
AP Environmental Science
Primary Text: Living in the Environment,
Fourteenth Edition, G. Tyler Miller Jr.
+ Discuss Syllabus & Expectations
+ Do intro exercise
+ Lab #1: Environmental Journal: Ecosystem
Field Walk
+ Project #1: Current Events
Complete Lab #1
Complete Project #1
+ Ch.1: Environmental Issues: Their Causes
& Consequences
+ Ch.2: Environmental History: An Overview
- Read and discuss ENN current
+ Project #2: Name Droppers: Individual
Contributions to Environmental Science
+ Lab #2: Field Data Collection & Analysis:
Water Model
Finish Project #2 ;
Finish Lab #2 Analysis [NOT to be turned in]
+ Ch.3: Science, Systems, Matter, & Energy
+ Lab #3: Parking Lot Ecology
Read Silent Spring Ch.2,3,14,17
(NOTE: Use Reading Guide) [Due 9/12];
Read/discuss ENN current events
+ Ch. 4: Ecosystems: Comp., Energy Flow, &
Matter Cycling
+ Lab #6: Personal Energy Consumption
+ Lab #7: Nutrient Cycling & Ecosystems:
The WInogradsky Column
Complete Lab #6
+ Rachel Carson & the Environmental
+ Project #3: The Nutrient Cycle Stories
Complete Carson Assignment
Complete Project #3
+ Catchup & Review
+ Unit Test #1:
Prepare for Test
+ Off-Campus Experience Pompeston Creek
Macroinvertebrate survey
+ Review Unit Test #1: Ch.1-4
+ Video: "blue planet coastal communities"
+ Ch.5: Evolution & Biodiversity: Origins,
Niches, & Adaptation
+ Lab #8: Plate Tectonics Data Online
+ Lab #9: Island Biogeography and Evolution
+ Video: "Fire Ants-introduced species"
+ Darwin, Victorian England, & Evolution
+ Debate #1: Do Wilderness Areas Have
Intrinsic Value?
Complete Lab #8
Complete Lab #9
Prepare for Debate #1
+ Ch.6: Biogeography: Climate, Biomes, &
Terrestrial Biodiversity
+ Lab #10: Chemical Composition of the
+ Project #4: The Biome Project, Pt.1
Complete Lab #10
Activity #1: Climates & Change
Complete Project #4
+ Ch.7: Aquatic Ecology: Biodiversity in
Aquatic Systems (Part I; Part II)
+ Case Study: Chesapeake bay oysters
Debate- Endangered species list for Ches. Bay
Locate Potential FRQs for Test
Complete Review/Practice Questions
+ Lab #11: Field Lab: Urban Stream Ecology
+ Lab #12: Field Lab: Water shed analysis
“Pompeston Creek”
+ E.O. Wilson, Bugs, & Biodiversity
+ Unit Test #2
Complete Lab #11
Prepare for Test
+ Ch.8: Community Ecology: Structure,
Species Interactions, Succession, and Sustainability
+ Read and discuss ENN current events
+ Lab #13: Successional Changes in
+ Activity #3: Research pinelands
rattler…Land use and real estate valuation
+ Video: "Cane Toads: An Unnatural
Complete Activity #2
Complete Lab #13
Complete Activity #3
Complete Cane Toads WS
+ Ch.9: Population Dynamics, Carrying
Capacity, & Conservation Biology
+ Activity #2: Coral Reefs & Biodiversity
begin with my slide shows from key largo and
Ambergis Caye, Belize
+ Activity #4: Competitors or Opportunists?
Complete Activity #2
Complete Activity #4
Complete Lab #14
Read A Sand County Almanac "Foreword",
"March/April", "July/August" (NOTE: Us
+ Ch.16: Geology: Processes, Hazards, and
Soils (Part 1, Part 2)
+ Activity #5: soil composition profiling!
+ Lab #14: Population Growth of Yeast
+ Lab #15: Rock Cycle & Weathering
+ Field Lab #16: Soil Analysis (OUTDOORS)
+ Unit Test #3
Complete Activity #5
Read A Sand County Almanac "Wisconsin",
"Oregon/Utah", "Upshot" (NOTE: Use Reading
Complete Lab #14
Complete Lab #15
Complete Lab #16
Prepare for Test; Review Old Tests
+ Ch.10: The Human Population: Growth,
Demography, and Carrying Capacity
+ Video: Paul Ehrlich's "Earth Watch"
+ Field Lab #16: Soil Analysis (INDOORS)
+ Lab #14: Population Growth of Yeast
+ Aldo Leopold & the Land Ethic Connection
+ Debate #2: Is Limiting Population Growth a
Key Factor in Protecting the Global Environment?
Activity #6: Census & Sensibility
Complete Lab #16
Complete Lab #14
Review Aldo Leopold Discussion Questions
Prepare for Debate #2
+ Ch.14: Food Resources
+ Speaker: Dr. Rick Wolfe…Crop rotation and
increased yields
+ Lab #18: Food Resources & Arable Land
+ Thomas Malthus & Hungry Mouths
Review Thomas Malthus Discussion Questions
+ Ch.15: Water Resources
+ Video: "Great Wall Across the Yangtze"
+ Debate #3: Should the Clean Water Act
Aim at Zero Discharge?
+ Field Lab #20: Human Population
Dynamics & City Cemetery
Finish Video Ws
Prepare for Debate
Complete Lab #20
Unit Test #4:
Ch.1-4 Review
Ch.5-7 Review
Ch.8-10 Review
Ch.11-13 Review
Prepare for Test!; Review Old Tests
Review Old Tests
Review Old Tests
Review Old Tests
Review Old Tests
+ Ch.17: Geologic Resources: Nonrenewable
Mineral and Energy Resources (Part 1; Part 2)
+ Field Lab #21: Determining Ground water
+ Lab #22: The Chemistry of Acid Mine
Complete Lab #21
Complete Lab #22
+ Lab #23: Mining Simulation
+ Activity #6: Should Asian Oysters be
introduced to Chesapeake bay?
Complete Lab #23
Complete Activity #6
+ Ch.18: Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy (Part 1; Part 2)
+ Lab #24: Personal Energy Survey
+ Video: "Alternative Energy"
+ Activity #6: WebQuest
+ Field Lab #25: Alternative Energy
Strategies design Solar House
+ Unit Test #5:
Nuclear Energy Worksheet
Alternative Energy Sources Notes Sheet (pdf file)
Complete Lab #24
Finish Video WS
Complete Lab #25
Prepare for Test; Review Old Tests
+ Ch.19: Risk, Toxicology, and Human Health
Environmental Estrogens Worksheet
+ Lab: “Homemade organic repellents”
+ Video: "blue planet open oceans"
+ Debate #4: Should the Industrial Use of
Chlorine be Phased Out?
+ Lab #25: Use of Brine Shrimp Assay to
Determine LD-50 of Copper Sulfate
Finish Video WS
Prepare for Debate
Complete Lab #25
+ Ch. 20: Air and Air Pollution
+ Debate #5: Is Rapid Introduction of Electric
Cars a Good Strategy for Reducing Air Pollution?
+ Field Lab #27: Ozone Testing Using the
Schoenbein Color Scale
+ Field Lab #28: Lichen as Air Quality
Study the Clean Air Act; Prepare for Debate
Complete "Smog City" Activity
Complete Lab #27
Complete Lab #28
+ Ch. 21: Climate Change and Ozone Loss
+ Activity #7: Modern Climate Change
+ Debate: Are Aggressive International
Efforts Needed to Slow Global Warming?
+ Lab #29: Source Analysis of Carbon
Dioxide Emissions
+ Unit Test #6:
Complete Activity #7
Prepare for Debate
Complete Lab #29
Prepare for Test; Review Old Tests
+ Ch. 22: Water Pollution
+ Lab #26: Effects of Acid Deposition on
Wheat Populations (set-up)
+ Field Trip: Pequest trout hatchery and
Musconetcong River to release TROUT IN The
CLASSROOM brook trout
+ Lab #30: Acid Rain
Complete Lab #26
Complete Webquest
Complete Lab #30
Read "Boss Hog" Pulitzer Articles
+ Video: "Exxon Valdez Oil Spill"
+ Lab #31: Effects & Remediation of Crude
Oil Spill on Environment (aka No Water Off a Duck's
+ Ch. 23: Pesticides and Pest Control
Complete Video WS
Complete Lab #31
+ Golf Course Case Study Activity-include
water tests from Riverton Country Club
Complete Golf Course Case Study
+ Ch. 24: Solid and Hazardous Waste
+ Activity #8: Design blueprints of a modern
Waste management facility
Finish Activity #8
+ Unit Test #7:
+ Ch. 12: Sustaining Wild Species
+ Activity #9: The Endangered Species
+ Field Lab #30: Wastewater Treatment
+ Video: "An inconvenient truth" sound
science, or scare tactics?
+ Activity #10: Exotic Species: Wanted Dead
or Alive
Prepare for Test; Review Old Tests
Finish Activity #9
Complete Lab #30
Finish Video WS
Finish Activity #10
+ Ch. 11: Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity
+ Video: "Planet Earth- Forests"
+ Field Lab #31: Sustainable Forestry in the
pine barrens
+ Project Presentations
Finish Video WS
Complete Lab #31
Finish Projects
+ Ch. 13: Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity
+ Activity #9: When a Whale is a Right
(International Whaling Commission)
+ Field Lab #32: Temperate Forest Stream
+ Unit Test #8:
Finish Activity #9
Complete Lab #32
Prepare for Test; Review Old Tests
+ Ch. 25: Sustainable Cities: Urban Land Use
and Management
+ Lab #33: Wildlife Management and Land
Use Planning
+ Activity #10: Sustainable Cities
Finish Lab #32
Finish Activity #10
+ Ch. 26: Economics, Environment, and
+ Ch. 27: Politics, Environment, and
+ Debate: Should Environmental Policy be
Redesigned to Cure Environmental Racism?
+ Activity #11: The Legislation Project
+ Video: A Civil Action
Prepare for Debate
Finish Activity #11
Finish Video WS
+ Unit Test #9:
+ Ch. 28: Environmental Worldviews, Ethics,
and Sustainability
Prepare for Test; Review Old Tests
+ Review Week
Complete Mock Exams!
+ Final Review of pre-released exams and
open ended questions
+ Prepare for GPS scavenger hunt using hand
held GPS units.
Week34 - end
Introduce independent research project hand out project timeline. Work with students directly to make sure
deadlines are met for projects.
----Review for Final Exam