into force on the date of registration by the Ministry of
Education, Youth and Physical Training according to § 36, par.4 of the Act.
Prof. Ing. Richard Hindls, CSc., over his signature
The Rector