
Error-message information for software included with
the Microsoft(R) C Optimizing Compiler Version 5.10
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988
This document describes new and changed error and warning messages for
software included with the Microsoft(R) C Optimizing Compiler, Version
The information contained in this document is more up to date than that
in the
printed manuals.
Microsoft improves its languages documentation at the time of reprinting,
some of the information in this on-line file may already be included in
===================< Compiler Command-Line Errors
New Messages
-----------D2025 : missing argument
You supplied a CL option that requires an argument, but did not supply
argument. For instance, the following command generates error D2025:
cl /Tc
The preceding command causes an error because the /Tc option requires a
source-file name.
D4019 : string too long. Truncated to 40 characters.
You supplied an overly long string as an argument for the /ND, /NT, /NM,
/St, or /Ss option of the CL command; the string was truncated.
====================< Compiler and Run-Time Errors
Deleted Messages
---------------Error message C2049, warning message C4043, and run-time-error message
are no longer generated.
Error message C2089 is no longer generated; error message C2131 is
in its place.
Changed Messages
---------------Error message C1009 has been changed to read as follows:
compiler limit: macros too deeply nested
Error message C1013 has
been changed to
read as
Expected 'defined id'
Error message C2085 has
read as
cannot open source file 'filename'
Error C2003 has
been changed to
been changed to
read as
'identifier' : not in formal parameter list
Error message C2095 has been changed to read as follows:
function : actual has type void : parameter number
An attempt was made to pass a void argument to a function. The
given number identifies
which argument was in error.
Formal parameters and arguments
to functions cannot have type
they can, however, have type "void *" (pointer to void).
Error message C2147 has been changed to read as follows:
unknown size
Warning message C4013 ("constant too big") has been changed to error
C4016 has been changed to read as follows:
C4016 '<name>' : no function return type, using 'int'
Warning message C4079 has been changed to read as follows:
C4079 unexpected token <token>
Warning message C4080 has been changed to read as follows:
C4080 expected 'identifer' for segment name, found '<token>'
Warning message C4081 has been changed to read as follows:
C4081 expected a comma, found <token>
Warning message C4082 has been changed to read as follows:
C4082 expected an identifier, found '<token>'
Warning message C4083 has been changed to read as follows:
C4083 expected '(', found '<token>'
Warning message C4084 has been changed to read as follows:
C4084 expected a pragma keyword, found '<token>'
Warning message C4085 has been changed to read as follows:
C4085 expected [on | off]
Warning message C4086 has been changed to read as follows:
C4086 expected [1 | 2 | 4]
Warning message C4095 has been changed to read as follows:
C4095 expected ')', found '<token>'
New Messages
-----------In the following messages, the number in parentheses after a warning
indicates the minimum warning level that must be set for the warning to
C1015 cannot open include file 'filename'
The given include file either did not exist, could not be opened,
or was not found. Make sure your environment settings are valid
that you have given the
path name for the file.
C1058: floating point expression too complex - would overflow NDP stack
A floating-point expression was too complex for the compiler to handle,
as in the following example:
double f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)
double a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
return ( a / ( b / ( c / ( d / ( e / ( f / ( g / ( h /
( i / j ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) );
Try breaking up the expression that caused the error and recompiling.
error writing to preprocessor output file
You compiled with the /P, /E, or /EP option to produce a preprocessor
output file, but not enough room was available to hold the file.
compiler limit: declarator too complex
This error occurs when you compile with the /Zg option and a function
definition would generate a prototype that is too large to hold in an
internal buffer.
C2164 '<function>' : intrinsic was not declared
You did not declare the given function before using it in an intrinsic
pragma. This error appears only if you compile with the /Oi option.
C2166 lval specifies 'const' object
An attempt was made to modify an item declared with const type.
C2172 <function> : actual is not a pointer : parameter <number>
An attempt was made to pass a non pointer argument to a function
that expected a pointer. The given number indicates which argument
was in error.
C2173 <function> : actual is not a pointer : parameter <number> :
parameter list <number>
An attempt was made to pass a non
expected a pointer. This error
to a function.
The first number
the second number indicates which
pointer argument to a function that
occurs in calls that return a pointer
indicates which argument was in error;
argument list
contained the invalid
C2174 <function> : actual has type void : parameter <number>,
parameter list <number>
An attempt was made to pass a void argument to a function.
Formal parameters and arguments
to functions cannot have type
void; they can, however, have type "void *" (pointer to void).
This error occurs in calls that return a pointer to a function. The
first number indicates which argument was in error; the second number
indicates which argument list contained the invalid argument.
C2178 '<name>' : storage class for same_seg variables
must be
The given variable was specified in a same_seg pragma, but it was not
declared with extern storage class.
C2179 '<name>' : was used in same_seg, but storage class is no
longer 'extern'
The given variable was specified in a same_seg pragma, but it was
redeclared with a storage class other than extern, as in the following
int i;
C2180 controlling expression has type 'void'
The controlling expression in an if, while, for, or do statement
was a function with void return type.
C2182 '<name>' : 'void' on variable
The given variable was declared with the void keyword. The void
keyword can be used only in function declarations.
C2183 <name> : 'interrupt' function must be 'far'
The given interrupt function was implicitly or explicitly declared to be
near. You must declare the function without the near attribute; and if
you compile the program with the default (small) or compact memory
model, you must explicitly declare the function with the far attribute.
C2184 <name> : 'interrupt' function cannot be 'pascal/fortran'
The given interrupt function was declared with the FORTRAN/Pascal calling
convention, either because the fortran or pascal attribute was used in
declaration or because the program was compiled with the /Gc option.
Functions declared with the interrupt attribute are required to use the C
calling conventions. Therefore, you must either declare the function
the fortran or pascal attribute if you compile the program without the
option, or declare the function with the cdecl attribute if you compile
the program with the /Gc option.
'<name>' : 'saveregs/interrupt' modifiers mutually exclusive
The saveregs and interrupt modifiers are mutually exclusive.
C2188 #error : <message>
The #error directive was used to terminate compilation and display a
'<seg name>' : is a text segment
The data_seg pragma expects to receive the name of a data segment; you
passed the name of a text segment.
'<seg name>' : is a data segment
The first argument in an alloc_text pragma should be the name of a text
segment; you passed the name of a data segment.
'<func name>' : function has already been defined
A function name passed as an argument in an alloc_text pragma
has already been defined, as in the following example:
#pragma alloc_text(CODE_SEG, sample)
The preceding code causes compilation-error message C2189 because the
pragma tells the compiler where to allocate the function after
it has already been allocated.
insufficient memory may affect optimization
Not enough memory was available to perform all of the requested
optimizations. This message appears if available memory is
within 64K of the absolute minimum that will accommodate the
executable file.
C4078 loss of debugging information caused by optimization
Because of the requested optimization, the compiler could not generate
debugging information.
C4088 '<function>' : pointer mismatch : parameter <number>
parameter list <number>
The argument in the given function call has a different level of
indirection, as in the following example:
int (*sample (void *)) (void *);
sample(10) (10); /* pointer mismatch: parameter 1,
parameter list 2 */
C4089 'function' : different types : parameter int parameter list int
The argument in the given function call did not have the same type as
the argument in the function prototype, as in the following example:
int (*sample(int,int))(char *);
int i;
(*sample(10,20))(i);/* pointer mismatch : parameter 1,
parameter list 2. */
C4098 void function returning a value
A function declared with a void return type also returned a value, as
in the following example:
void func()
C4100 '<name>' : unreferenced
formal parameter
The given formal parameter was never referenced
function for which it was declared. (3)
C4101 '<name>' : unreferenced
The given local
in the body of the
local variable
variable was never used. (3)
C4102 '<name>' : unreferenced
The given label
never referenced. (3)
was defined but
C4103 '<name>' : function definition used as prototype
A function definition appeared before its prototype in the program. (3)
C4104 : '<identifier>' : near data in same_seg pragma, ignored
The given near variable was specified in a same_seg pragma, as in
the following example:
extern int near near_var;
extern int far far_var;
#pragma same_seg(near_var, far_var);
In this example, the compiler ignores the specification of near_var;
consequently, it does not assume that near_var and far_var reside
in the same data segment.
C4105 <name> : code modifiers only on function or pointer to function
The given modifier was used to declare something other than a function
or function pointer.
C4113 function parameter lists differed
You assigned a function pointer to a function pointer, but the parameter
lists of the functions do not agree, as in the following example:
int (*sample) (int);
int (*example) (char, char);
sample = example;
C4185 near call to <function> in different segment
You specified the given function in an alloc_text pragma without
declaring it
to be far, then called this function from another text segment, as in the
following example:
int f();
#pragma alloc_text(NEW, f)
In this example, the main function (in default text segment) makes a near
to the f function (in the text segment NEW). The error generated is
C4185: near call to _f in different segment
Although this is a warning message rather than an error message, THE
Note that if you compile with stack checking enabled (the default), you
also get the following error message for the f function:
C4185: near call to __chkstk in different segment
C4186: string too long. Truncated to 40 characters.
The string argument for a title or subtitle pragma exceeded the maximum
allowable length and was truncated.
=========< Microsoft Segmented-Executable Linker (LINK) Errors
Changed Messages
---------------The explanation for fatal-error message L1008 is changed as follows:
The /SEGMENTS option specified a limit greater than 3072 on the
number of segments allowed.
Error message L1009 has been changed to read as follows:
L1009 <number> : CPARMAXALLOC : illegal value
Error message L1053 has been changed to read as follows:
out of memory for symbol table
The program had more symbolic information (such as public,
segment, group, class, and file names) than the amount that could
in available real memory.
Try freeing memory by linking from the DOS command level instead of
from a MAKE file or from an editor. Otherwise, combine modules or
segments and try to eliminate as many public symbols as possible.
Fatal error L1123 has been removed.
Warning message L4050 has been changed as follows:
L4050 too many public symbols for sorting
The linker uses the stack and all available memory in the
near heap to sort public symbols for the /MAP option. If
the number of public symbols exceeds the space available
for them, this warning is issued and the symbols are not
sorted in the map file but instead are listed in arbitrary order.
New Messages
-----------L1003 /QUICKLIB, /EXEPACK incompatible
You cannot link with both the /QU option and the /E option.
L1006 <option-text>: stack size exceeds 65535 bytes
The value given as a parameter to the /STACKSIZE option exceeds
the maximum allowed.
/QUICKLIB, overlays incompatible
You specified overlays and used the /QUICKLIB option.
These cannot be used together.
L2013 LIDATA record too large
A LIDATA record contained more than 512 bytes.
probably a compiler error.
This is
L2024 <name>: symbol already defined
Your program defined the same symbol more than once.
L2041 stack plus data exceed 64K
The total of near data and requested stack size exceeds 64K,
and the program will not run correctly. Reduce the stack size.
The linker only checks for this condition if /DOSSEG
is enabled, which is done automatically in the library
start-up module.
L2043 Quick Library support module missing
When creating a Quick library, you did not link with the required
L2044 <name> : symbol
multiply defined, use /NOE
The linker found what it interprets as a public-symbol
redefinition, probably because you have redefined a symbol that
is defined in a library. Relink with the /NOEXTDICTIONARY
(/NOE) option. If error L2025 results for the same symbol, then you
have a genuine symbol-redefinition error.
L4003 intersegment self-relative fixup at <offset> in segment <name>
pos: <offset> Record type: 9C target external '<name>'
The linker found an intersegment self-relative fixup. This error
may be caused by compiling a small-model program with the /NT
L4034 more than 239 overlay segments; extra put in root
Your program designated more than the limit of 239 segments to
go in overlays. Starting with the 234th segment, they are assigned to
the root (that is, the permanently resident portion of the program).
===============< Microsoft Library Manager (LIB) Errors
Changed Messages
---------------Warning messages U4152, U4155, and U4157-U4159 for the Microsoft Library
Manager (LIB) are now nonfatal error messages U2152, U2155, and U2157U2159,
Warning message U4151 has been changed to read as follows:
U4151 '<name>' : symbol defined in module <name>, redefinition
New Messages
-----------The following new warning messages have been added for LIB:
U4155 <modulename> : module not in library
A module specified to be replaced does not already exist in the
library. LIB adds the module anyway.
U4157 insufficient memory, extended dictionary not created
U4158 internal error, extended dictionary not
For the
reason indicated, LIB could not
create an extended
dictionary. The library
is still valid, but the
will not be able to take advantage of the extended dictionary
to speed linking.
==========< Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility (MAKE) Errors
New Message
----------U1015: <file> : error redirection failed
This error occurs if the /X option is given and error output cannot
be redirected to the given file (for example, because the file
is read only).