CO-TEACHING FOR THE INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM: Working together to help all your students find success About the Resource Handbook: Specifically designed for general education teachers, special education teachers and other specialists who currently co-teach or who plan to co-teach as part of their school’s inclusion practice. The handbook’s 120+ pages include: Discover ways in which co-teaching can be included in a teacher’s hectic schedule Avoid the potential pitfalls that may occur with co-teachers who have different philosophies, backgrounds, or who are in an “arranged marriage” Learn techniques to utilize the strengths of both professional educators in the classrooms Identify methods of collaboratively modifying instruction, assessment, and standards so that all students can be successful Use research-based strategies and teaching techniques that can increase the effectiveness and outcomes of an inclusive program Learn the Guidelines for the “Do’s and Don’ts of Co-teaching” About the Author: DR. WENDY MURAWSKI is an experienced co-teacher and an accomplished presenter. Wendy had a successful co-teaching experience in her first year of teaching and she has been an advocate ever since. She is often requested to speak at schools, districts, conferences, and training seminars about her classroom experiences and her research in the area of co-teaching. Dr. Murawski’s current teaching placement is at California State University, Northridge, where she is an Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Special Education and the Chair of the Mild-Moderate Disabilities Specialization. She has published numerous articles in the area of co-teaching, collaboration, and teacher training, to include “Tips and Strategies for Co-teaching at the Secondary Level.” In 2004, Dr. Murawski won the Early Careers Publication Award from the Division of Research of the Council for Exceptional Children for her research article entitled “A meta-analysis of co-teaching research: Where are the data?” In addition to her teaching and publication activities, Dr. Murawski serves as the Director of Research for the CHIME Institute, an institute devoted to the inclusion of individuals with disabilities. She was also the recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Educator Award for California in 2004. Dr. Murawski and all of the 2 Teach staff use humor, research, and personal experiences to ensure that all of their seminars are teacher-friendly and provide “use-tomorrow” practical strategies! Murawski, 2005, 2006, 2007 CO-TEACHING FOR THE INCLUSIVE CLASSROOM: Working together to help all your students find success RESOURCE HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS Strategies for a “Typical” Co-taught Day Inclusion and the Secondary School Philosophy; Progression; Goals & Benefits Clarifying Co-Teaching Clarifying Terminology; Definitions, Key Components & Benefits of Collaboration; Definitions, Key Components, Benefits & Barriers of Co-Teaching Co-Teaching Approaches One Teach, One Support; Parallel Teaching; Station Teaching; Alternative Teaching; Team Teaching Do’s and Don’ts of Co-Teaching Most Common Mistakes of Co-Teachers Dynamic Team-Building Strategies for Rapport-Building; S.H.A.R.E. worksheet; Ensuring Parity Scheduling Example Schedules; Monitoring Documentation; Student Profiles Effective Communication Strategies Communication; Defining Roles; Communicating with Difficult Personalities; Problem-Solving Co-Planning Definition and Rationale for Co-planning; Finding Time to Co-Plan; Examples of Co-planning Lessons Differentiating Instruction Addressing a Continuum; Addressing Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligences; Strategies for Reading & Writing, School Success Skills & Classroom Management Ensuring Heterogeneity & Randomization; Modifications and Accommodations; Creative Strategies, Lesson & Project Ideas Co-Assessing Reaping the Benefits; Grading Options; Strategies for Assessment By Standards Murawski, 2005, 2006, 2007